

1303 Uppsatser om Throat Scale - Sida 43 av 87

Kvinnors depressiva symptom under graviditeten : Barnmorskors arbete med psykisk ohälsa

Barnmorskor på mödravården har möjlighet att upptäcka depressiva symptom under graviditeten. Studiens syfte är att undersöka barnmorskors inställning till och möjlighet att identifiera och stödja gravida kvinnor med depressiva symptom, samt undersöka barnmorskors syn på Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) som metod. Senare forskning pekar på att depressiva symptom under graviditeten är lika vanligt som postnatal depression. Forskning har även funnit att depression under graviditeten har negativa konsekvenser för barnets utveckling. Tio personer, varav åtta mödravårdsbarnmorskor, samtliga verksamma inom Stockholms läns landsting, har intervjuats med utgångspunkt från reflexiv metod.

Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn

The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.

Anestesianvändning vid depuration utförd av tandhygienister

Syftet med studien var att kartlägga anestesianvändning vid depuration utförd av tandhygienister. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka tandhygienisters anledningar till varför anestesi används eller inte används. En enkätstudie skickades till 148 tandhygienister slumpmässigt utvalda av Sveriges Tandhygienistförening. Nittio enkäter (60,8 %) inkluderades i studiens resultat. Anestesi vid depuration användes främst en till två gånger per vecka med ett medelvärde på 38,6 % (±29,8).

Eld som naturvårdare : Kärlväxtflora och vegetationsutveckling efter naturvårdsbränning i två småländska naturreservat

This study has taken place in two nature reserves in the municipality of Uppvidinge in the Kronoberg region in southern Sweden. These have been chosen by the County Administrative Board to be part of a bigger landscape of fire affected nature, and prescribed fire has been implemented in these. The areas are called Ösjöbol and Berga fly and have been burned 2012 and 2013 respectively. Non-burned areas have been inventoried as well. Vascular plants and mineral soil have been inventoried with the Hult-Sernander-Du Rietz scale of five levels. Issues emanate from the County Administrative Board?s goals for prescribed fire: how sticks and herbs were affected, how much soil was uncovered, how the structure and fire favoured species were affected, and how deciduous trees and spruces (Picea abies) were affected. The study shows that the soil increased, as well as the fire favoured species.

Den emotionella intelligensens betydelse för konflikthantering hos studenter

Sambandet mellan emotionell intelligens och konflikthantering är ett relativt outforskat område, framför allt inom universitetsmiljö. I denna studie utreds huruvida nivån av emotionell intelligens har någon betydelse för preferens för olika konflikthanteringsstilar. Mätinstrumenten ?The Assessing Emotion Scale? och ? The Dutch Test for Conflict Handling? användes på 100 studenter för att bedöma graden av emotionell intelligens och valet av konflikthanteringsstil. Varken emotionell intelligens eller konflikthanteringsstil var med säkerhet statistiskt signifikant beroende av kön totalt sett, däremot fanns ett starkt samband mellan ?Samverkan? och ?Kompromiss? till nivå av emotionell intelligens, framför allt hos kvinnor men inte hos män.

Energiförbättrande åtgärder på befintliga flerbostadshus : -En lönsamhetsanalys

The EU Council adopted in 2007, environmental and energy goals with the aim of them must be met by 2050. This, in combination with those of the Swedish government 15 enacted environmental goals is supposed to lead the way for the Swedish environmental work.This report has examined measures in properties in the Swedish Cooperative Housing Society (SKB) stocks.The report discusses a range of measures that might be appropriate to apply on the properties to make them more energy efficient.One of the measures discussed, the vent whose primary purpose is to create a good indoor environment for the residents but is also where the most energy is lost.Another measure discussed is insulation of the building envelope on the estate to make it more energy efficient. To put extra insulation on the building envelope is important because of the large amount of energy that is lost through the walls, ceilings and floors.Future actions that may be implemented is individual billing of heating and hot water. This system has been used in European countries since the 70's and today the EU wants to increase the own individuals control over their electricity costs. This has led to a discussion whether to implement the system in Sweden or not.However, there are a number of equitable measures to be sorted out before the system can be used in any great scale.Finally, it is important to remember that environmental measures should be the primary and the pursuit of cost reductions the secondary otherwise you risk the environmental work to be counterproductive..

Postoperativ smärta efter kirurgisk abort

 Pain is common among women undergoing first trimester surgical abortions. At the postoperative unit, department of gynaecology, University Hospital, Uppsala, the goal is that 80 % of the women should rate pain as £ 3 on a numeric rating scale (NRS), when leaving the unit.The aim of the study was to investigate how rating was performed at the unit and to investigate patient?s perceptions of pain after having undergone first trimester surgical abortion.20 patients (74%) participated in the study. Ninety percent of the patients rated their pain as NRS £ 3 when leaving the unit. Seven patients (35 %) rated their pain as NRS > 3 directly after operation, and 2 (10 %) patients NRS > 3 when leaving the unit.

Allsidig rörelsekompetens hos barn och ungdomar : En kartläggning av skolelevers funktionella motorik

Gross motor skills among Swedish pupils. An overview of functional motor abilities among Swedish children and adolescents.IntroductionPhysical Education (PE) teachers in Sweden have noticed that pupils are getting worse in their ability to manage gross motor skills and in their aerobic practice. The gross motor skills and coordinative skills are the solid ground for sports and other health activities. If not developing their gross motor skill children tends to avoid taking part in games and sports. The benefits of sports and outdoor activities such as social and health benefits can therefore be missed.

?Då behöva vi kanske inte ens slåss för gift kvinnas rätt till arbete" : Arbete, genusarbetsdelning och fackliga strategier vid ett svenskt bryggeri 1923-1939

The following is an examination of work and gender and how they interlocked in a Swedishbrewery between 1923 and 1939. Leaning on labor process theory and Marxist feminist theory,this paper examines what constituted women?s work in the brewery industry in this era, how women?s work changed with rationalization and economic recess, and how the all-femaleunion locale reacted to these changes. The events portrayed are related to earlier research ongender on the labor process, to the history of the Swedish labor movement in large, and to theevolution of the so-called ?Swedish model? with its relatively low level of conflicts on thelabor market.

Frost hardiness of grapevine cultivars as affected by ground cover under Scandinavian conditions

Cultivation of grapevine is novel under Scandinavian conditions. We studied the impact of ground cover on frost hardiness of grapevine cultivars in Northwestern Scania in a two-factorial trial with four cultivars Solaris, Pinot Gris, Siegerrebe, Ortega and three kinds of ground cover (open soil, plastic cover and gravel). The study was conducted in a grapevine orchard, planted in May 2009, in Broddarp on Bjärepenisula Sweden (N latitude 56°; longitude E 12°). Soil and air temperature were monitored continuously. Frost hardiness measurements were performed every second week from late September to early December 2009. Frost resistance, LT50, was determined by electrolyte leakage measurement of the upper stems after artificial freezing at -15 °C.

Föredraget ledarbeteende - en jämförelse mellan män och kvinnor, samt mellan lagidrottare och individuella idrottare

The aim of the study was to a) examine what leader behaviors individual and team athletes prefer and b) examine what leader behaviors men and women prefer. A questionnaire (The Leadership Scale for Sports) was distributed to 168 individuals, from which 130 were included in the study. The data was analyzed in SPSS, in which a three-way and a two-way variance analysis were performed. The results showed that individual athletes preferred the behavior dimensions ?Training and instruction?, ?Positive feedback? and ?Democratic behavior? to a higher degree than did team athletes.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : Finns det samband med kön, ålder, stress och KASAM

Tidigare forskning har visat att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är en viktig del av arbetslivet eftersom individer påverkar och påverkas av den. En betydande del är också upplevelse av begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet som samtliga tillhör begreppet KASAM. Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera om olika aspekter kring psykosocial arbetsmiljö kan förklaras utifrån känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), kön, ålder och stress. Studien undersöker även samband mellan KASAM i kön, ålder samt stress. Undersökningen är fokuserad på både offentlig och privat sektor i arbetslivet n=140, fördelat på 94 kvinnor och 46 män.

Psykologiska vitaminers relation till välbefinnande, livstillfredsställelse och arbetstillfredsställelse

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera sambanden mellan Warr?s nio vitaminer i kontextfri och arbetsrelaterad form till tre mått på psykisk hälsa; nämligen välbefinnande, livstillfredsställelse och arbetstillfredsställelse samt att undersöka om det fanns demografiska skillnader i dessa mått. Studien genomfördes på ett industriföretag i Sverige med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Totalt deltog 187 respondenter i undersökningen. Mätinstrument som använts är Warr?s vitaminmodell, Mental Health Continuum, Satisfaction With life Scale och Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire.

Stationsutveckling i stad och på landsbygd : exempel från Gagnef

The intention of this final thesis is to look into the improvement of small and run down railway stations. Many railway stations are today derelict and decaying. The purpose of this essay is to propose alternative strategies of action by discussing the ecology, the history and the social function of the railway station. There is also an overview of projects already completed. In the analysis part of the thesis, the genius loci or the spirit of place is put forward as means of reaching a solution.

Media and the priming of stereotypes: Direct effect of news articles racial stereotypes on individuals judgements of people of foreign extraction.

The present research examined both automatic and controlled processes in newpapers ability of priming racial stereotypes via the portrayals of people of foreign extraction. The automatic process were examined through articles which; a) involved an illegal act or b) the act was not illegal but morally questionable. Swedish-born subject?s explicit opinions against foreign people were also measured through ?The Modern Racial Prejudice Scale?. In the experiment participants read four different articles which included; Swedish person/noncrime, foreign person/noncrime, Swedish person/crime and foreign person/crime.

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