

2321 Uppsatser om Three-year-olds - Sida 40 av 155

Privatskogsägarens nettoinkomst vid avverkning under perioden 1952-2008

During the period 1952-2008, real prices of wood before taxes and charges declined. However, the actual net income has not changed by the same percentage as the price list, because taxation, driving costs and the ability to make deductions has changed. This report considers the inflation by using the Swedish consumer price index. Net income refers to the remaining income when relevant costs, taxes and fees have been paid.The purpose of this study was to examine how the private forest owner's real net income has evolved over the period 1952-2008 for three categories of forest owners. These three categories are1.

Migration och vegetationsupptag av radiocesium i åkermark - en långtidsserie av mätdata samt en långsiktig simuleringsmodell :

Abstract The accident in 1986 at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine, dispersed radioactive cesium over large areas of Europe. The half life of 137Cs is 30 years and this radionuclide also behaves like potassium, which means that it can easily be taken up by the vegetation or be adsorbed in to the structure of clays, principally illitic clays. When radiocesium decays ionizing radiation is emitted, which is harmful to humans that are exposed, either directly or indirectly through food intake. It is there-fore important to know what happens to the cesium that is dispersed into the environ-ment. In this project a simulation model was constructed to simulate the adsorption and transport of radiocesium in the soil and plant uptake.

ATTRAKTIVT BOENDE I HOFORS KOMMUN : Förslag och förbättringar till hyresrätter inom Hoforshus AB

The little steel industrial community Hofors is situated in Gästrikland on the border to Dalarna and its population is decreasing every year. The biggest housing operator is in a place where they must tear down a lot of buildings because they do not have enough tenants. But what do people really want in an apartment and in the surroundings? What is needed to make it attractive? That is something that this study will discuss and in the end it will lead to a proposal of an area that is suitable for a new housing and a few proposals to make the existing apartments more attractive..

Behovet av förändrad köplag, med hänsyn till privathandeln, till följd av Internet

This paper considers the Swedish regulations of purchase taking the perspective of private persons as a starting point. The law of purchase from the year 1990 is applicable on a number of legal purchase situations where the contracting parties varies. Nevertheless, the law is mainly focused on the purchase between businessmen. This places private persons on level with businessmen, since they are given equal responsibility regarding legal knowledge and the drawing up of contracts. In order to get a deeper knowledge of the law of purchase and to reach an understanding of how it should be interpreted we have studied the government bill on the law, cases from the Supreme Court, doctine on the area and legal articles. The purpose with this paper is to examine whether the law of purchase from the year 1990 is too old to be applicable on private purchases today.

Hållbar vattenkraft i Nissan : En förstudie och konsekvensutredning över förutsättningarna för ökade vandringsmöjligheter med nya fiskvägar.

The hydropower from Nissan River is of national interest and produces annually 230 GWh from the twelve power stations in the main flow. For modified waters a consideration between the power production and the biological values has to be made. This reports serves as a pre-study for Nissans Vattenråd. It tries to evaluate some of the biological values in the Nissan basin and map the power production in the area. And the size and value of lost power production from new fishways for the twelve stations in the main flow.The investment of new fishways is calculated using simplified templates with values from the business.

Klimatfrågan i dagspressen : En analys av den bild svenska dagstidningar förmedlar genom sina ledarartiklar när det gäller klimatförändringarna

ABSTRACTClimate Change in the Daily PressAn Analysis of the Representation Swedish Daily Papers Convey Through Their Editorials About the Climate ChangeThe purpose of this essay is partly to present how swedish daily papers describe the climate change through their editorials and partly to examine if their politcal affiliation effect their point of view about the climate change. The search incluedes editorials from 6 daily papers (Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgstidningen, Nerikes Allehanda and Svenska Dagbladet) from the year 1997 to the year 2003. Three discourses and the order between them, found by a former analysis (Adger and others, 2001) of the international politics of climate change, are used as types of ideal in a form of an analysis of idea.The analysis reveals that the swedish daily papers don?t give the problem any major attention. Only a total of 65 editorials about the climate change could be found even though the papers produces several thousands during the period.

Prediktion av bostadsrättspriser i Stockholms innerstad.

A frequently asked question in real estate marketing is at what time of the year it is optimal to invest or sell. The aim of the project was to answer this question and to generate a prediction model over real estate located in the centre of Stockholm that takes seasons into account. With acquired sales statistics in Stockholm between 2010 and 2013 it was possible to perform a linear least square regression, also known as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), with describing qualities and season of sale as parameters. Statistical problems such as Multicollinearity and Heteroskedasticity have been taken into account when deriving the model. The result was a highly accurate prediction model indicating the profitability of investing in real estate during the summer and selling during the autumn..

Språkinlärning-medvetenhet och reflektion. : En komparativ textanalys av fyra lärarhandledningar i spanska för grundskolan.

This study is about language learning and language development. The purpose of the survey is to investigate how current learning theory and language research reflect on teaching instructions for the teaching material in spanish, with focus on the student´s awareness and reflection.The survey is based on a comparative textanalysis of four teaching instructions for the seventh year in the nineyear compulsory school.The result show great variations between the teaching instructions, regarding execercises as well as instructions. A theoretical approach and an explicit connection to research is something that is constantly missing in the instructions to the teachers..

Internetanvändning och dess påverkan i våra liv : Hur man kan förbättra sin användarupplevelse

The usage of internet is growing significantly every year in today?s society and whether you like or not, the internet has an influence in your life. It is therefore important to find out how people are affected by its use. We have through our study interviewed a number of people that uses internet on a day to day basis, who have agreed to live without internet access for a period of time. We started out by interviewing these people about their internet usage and what it means to them, then proceeded with their non-internet access period.

Vem väljer att bil bibliotekarie?: en studie över bibliotekariestudenter i Borås

This paper will portray the differences and similarities that exist between students whoattended the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås.The study is based upon quantitative information gathered from a survey which wasdistributed to first-year students in Borås in the auturnn term 1994. A total of 77 studentsresponded to the survey.We also do a comparative study of the students at all the library programs in Sweden.This is partially based on the findings by a thesis prior to this one by the authorsSvalstedt and Österdahl.We found that the students in Borås differ mainly in their personal histories and backgrounds.When it comes to their attitudes towards the profession and educationalmatters they are similar. Further we found the same to be tme in our comparison of thelibrary programs in total..

Identitetsskapande mammor : på gott och ont

This is a qualitative social psychology study, which aims to describe how mothers with 1-2 year old children develop their identities, seen from Symbolic Interactionistic perspective. Five young mothers have been interviewed, through qualitative interviews and self reports. Through this data I have attempted to establish how these women develop their identities when they have been mothers for 1 or 2 years. The conclusions I have drawn is that the identities change radically with becoming a mother and all respondents take different decisions outfrom their identities as mother. There seems to exist a need of more knowledge about how to bring the identity of a woman and a mother together and create a new entity.

ELCERTIFIKAT - En diskussion kring de svenska elcertifikatens rättsliga natur, ekonomiska värde samt möjlighet att ta i anspråk vid en utmätning -

1st of may 2003, a new energy system based on electricity certificates, was initiated in Sweden. The purpose with this system, is to stimulate an enlargement of energy production from renewable sources. The electricity system, ist built on that the producers of energy from renewable sources confer a electricity certificate from the government for every produced MW energy from renewable sources. The electricity certificate is supposed to be turned over and with that generate reciepts to the producers. Furthermore there is an obligation for the energyusers und energysuppliers, that means that the users and the suppliers every year the 1st of april got to have electricity certificates in proportion to their energy consumption during previous year.

Celebritet i marknadsföringen : Hur påverkas företaget?

The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company.

En villaleverantörs möjlighet till etablering i Finland : analys av för- och nackdelar

The construction market has, as a result of the crisis in Europe been uncertain in recent years. During the year 2013, the construction will be stabilized, in particular Finland. The geographical proximity between Sweden and Finland and similarities in cultures and climates makes Finland a coveted market for many Swedish companies.Differences in national regulations and guidelines, which are produced by the authorities in different countries, are examples of barriers that may hamper the process, including for Swedish villa suppliers, to establish themselves on the Finnish market. It may be useful when facing a new export drive, to look up what similarities and differences there are between the countries building codes, to prevent mistakes and unnecessary costs to the project work..

En ny cykel av Screwball : När klassiska konventioner används i nya filmer

I den här uppsatsen undersöks dagens romantiska Hollywoodkomedier och deras koppling till 1930- 40-talets screwballkomedier. The Proposal (2009), The Ugly Truth (2009), Leap Year (2010), samt What Happens in Vegas (2008) analyseras i syfte att urskilja likheter och skillnader dem emellan och för att urskilja en ny cykel av filmer. Det här är en genrestudie med fokus på konventioner och teman som tas upp genom tidigare forskning samt genom analys av de valda filmerna, och genom att diskutera filmernas koppling till samhället sätts genren i ett bredare perspektiv..

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