24548 Uppsatser om Theory of social work - Sida 32 av 1637
Silkesvante eller piska - Socialtjänstens och polisens insatser och samverkan kring kriminella ungdomsgäng
The purpose of this essay was to study social workers´ and polices contributions with criminal youth gangs and get an insight in how co-operation in the contributions between these governments comes to rank and works.To find out, we carried out a study with a qualitative design based on document studies and interviews with social workers´ and polices who were meeting youths in their work.Our findings were that it's hard to define a criminal youth gang. The social workers´ and polices have both individual and common contributions with criminal youth gangs. One of their most important lining is to prevent new recruitment of young people to criminality. The social workers´ and polices both have an intention to cooperate but they can?t agree about the method of work they shall use, ?the kid-glove or the whip?..
"Man vill ju se bra ut" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars syn på sociala medier
This thesis examines young people's thoughts about their presence on social media. With asocial constructive approach the study focused on how young people think and act on socialmedia in relation to constructions of gender and normality. The analysis is based on fourgroup interviews with 13-year old boys and girls. The theoretical approach is based partly onsocial constructionism where discourses and ideas of normality are identified and analyzed.Erving Goffman's theory of social interaction was central to illustrate how young peoplepresents themselves based on the prevailing discourses. It is clear that they adjust theirrepresentations of themselves depending on the context.
Kvinnligt och manligt i Veckorevyn : - En kritisk diskursanalys
The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .
Social interaktion i afasigrupp : En samtalsanalytisk studie med inriktning mot socialt fasadarbete och gester
Every year, 12,000 people in Sweden are diagnosed with aphasia. Many people with aphasia supplement their logopedic treatment by participating in an aphasia group. Aphasia groups provide both social and linguistic stimulation. The aim of the present thesis was to study the social interaction between participants, and between participants and leaders in aphasia groups.In the present study, eleven persons with aphasia and four leaders participated divided into three aphasia groups. The groups were video recorded during sessions with a total of four sessions.
Man är bättre? : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socialsekreterare i minoritet
During the emergence of social work, women have been considered to hold greater competence in social relations. Approximately 80% of social workers in Sweden are women, which leaves men in a minority. Men are considered to have advantages in female-dominated professions because of their unique and desirable abilities. This paper aims to adress men's underpresentation in the female-dominated social work profession. The purpose is to explore the attitudes and experiences of men working in a minority group.
Allt som är fast förflyktigas : Föreställningar om arbete och sambandet mellan arbete, tillväxt och välfärd i senmodernitetens Sverige
The focus of this thesis is the conception of work and the relation between work, economic growth and welfare in today?s Sweden in the editorial of Dagens Nyheter (DN), which is the main morning paper in Sweden.As the theoretical foundation of this thesis is social constructionism and the method being used is critical discourse analysis, the language is considered as an important source for the construction of value and meaning of work. In that context it is important to investigate how DN, by certain ways of representing reality, preserves a certain view of the human being, the society and the economy. Which ideological ideas underlie the conception of work that emerges in DN? What social consequences will these ideas have?The thesis discusses the ?truths? that the editorialists mediate concerning for example the view of the human being as guided by rational choice and the view of economic growth as the main goal for social life.One of the conclusions is that DN considers work as a means for economic growth as economic growth is regarded fundamental for the survival of the welfare state..
Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattning om användandet av sagor i förskoleverksamheten
The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers work with fairytales in preschools raising several questions;How would the teachers describe the literary environment at the preschools? What does theory say about the literary environment?What type of fairytales do the teachers perceive that they work with? How does theory describe these fairytales?What is the underlying purpose for teachers working with fairytales? What purposes are described in theory?My study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers working in preschool in a small town. The study is based on hermeneutic theory. I have also used other theory to complete the study. The teachers all see the possibility of using storytelling as a means to developing the children´ s vocabulary. Some of the teachers also use books and stories as a way of indirectly addressing ongoing personal problems. The results of my study show that fairytales can be a valuable tool for personal development for children. Working with fairytales could be crucial to how children develop their curiosity and desire to learn and manage ongoing traumas in their lives.
Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?
Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.
"Hur fan kan man jobba som kriminalvårdare?": en studie i hur kriminalvårdare ser sin yrkesroll ur en psykosocial kontext
This analysis explores the psychosocial aspects in relationship to the occupational role as a correctional officer in Sweden. Historically prisons are hierarchically structured with a military organisation used as the basis for a role model. This military type structured organisation is designed to keep the prisoners under constant observation, thus providing direct authority and control by the prison guards over the prison inmates. Data obtained from investigations conducted by the Swedish Government indicate a direct link between the prisoners's living conditions and the prison employee's work duties and environment. The data strongly suggests that the work needs of prison guards have significant priority over the general work conditions of inmates, thus showing that the status for the occupational role was relatively low.
Diakonalt arbete : Svenska kyrkans sociala arbete
Social work in Sweden has historically been mostly done by the public sector andthe work has been regulated by law. In the last two decades, private and voluntaryactors have played an important role as providers of welfare state; one of theseplayers is the Swedish Church. The aim of this thesis has been to describe thework the deacons perform in the Swedish Church in a medium-sized municipalityin Sweden. To find out how much freedom of action the deacons themselves feelthat they have and if they feel that their work is influenced by the social work thatother performers are doing. In order to reach the goal, a qualitative approach wasused where seven deacons were interviewed.
Hedersrelaterat våld : En studie om socialarbetares förståelse av hedersrelaterat våld
After the honor killings of Fadime and Pela, an extensively discussion started in the media, debating honor-related violence and oppression. This debate also made us, the authours of this paper, to pay attention to the problem. As a professional in social work, there are several good points to be made by having an in-depth knowledge in the field, both to discover individuals exposed to honor-related violence and to be able to protect them. The study was conducted by four qualitative interviews with professionals in social work with a professional experience of honor-related problems. Through the interviews, the social worker's view of honor problems emerged.
I share therefore I am : En undersökning i svenska studenters motiv för att dela nyheter på Facebook
Researchers points out that social media has become a powerful venue to spread news, both for the news business and the users. Although the news diffusion has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with, we have found no research in Sweden about what motivate users of social media to share news.This thesis work therefore investigates news sharing on the social network Facebook by examining user motives in the light of the media theory uses and gratifications. A web survey was conducted and distributed to students at a Swedish university. The result showed that expression was the strongest motive to share news on Facebook, and the item that was highly valued by the students was to give other valuable information. The result also showed that other motives for sharing news was socialization, information, status and entertainment. .
Samhörighet, kompetens och autonomi inom omsorgsverksamhet
Syftet med den här kvalitativa intervjustudien var att undersöka hur personal i ett omsorgsföretag ser på sig själva och sitt arbete i relation till kompetens, samhörighet och autonomi. Dessa tre begrepp är centrala i Self-determination theory. Resultatet visade att samhörigheten främjades av ett nära samarbete med kollegor och genom många gemensamma aktiviteter, både på arbetstid och utanför. Det främsta hindret för att uppleva samhörighet var om arbetsgruppen strävade åt olika håll eller om det uppstod konflikter i samspelet. Kompetens innebar för respondenterna att känna sig trygga i sitt bemötande av brukarna och att de visste vad de skulle göra i olika situationer.
??trevlig först och sedan kan man prata om det sakliga...? En studie om bemötande på folkbibliotek.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the view on the personal encounter between staff and visitors in public libraries in order to detect possible differences between the two groups in order to see if the personal encounter as such could be used in order to market libraries. We believe that social competence must interact with the initial personal encounter in order for the visitor to experience the visit as positive. We have based the theoretical framework on Erving Goffman?s theory on social interaction, as well as on Christian Grönroos? theory on quality of service and marketing. We use the following questions: How do library staff view the personal encounter? How do library visitors view the personal encounter? How does the library staff?s treatment affect the visitor?s view of the library?Are there any differences in view between visitors and staff concerning the personal encounter? If so, what kind of differences are they? Using qualitative interviews, we have interviewed nine visitors and six staff members at two public libraries.
Så lika men ändå så olika
Before 1944 homosexuality was an act of crime and you could be sentenced to prison for up to 2 years. This law only included men, women where not thought having homosexual activities. Although homosexuality was not a criminal act after 1944 it was still on the list over Swedish diseases, a list maid by the Swedish board of social affairs.The years between 1978 and 1984 a study of the homosexual life in society was maid. The most important thing that this study showed was that homosexuality means that you love someone of your own sex, and that you aren?t different from the rest of the society, except that you choose to love someone of the same sex.The work for equality between these two groups started after 1979 when the Swedish board of social affairs took homosexuality of their list over Swedish diseases.