

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 22 av 52

Hur har EU-utvidgningen den 1 Maj 2004 påverkat logistikföretagens strategi i Sydöstra Sverige?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur företag i logistikkedjan, rederi ? hamn ? åkeri, förberett sig inför de nya länderna, Lettland, Litauen och Polens inträde i den Europeiska Unionen den 1 maj 2004. Vi har även valt att undersöka vilka omvärldsanalysmetoder företagen använder sig utav, hur de i så fall tillämpar dessa och ge eventuella förslag på omvärldsanalysmetoder..

Tidsåtgång i mjölkproduktion under betessäsong : inflytande av besättningsstorlek, samt mekaniserings- och automatiseringsgrad

Time studies in dairy production are an essential tool when deciding about level of mechanisation and automatisation both in investment situation and improving efficiency in existing operations. In previous investigations such studies have been carried out during normal barn conditions during winter. Since there is a compulsory to have dairy cows grazing 3 to 5 months during summer time in Sweden time studies during this season is important to have a full picture of needed working time. During grazing season time studies was carried out at 14 dairy farms representing herd sizes from 66 to 450 dairy cows of which 6 farms with AMS. 8 farms were the same as studied during winter season.

How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia

Abstract Title: How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia. Authors: Richard Werthén, Technology ManagementJohan Öhlén, Production Engineering and Management Supervisors: Christer Kedström, Dept of Business Administration Johan Lundin, Dept of Industrial Management and Logistics, Engineering LogisticsRolf Blomgren, Purchasing Manager SR, ScaniaLars Erik Nerback, Purchasing Director SE, Scania Issues: The issues presented are:? What characterise Russia as a supplier market?? Which sourcing experiences have been made by other Swedish companies in Russia?? How can this knowledge be utilised at Scania? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to find out whether it is worthwhile for Scania to look for new suppliers in Russia, based on other Swedish companies? experiences of purchasing in the country. Method: In order to answer the purpose of our thesis the study of Scania?s purchasing organisation has to be complemented with in-depth studies of other companies? purchasing organisations.

Hur långt sträcker sig den svenska välfärdspolitikens strävan efter jämlikhet? : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av storstadssatsningen

The aim of this study is to analyse the Swedish state´s ambition in achieving equality among its citizens. By studying the new urban policy introduced by the government in 1998 from a theoretical perspective the purpose of this essay is to understand the ideational dimensions in this policy project, in regard to established understandings about equality.The theoretical framework on which this study is based consists of two different parts. The first presents dominating models on welfare states, mainly focusing on the socialdemocratic welfare state. The second introduces influential theoretical views on equality, primarily discussing universalism and a differentiated equality view. It also presents theoretical views on how to understand the relationship between the state an its citizens.

Och nu blir det reklamfilm : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009

Och nu blir det reklamfilm - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009Seminar date: 2010-01-14Department: Media- and Communication scienceReport category: Degree project undergraduate levelAuthors: Johan Heikensten and Elin LarssonAdvisor: Kristoffer HoltPurpose: When TV4 for the first time offered advertising time to the Swedish political parties for the upcoming election of the European Parliament in 2009, a huge debate broke loose in the media. Regardless of opinions on the matter, we find it safe to say that political television commercials will have a great influence on future election campaigns in Sweden. Hence, we find it of great interest and importance to examine these seven commercials in order to look for tendencies, strategies and trends within the material. Theories: The theory chapter includes Communication, Political communication, Videostyle, Commercial strategies, Rhetoric and Semiotics. Methodology: The survey is based upon two qualitative analyses, a rhetorical analysis and a semiotic analysis.

FRISTADS ? Supply Chains, från tråd till arbetsbyxa

The Swedish Textile industry has since the beginning of the 70-ties moved their production to countries with cheap labour further and further away. The production in the Baltic countries and Asia has become reality for many Swedish manufacturing companies. With today?s technology the communication with remote countries has ceased to be a problem. The difficulties have instead turned out to be more focused on transportation of goods and just in time deliveries to Sweden.

Effektivisering av medicinska laboratorier

Background ? The last 20 years healthcare has been facing increased demands on efficiency and increased customer satisfaction. This despite reduced resources and increasing demand. These demands are presents in all departments within healthcare organisations, including medical laboratories that currently receive an ever-increasing number of remittances. Laboratory flows are quickly becoming overloaded with samples and related materials.

Effektivisering av marina containerflöden : en fallstudie på Bertling

Logistics is an important concept in the organizational context in which the planning of flows, services and products are treated. Logistics handles supplier management, supply of materials, production and distribution. The distribution of goods can be managed with different types of transportation depending on price and time aspects. The lowest transport cost for larger amount of goods is by maritime shipping. A common carrier used in transportation of goods is a standardized ISO- container.

Metod för analys av elförbrukning i hushåll

Warehouses are a key aspect of modern supply chains and play a vital role in the success or failure of businesses today. Figures from the USA indicate that the capital- and operating costs of warehouses represent about 22 % of a company?s logistics costs while figures from Europe indicate 25 % (Baker & Canessa, 2009). Because warehousing is such an important function within a company, the authors chose to focus on this in their thesis. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the significance of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and item identification with attention to logistic efficiency.

Spare part split levels: a standard model to use when
breaking down spare parts at Atlas Copco Underground Rock

Atlas Copco saknar i dag tydliga riktlinjer för hur man skall bryta ner sina reservdelar. Detta har medfört att antalet reservdelar som erbjuds till en komponent, den så kallade köpnivån, skiljer markant mellan olika maskiner och även inom en maskin. Syftet med examensarbetet var att hitta en modell för hur man skall sätta köpnivåer på reservdelar utifrån ett kund- och lönsamhetsperspektiv. Författarna har valt att dela upp arbete i fyra faser. Undersökningen har till stor del bestått av intervjuer och workshops med en stor mängd intressenter i Sverige, Kanada och USA.

Spare part split levels: a standard model to use when breaking down spare parts at Atlas Copco Underground Rock Excavation

Atlas Copco saknar i dag tydliga riktlinjer för hur man skall bryta ner sina reservdelar. Detta har medfört att antalet reservdelar som erbjuds till en komponent, den så kallade köpnivån, skiljer markant mellan olika maskiner och även inom en maskin. Syftet med examensarbetet var att hitta en modell för hur man skall sätta köpnivåer på reservdelar utifrån ett kund- och lönsamhetsperspektiv. Författarna har valt att dela upp arbete i fyra faser. Undersökningen har till stor del bestått av intervjuer och workshops med en stor mängd intressenter i Sverige, Kanada och USA. Respondenterna består av kunder, leverantörer, och personer inom Atlas Copco som direkt berörs av vilken köpnivå företaget erbjuder.

Materialförsörjning från förråd till montering : Verktyg vid val av förråd för komponenter

To create a profitable and competitive business an important factor today is a well-functioning logistics. Through effective internal material flows effective logistics can be achieved. Unnecessary handling and movement of materials is a waste which affects the internal material flow. These wastes should be identified and eliminated as much as possible to improve the internal materials handling and through that achieve a more efficient business. At Fagerhults Belysning AB, where professional lighting systems are developed, manufactured and marketed, a new inventory has been built and changes in the assembly has been made during the past year.

Föräldraledighetslagen som diskrimineringslag

The concept of sustainable development has been pervasive in recent years and many organizations choose to implement sustainability and adapt their activities accordingly. The purpose of this study have been to explore how a collaboration on the use of waste materials may look to analyze what influences cooperation. A case study has been carried out examining a Swedish state regional project aimed at creating partnerships between actors and utilizing textile waste with the help of design. The study was conducted using qualitative methods and the collection of data has been done through interviews and by examining documents. The results show that there are seven key factors that affect cooperation: expectations, commitment, internal communication, a strong non-profit actor, individual treatment, personal networks and the diversity of actors.

Vilka faktorer inverkar vid valet av transportföretag? : En fallstudie om företagskunders resonemang och prioriteringar vid köp av transporttjänster och val av transportföretag.

During the last couple of years the focus for many businesses have moved from just being price oriented to include such factors as quality, flexibility, service, delivery precision and environmentally friendliness. The shift in viewpoint arises from the increasingly competition on the market and the hard economic atmosphere. It has become more important to differentiate the company and its products to be able to increase market share. The purpose with this master?s thesis was to get a better understanding on how companies (customer to DHL) are reasoning and prioritizing when choosing Swedish carriers.

FN:s barnkonvention : Demokratins positiva inverkan på staters implementering av barnkonventionen. Fallet Nigeria.

Even though many states have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and sworn to protect human rights, viloations occur every day both in developed and developing countries. United Nations gave Sweden critique for not implementing the Convention conrerning article 11, which raises the question how respected the Convention is amongst other states? Does democracy contribute to a higher level of implementation?.

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