

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 30 av 52

Hela Sveriges folkkyrka : En idéanalys av Sverigedemokraternas syn på kristendomen i Sverige och Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this study is to describe ideas put forward by Sweden Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna) about Christianity in Sweden and the Church of Sweden as a Folk Church, a church for a whole people, and how the political party uses Christianity as a part of constructing a Swedish identity. The investigation is based on official documents, newspaper articles, statements and political motions which are analysed using a form of text analysis called idea analysis. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Claire Mitchell?s theory about religious content in ethnic identities and Einar Billing?s and Johan Alfred Eklund?s thoughts about what makes the Church of Sweden a Folk Church.The investigation shows, among other things, that the Sweden Democrats? view of the Church of Sweden is similar to the thoughts of Eklund but they differ in their lack of references to theology. The investigation also shows that Christianity serves as an important marker for the Sweden Democrats in creating a Swedish identity. .

Påverkansfaktorer vid försäljning : En undersökning av hur konsumenter påverkas av olika säljtekniker

Människor påverkas dagligen av olika påverkansfaktorer utan att veta om det. Vi ska i denna analys ta reda på om det påverkar olika beroende på vilken miljö man befinner sig i. Är konsumenterna mer påverkningsbara när det befinner sig i en butik eller är det när de befinner sig på ett Home Party som man påverkas mer?Den mest kända påverkansfaktorn är reciprocitetsregeln. Regeln innebär att butiker försöker med en gåva locka till sig konsumenternas förtroende och få dem att känna att de vill ge butiken någonting tillbaka.

Att skilja på sak och person - Hur ökad personifiering i media kan leda till bättre politisk kunskap hos mottagarna

Mass media is becoming more and more personalized and despite common ideas it could actually be a good thing. Instead of affecting the actual content of news coverage it might only have an effect on the way in which news are presented. Famous politicians more regularly become symbols and synonyms for their parties or for the government and are being used to create interest in the beginning of articles.Those are the results from a content analysis of the newspaper coverage of the Swedish parliamentary election in 1976 and 2006 in which the scientist categorized each article in one of four ideal types, counted quotes and analyzed whether personal names were interchangeable with party names without affecting the content. All three methods showing that it is the presentation, not the content, which has been personalized.At the same time, psychology-science tells us about the human brains associative learning processes, where memorizing becomes far more efficient when the information can be connected to an already known person. Increased personalization of news might therefore increase the political knowledge of the receivers..

En analys av TPL-företag och deras samarbete med kunder

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze TPL companies, and their collaboration with their customers from a TPL perspective. The paper intends to get a bigger understanding of their collaboration, advantages/disadvantages and how the collaboration can be improved. The foundation for the paper is obtained through questions that have been created from the chosen theories about supply chain, third part logistic (TPL) and lean production. We have had open interviews with five different conveyers where we have had our questions prepared and during the interviews asked new questions to get more distinct answers. When we subsequently analyzed the empirical material and by chosen theories we have been able to confirm that the collaboration between the TPL companies and their customers is more of a partnership character.

Fornstora dagar och framtidens risker : Historiemedvetande och historiebruk kopplat till Sverigedemokraternas principprogram från 2005 och 2011

The subject for this thesis is to analyze the Swedish political the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) through the use of history theories. The purpose is to examine the following two questions:1. what types of history consciousness is present in the source material2. the use of history (historiebruk) shown in the source materialThe source material has consisted two official party publications, Sverigedemokraternas principprogram from 2005 and 2011.The main theoretical frameworks for the analysis has consisted of the typology for use of history as presented by professor Klas-Göran Karlsson together with selected theories connected to history consciousness, not the least the model presented by Bernard Eric Jensen.The result of the analysis shows frequent examples where the use of history and history consciousness is present in the rhetoric used in the source material. By tracing the use back to the theories selected Sverigedemokraterna?s deployment of use of history and history consciousness is interpreted and discussed..


This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated sequences. The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash embedded.

Från ord till (e-)handling : - Integration av e-handelssystemi SiteVision

The client, Senselogic, had noticed an increased demand for an e-commerce system integrated into its product, SiteVision, something that did not previously exist. Senselogic wanted to integrate a third-party system to manage e-commerce. The problem was that there were very many e-commerce solutions to choose from. In order to select the best system it was necessary to evaluate the e-commerce systems and compare them to each other. To identify the elements that has to be included in an e-commerce system a study of literature was conducted.

Forsmark 3 ?Ett Framtida Biobränslekraftverk?

Recent turmoil surrounding nuclear power as an energy source, especially since the accidentat Fukushima, has largely contributed to the debate of whether or not nuclear power should beused as an energy source. This study has examined the economic feasibility of replacingForsmark?s 3rd nuclear reactor with a bio fueled power plant, and find out how this could bedone.The power generation that has to be replaced is equal to 1170 MWe. To replace this, 6 largescaleCFB-boilers, each providing over 200 MWe, were necessary. In addition to this, eachboiler required their respective turbine sets, comprising one high-pressure-, and one lowpressureturbine with intermediate reheating capacities.Based on this, a rankine-cycle was modeled using the software EES, to be able to calculatethe total heat required in the power plant.

Spelar politiken någon roll? : En jämförelse mellan Kalmar kommun och Karlskrona kommun

Currently, the whole globe is faced with serious problems which negatively affect people around the world: increased pollution, excessive waste, and weather pattern changes. ?Left? and ?right? wing political parties alike have embraced ?green? politics and for many of these parties, environmental issues have become a top priority that is very much reflected in their manifestos. This study examines the environmental goals of two of Sweden?s largest political parties and how these ambitions are reflected at a local level.

Effekter av PR kontra reklam - är beaktande av produkt en försummad aspekt En studie av PR och reklams relativa kommunikationseffekter vid olika grad av engagemang för köpet och produkten.

Using stimuli with identical information in both PR and advertising, this study seeks to explain how content class together with the level of involvement affects the communication effects of marketing messages. There is currently no established way of measuring the value of PR, and contemporary PR metrics do not take into account what effects PR actually generates. PR is often said to have an advantage over advertising due to the effects of third party endorsement, but previous empirical assessments show inconsistent results regarding what effects each content class generates. The result of this study is that PR is stronger at building recall, interest and credibility, and that it has less perceived selling intent than advertising. Results differ somewhat between different levels of involvement, but the conclusion is that this might not be attributable to the level of involvement per se but rather to the type of products being used in stimuli - a conclusion that seems valid for previous research as well.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

Investeringsbedömning av mätinsamlingssystem : för Mälarenergi Elnät AB

Detta examensarbete har genomförts vid Mälarenergi Elnät AB i Västerås. Undersökningen föranleddes av regeringsbeslutet om att elmätare måste avläsas en gång per månad från 2009. Konsekvensen för Mälarenergi är att de måste investera i ett automatiskt mätinsamlingssystem. Syftet med projektet har varit att skapa en generell investeringsmodell för att ekonomiskt utvärdera ett antal mätinsamlingssystem. I rapporten har Milabs, Seneas, Enermets, HM Powers, Iprobes samt Techems och Viterras system analyserats.

Arbetsledarens uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda : Skillnader och likheter i arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren

Efter avregleringen av lagarna under 1990-talet öppnas marknaden med uthyrning av personal. Bemanningsföretag anställer arbetstagare som därefter hyrs ut till kundföretag som strävar efter högre flexibilitet i schemaläggningen av arbete. Finns det ingen efterfrågan av arbete blir dessa anställda utan sysselsättning trots att de har anställning i ett bemanningsföretag. Syftet är att beskriva och förklara arbetsledarnas uppfattning om inhyrd personal respektive fast anställda vad gäller arbetsförhållanden och relationen till arbetsledaren. Uppsatsen är utförd som en flerfallsstudie byggd på intervjuer med arbetsledare i företagen Coca-Cola Drycker Sverige AB, Posten Logistik AB, Schenker Logistics AB och Spendrups Bryggeri AB.

Logistik vid en svensk expeditionär fartygsinsats : En studie av ML01/02 och ME01 med hjälp av de amerikanska principerna för logistik

Under senare år har svenska marina enheter deltagit i expeditionära insatser vilket ställer större krav på en fungerande logistik. Uppsatsen handlar om huruvida de amerikanska principerna för logistik är applicerbara på svensk marin logistik.Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera marin logistik vid en svensk expeditionär fartygsinsats, samt att studera om logistiken under de marina insatserna i Libanon och Adenviken överensstämde med teorin om marin logistik.En deduktiv metod har används i uppsatsen där de sju amerikanska principerna har fungerat som teori och analysverktyg avseende logistiken vid svenska korvettinsatser. Fallstudierna baseras på rapporter och artiklar vilka behandlar två olika korvettinsatser. Den första insatsen är det svenska deltagandet i UNIFIL och den andra är EUNAVFOR:s Operation Atalanta.Resultatet visar att nästan samtliga principer går att identifiera i båda insatserna. Det fanns också många likheter mellan insatsernas logistikorganisation.

Hur ofta hälsar du på din granne? : En kvantitativ studie av integration som förklaringskraft beträffande befolkningssammansättning och radikala högerpopulistiska åsikter

A logical cause of migration is of course immigrants which is a topic always creating discussions. When arriving in a new country a process of integration with the goal to adapt to the environment is started. This study will explore the need for integration and seeks to examine the connection between population composition and radical right opinions.To fulfill the aim, a multivariate regression analysis is done on aggregated level in Sweden with statistics concerning the year of 2010. The relation between ethnic composition and voters support for the Swedish radical right party Sverigedemokraterna is studied as well as integration as an explanatory intermediate factor operationalized through unemployment, financial assistance and trust.The results of the study indicate a positive connection between immigrants from EU/EFTA and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna. A negative relation is identified between trust and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna.

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