

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 63 av 482

En kamp för livet : En kvalitativ studie av hivsmittade i Sverige

SammanfattningSyfte: Att få en fördjupad förståelse av hivsmittades erfarenheter av hur det är att leva med sjukdomen i Sverige.Bakgrund: Sedan mitten av 1990-talet definieras hiv som en kronisk sjukdom till följd av bromsmedicinernas utveckling. Detta betyder att de som drabbas måste lära sig att leva med sjukdomen samt hantera omvärldens reaktioner och värderingar som kan vara av diskriminerande/stigmatiserande karaktär.Design: En intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats som utfördes under 2009.Metod: Nio hivsmittade personer intervjuades och dessa intervjuer analyserades genom att tillämpa Grounded Theory.Resultat: Resultatet synliggör hivsmittades erfarenheter av hur det är att leva med sjukdomen. Fyra kategorier framkom ur analysen; En livssjukdom, Omgivningens förhållningssätt till sjukdomen, Reglerad och spontan diskriminering/stigmatisering samt Strategier vid diskriminering/stigmatisering. Dessa kategorier kunde samtliga relateras till en övergripande kategori; En kamp för livet.Slutsats: Studien har synliggjort att livet för hivsmittade kompliceras av psykosociala faktorer, bromsmedicinernas biverkningar och av den diskriminering/stigmatisering som de erfar. Beroende på vilka copingstrategier som de tillämpar för att hantera sin livssituation, har betydelse för deras hälsa och välbefinnande..

Tidsberoende kvantkemiska beräkningar av optisk absorption hos polymerer och molekyler med litet bandgap

The vertical electronic excitation energies for the narrow-bandgap polymers LBPF, EP37 and EP62 have been calculated using Density Functional Theory (DFT). Also the vertical excitation energies for the acceptor unit of LBPF have been calculated using the Hartree-Fock (HF), DFT and Coupled Cluster (CC) methods. The calculations cover the visible and infrared wave length region and two strong transitions are obtained, one corresponding to the pi to pi* transition and one corresponding to the pi to Acceptor transition. The excitation energies obtained from DFT are below the corresponding experimental results and attempts have therefore been made to perform bench-marking calculations using a hierarchy of CC methods..

Miljödiplomering: En jämförande implementeringsstudie av skolor i Norra Hisingens stadsdel

This thesis is a product of research about how implementation issues occur due to the relationbetween bureaucrats and politicians. Our study treats the democratic dilemma that occurs whenschools are to implement environmental certifications. Through a comparative study we comparetwo schools in Norra Hisingen, a district in Gothenburg municipal where one of the schools iscertificated and one is not. By using theories from top down and bottom up approaches toimplementation we develop key factors that will lead us to answer our research questions.Through text analysis of policy documents and through interviews with bureaucrats we analyzewhat may be the causes for only one of the two schools to be certificated though Gothenburgmunicipal wish all schools to be. Through our analytical tool we can establish that the policydocuments are well formed according to our top down-theory and that these documents does nothave a major impact on the fact that one school is certificated and one is not.

Att synliggöra, reflektera och utveckla. En Learning study om bråkräkning i matematik.

AbstractThis study is about describing the pre- internationalization phase and to studycompanies that are in this phase. We are trying to capture characteristics of decisionmakersin the pre- internationalization phase, to then compare the theoretical materialwith empirical material from case companies. Then in the final stages of the thesis, wewant to account for if we managed to answer our research questions. In the method, wegive a description of the approach selected in conjunction with the study. The study isqualitative and we used both primary and secondary data, with a deductive approach.The theory chapter will consider the most relevant theories that are related to the topic,which is internationalization, pre-internationalization, international entrepreneurship,and the psychology behind personalities, attitudes, and how these can affect theorganization's strategic decisions.

Från Monopol Till Konkurrens : Telias hantering av den ökande konkurrensen genom förändrade marknadsföringsstrategier

The Swedish telecommunication market was prior to the official deregulation 1975 characterized by Telia?s former monopoly position. This thesis studies how the deregulation of the market, and the thereby increasing competition, has affected Telia and how it has influenced Telia?s marketing strategies.The theoretical framework, from which the conclusions will be made, is a combination of the theory about strategic learning behaviours by Slater et al, and Grönroos? theory about a marketing continuum. The empirical work material is the result from two interviews with former key figures at Telia, and a briefing of Telia?s annual report between the years 1993 and 2006.Research findings indicate that Telia has gone from being product oriented with a strong technical focus, to becoming gradually more market oriented with competition orientation but foremost customer orientation as their most distinguished learning behaviours.

Rummets betydelse för kunskapsproduktion ? en tolkning av Lunds stadsbiblioteks funktioner i ljuset av dess arkitektur

This paper aims to apply a specific architectural theory onto Lund City Library in order to achieve a better understanding of how the physical concept of the library is affecting our knowledge and our production of meaning; and furthermore how it suggests a certain form of usage. This paper discusses the ways in which architecture is affecting us when we use the library. The paper attempts to answer the following question: ? Which one of Koch?s spatial structures could apply to Lund City Library, and in which ways could this spatial structure be a producer of meaning? The specific architectonical theory used is developed by Daniel Koch in his paper Spatial Systems as Producers of Meaning: the Idea of Knowledge in Three Public Libraries. This theory is the method of the paper as well.

Flexibel arbetsplats : Är upplevd arbetsmotivation beroende av resandets omfattning?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om anställdas arbetsmotivation var beroende av hur många timmar de reste i tjänsten under en vanlig arbetsvecka. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av två grupper anställda inom det statliga bolaget Vattenfall. Mätinstrumentet som användes i studien var Basic Need Satisfaction at work scale som mäter arbetsmotivation i tre grundläggande faktorer; autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet. Totalt deltog 123 respondenter i undersökningen. Resultatet visade att det i kompetens och samhörighet förekom signifikanta skillnader mellan de två grupperna, där de som reser mycket skattade upplevelsen av kompetens och samhörighet högre än i gruppen som reser lite.

Moral över lag : beslutsfattande dilemman

The purpose of this paper has been to reach a greater understanding in how moral inflicts social workers way of handling everyday situations. In what way, if in any way, moral comes to play a part in the making of decisions. In order to reach this understanding we have interviewed two different groups of social workers which we also later on came to compare . One of the groups contained six interviewees and the other group contained five interviewees. Both of these groups were in the ages between 27 ? 52.To shed some light over this phenomenon did we use two theoretical perspectives, first Kant?s morale theory and second, consequentialistic utilitarism theory.As a result from the interviews we?ve made, we came to an understanding that the meaning of morale and in what way it can be applied in the everyday work differs between these two professional groups.

ASB lika med SAB? En jämförelse av dokumenttitlar i de båda klassifikationssystemen.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to compare the scheme structure of two national classifications system, namely the Swedish SAB system and the German ASB. It has been assumed that there are no major differences between the two models of classification systems or the main classes into which documents are placed. The classification theory and subject analysis, which form the basic theory on which my research is based, are taken from Dahlberg, Langridge and Rowley. A comparison of 30 monographs classified in the SAB system Sveriges allmänna biblioteksförening and in the German ASB system Allgemeine Systematik für öffentliche Bibliotheken showed that the classification structure was primarily responsible for determining where a particular document was placed. However, despite the fact that the subject in various documents may be similar, my research will demonstrate that the structure of the two codes also depends on different interpretations of the main subject in a document.

Förtroende och tillväxt - det kausala sambandet

In this essay I examine the causal relationship between confidence in institutions and growth in Sweden 1989-2002. By examining the causal relationship between these two variables, valuable indicators of the causal relationship between trust and growth can be obtained. The institutions which are used in this essay are chosen according to the theory on institutions for public administration building trust and social capital. The chosen institutions are primary schooling, the police and medical service. A Granger causality model is used to measure the causal relation and the results from the tests show that there is no causal relationship between growth and confidence in institutions.

Får vi lov? : IKEA:s etablering i Karlstad sett ur ett resursberoendeperspektiv

IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory.

Påverkar FRII svenska insamlingsorganisationer?

The purpose of our study is to determine whether a membership in FRII exercise any influence over the fundraising organizations accounting and work, and if that?s the case we want to study the effects.We began with a search for information about the theories we intended to use in our study and to establish hypotheses. We came to the conclusion that the agency theory and the stakeholder model were the most relevant theories for our work. We also chose to discuss problems in accounting, legitimacy theory and standard setting.We decided to conduct a total opinon poll due to the fact that FRII only have approximately seventy members. We also decided to conduct a cross section approach which means that the attempt of our study is broad but rather shallow.

Jämförelse mellan Theory of Mind-förmåga och pragmatisk förmåga hos svenska barn i 4 och 5 års ålder

Theory of mind involves the ability to take another person?s perspective in thought, emotions and intentions.  There is today a lack of instruments to assess children?s development of Theory of Mind (ToM) in Swedish. ToM is considered by many scientists to be the basis for development of pragmatic competence. The relationship between these two abilities is complex and not fully resolved. Both abilities are important components for the development of social skills.    The purpose of this study was to compare 4 and 5-year olds ToM-ability measured with a Swedish version of Wellman and Liu?s ToM-scale, Sally Anne and Social Emotional Test with estimated pragmatic competence measured with the Children?s Communication Checklist (CCC).

Att bli och att fortsätta vara familjehem : en kvalitativ studie med familjehemsföräldrar

The aim of this study is to describe and understand the reasons to why people choose to become foster parents. By using the theory of action we wanted to investigate their intentions rather than their motives. The questions we wanted to answer where: How do the foster parents describe their reasons for becoming a foster home? What reasons do they give fore keeping on being foster parents? How do they comprehend their task and the fulfilling of it? The study was performed by utilizing qualitative interviews with five foster parents, four women and one man. In the analysis we used the theory of action as a theoretical perspective.

Jaget, känslor, lärande

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida Sverige och dess styrande organ har lyft fram utvecklingsfrågor som ett hot mot säkerheten enligt de kriterier som jag har valt att plocka ur Securitization Theory. Detta har jag gjort genom att undersöka officiella dokument från riksdag och Försvarsdepartement. Jag har använt mig av den konstruktivistiska metodologin eftersom den synen på världen till viss del sammanfaller med några av grundtankarna i Securitization Theory. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ metod när jag har undersökt min frågeställning och försökt besvara den. Jag kommer argumentera för det resultatet som jag har funnit, att man kan svara besvara min frågeställning enligt de kriterier som jag har satt upp i för utförandet av min uppsats. Genom att sammanfatta vad jag kommit fram till i helhet med mina nyckelfaktorer argumenterar jag för att Sverige har tagit steget från att låta utvecklingsfrågor vara politicized till securitized..

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