745 Uppsatser om Threatened species - Sida 20 av 50
Att leva med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : Patienters beskrivning av sitt dagliga liv.
Background;Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease characterized by airway obstruction. Common signs of COPD are the slow process and shortness of breath on exertion. The most important treatment is to quit smoking. Most nurses, regardless of where they work, will meet these patients, often when the patients are having respiratory disorders. Aim;the aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with COPD describe the daily life based on how he/she experience and cope with the disease.
Att beskriva upplevelsen av stadens rum :
The city is complex, multi-faceted and fascinating. The same can be said about the rooms
of the city. The experience of the rooms of the city can be described in as many ways as
there are individuals. The question concerned in this essay is How can you describe the
rooms of the city as a phenomenon and how can you describe the experience of these rooms
in general?
The concepts city and room are widely understood and neither of them has a description
that can be used in all situations.
My patience ran out on Hasad a long time ago? - varför blev Syrien en ondskans axelmakt?
In 2002 George W. Bush held a speech where he classified six nations as being the main threats to American security, one of them being Syria, a state with a secular constitution, no resent offence towards the US, and with an improved diplomatic relationship to the US during the Clinton years.Being an ally to the Soviet Union during the Cold War Syria was forced to redefine its role in the region. Using neorealistc theory one part conlusion is the fact that the new Syrian leader, Bashar al-Hasad, in the early 21th century determined to set higher goals for the Syrian power ambition in the Middle East, threatened to destabilize the region and leave the US and its allies in a caotic situation.In the US, however, the new administration after 11/9 sharpened its tone towards states that did not cooperate in the new ?war on terrorism? or/and were likely to harbour terrorists. Syria was accused of doing both.
Kontroll av rengöring med ATP-luminometer hos livsmedelsverksamheter med pizzaberedning i Sundbybergs kommun
This BSc thesis is a part of an initial step of a collaboration between Skansen and Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage run by KWS. Animal Orphanage takes care of orphaned and injured animals arriving from throughout Kenya. The project started out as a refuge and as a temporary place for animals in need of care and help. With time it has evolved to an establishment that resembles and functions more like an animal zoo. The aim of this inventory is to focus on how the biological needs of Congo grey parrots ( Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are met, in terms of management and housing.
Träd som berör : en intervjustudie om specifika träd i människors liv
There is no doubt about the significance of nature on the health of human beings. Not
only is the tree an element of nature that is of great value to our survival, it also serves as a valuable object and symbol of human beings? enjoyment and appreciation of the
environment. The purpose of this study is to present the relationship that a person may
have with a specific tree. Three women and two men are interviewed about their trees and
the places where they are located.
Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand : en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall
The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues. The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad conditions.
Överlevnad, tillväxt och skador i planteringar av sitkagran (Picea sitchensis) efter stormen Gudrun
Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr) is just like Norway spruce (Picea abies) a species in thegenus picea. The natural range of Sitka spruce is a narrow strip along the west coast of North America. Itis the most coastal of all picea species, and very dependent on the mild and humid climate along thepacific coast.Sitka spruce has been grown a long time in the countries around the North Sea, particularly in GreatBritain where it currently is the most important species in British forestry. Sitka spruce has not beenplanted in Swedish forests to any large extent before the storm Gudrun in 2005. Several studies indicatethat the production of wood biomass is higher for Sitka spruce compared to Norway spruce.
Problembeteenden hos katt : orsaker och åtgärder
Under de senaste decennierna har synen på katter förändrats avsevärt. Från att ha setts som främst skadedjursbekämpare, har de nu tagit en mer framträdande roll som sällskapsdjur.Detta har medfört att deras miljö begränsats avsevärt och många katter hålls numera till största del eller enbart inomhus. Vilka konsekvenser detta fått för katten är ännu oklart. Hypotesen som låg till grund för denna litteraturstudie var att de problembeteenden som seshos dagens katter delvis beror av den stress som begränsandet av den naturliga miljön utgör. Syftet med studien var således att med hjälp av vetenskapliga artiklar klargöra vilka problembeteenden som förekommer, varför katten utvecklat dem samt hur de kan åtgärdas.
Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand - en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall
The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been
recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and
violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences
of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has
been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment
authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important
associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues.
The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare
inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the
interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that
can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad
Aktiviteten hos thymidinkinas 1 i serum från hundar med juvertumörer och malignt lymfom
With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.
Foraging and anti-predation behavior of Thomson?s gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) and Grant?s gazelles (Gazella granti) at a waterhole
Prey species make behavioral decisions to reduce the perceived risk of predation and the time spent vulnerable to predation. Behavioral responses to predators are for example selection of specific habitat types and the presence of predators influence individual vigilance. Furthermore, there is a variation in feeding niches with different herbivores focusing their foraging effort on different vegetation types which is also expected to affect the choice of habitat. Behavioral data on anti-predation and foraging behavior at on waterhole is collected from Thomson?s and Grant?s gazelles at Ol Pejeta Conservancy (0°00?N, 36°56?E) located in semiarid bushed grassland in Laikipia district of central Kenya.
Epiphytic lichen flora in a boreal forest chronosequence
Epifytiska lavar utgör en viktig del av floran i den boreala zonen. Några miljövariabler är kända för att styra artrikedomen och artsammansättningen av epifytiska lavar på beståndsnivå, såsom träddiversitet, beståndsålder, fuktighet och trädens barkstruktur. Skogsbränder utgör den viktigaste störningen i boreala skogar men studier på brandeffekter på epifytiska lavar är mycket få. Detta arbete undersökte artrikedomen, diversiteten och artsammansättningen av epifytiska lavar på basala delar av björkar längs en gradient av 30 skogsbeklädda öar som skiljer sig i storlek och brandhistorik i den norra boreala zonen i Sverige. Målet med studien var att undersöka hur lavfloran påverkades av östorleken och miljövariablerna längs gradienten.
EUropa och den konstruerade identiteten - En analys av den hegemoniska diskursen
In this thesis the construction of identity within the EU is discussed. A thesis problem in three dimensions is used to explain the purpose of the construction, its realization and the consequences of such identity. These aspects show the complexity of the problems related to identity construction on a structural level.By using a post-modern and a social constructivist theoretical approach identity is presented as socially constructed by discourse. The theory of discourse makes it possible to analyze the development of an identity forming discourse within the EU and its status today.With an approach inspired by critical theory, we use discourse analysis as a methodological tool to illustrate the ideas that govern discourse, and in what way it is related to the social reality.The analysis states that the purpose of identity constructing is the striving for legitimacy. Without identification, the legitimacy is threatened.
Lantbrukare och rådgivare : tillsammans kan de främja biologisk mångfald.
With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.
Rumslig fördelning av grov gammal tall i Uppsala stad med tallticka som indikator på höga naturvärden :
Fragmentation and reduction of forest area is a threat for many forest species and their habitat. Deficiencies in forest quality, such as lack of dead wood and old trees, are one explanation of the threat. The most important action to prevent the continued loss of forest types is to protect forest, but also to restore and to create areas that not previously had high nature values. Hence one of the key strategic roles for Fritid- och Naturkontoret, Uppsala municipality, is to monitor biodiversity in the context of urban planning.
The majority of the Uppsala municipality residents live in urban areas and most of them spend some of their spare time in natural areas in cities and their immediate surroundings. Exploitation in and around Uppsala is high, but it is important that there is enough nature close to houses to meet the residents? needs of recreation.