

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 43 av 52

På spaning efter integration : En studie om integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner inom svenska detaljhandelsföretag

Bakgrund Tidigare studier belyser vikten av att företag integrerar marknadsfunktionen och logistikfunktionen, detta då en sådan integration leder till fördelar för företag. När funktionerna är integrerade kan företag bland annat möta kunders förväntningar vad gäller produkttillgänglighet och leveransservice på ett mer effektivt sätt än om funktionerna inte är integrerade. I dagsläget finns endast begränsade studier om hur integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner ser ut i praktiken. En empirisk kunskapslucka vad gäller integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner i svenska detaljhandelsföretag kunde således påvisas och det är dennakunskapslucka som legat till grund för denna studie.Syfte Denna studie syftar till att analysera om, och i så fall hur, marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner inom svenska detaljhandelsföretag är integrerade.Genomförande För att uppnå syftet genomfördes intervjuer med medarbetare på marknadsfunktionen och logistikfunktionen inom tre svenska detaljhandelsföretag. Dessa företag var Cervera, Glitter och KappAhl.

Total Cost of Ownership -Revealing the true cost of owning and operating equipment

Abstract Title: Total Cost of Ownership ? Revealing the true cost of owning and operating equipment. Authors: Anna Bladh Anna Ström Tutors: Michaela Boye, Parts and Service, PTD, Alfa Laval Göran Berg, Parts and Service, PTD, Alfa LavalCharlotta Johnsson, Department of Automatic Control, LTH, Lund UniversityBertil I. Nilsson, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, LTH, Lund UniversityCarl-Henric Nilsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University Core issue: ?Which costs should be included in a general Total Cost of Ownership model regarding centrifuges, and what input variables are needed in order to calculate those costs in a user-friendly way and with a maintained level of accuracy?? Purpose: The theoretical purpose of the thesis is to identify the cost items that have the greatest impact on a TCO calculation for a centrifuge.

Flödesoptimering av GROT-flis med beslutsstödet BioMax

Sönderdelning och transport av GROT (grenar och toppar) kräver dyra maskinsystem samtidigt som efterfrågan av sortimenteten varierar kraftigt under året. Det är därför svårt att planera flöden av GROT-flis effektivt och samtidigt välja rätt maskinsystem. AB Karl Hedin är en sågverkskoncern lokaliserad i Bergslagen. De äger fyra sågverk varav tre är sverigebaserade. De levererar även GROT-flis till flertalet värmeverk och har ett behov av ett beslutsstöd som underlättar sortimentets flödesplanering och föreslår maskinsystem. Projektets syfte var att skapa ett användarvänligt enperiodsbeslutsstöd med mål att maximera den totala vinsten och genom detta kvantifiera GROT-flisflödets förbättringspotential. Nio månaders historiska flödesdata kartlades och användes som jämförande testperiod. Genom en fallstudie bestående av två scenarier analyserades optimeringar med månadsvisa, kvartalsvisa och säsongsvisa (9 mån) optimeringshorisonter: 1.

Verklighet eller en politisk illusion? : En studie av den svenska pressens syn på sjukförsäkringsreformen i USA.

Essay in Political Science, C-level, by Camila Alvarez Cea, spring semester 2010. Tutor: Alf Sundin?Reality or a Political Mirage? ? A Study of the Swedish Press Views on the Health Insurance Reform in the USA? The purpose of this essay is partly to examine whether the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the US, which is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Act bill, will be of crucial importance to the possibilities that the American population has to receive health insurance. The main research question is accordingly: ?Does the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the USA, seem like something that will be of radical importance to the possibilities of the population to receive healthcare?? The purpose is also to examine in which model (demand or market) the opinions of the Swedish press fits. This purpose will be answered by using three specific questions asking whether their opinions differ when it comes to three criterions: organization, financing/resources and delivery systems.

Medborgarens politiska deltagande : Medborgarförslag i Karlstads kommun

Abstract?Political participation by the citizen?- Citizen proposals in Karlstad municipalityEssay in Political Science, C-levelAuthor: Tobias GustafssonTutor: Michele MichelettiIn Sweden the political parties are losing more and more of their members. That in combination with a tendency that the participation in the elections is getting lower is a problem for the representative and parliamentary political system in Sweden.In order to strengthen the democracy in Sweden and to make the gap between the citizens and the elected smaller there has been some democracy-projects. The purpose of these democracy-projects is to make the political participation by the citizens, between the elections, higher. One of them is ?citizen proposals to the municipality?.The purpose of this essay is to examine this democracy-project in order to see what influences it might have on the local democracy.

Punktmolnshantering i anläggningsprojekt : Utvärdering av programvaror för framtagande av markmodell

An increased number of participants in the construction industry is asking for accompanying terrain models to the project in order to get a better understanding of the field. When the desire to create buildings that fit together nicely with the surrounding area is increasing, it becomes more and more important to have a broad base of knowledge about the ground on which the building is to be erected. Terrain models are also very useful in the planning of logistics, documentation for landscape architecture projects, and billings for mass calculations.Surveys for creating terrain models can be performed with laser scanning. The advantage of laser scanning is the time-effective surveying, the detailed information as well as the ability of application in complex environments resulting in a cost-efficient project. With this in mind our thesis was defined in collaboration with the company Bjerking AB in Uppsala in order to investigate if there were any softwares suitable for terrain modeling.

Valresultat och börskurser : En eventstudie om riksdagsvalens effekter på Stockholmsbörsen

Background:It is always fascinating to observe the events that affect the stock market, especially as the numbers of influencing factors are so many and various. Political elections are important events in society and affect the corporate environment in different ways depending on which political party that is in power. This brings up the question of whether political elections are important enough to affect the stock market; and it is this question we intend to analyse in this paper.Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether political elections affect the stock market and to discuss the reasons for any possible affect that might be found.Procedure:An appropriate and thoroughly tested method to investigate if an event affects the stock market or not, is to do an event study. Subsequently we chose to do an event study on whether the Swedish general elections in 2002 and 2006 affected the Stockholm Stock Exchange. In order to give the analysis more depth we have also chosen to interview people with knowledge of the stock market.

Mellan klass och kön : En analys av det socialdemokratiska kvinnofo?rbundets aktionsprogram 1972 - 1993

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the conceptualisation of the social relations of class and gender within the Social Democratic Women?s Association during the period 1972 ? 1993, on the basis of their programmes for action. The analysis of the concepts is based on an ideology critical study focusing on the manifest ideology.The study is based upon the theoretical concepts of class and gender,  The class analysis is based upon the broadened concepts of class by Erik Olin Wright and Ira Katznelson. The gender analysis is mainly based upon a Marxist understanding and a critical point of view of Marxism and feminism in the context of patriarchy and capitalism.The period of the study is where the social democracy is challenged, both by radical socialism and feminist ideology and the economic crisis during the 1980?s, as well as the possible threat of an organised women?s party in Sweden.

Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project?The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

Förklaringsmisstag : - i ett elektroniskt sammanhang

The thesis hears content-error in relation to agreements closed by electronic means. The purpose of the thesis is to elucidate how the rules in 32 §(1) AvtL apply to agreements closed by such means and to evaluate its suitability. The elucidation is done on the basis of, the rules? adequacy in relation to their objectives in collaboration with a comparative view on a selection of international legal framework under private law, such as DCFR, UNCITRAL Model Law, UNIDROIT Principles and CISG.Since Sweden lack a specific regulation for electronically closed agreements, all modern closing methods will be evaluated from the dated outlook of the Swedish Contract Act. In relation to entirely automated processes which results in the closing of an agreement, particular difficulty arise in correlation with prerequisites, which requires a human stance.

Minskad kapitalbindning genom effektivare lagerstyrning

Bakgrunden till detta arbete har varit att, på uppdrag av Green Cargo Road&Logistics, finna möjligheter att sänka kapitalbindningen vid Goodyears nordenlager i Norrköping. Lageromsättningshastigheten är i nuläget inte tillfredställande och även en generell minskning av lagernivåerna är önskvärd. En nulägesanalys har genomförts medelst intervjuer och studiebesök. Därefter har en grundlig litteraturstudie och en detaljstudie av ett urval artiklar i lagersystemet utförts. Utifrån dessa båda studier samt utförd problemanalys rekommenderas ett antal förslag på förbättringsåtgärder.

Etnisk strukturell diskriminering i arbetslivet : när ditt namn väger tyngre än dina meriter.

The situation on the Swedish labour market is different in opportunities whether you are a native Swede or someone who has a foreign background. People with foreign backgrounds tend to have lower wages, higher rate of unemployment and often have temporary employment contracts. There is a conception that the Swedish culture is the standard and other foreign cultures are abnormal and different. The purpose of this study has been to investigate why there is discrimination on the labour market against ethnic minorities and how the Swedish history has contributed to the structural ethnic discrimination that we are struggling with. I have been using the right dogmatic method and a social science perspective as complement in order to answer the purpose.

Ungdomar, attityder och poliser

The aim with the study has been to take to find out what young people has for view/opinion about the police. The theory acts about attitudes and opinions, and a short summary of what the law book says about young people that have been taken in by the police. Questionnaire survey was done on two different schools in three different classes; total were 49 young people that filled the questionnaire. T-tests, diagrams and mean were done in order to show the result. The results show that there were some young people that had a negative attitude opinion to the police.

Design och utveckling av kommersielltbabypaket för blivande föräldrar

This project is implemented as a thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in the master?s degree program Integrated Product Design and Industrial Design Engineering. The project has involved development and efficiency of a free starter package for expectant parents with useful content consisting of useful products for both before and after childbirth. Areas that have been investigated include packaging development, service design and appropriate content for the package.During the work, theory about packaging design, materials, manufacturing techniques and logistics have been processed to base the further work on. The project process has involved competitor analysis and interviews with store owners and customer surveys, that have been conducted to identify areas for improvement of the current solution.

NATO 1989-2015 : NATO:s säkerhetpolitiska arbetsprocessfrån 1989 till 2015 sett utifrån Berlinmurensfall och konflikten i Afghanistan

The main purpose with the essay is to look into NATO and annalise how the organisation haschanged it´s security policy work process today 2015, seen from two different world eventsduring the period 1989-2015, the collapse of the Berlin wall and war in Afghanistan. Purposeand issuses also apply based on two theories Anarchymodel and World society model. In orderto highlight two different ways to see NATO:s security policy work process over time untilthe present day.Issues:? How did the fall of Berlin wall in 1989 change NATO:s security policy work process?? How did the war in Afghanistan in 2001 change NATO:s security policy work process?The essay is a qualitative method literature review describing NATO as an organisation andworld events that had impact on NATO over time.The result show that NATO has shifled it´s borders further fast because ?new? membercountries from the former Soviet Union are party members. NATO has moved closer toRussia, and increased in momentum.

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