

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 50 av 85

Specialpedagog på uppdrag : En studie av några lärares förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion

AbstractSince 1990, special needs educators have been working in both primary and junior school. It has not been easy for the special needs educators to take authority when working with broader educational issues due to the varying requirements placed upon them. The object of this study is to examine how certain primary and junior school teachers describe their expectations of special needs educators and their professional role.I have conducted individual interviews with three primary school teachers and three junior school teachers, who have at least five years experience of working within their respective fields. The interviews have been scrutinized, and the results are presented with the help of five different themes. The results were then analysed in accordance with the two perspectives of special needs education described by Persson (2001) those of both the relational and the categorical perspective.Amongst other things the results show that the view of primary and junior school teachers with regards to special needs educators differ one from another.

Effektivare workflow i en myndighet. En fallstudie om hanteringen av medborgarnas ärenden

The goal with this essay is to investigate problems in processes of a government agency andthereby determine whether a Business Process Reengineering can create a more effectiveworkflow. The foundation of this essay lies in how customers perceive its business processesas reported from Internet forums. By adopting a qualitative approach, this is supplemented bythe statements and reports from the public business. The qualitative method that has been usedin this study is a content analysis of the threads from two major Internet forums that highlightthe problems associated with the examination of firearms licensing and the routine that exists.The method also gave us the opportunity to study the public business own view of theirprocesses. This was done by exploring their statements in media and their own reports aboutthis area.This essay is the result of a case-based study and during the course of the study we haveidentified five themes related to; time, management, communication, competence, andregulations.

Varumärkesvärdering : Införandet av ISO 10668:2010

Det finns många olika metoder att tillämpa vidvarumärkesvärderingarvilket lett till att värderingarna har varit avskiftande kvalitet och utformning. Detta harbidragit tillbland annatinförandet avISO 10668:2010Brand valuation - Requirements formonetary brand valuation.Syfte:Vårt syfte med studien är att beskriva hur varumärkesspecialistertillämpar varumärkesvärdering i praktiken och vilka skillnader detär i och med införandet av ISO 10668:2010. Vidare vill vianalysera om ISO 10668:2010 har bidragit till högre upplevdtillförlighet och bättre vägledning vid varumärkesvärderingar.Metod:Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats därintervjuer med varumärkesspecialisterhar genomförts. Akademisklitteratur, elektroniska källor samt vetenskapliga artiklar har varitgrundläggande för studiens genomförande.Analys och slutsats:Varumärkesspecialisterna är eniga om att tillämpning avvarumärkesvärderinghar ändrats viss grad i positiv riktning sedaninförandet av ISO 10668:2010. Om standarden följs bidrar den tillen mer tillförlitlig värdering eftersom den beaktar aspekter sombidrar till en mer rättvis bild av varumärket.

Att fånga & förmedla en livsstil med ett varumärke & en affärside : en fallstudie av Proud

The purpose of this essay was to find conceivable marketing- and business strategies that can be combined with a company?s lifestyle.This essay is dependent on a number of interviews with the owner of a maternity clothing trademark, PROUD. PROUD is a new company that has many different options concerning expansion, trademark and its existing and future products and also the knowledge regarding the client?s attitude towards PROUD.The authors of this essay believe that the trademark should represent a lifestyle. For a company to be able to deliver, it has to understand what the future clients want and need.

Visualisering av svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter

Rapporten är en sammanställning av gruppens samlade erfarenheter och lärdomar av ett projekt vars syfte var att utveckla ett verktyg som ska visualisera svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter. Genom att använda kontinuerlig prototypning har gruppen kunnat arbeta på ett användarna sätt för att uppfylla kundens verkliga behov. För att uppnå detta användes utvecklingsmetodiken Kanban. Under projektets gång anpassades metodiken för att bättra passa in i arbetet.Projektets användartester har lett till sammanfattande erfarenheter om visualisering av data. Visualiseringar som projektgruppen ansetts tydliga uppfattades inte alltid på samma sätt av användarna.

Detaljhandelsbranschen år 2019 En delfistudie

Information technology development has in recent decades had a major impact on retailing.Discount supermarket chains began to offer customers the possibility to shop without therequirement to do this over the counter, instead the customer could help themselves buyingthe products they wanted. Retailing today has an even greater focus on the self service in thesupermarkets, recently many retailing chains has introduced self-checkout systems toincrease the profits and reduce staffing requirements. In the 1960?s the start for today's ecommercewas founded, however the development took off 30 years later in the beginning of1990. During the first years of 2000 the consumption on the Internet increased rapidly.

Duende : En analytisk studie av Federico Garcia Lorcas estetiska begrepp och dess inverkan på Bruno K. Öijers Trilogin

This paper examines how the Swedish nationalistic political party Sverigedemokraterna communicates regarding the crisis they experienced when the Swedish newspaper Expressen published a few video clips of three, in that time, highly important party members that got in an argument after a late night of drinking. Two of the party members were at the time of the publication the members of the Swedish parliament and all of them had important senior positions in the party. In the argument one of the party members used abusive, offensive, sexist and racist language while all acted threatening and even armed themselves with iron bars from a nearby construction site.The aim of this paper is to examine how the party Sverigedemokraterna conducts their crisis communication, if they apologies and the fashion of the apology. A press conference with the party leader and the most active user of abusive language and also an interview with the second member of parliament who is involved in the argument are studied. The rhetorical arena is used to describe and pinpoint the most important stakeholders in the crisis.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Health care is increasingly complex, which increases the demand for knowledge and expertise. Despite this, the share of specialized nurses, including anaesthesia nurses, has decreased from 65% to 48% from year 1995 to year 2008, according to statistics from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) in 2010. Studies indicate that there may be various factors in the work environment that anaesthesia nurses, choose to leave the anaesthesia profession. The purpose of this study was to examine how anaesthesia nurses experienced the physical and psychosocial work. The study was conducted as a descriptive study with qualitative approach.

"Äta bör man, annars dör man...": En retrospektiv datajournalgranskning om nutrition på IVA

Bakgrund: Adekvat näringstillförsel är en viktig del i återhämtning och utfall förintensivvårdspatienter. Nutrition på IVA har visats sig ha en lägre prioritet jämförtmed övriga omvårdnadsåtgärder. Internationella studier har därtill belyst attintensivvårdspatienter ofta erhåller otillräcklig näringstillförsel, vilket är förknippatmed negativa följder för patienten. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hurmycket näring intensivvårdspatienter erhåller, utifrån beräknat näringsbehov baseratpå 25 kcal/kg/dygn. Metod: En retrospektiv datajournalgranskning utfördes påpatienter som hade en vårdtid längre än sju vårddygn, oberoende av ålder, kön ochdiagnos.

Framgångsfaktorer med Business Intelligence- verktyget Qlikview inom offentlig verksamhet : Tillämpas teorin för att nå målen?

Introduction:Corporate limits becoming more diffuse due to the globalization taking place and requirements for analytical strategies are becoming more fundamental parts of organizations. Business Intelligence systems are hot and not without reason, today's world is spinning faster and with a flow of information that is constantly increasing Business Intelligence promises to introduce a support that will render a better decision-making, something that everyone wants.Problem Discussion:The local government business has today demands from the Swedish School-inspection to analyze and create adequate target images to the school and students meet curriculum goals and guidelines. Therefore, local government activities has increasingly begun to implement Business Intelligence tools, with the purpose to facilitate strategic and operational decisions were the result plays an increasing role in today's society.Purpose:This study evaluates how the analysis tool Qlikview fulfills the function of monitoring and controlling the improved student achievement in public schools.Method:The evaluation has been conducted qualitative interviews with staffs that have leadership positions in each municipality and management and possess a deep knowledge of the analysis tool and its processes.Conclusion:The evaluation has shown positive effects on the monitoring and control of student performance through better control of school operations..

Funktionella krav på metadata: En undersökning av Dublin Cores överensstämmelse med FRBR

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine how Dublin Core corresponds to the findings in the IFLA report Functional requirements for bibliographic records FRBR, and what consequences this correspondence has on the usability of Dublin Core as a bibliographic standard. While the study describes the conceptual model of FRBR and the entities work, expression, manifestation and item, its main focus is the mapping of attributes and relationships to the user tasks defined, namely to find, identify, select and obtain entities. The study makes a comparison between data that FRBR rates as highly important for any user task, and the elements defined in DCMI Metadata Terms. The outcome of the comparison is then analyzed as to how it affects Dublin Core's possibilities to assist in the different user tasks, and common problems are discussed. The results show that problems in expressing attributes and relationships through Dublin Core elements concern all of the four user tasks.

Skolbiblioteket ? definition och användning: en innehållsanalys av gymnasieskolans styrdokument 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to systematically describe and map how authorities define the school library and its function based on the current policy documents for the Swedish upper secondary school. The study is guided by the following questions: ? What dimensions does the school library have according to the explicit definitions, descriptions and requirements? ? What implicit arguments, references and unspoken assumptions about the school library and its role, function and significance can be derived? The study is delimited to the national policy documents, which have been divided into two groups ? structural and teaching focused ? corresponding to the two questions above. Further delimitations have been made to avoid noise and to manage a manual content analysis. Each question required its own analysis tool.

Tillfällig klädförvaring

This degree project has been carried out by Niclas Andersson and Sebastian Zwahlen, students of the Innovation and Design Engineering Program at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The project was carried out during the spring 2010 and includes 22, 5 ETCS credits.Initially the group had contact with the company Mavis möbler AB. Mavis gave the group the task of developing a new bedroom product. To assess the needs and problems of bedroom behaviors, an extensive questionnaire and several interviews were made. This became the starting point for further work.According to the results uncovered during the market research a vast problem was found with temporary clothing storage.

Hållbara städer ? bidrar IT? En undersökning huruvida kommuner använder IT för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling

Environmental issues and sustainable development is a high priority in today?s society and has received substantial attention lately. In the inaugural speech it is expressed that the goal for the IT?politics is a sustainable information society for everyone, which can be achieved by using IT to support sustainable growth. The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications has developed a document which outlines three specific proposals on what the government should focus on during a three?year period (2008?2010) that with the use of IT will contribute to a sustainable society.

Lärplattformar- verktyg för lärandet : Hur bör det utformas för att förbättra e-lärande för studenter på Linneuniversitet?

The development of the web has become an attractive area, with continuously and rapid development in the area it has led to a big change in the way of learning. Learning is a concept with many definitions, but a definition that is many at hand is that learning means that individuals seeking new knowledge and experiences that shape their goals, behavior and environment.With the development of the web a new way of learning emerged, E-learning. E-learning integrates information technology with the traditional learning to offers a flexible way of learning for students where they won't be dependent on time, place or others issues that would prevent their learning. E-learning takes shape of an application, LMS (Learning Management System). Today LMS are widely used in many universities, but with new technique comes new problems. The constant developments of the LMS have made the decision to use LMS difficult.

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