24548 Uppsatser om Theory of social work - Sida 22 av 1637
Diagnosens vara eller icke vara - det är frågan: en studie om den neuropsykiatriska diagnosens betydelse
Occasionally the views of medicine and social sciences can collide. Doctors typically relate to a explanatory biological model, and social workers and psychologists seek social and historical reasons for neuropsychological diagnoses.A diagnosis is an obligation for medical doctors as well as other professionals within Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and a neuropsychological diagnosis is a prerequisite for treatment and more often than not for other forms of support from society.The aim of this study is to examine the function of a neuropsychological diagnosis with regards to the individual patient, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and society. A second aim was to examine how psychologists and social workers trained in the social sciences view neuropsychological diagnoses.Qualitative interview research methods have been used. Most of the interviews were recorded and transcribed in their entirety. The data has been organised into appropriate categories and the most relevant quotes have been selected.
Barn och ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp : Socialsekreterares perspektiv
Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfares conclusion was that today there was a low awareness about children who act sexually toward others and how their problems can be handled. This requires extensive work by school personnel and social workers to give the children the support they need. Aim: The aim was to investigate social workers perception in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Method: A qualitative method was utilized with semi-structured interviews to describe social workers perceptions in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Four social workers from different communities were interviewed in southern Sweden.
Ungdomstjänst : En kvalitativ studie av en kommuns utformning av ungdomstjänst
This study, which was conducted in Sweden, was based on four qualitative semi-structured interviews. The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a municipality designs the sanction for youth offenders called ?youth service? based on the law that establishes the existence of such a sentence. We interviewed social workers that work at the department of youth service in the municipality of Gothenburg, who exclusively deal with youth offenders? sentenced to youth service as their job assignment.
Möt mig nu som den jag är : En studie av präster i Växjö stift som är hbtq-personer
This essay is about human beings. These human beings in particular are priests and LGBTQ-persons who work in the Swedish Church in Växjö diocese. During research I have conducted qualitative interviews with people who are LGBTQ-persons and work as priests in Växjö diocese. These interviews have been analyzed through queer theory and Mary Douglas theory about anomalia.My aim with this essay is to find out what it means to be a LGBTQ- person and work as a priest in this diocese.I wanted to learn more about where the difficulties lie. How the priests are treated by others and how they see themselves.
Våld i hederns namn - en fråga om hederskulturens existens: en studie om hanteringen av hedersvåld i Sverige
Uppsatsen syfte är att bidra med en diskussion till det omdebatterade ämnet hedersrelaterat våld. Den debatt som har förts på området analyseras samt granskas utifrån dess inverkan för de insatser som syftar till att motverka våldet. I uppsatsen förekommer tre intervjuer med offentliga aktörer som arbetar för att motverka hedersvåldet i samhället. Min slutsats är att ordet hederskultur fortfarande är relativt bannlyst och att detta haft negativa konsekvenser för hanterandet av problematiken. Min teoretiska hållning utgår från tesen - kultur som ett medel i förändrade livsomständigheter och hur det kan förstärka en hederskultur i exil..
"Förut visste jag inte riktigt vem jag var..." : Om projektet Ungbos betydelse för ungdomar och socialsekreterare i Kalmar kommun
The purpose of this essay was to examine what Ungbo in Kalmar has meant for the adolescent from their point of view and to examine the social workers opinions of Ungbo.My questions were: What expectations did the adolescent and the social workers have on Ungbo? How has these expectations been fulfilled? What expectations does the social workers think the adolescents has on Ungbo? How is the impact of involvement for the adolescents when planning the living environment in Ungbo? What changes has Ungbo brought to the adolescent? What changes has Ungbo brought in the work of the social workers? What does Ungbo mean for the adolescent? What does Ungbo mean for the social workers and what experiences does the social workers have on the importance of Ungbo for the adolescents? How has the teamwork been working around the adolescent during the time at Ungbo?The questions were answered by asking four adolescents and two social workers with their experiences of Ungbo. My study showed that Ungbo was of importance for the adolescents that has been a part of the project, but it is also important in the work of the social workers. The adolescents noticed a change in them selves after their stay in Ungbo. The social workers were positive to Ungbo but they felt a need for others resembling activities in Kalmar..
Placerad på behandlingshem, vad händer sedan? : En studie om socialsekreterares arbete med uppföljning av tidigare placerade ungdomar
Placed in an institution, what happens next? A study concerning how social workers handle the after-care of adolescents who earlier has been placed in an institution is written by Therese Wester and Sanna Sjölander Wirlöf. The purpose of the study is to understand and explain how social workers handle the after-care. This study is based on an organizational perspective since the after-care has been studied in relation to the structure of the organization and the laws and guidelines that the organization has to relate to. The method that has been used is semi-structured interviews with six social workers in different municipalities in Stockholm.
Twingly och Twitter på se2009.eu. En fallstudie av det svenska EU-ordförandeskapets användning av sociala medier på ordförandeskapswebben
Deliberative democracy theory holds that democracy is about active partaking on formal and informal arenas in the public sphere where fairly equal citizens can obtain knowledge, discuss, evaluate and affect the political agenda before decisions are made.In line with the deliberative vision of online deliberation social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Twingly offer such formal and informal arenas where people can obtain knowledge and interact with other people, and politicians.The Swedish EU-Presidency was the first EU-presidency to make use of social media and it was the first time the Swedish Government Offices used other social media than email and chat features.This thesis will examine the Swedish EU-Presidency?s ambitions of using social media as well as the actual use of social media on the Swedish EU-Presidency website in the light of deliberative democracy theory.The aim of this thesis is, through a case study, to analyze the Swedish EU-Presidency?s use of social media in the light of deliberative democracy theory..
Upplevelser hos socialsekreterare som arbetar med barn och unga inom myndighetsutövning : - En studie av kritiska incidenter
AbstractWorking with child and youth welfare is one of the most difficult challenges a social worker might face in the field of social work. Those who work with child and youth welfare are more exposed to stress and burnout than other comparable human service occupations. Research links the prevalence of stress and burnout to several key variables, such as demographics, working conditions and personality factors. In contrast, even though social workers in this field face many negative work-related problems they report a high job satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine how uplifting and straining experiences affect social workers, who work with child and youth welfare, through the use of The Critical Incident Technique and interviews.
Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?
The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.
McDonalds CSR-arbete : Utvecklingen och orsakerna
CSR - "Corporate Social Responsibility" is a concept that in recent years has become of bigger importance for companies. Even at McDonald's, which quickly grew into today's 217 restaurants, with up to 430 000 visitors daily. We have investigated how the McDonald's CSR work has evolved over time, how it looks today and what has influenced this development. Things that have influenced McDonald's and led to their CSR work proved to be scandals and changes in legislations. The PR value of working with CSR has also increased and a lot of the CSR work has shown to be economically viable.
Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.
The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.
En teori om konsumentmakt- Marknaden som en lösning på demokratiunderskottet?
How effective is consumer power? Can consumers regulate corporate behavior?And if so is the case, could the mechanisms where consumers regulate corporatebehavior have any democratic value to contribute with? These are the questionsthat this master's thesis comprehends with. The purpose of this writing is toconstruct a theory of consumer power that is compatible with democratic theory,this in order to contribute to the ongoing discussion within the discipline ofpolitical science about the third democratic transformation. A discussion that hasbeen actualized due to the democratic deficit created by the growing corporatepower and the shift of power from state to private enterprises. Besides showingfor a parallel between the democratic mechanisms that exists in the relationbetween citizens and state on the one hand, and the consumers and corporationson the other hand, this paper argues that consumers do have a great potential inregulating corporate behavior towards a higher social responsibility andawareness.
En socialpsykologisk studie om personers upplevelser av Rehabvistelsen Första Steget på Kurorten i Varberg
The purpose with our research in Varbergs Kurort is to study how persons that have been a part of the individual adjusted rehabilitation program First Step have found their stay during their program. The program holds a team of professionals that together work with the individual?s physical and mental health. In our study we have included eight women and to men in the age between 35-65 years who all suffered from a slight mentally illness. Out of a social psychological perspective we have based our study from the social and room environment and how their self-recovery has affected their wellbeing during their rehabilitation.
De nya politiska kommunikationskanalerna : en studie i sociala mediers betydelse inför riksdagsvalet 2010
Aim: To investigate how three of the biggest political parties in Sweden made use of socialmedia in the election campaign in 2010, and to get a picture of how the parties perceive therole of social media in political communication today and in the future.Method: The research is conducted through personal interviews and qualitative textualanalysis.Theory: The theory that the study is based on is Habermas theory of the public sphereMain results: Social media is today an excellent channel for communication and informationbetween politicians and voters, and they will probably become increasingly important inpolitical communication in the future. So far, they are only an addition to the traditional mediaand are in no way substituted for them. Internet and some social media is an excellent forumfor political debate and opinion-former..