

6220 Uppsatser om Tillgänglig design - Sida 65 av 415

Design och utveckling av kommersielltbabypaket för blivande föräldrar

This project is implemented as a thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in the master?s degree program Integrated Product Design and Industrial Design Engineering. The project has involved development and efficiency of a free starter package for expectant parents with useful content consisting of useful products for both before and after childbirth. Areas that have been investigated include packaging development, service design and appropriate content for the package.During the work, theory about packaging design, materials, manufacturing techniques and logistics have been processed to base the further work on. The project process has involved competitor analysis and interviews with store owners and customer surveys, that have been conducted to identify areas for improvement of the current solution.

Coola Glassförpackningar Om betydelsen av designade förpackningar som konkurrensmedel inom glassindustrin

SAMMANFATTNING Uppsatsens titel: Coola glassförpackningar - Om betydelsen av designade förpackningar som konkurrensmedel inom livsmedelsindustrin Slutseminarium: 2001-06-06 Ämne: Marknadsföring Typ av dokument: Kandidatuppsats Författare: Johan Egerkrans, Fredrik Håkansson, Martin Nielsen, Karin Sandström Handledare: Christer Kedström Nyckelord: Design, Förpackning, Livsmedel Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förutsättningarna på Åhus Glass för att se hur de skulle kunna stärka sin konkurrenskraft via ett aktivare arbete med förpackningsdesign. Vi försöker svara på följande frågor: · Vad kan Åhus Glass i synnerhet och de övriga svenska glassproducenterna i allmänhet göra bättre inom förpackningsdesign? · Vad kan Åhus Glass samt de övriga uppnå genom att arbete med design på ett bättre sätt? Metod: För att ta reda på hur livsmedelsföretagen jobbar med design mot livsmedelsförpackningar idag har en analys utförts med inriktning på glassindustrin. Vår undersökning är gjord med en kvalitativ ansats och inleddes med en djupintervju hos Åhus Glass. Vidare genomfördes fyra enkätintervjuer med GB Glace, Sia Glass, Triumph Glass och återigen Åhus Glass för att urskilja eventuella variationer inom strategin mot förpackningsdesignen samt påvisa de trender som var befintliga mellan företagen.

GRAFISK PROFIL TILL EN BLOMSTERHANDEL - corporate identity for a flower shop

This project aims to explore how to create a working concept-based flower shop visual identity, with focus on brandig, eco-branding and visual communication. My main question is: How do I create effective visual communication for an ecological flower shop? The results of this thesis are that there are things to consider when creating a visual identity with an ecological concept. The most important question is if there is any benefit for your company to go green, otherwise positioning of your company will be hard. What I realized during the design part of my project was that if I use the methods described in this thesis and consequently applying my choices after the flower shops identifying words, a working concept-based visual identity will be possible to create..

Kungsängsverket : ett reningsverk omvandlas till park

Today, there are few industries left in our cities. Industrial areas thatare located in urban settings close to water or city centers are oftenreplaced by housing. In my thesis I want to explore how such industrialsite located in an urban setting can be transformed into anindustrial park where the industrial structures are saved. By approachingthis type of environment in a positive manner, I wish tohighlight the potential aesthetic and functional value in the existingindustrial structure. Through the transformation and design of anexisting industrial site I will convey the previous use and history ofthe place.The wastewater treatment plant, Kungsängsverket, is located in thedistrict of Kungsängen in the southern part of Uppsala.

Berättande i datorbaserade rollspel - en empirisk och teoretisk designstudie om datorspel

VD:n för spelindustrins intresseorganisation (Interactive Digital Software Association) förutspår i den årliga State of the Industry rapporten för åren 2000 ? 2001, att spelindustrin snart kan nå 70 procent av världens hushåll, vilket gör spelmaskinen, näst intill, lika vanlig som videon. I denna dag börjar många spelutbildningar växa fram i hela landet, så som i Karlshamn, Visby och Kramfors. Trots denna tillväxt finns det nästan ingen akademisk forskning i ämnet speldesign. Detta gör att hjulet i många fall tvingas återuppfinnas om och om igen. I detta kandidatarbete är huvuddiskussionen hur man designar ett spel innehållande både spelfrihet och en färdig berättelse, vilket är en konflikt i sig. Vi försöker identifiera kärnan av ett spels design genom att samarbeta med både användare och designers av digital underhållning och sätta detta i relation till de studier av spel vi gjort.

Design and Implementation of an Application. Programming Interface for Volume Rendering

To efficiently examine volumetric data sets from CT or MRI scans good volume rendering applications are needed. This thesis describes the design and implementation of an application programming interface (API) to be used when developing volume-rendering applications. A complete application programming interface has been designed. The interface is designed so that it makes writing application programs containing volume rendering fast and easy. The interface also makes created application programs hardware independent.

Ekonomistyrning i cyperspace eller cyperspace i ekonomistyrningen? En pilotstudie i den digitala underhållningsbranschen

Problembakgrund: Den digitala underhållningsbranschen växer så det knakar och allt fler försöker starta egna spelbolag eller skapa egna succé-appar. Branschen kryllar av entreprenörer och nyligen gjorda empiriska och teoretiska studier indikerar att ekonomistyrning är ett viktigt element för ökad innovation. Dock visar tidigare studier på tvetydighet gällande ekonomistyrning och entreprenörskap i samma kontext. Även olika situationsfaktorer som till exempel storlek, regleringar och konkurrenter påverkar designen av ekonomistyrning. På grund av brist på tidigare studier inom valt fält är vi intresserad av att undersöka företagens design av ekonomistyrning och hur den påverkas av verksamhetens särart.Syfte: Författarna har utfört en mindre pilotstudie i den digitala underhållningsbranschen, där ett fåtal företags design av ekonomistyrning undersöktes.

Smycken från Art Nouveau: historia, utveckling, design och material

Detta arbetet behandlar smycken från Art Nouveau (ca. 1890-1914), och belyser smyckestilen i dess historia, utveckling, design och material. ?Jugendstil? är ett grundbegrepp för denna tidsepok, som är mest känd för sin konst och arkitektur. Art Nouveau var en internationell förnyelserörelse och betecknades som en övergång till det moderna.

En fallstudie av Södertörns högskolas intranät Kurswebben

We have made a qualitative study of what the students at Södertörns högskola use Södertörns högskola?s intranet Kurswebben for and how they experience the use of it. For this purpose we have made a qualitative interview examination with six students. The empirical material has been analysed according to our own analytic model which is based on existing usability theories and consists of the tree parts content, function and design.Our conclusion is that the students use Kurswebben mainly to keep themselves updated, download teaching material and schedules. According to our study, the students most of the time experience their use of Kurswebben as simple, but sometimes have a reluctance to visit it.

CARABAS III Konstruktion av antenninstallation på helikopter

This report describes the construction work of a radar antenna for the radar systemCARABAS. CARABAS is a long wave airborne ground radar that has been developed bySAAB Microwave Systems and will now be mounted on a small helicopter, Schweizer 300.The antenna should be able to fold up and down. When the radar is in use the antenna islowered and under transport, start and landing the antenna is folded up. An emergency dropfunction should also be included in the design of CARABAS III.The extent of this report includes construction of the antenna, frame structure attached to thehelicopter, mechanism for folding the antenna up and down and mechanism for emergencydrop function. The mechanical design of the antenna and frame structure is based on modaland stress analysis, vibration measurement of Schweizer 300 and frequency analysis, andcalculations regarding aerodynamic drag and mechanics.The exciting frequencies of the helicopter and accelerations at those frequencies weredetermined by vibration measurement and frequency analysis.

Mötesplatser i små tätorter : funktion och gestaltning

This bachelor thesis in Landscape Architecture is about the planning and design of public spaces in small towns in Sweden. My opinion is that the small towns often are overlooked and my determination is to see if that is right. The purpose with this thesis in Landscape Architecture, with focus on a durable society is to find the central public places in small towns and evaluate their function. This thesis has a focus on good design of central public spaces, designed for the inhabitants of the small towns. A small town, which is the focus of this thesis, is defined to have 200-2000 inhabitants. The small towns, which often are built around industries or the railway, have since the nineteen seventies a problem with people leaving them for the cities in the urbanization. Currently there is also the opposite trend with people moving out from the cities, but to live on the country side, not in the small towns.

Språkstimulans i formell och informell lek

The outset of this thesis is to raise questions on how we design for the mobile context and the capabilities of smartphones. Not only the presentation but also the use of input and interaction between a service and a user.This work evolves around sign up forms and answers the question: How does the sign up process affect the holistic perspective of a digital service regarding usability and user experience? This thesis consists of a case studies, and design experiments conducted on Twitter, Instagram and Randos sign up processes to explore if and how the usability, and the user experience could be affected and im- proved.This concluded some important aspects to be considered when designing sign up forms for a digital service.The usability, and the user experience is not only affected by user interaction, and the choice of input method but it?s also affected by which data the service is requesting, and more important; if that data is motivated to request by the service..

Coco Beach from city dump to paradise : a design proposal for a public beach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Sub Saharan Africa has during the last decade become the world?s fastest urbanizing region. This change is concentrated to a few metropolitan areas one of them being Dar es Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania. Since the 1960s Dar es Salaam has grown from being a relatively small coastal city of approximately 300 000 people to become a bustling urban centre of four million inhabitants. This development has had a major impact on the city structure, which in turn has affected people?s welfare and the surrounding environment. One such consequence is the detrimental loss of urban vegetation and open areas in the city.

Konstruktion av specialmaskin för orientering och positionering av nyckelämnen

The thesis in product development ? mechanical design includes 15 credits and was carried out during the spring of 2014 at Semcon in Eskilstuna. The task is to construct a special machine for positioning and orientation of a key blank found in six different shapes, the construction is a part of a larger machine for encoding the key blank where a pick- and-place device or robot pick up the key blank and deliver it further in the process. The entire construction is designed for ASSA OEM Gothenburg.In order to accomplish the project the first step was to analyze the existing solutions to similar problems on the market in a current situation analysis to create an understanding of the problem. This was followed by a flow analysis and a functional analysis to get a deeper understanding of the problem and structuring the machine's process flow and its features.

Den fysiska miljöns betydelse i förskolan : Miljöns utformning och barns delaktighet

My intention with this paper was to investigate how the teachers in pre-school thinks about the physical environment in pre-school. Both the significance for the pedagogical activity and the children?s involvement in the design. I have done five interviews with pre-school teachers. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consider that the size of the premises and the availability to the material is important factors for children?s development and learning.

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