

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 66 av 482

Sekularism och politisk islam. En analys av antagonismen mellan två diskurser i Turkiet - den kemalistiska och den islambaserade

This paper concerns the divide between secularist and anti-secularist groups in Turkey, which is related to a greater antagonism between a Kemalist and an Islamic political discourse, dominant in Turkish politics since the 1980s. The main aim of the paper is to analyse the causes of the conflict using the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe. The second aim is to analyse the contents of each discourse and identify the main points of conflict between them. The empirical material used in the study consists exclusively of secondary sources treating the topic, and these are analysed using the theory of identity conflicts, which is part of Laclau and Mouffe's theory. It will be argued that the attempts of Kemalism to impose strict secularism by hegemonising the concepts of ?modernity? and ?Islam? led to the creation of an alternative political discourse based on political Islam.

Motivation till förändring : hur sjukhuspersonal kan motiveras till att arbeta med Lean Healthcare

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

Godtyckligt omhändertagande? : En rättsäkerhetsanalys av LOB

Förståelsen för andra människor som krävs för lyckade interaktioner, förklaras i attributionsteorierna "Theory of Mind" och "Simulation Theory. Ett vanligt men ouppklarat fenomen är det fundamentala attributionsfelet, där beteende felaktigt attribueras till inre generella egenskaper. Fenomenet reflekterar en abstrakt mental konstruktion i enlighet med Construal Level Theorys antagande om hur psykologisk distans inverkar på perception. I en modifierad Attitude Attribution Paradigm modell undersöks om spatial distans påverkar det fundamentala attributionsfelet och om skillnader föreligger mellan kvinnor och män. Kort/lång spatial distans primades genom en kontroversiell text, via information om dess kompositionsplats, som fungerade som underlag för bedömning av skribentens åsikt.

SÄRSKILT BOENDE SOM MÖTESPLATS En studie av vardagliga relationer mellan personal och de boende

Abstract This essay is about the visibility of everyday life in a nursing home. The thesis is based on the following questions: What characterizes the social life and conversation between staff and residents? What content has the social life and the conversation between these parties? What is the power relationship between the staff and residents? To answer these questions, we used the qualitative approach with open observations, along with interviews. The study is partly based on direct observation by an observer as a participant in a special housing, and on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, three of them staff and four residents in the same nursing home. For the results and analysis section, we use the Grounded Theory as a method which constructs a parallel between data processing and analysis of the interviews, where we first encode, categorize and create themes.

Företag & morötter på sociala medier. En studie om hur sociala medier kan användas i ett belöningssystem och idéns väg genom verksamheten

The subject of motivation and feedback is something that the literature regarding management treats as significant. Therefore we have investigated how managers work with feedback in motivational and development purposes within union companies in Gothenburg. According to the existing theory it is important that feedback is given correctly and with relevant content, and thus affect both the recipient's own development and the growth of the business. Earlier authors also discuss the complexity of feedback that it is important to consider all of the surrounding aspects, and that it is important to be aware that there is no single approach that can be directly applied on all types of organizations.To investigate how the managers within the union companies motivate their employers without access to monetary incentive, we conducted a qualitative study with in-depth interviews with four respondents. The respondents were decision makers at their respective union company with the roles as CEO or deputy CEO.

Lokalbefolkningens betydelse för turism attraktioner : En studie om turismutvecklingen i Karlstads skärgård

Purpose: The study examines the risk a rising from the acquisition of shares, and its relation to the expected return. We would like to see how a high-risk portfolio is related to a low-risk portfolio. Although studying the portfolios annual performance.Theory: The theories that have been used in the study are, Capital asset pricing model, CAPM and portfolio theory.Method: The study is based on a quantitative method, the time interval is from 2008 to 2010.The annual reports, historical stock prices for companies and the index are used to perform calculations based on the essay theories.Conclusion: The beta value has positive liner correlation with the expected return. When there are bad times in the world, the companies are negatively affected regardless of industry. The Portfolios developed in the same direction during the time period..

Etik - en lyxvara i reklambranschen? : En studie av reklametik i teori och praktik

In this interview study I have examined eleven Swedish advertisers and professional communicators and their view of ethics in the advertising industry. The purpose of the study was to shed light on how they see their ethical responsibilites, as well as trying to understand how they reason in regard to ethics as a whole. The main research questions regard the distinction between business and economic responsibilities towards their clients and societal ethical responsibilities, which ethical questions are of importance to them, and how they believe the industry should be regulated.The theoretical framework of the study uses media ethics, social responsibility theory, media accountability theory, and stockholder and stakeholder theory as its base. The study was performed using a qualitative method through interviews and the interpretation of these. The results of the study finds that the consulted advertisers have set opinions of what they themselves would decline to work with for ethical reasons, and has also been able to identify five main categories of ethical issues that they attach great importance to.

"I chose not to choose life, I chose something else" : Film och droger: en tematisk fallstudie av spelfilmer med ett historiskt och psykoanalytiskt perspektiv

Ever since the birth of the film medium, stories about drugs and addiction have been produced. There is a fascination with the lifestyle, the effects of drugs and the ways in which it can be portrayed on the screen. The thesis starts off by giving an historical context, ranging from the late 19th Century and up until today, describing how the society and the public have treated the subject and how the narrative mirrors these attitudes. The purpose of the thesis is to take a closer look at this recurrent theme. Eleven fictional films produced between the 1980?s and 2000?s have been chosen and psychoanalytical film theory is used to analyze the ways in which the addict is represented; how filmic disgust and the abject makes the characters tread over physical and social boundaries and how the effect of the drug have the character tread over mental boundaries through dreams and hallucinations..

Bilden av ledaren - en tolkning av fotografier i årsredovisningar

The visual representation of management (board of directors, chief executive officer and executive management) in annual reports is an area of scholarship that has not been explored much. In the present study a sample of 87 annual reports from business enterprises within a Swedish context, comprising about 300 photographs, was analyzed using an explorative method of analysis based on semiotics and grounded theory. The influence of the context on images raises a question discussed in the study: Should the photographs in the annual report be categorized as portraits, advertisements and others or should the annual report be regarded as a genre of its own? The photographs showed patterns of homogeneity regarding gender, dress, gestures, colours, pictorial compositions et cetera. The position of the (male) CEO is privileged, but he is also connected to the group through various means like dress and style, thereby further underscoring management as a male enterprise and demonstrating the importance of the suit and necktie in creating homosocial bonds.

Kampen om dagordningen : Kan media anses vara en enskild politisk aktör

Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Patrik Larsson, autumn semester 2007.Tutor: Susan Marton The battle over the agenda-Can media be regarded as an individual political actor? The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent media can be regarded to function as an individual political actor. In other words, do the media have more power over the political agenda than the politicians and do the media influence how the politicians make their decisions. This research is a case study and to be able to complete the intention of this study I have used Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaws theory, the agenda-setting theory. From this theory I have used four aspects to analyse my material which has consisted of editorials from a Swedish newspaper, interpellations and debates that belong to the interpellations. The aspect I have worked with are, how the problem is defined, who is responsible for the problem, what values and which solutions are expressed.  I have used a qualitative text analysis as my methodological approach which means that the results of my study are my interpretation of the material. My conclusions are that the media in this case shouldn?t be regarded as an individual political actor because there is no tendency that shows that the media has influenced the government in their decisions concerning the real-estate tax.

Fiktion och Icke-fiktion i Göteborgshändelserna är en roman som är skriven av Jörgen Gassilewski och utgiven av Albert Bonniers Förlag

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

CAP ? pengaslukande monster eller effektiv jordbrukspolitik EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik sedd ur tre olika teoretiska perspektiv

The Common Agricultural Policy has been a burning topic for debate for severaldecades. According to the CAP:s opponents it's effects include pollution, market distortionsand not least a huge expense for the European union.In this study we seek to explain why the CAP has remained almostunreformed since it's constitution in the 1950:s. The means by which we do so isa case study where we analyze the CAP by using three different theories; liberalinter-governmentalism, realistic trade theory and new institutionalism.In the final chapter we conclude that the theories complement each other. Newinstitutionalism explains the rigidity of the CAP. The liberal perspective explainsthe origin and the logic behind the policy whereas the realistic point of view putsthe policy in the light of an international economic theory and recognizes nationalpolicy makers roll in the inflexibility of the CAP..

Den lilla kommunen : En fallstudie av Torsås kommuns arbetsmarknadspolitik

The essay's purpose is to find out why municipalities engaged in local labor market policies and the study focused on a smaller survey unit. In the paper an analysis is made of the Torsås municipality's labor market policy. The work also intends to structure the political organization and their cooperation with other players. The survey methods used were interviews and a case study. The essay results are based on two interviews.

Legitimitet genom CSR? : - En studie av SEB:s hållbarhetsstrategier

SammandragDenna studie behandlar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) inom den svenska banksektorn, en sektor da?r ansvarsfra?gor traditionellt inte uppma?rksammats da? banker inte ansetts ha stor inverkan pa? samha?lls- och miljo?problem. Fo?retag generellt fo?rva?ntas idag aktivt arbeta med CSR-fra?gor, dock fo?rekommer en strategi att kommunicera CSR ista?llet fo?r att agera, i syfte att sta?rka legitimiteten i varuma?rket. Studien belyser fra?gor kring CSR inom banksektorn, da? det idag finns indikationer pa? att a?ven banker ma?ste arbeta med fra?gorna.

Typografins tolkning : En undersökning av typografins betydelse vid tolkning av text

This paper addresses the question about what role typography plays in the interpretation of a text. From three different handbooks in typography arguments are gathered and categorized in to three categories: roman types, san serif and others. Interviews with people from the graphic design area are also a part of the paper and are accounted for in the discussion part of the paper. Areas of theory are a broad hermeneutic view based on Hans-Georg Gadamers thoughts, which have sub categories such as: Michel Foucault?s theory about discourses, John Swales genre theory and Anders Björkvall?s thoughts on typography and multi-modal texts.

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