

2321 Uppsatser om Three-year-olds - Sida 20 av 155

Vad hade du på dig? : Representationen av våldtäktsoffer och förövare i tre dagstidningar med olika ideologisk inriktning (Aftonbladet, SvD och DN)

The following Bachelor?s thesis examines how three Swedish national newspapers (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet), which all represent different points on the ideological spectrum, portray victim and perpetrator in their representation of rape during the year 2011. The thesis examines the newspapers news, editorial pages and reports of rape. The study uses a quantitative approach with qualitative elements which has its foundation in the theory of social constructivism and priming theory. Political science can be studied from the perspective of power, and media has a central role of this power.

Uppvämningssystem med biobränsle : en fallstudie på Malmviks gård

The use of bio fuel is increasing every year. Nowadays you will find different alternatives to oil and electricity heating system. In this essay I have examined what the economic conditions are to invest in a bio fuel furnace. I have chosen to assume from a specific farm and do a case study on this farm. Malmvik farm is located just outside of Stockholm.

En laptop till varje elev : en studie om gymnasieskolans satsning på datorer i undervisningen

The aim of this study is to highlight the computer as a learning resource in the education and give us knowledge about how the students uses the computer in year one in a selected High School where one computer per student were introduced in autumn 2011. The aim is also to contribute to the discussion about how the computer can become a natural learning resource for all students in all subjects, including the students in need of special support.How are the High School students using the computer?Are there differences in computer use, whether the student is in academic or vocational program?Are there differences in computer use between boys and girls?Do the student experience that the digital competence is increasing together with if they experience the computer as aid?In what degree do the teachers encourage the students to use the computer?How much do the students use the computer to learn mathematic?The study is based on a survey of all students in year one in a municipal High School.The result of the study is showing that the students first of all use the computer to play music, surf the Internet and to be logged in on social media (eg. Facebook). The students have learned to use the computer for the tasks they need, although the teachers don?t encourage the students to use the computer in any higher means, not in mathematics and not in other subjects.

Bibliotekets tidskrifter och tidskriftsavdelning: En undersökning av högstadielevers läsning i relation till utbudet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the supply of magazines and periodicals for young people at the library. We also examine young peoples reading of magazines and periodicals and compare the librarys selection with what young people read. The main questions of this thesis are: What do young people do at the library on their spare time? What weekly magazines and periodicals do young people read? What range of magazines and periodicals do the city- and the school library have? Where is the department located and how is it designed? What kind of relationship is there between young peoples reading and the selection? To answer these questions we have done an interview with a librarian and a questionnaire among 13-16 year old children. We found that it is not often that young people read their magazines and periodicals at the library.

Debatten om bibliotekarieutbildningen ? inför förändringarna av utbildningen år 1972 respektive år 1993 ? sådan den återspeglas i bibliotekstidskrifter

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the debate in library journals and in official reports on the subject of library education in Sweden. We focus on two periods: the period just before the year 1972 ? when the library education was transformed into being occupationally-oriented and the period just before the year 1993, when the library education was transformed into being ?academised?. This Master?s thesis shows that the debate and the arguments among initiated people in the library world have had some impact on how the library education was transformed later on.

Karlskrona stadsbibliotek 1906-1959 ? En bit av ett biblioteks historia

This master?s thesis will try to describe the beginning and development towards a modern public library of the town library in Karlskrona between 1906 and 1959. The specific years refers to the year the library was established and the year it moved to the new library building in the centre of Karlskrona. The aim of the thesis has been to do this historical description and to look at the course from the perspective of the national policies and development for the Swedish modern public library. The thesis is based mainly on reports of the proceedings of the public library and other biographical documents and literature, which has been found in two local archives.

Ny brandstation i Viskafors

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

En ny förskola i Lerum

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Utomståenderegeln i 57:5 IL

AbstractThis bachelor thesis deals with the close company rules in chapter 56-57 within the Swedish income tax law (IL). The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the outsider rule in 57:5 IL. If a shareholder or a family member works or have worked actively within the company within the fiscal year or the last five fiscal years then the partner has qualified shares and is to be taxed according to the special closed company rules.If an outsider, directly or indirectly, is a significant shareholder within the company, and directly or indirectly, are entitled to dividends then an active partner only has qualified shares if there is special reasons. When making the assessment regard must be made to conditions under the fiscal year or the last five fiscal years. There is special reason not to apply the rule if there are agreements regarding how the profit should be split or cross-ownerships between companies.If a taxpayer can show that an outsider own 30 percent of the closed company and has a right to dividends and there is no special reason to why the rule should not be applied then the outsider rule is applicable.

Biogaspotentialen av matavfall sorterat ur hushållsavfall.

To achieve the Government's milestones for 2018, which means that 50 % of food waste shall be separated from household waste and undergo biological treatment (composting or anaerobic digestion).   Hultsfred, Högsby and Vimmerby are three adjacent municipalities of Kalmar, county Småland. During 2012 and 2013 analyzes were performed on their household waste to determine its composition. The household waste is currently collected in one fraction. The work, examines how much food waste the household waste contains. From the amount of food waste, the biogas potential is examined - how much food waste biogas generates and how much energy it corresponds to.   Food waste is broken down by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions (anaerobic digestion) in a biogas plant.

Samband mellan utdelning och vinst per aktie : En studie gjord över en tidsperiod med både hög- och lågkonjunktur på Stockholmsbörsen

This is a study to see the relationship between earnings per share and dividends during a period of both boom and depression. The study will focus on companies listed on Stockholm stock exchange and see if they follow theories from the past and if the dividend is smooth over times with a fluctuant economy. To see this we had this problem:Is it a relationship between earnings per share and dividend during a fluctuant economy, also if there is a difference between the different Caps on Stockholm stock exchange?We studied 163 stocks of the 293 listed stock on Stockholm stock exchange during a period of 8 years. The study is focused on the time period between year 2005 and year 2012.

Kyrkans tradition och den nutida människans längtan : empirisk studie av utmaningarna i en landsbygdsförsamling i Svenska kyrkan på 2000-talet

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society.

Low Temperature Waste Heat Solutions : with proposals for energy technological actions based on Scania?s building 64

The report comprises two separate parts:part 1:  Temperature needs for district heating in the paint shop for axles in building 210part 2:  Energy and low temperature waste heat solutions in heating and cooling systems for   building 64 with surroundingsThe paint shop for axles in part 1 has air quality requirements in places for coating of axles. Toachieve desired air properties there are different process ventilation systems, which consist ofventilation coils for heating and cooling, plus air humidifier. The ventilations coils for heating usedistrict heating. Today the ventilation coils use water of 100°C to achieve necessary air demands inthe coating boxes. This part of the report investigates whether the existing system would achievethe air requirements with a water temperature of 75°C instead of 100°C in the ventilation coilsduring the coldest parts of the year.

Dokumentärfilm om Warcraftspelaren 4K FuRy

Warcraft är ett strategidataspel som massor av människor världen över ägnar sig åt. Sebastian Pesic (alias 4K FuRy) är en av världens bästa spelare och dataspelandet har blivit hans jobb. Dokumentärfilmen handlar om Sebastian Pesic och hans verklighet i Warcraftlaget 4Kings. Sebastian kommer att berätta om sina upplevelser och vi kommer att få se honom i action. Filmen kommer att ge en inblick i dataspelsvärlden som många inte ens vet om existerar. Ännu mindre att man kan tjäna stora pengar på att spela. Utomlands är uppmärksamheten för Warcraft större.

Simma eller försvinna : En studie av läroplaner samt elevers och lärares uppfattningar om simkunnighet och behovet av att kunna simma.

Today the ability to swim is taken for granted by most people. Most of Sweden?s adult population can swim which is reflected in the reduced number of accidental drownings. About 1900 AD when Sweden?s population was about five million the average drownings per year was 1100.

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