

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 42 av 52

Maskulina Miljöpartiet : En studie om nyhetsbevakningen av Åsa Romson och Gustav Fridolin

Problem definition and purpose: A debated question in journalism today is if the mass media have the power to affect norms and values in the society. There are therefore many who believe that the media must works for democratic and equitable news coverage. Studies have shown that there are still many differences in how women and men are being portrayed in the Swedish media, even if Sweden is one of the most equal countries in the world. This inequality may affect the democracy and equality in the society negative.Previous studies have mainly been using gender as the only explanatory factor to explain the difference of coverage between men and women in the news content. The purpose of this study will therefore not only be to compare the coverage of the Green Partys two spokespersons, Åsa Romson and Gustav Fridolin, from a gender perspective but also to take in count other factors that could contribute to differences in the news coverage.Method and material: To find an answer to the purpose of this thesis a quantitative content analysis have been done on a total of 238 news articles in which Åsa Romson and/or Gustav Fridolin occur.Main results: The results of the content analysis show that Gustav Fridolin occurs more frequently in the news than Romson does, and that the articles he appears in is lager than the articles in which Romson appears.

"Gay marriage vs Fag marriage : - En kritisk diskursanalys av Tea Party och Westboro Baptist Church

I föreliggande uppsats undersöks IKT (informations- och kommunikationsteknik) i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning. Studien har utförts bland annat genom kvalitativa intervjuer av 5 svensklärare på fyra olika gymnasieskolor i Småland. Författarna försöker ge svar på vilka motiv som ligger bakom den pågående förändringen mot ett mer digitaliserat svenskämne, vad och hur dessa förändringar rent konkret ser ut samt om svensk-undervisningen blir bättre eller sämre av IKT. Dessutom har vi försökt ta reda på och besvara hur svensklärares attityder till förändringen ser ut samt huruvida skolornas 1:1-satsning med en dator per elev har betydelse för förändringen mot en IKT-baserad svenskundervisning.De huvudsakliga resultaten visar att det finns olika motiv till integrerandet av IKT i svenskämnet på gymnasiet. Vi ser tendenser till något som kan sägas vara ett slags socialiserat behov hos dagens unga där de nya digitala, visuella medierna ser ut att påverka och förändra den unga generationens sätt att hantera sitt lärande.

Energisäkerheten för fjärrvärmeanläggningars bränsletillförsel i Mälardalsområdet

There are several energy systems in the Swedish society and to ensure the comfort and health of the citizens it is of importance that the different energy systems are functioning properly. District heating is one of these energy systems and many household depend only on district heating to warm up their homes. District heating is dependent on several processes where every step needs to function in order to deliver the produced heat to the end consumer. Previous studies have investigated the distribution of district heating and how to make customers choose district heating as their heating method. The supply of fuel to the district heating plant has not been studied as much, even though it is an important part of the whole system. This thesis is a part of the project NORD-STAR (Nordic Strategic Adaption Research), which has focused on climate adaption in the Nordic countries.

Däckutrustningens påverkan på miljö och driftsekonomi vid rundvirkestransport

Lastbilstransporter av rundvirke har och kommer att vara ett viktigt led i svensk skogsindustri. På grund av ökade priser på drivmedel har kostnaderna för transport av virke stigit kraftigt den senaste tioårsperioden. För att svenskskogsindustri fortsatt ska kunna vara konkurrenskraftig behövs en effektivisering av hela värdekedjan, där ibland rundvirkestransporten. Detta examensarbete syftar till att belysa hur valet av antingen dubbelmontage eller singeldäck på släpet samt hur användningen av CTI-system påverkar ekonomin för en åkare, slitage på skogsbilvägar och miljön. Studien består av intervjuer, praktiska försök samt ekonomiska kalkyler. De som intervjuats är åkare som har erfarenhet från både singelhjul och dubbelmontage, åkare som har CTI-system på sina lastbilar och vägansvariga på skogsbolag. De praktiska försöken består av ett spårdjupstest och ett bränsleförbrukningstest.

Uppföljning av system för vägentreprenörer i skogen

Holmen Skog is one of the largest forestry companies in Scandinavia and they depend heavily on a large network of forest roads for production and logistics in connection to their forestry operations. The company recently introduced a new system for planning of road management. The system will also be developed with the intention to facilitate the monitoring of actions performed by road contractors. This report will provide information to support future decisions regarding further development of the system, after its introduction. In addition to a presentation of results from interviews, the report also provides a smaller study of the different subjects associated with roads, process work and process development. The study is largely based on interviews with road contractors that perform work for Holmen Skog today.

IAS 40- värdering till verkligt värde : En studie av hur värderingsresultatet av förvaltningsfastigheter skiljer sig beroende på val av intern eller extern värdering

Swedish listed property companies report their investment properties under the standard IAS 40 that gives the opportunity to value investment properties to either historical cost or to fair value model. One problem with the fair value model is that there is no observable market price since the real estate market is far from complete which means that the price of the asset is hard to determine because of the limited information.IAS 40 gives companies the opportunity to choose between internal or external valuation and this study aims to show how the property companies? values appeared between the years 2007-2011. From the result we will study if there could be a difference in the outcome depending on if the company chose either internal or external valuation.To investigate this we observe all Swedish real estate companies listed on OMX Nordic Stockholm and their financial reports during this period of time and complement this information by interviewing people working with these matters in the property companies. The methodology for the study is therefore partly quantitative and partly qualitative since we collect data both from financial reports and from interviews.

Vägen till heltid : Om institutionell förändring i kommunal jämställdhetspolitik

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze why or why not Swedish municipalities implement the gender equality policy ? ?right to work fulltime?. In order to understand this institutional change, the analysis is based on a theoretical framework consisting of two fields: political representation and feminist institutionalism. The study is divided into two empirical inquiries. The first part is based on a quantitative survey that describes the casual relationship between two independent variables; women´s political representation and party ideology, and the dependent variable; political decision about ?right to work fulltime?.

Den rådande tolkningen av samma eller likartad verksamhet : Konsekvenser vid generationsskiften i fåmansföretag

On the 26th of January 2010, the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden gave five rulings which greatly affect the possibility to keep a close company within a family by transferring the ownership of the company to the next generation. The five rulings concern the interpretation of the prerequisite, same or similar activity, which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.    The prerequisite is fulfilled when an entire or parts of a business is transferred to another close company and the receiving company?s business activity is within the framework of the transferring company?s business activity or when the companies have a similar connection. Depending on which shares that are being evaluated, the prerequisite can refer to both the shares in the receiving or the transferring company. When the prerequisite is fulfilled, a standardized amount of the business income will be taxed as capital gains and the surplus will be taxed as earned income.

Den bortglömda arbetslösheten? : En undersökning av hur socialdemokraterna beskriver sin ekonomiska politik under 1970-, 80- och 90-talet

The economic policy of the Swedish Social Democrats has undergone major changes during the last thirty years. From using a so-called Keynesian policy to promote full employment in the economy, the Social Democrats have switched to a more monetaristic policy to promote low inflation instead. What I intend to do with this study is to see if the policy change also can be noticed in how the party describe their own policy. Have the Social Democrats been open and transparent with their change in priorities, or have they tried to hide this in their rhetoric?The purpose of this thesis is to examine if one can notice a change from a Keynesian to a monetaristic policy in the Social Democrat?s descriptions of their economic policy.

Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer

Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system?s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain.

Feministiskt initiativ - en idéanalys

Feminist initiative ? an idea analysis.On the fourth of April in the year 2005 Feministic initiative (Fi) was created, it was an main response to the slow changes in the Swedish society, which claimed to establish an equal society. Equality has become one of the major indicators of a contemporary democratic society. The Swedish government has long proclaimed to reach this goal, but even though Sweden currently lies in the front among the democratic societies, while you consider equality issues, especially between the sexes, there is still a lot that need to be done in the Swedish society. Feministic initiative began as an organization and established a political party and participated in the election during the year 2006, but failed to reach a place in the parliament.

Tidsmässig effektivitet vid produktion av ett plagg i finstickad trikå

Textilindustrin är en industri som ständigt växer och utvecklas. År 1995 introducerade det japanska företaget Shima Seiki den första maskinen med de tekniska egenskaperna, som gjorde det möjligt att producera ett trikåplagg med complete garment teknik. Denna introduktion revolutionerade tillverkningstekniken för dessa plagg. Denna studie har skrivits som ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå inom Textilingenjörsprogrammets avslutande del på Högskolan i Borås. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka vilket produktionssätt som var mest effektivt tidsmässigt vid produktion av ett plagg i finstickad trikå, ur ett supply chain perspektiv.

Det uppätna monopolet : Initiativ, inflytande och resurser vid planeringen av kvarteret Druvan genom projektet Mitt I City

The purpose of this essay is to examine if the municipality has a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project.In Karlstad there is now (2006) a large building project in form of a shopping mall. This project is in its final stage of completion and offers me a suitable case to examine. To undertake the purpose of the essay, the following research question is formulated:Do the municipality have a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project as the Mitt I City project?In an attempt to examine the project and the planning process, three themes are applied. The first theme derives from the hypothesis that the part that initiate the process gets the upper hand as future discussions are taking place in relation to the original ideas.

Kostnadseffektivisering i utvecklingsprocessen av specialemballage i bilindustrin

The automotive industry is a highly competitive market characterised by low profit margins or huge losses. Cost reductions have been of top priority for all OEM?s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and will continue to be so for many years to come. Beside cost reductions, reducing the time-to-market is of greatest importance to stay in the competition. OEM?s that are slow to market with products that neither matches customer expectations nor the products of their competitors, will soon loose market shares and see their economical performance falter.

I tsunamins kölvatten : En jämförande studie av krisberedskap i Sverige och i Storbritannien

Abstract?Political participation by the citizen?- Citizen proposals in Karlstad municipalityEssay in Political Science, C-levelAuthor: Tobias GustafssonTutor: Michele MichelettiIn Sweden the political parties are losing more and more of their members. That in combination with a tendency that the participation in the elections is getting lower is a problem for the representative and parliamentary political system in Sweden.In order to strengthen the democracy in Sweden and to make the gap between the citizens and the elected smaller there has been some democracy-projects. The purpose of these democracy-projects is to make the political participation by the citizens, between the elections, higher. One of them is ?citizen proposals to the municipality?.The purpose of this essay is to examine this democracy-project in order to see what influences it might have on the local democracy.

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