

2321 Uppsatser om Three-year-olds - Sida 11 av 155

Uppföljning av krediter : förutsägelse av finansiell kris

Background: During the year 2002 approximately 27 000 people lost their jobs because of companies filing for bancruptcy. In 2002 the number of companies filing for bancruptcy in Sweden were 6740. This is approximately twice as many as in the year of 1974 when the first major study concerning bancruptcies in Sweden was carried out. The accumulated amount of unpaid bancruptcy claims for the period 1991 ? 1997 was 51 billion SEK.

Bolagstyrningsrapportens placering : vilka faktorer påverkar valet av placering?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain which factors that affects Swedish listed companies choice of placement for the corporate governance report when the regulation gives different options.Methodology: The chosen research philosophy is positive, research strategy is deductive and methodology is quantitative.Theoretical Perspectives: As support for the dependent (placement) and independent factors agency theory, positive accounting theory, accounting choice, legitimacy-, stakeholder-, and institutional theory are used.                  Empirical foundation:The sample consists of 249 companies. The empirical data consists of the companies Annual reports and Corporate Governance reports for financial year 2011 or when split financial year, 2010/2011. Limitations: A limitation of the study is that it is based on observations from only one year why it is not certain that the results should have been the same if a comparison between several years had been done.Conclusions: The factors size and growth explain the placement of the Corporate Governance Report in Swedish listed companies..

Nybyggnad till fårproduktion :

In Sweden we need more lambs during March to June. I decided to calculate on a spring lamb production, because to many of the Swedish lambs go to slaughter in the autumn. I counted on 1000 ewes which have 2000 lambs each year, 200 of these lambs stays on the farm and replace old ewes. The buildings are 3600 square meters. I have counted on two different sorts of buildings, the first one is a shed, the second one is three polytunnel sheephouses.

Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna

In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company ?Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB?, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water.The school ?Hållsta skola?, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008.

Blivande folkskollärare : En social rekryteringsstudie av inskrivna män vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium

The main purpose of this essay is to interpret possible pattern in social extraction, among future male elementary school teachers, at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar over time. The questions that intend to concrete the purpose, and describe the possible pattern of social backgrounds are following; Where do the future male elementary school teachers come from? How the social recrutiment is divided in professional categorys, and is there any distinction in the pattern of social recrutiment over time? Which social groups were represented at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar between the year of 1860-1940, and how they were divided.At the categorization of occupation, class- and social belongings I´ve used Sten Carlssons theory of professional categories (the social transformation in Sweden after 1866) which also was used by Kerstin Skog-Östlin in her dissertation Pedagogical control and authortity.The changes in the pattern of social recruitment of male future elementary school teachers were following; the proportion of students with agricultural backgrounds has decreased between the year of 1860 and the turn of the century. Further there was a substantial reduction of students with agricultural backgrounds between the turn of the century and the year of 1940. Students with agricultural backgrounds had the lowest represented frequency according to the investigation.

Komplext arbete. En studie av handlingsutrymme och komplexitet inom arbetsförmedlares uppdrag.

The purpose of this study was to examine the narrative skill of sixyear-olds in terms of macrostructure and cohesion, and its relation tonarrative content, auditory attention, auditory short-term memory and threemeasures of word retrieval. A group comparison of macrostructure andcohesion was also performed between children with and without epilepsy.The material consisted of audio recordings of 44 children (18 with epilepsyand 26 from a reference group) retelling the story Nelli-sagan (Holmberg &Sahlén, 2000). No correlation was found between content and macrostructureor cohesion, but several between the latter two. Auditory short-termmemory and word retrieval without pictures showed several correlationswith macrostructure as well as cohesion. No differences in macrostructure orcohesion were found between the children with epilepsy and the referencegroup.

Färsk ved till Hallstaviks pappersbruk :

Hallstaviks papermill is an industry plant within Holmen Paper. Hallstavik is a mechanical mill and produce newspaper and journal paper. During year 2000, Hallstavik used approximate 1.200 m3f spruce, either as logs or chips from sawmills. Due to that the production is running continuously the mill also needs raw material at the same rate. At some periods the supply of raw material cannot keep up pace.

Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv

The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research.The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year.

Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk

Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.

Gotlands solelpotential

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the electric solar potential on the Swedish island Gotland. The Gotlandic habitations have been divided into four house categories. For each category energy demand, roof area, geographic orientation androof tilt have been decided. Solar radiation data have been collected from the Swedish solar radiation model STRÅNG (STRÅNG, 2012).The buildings characteristics and the solar radiation have been used as input values in common solar formulas, the solar potential for each building category have been summed up to a total electric solar potential for the region.The electric solar potential on Gotland was calculated to 242 GWh/year with solar data from 2010. Gotlands largest city, Visby, is marked as cultural heritage by UNESCO (UNESCO, 2012).

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.


The use of energy is an important question in today´s society, and a substantial part of the energy that is used today is used in our homes. To lower this usage is vital, and there are regulations in place both on the national and the local level, that say that new apartment blocks must be built to consume less energy, which in the end will lower the impact on the climate.One way to make the housing sector more environmentally sustainable, is to produce energy issions that are bad for the environment, for example to build wind turbines close to or even on the buildings, so called urban wind power. The scope for this report is to see if urban wind power could be a sustainable alternative for the residential area that Svenska Bostäder plans to build in Albano in Stockholm.There are extensive scientific theories regarding wind and wind power, and a literature study is made to investigate past knowledge in the area. Efforts have been made to find earlier trials with urban wind power and, both scientific research and trials where urban wind power actually has been installed. The theory chapter deals both with the wind itself and how electricity can be generated from wind.

Solel från ljudbarriär : längs Annetorpsvägen i Hyllie, Malmö

City of Malmö has ambitions for the district Hyllie to become a demonstrative area ofsustainable urban development. As a part of this the following report aims to investigate the potential in using noise barriers combined with photovoltaics along Annetorpsvägen to generate solar electricity. To quantify the losses that shadows from buildings along the roadmight cause, a 3D-model of the area was constructed in SketchUp. This digital model made it possible to simulate shadows and how they change over the year. A reference model of a photovoltaic noise barrier (PVNB) was constructed and used to find the dates on which the solar cells are shadowed depending on building heights and positioning of the barrier.The results show that two lengths with a total distance of 400 meters is appropriate for applying photovoltaic noise barriers.

I kölvattnet av the English Speaking Year 2012 Program: En studie av andraspråksinlärning vid en thailändsk grundskola

Andraspråksundervisning är en vital del av många elevers skolgång. I Thailand har detta aktualiserats, i och med att en ekonomisk gemenskap med engelska som huvudspråk är på väg att skapas av länder i regionen. Engelskkunskaperna är generellt bristfälliga i landet och den thailändska regeringen har därför utarbetat ett åtgärdsprogram, the English Speaking Year 2012 Program. Programmet antas leda till förändringar i skolorna som på sikt ska göra invånarna betydligt bättre på engelska. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka engelskundervisningen vid en thailändsk grundskola som jobbar utifrån the English Speaking Year 2012 Program. Det avsågs att identifiera om åtgärdsprogrammet lett till förändringar i undervisningen och även åskådliggöra eventuella förändringar.

Meningen med mötet : En studie av det mellanmänskliga mötets betydelse för medarbetarnas meningsskapande process och relationer med ledaren

Essay in political science, C-level by Mikael GranathAutumn semester 2012, Tutor: Freddy Kjellström- Ideological convergence in Swedish party politics?- An analysis of ideologies of the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Moderateparty and their healthcare and health service policies between the years of 2002 and 2010.The main purpose of this study is to examine the truthfulness in the common perception thatthe Swedish moderate party and the Swedish social democratic party are increasingly sharingthe same political views - particularly between the years of 2002 and 2010. The main researchquestion is:?Did the Swedish Moderate party and the Swedish Social Democratic partyideologically position themselves closer in the year of 2002 than they did in 2010within the health care policy area?The research design chosen for this study can be labelled as a comparative case study wherethe two political parties party programs and election manifestos that were current in the yearof 2002 and 2010 are studied. This is done to give a better view of ideological change.

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