

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 25 av 482

Telegramnyheten i den svenska pressen - genom tio undersökta tidningar 1864-1900

Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i det faktiska material som finns i tio valda tidningar gällande telegramnyheter. De valda tidningarna har analyserats genom syntetiska veckor i fem årgångar för att få fram en bild av hur förekomsten av telegramnyheter i svensk press såg ut under slutet av 1800-talet. För att se det statistiska material genom ett par teoretiska glasögon, analyseras resultatet genom Benedict Andersons teori om en föreställd, nationell gemenskap. Frågan är primärt hur förekomsten av telegramnyheter ser ut och på ett mindre, sekundärt plan om telegramnyheten bidrar till den svenska pressens stärkande av den nationella föreställningen? För att få en inblick i telegramnyheten inleds uppsatsen med en historisk kontextualiseringen, som ska vara till hjälp för läsaren att förstå bakgrunden till dess utveckling, både på ett internationellt, men dock främst, nationellt plan..

Salutogent förhållningssätt och ett värdigt liv inom äldreomsorgen

Our study aims to examine whether managers in elderly care are working from a salutogenic approach to create a dignified life for the residents. By this we are trying to find out how you look at life in dignity and what meaning it has, what similarities and what differences there are. We also want to explore what they want to achieve with their work and what they do to enable it. The questions we asked ourselves what the salutogenic approach is for managers working in nursing homes. How do they look at a decent life and we ask ourselves the question of the salutogenic approach is just a "buzzword" in a working man always had or there are real differences? The method we have chosen to use is a web-based questionnaire that we sent to our sample.

En för alla - Alla för en? : Krissamverkan och intern informationssamordning mellan nätverkande myndigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study the context that affects crisis communication through an organizational perspective. It also tries to identify factors of success and difficulties when it comes to coordinating information between governmental organizations during a crisis. Carried out as a case study of the Swedish governmental network Krissamverkan Kronoberg, the method used are source analysis and qualitative interviews with members from different organizations in the network. The results have been analyzed through Organization theory, Network theory and theory in Crisis Communication. The context that effects governmental organizations ability to cooperate during a society crisis is characterized by knowledge, understanding, utility and willingness. In addition to this a successful coordination of information should be based on resources, competence and continuity. The main problems when it comes to cooperating and coordinating during a crisis situation lies in what we would like to call organizational egoism, existential uncertainty and defensive behavior. .

Blir dubbel verksamhet dubbel upplevelse? : En studie om upplevelser i kombinationsbutiker

The purpose with this work is to describe the language that is built around the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Sweden. Our questions are: What does the professional field look like; who writes, about what and for which kind of readers? How do they describe the expressions and the upcoming of CFS? For which reasons can CFS be considered as a medical diagnosis/illness? How can CFS be understood from a social perspective? Our theoretical starting point is a social constructive theory and also Karin Johannisson's theory about medicalization and Foucault?s theory about power. We have from a literature-exposition of Swedish articles from 1989 to 2006, done a social constructive discourse analysis with help from Laclau & Mouffe's discourse theory, and Fairclough's model of social practices. In our textual analysis we found three dominating discourses: A medical discourse, a social/cultural discourse and a general/popular discourse.

Underkänd på grund av ideologi? : En studie om lärares attityder till demokrativärden

The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude of teachers regarding including democratic behaviour when grading students in social science. The purpose is also to investigate whether the teachers consider there to be a conflict between the right of freedom of speech and the democratic values that the school is supposed to make sure the students have when they graduate. The study also investigates the problems political decisions encounters when going from theory to reality.The theory of Ulf Petäjä on why the freedom of speechs is important, Robert Dahls theory about the democratic process and Anders Sannerstedts theory about converting political decisions to reality is what this study is based on.The study was carried out at three different schools; Teleborg Centrum, Växjö, Dackeskolan, Tingsryd and Centralskolan, Virserum ranging from the spring of 2006 and the spring of 2007. The method used except from litterature studies was interviews with active teachers.This study shows that teachers don?t think it?s acceptable to grade students based on their political ideology.

Lyssna! Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Postmodernismens sublima objekt : En fallstudie om postmodernistisk teori i svensk historiografi

The main aim of the thesis is, first, to present a theoretical and methodological perspective for the study of postmodern theory in historiography; second, to discuss and evaluate earlier research on the subject; and third, to show that historians must be more self-reflexive about their explicit as well as implicit theoretical and philosphical premises. My theoretical and methodological inspiration comes mainly from three directions: first, the discourse analytic theory propagated by the political theorists Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe; second, concepts from Lacanian psychoanalysis as propagated by the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek; and, finally, the later Ludwig Wittgensteins theory of language.Using this perspective a minor case study is made based on five dissertations in history at Lund University from 1999 to 2006 as source material. This in order to indicate a strong influence of postmodern theory in Swedish historiography. It is further argued that it is legitimate to speak of one postmodernism, not in spite, but because of the fact that postmodernism is a semantically highly paradoxical, contradictory and unstable phenomenon. The main results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: (i) earlier research on the subject is simplified and unreflected and must be abandoned, because (ii) postmodernism seen as a discursive whole, i.e.

"Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om medierapporteringen under Pridefestivalen

This study examines how the media reports on the Pride Festival in Stockholm and what news topics and themes it prioritizes. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the media coverage of Pride highlights political questions related to social and societal problems. One of the main focuses of the study is on how the media covers male and female homosexuality. The newspapers examined are the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen and the respected dailies Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The study extends over three periods: 19-07-2010 to 07-08-2010, 25-07-2011 to 14-08-2011, and 24-07-2012 to 11-08-2012.Several key theories and themes frame the study.

Uppfattningar om motivation hos deltagare i SPIRA-projektet på Medlefors folkhögskola

Syftet med studien var att undersöka SPIRA-projektets deltagares uppfattningar om motivation och uppfattningar om projektets eventuella påverkan på motivationen. Samt uppfattningar hos några tidigare deltagare i projektet. SPIRA-projektets syfte är att stärka kompetensen hos sina deltagare och målgruppen är individer som varit arbetslösa i ett år eller mer, alternativt sjukskrivna i minst sex månader. Tidigare forskning inom arbetslöshet och motivation tyder på att de individer som drivs av en motivation med en hög grad autonomi har en större chans att vara lyckosamma. De anses även vara mer ihärdiga i sitt arbetssökande och har ett högre välmående än de som drivs av motivation med en låg grad autonomi.

"Det är så samverkan ska fungera" : En fallstudie av hur lokala aktörer agerar när en krissituation uppstår

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how a local authority acts when anunexpected event occur. It´s done with a basis in two crisis communicationstheories; Coombs SCCT theory and Gilpin and Murphys complexity theory,which largely are each other?s opposites. To conduct the study, a case studyof the floods that hit Kristinehamn in the summer of 2014 was carried out,which gave us a good opportunity the achieve the aim of the study. Themethod used was qualitative research interviews.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

På gröna stigar : En vandring i det ekokritiska landskapet

In this essay I have described ecocriticism as a theory with several different subfields that are inspired by a cross-disciplinary approach, such as green culture studies, ecofeminism, and postcolonial ecocriticism. After a short summary of the background of ecocritical studies I analyze the various subfields, take a closer look at their contents and present various examples of ecocritical thinking. A presentation of the commonly used concepts within the discipline and some reflections on these is followed by my final discussion, where I state that even though ecocriticism is a relatively new theory and the concept doesn?t have a clear definition as yet, it is in my view a useful tool for analysis and can with time make valuable contributions to literary studies, not least by introducing a number of new perspectives..

Bilden av spelaren : En diskursanalys om att göra "problem"

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the image of the gambler is described by studying a report published by Folkhälsoinstituet [FHI] and a number of chosen articles from the Swedish Evening Press. Discourse theory has been used both as theory, together with social constructionism, and as a research method. The main conclusions of the study are that three different discourses can be identified: the normal gambler, the professional gambler and the problem gambler. The image of the problem gambler is described as a deviant and problematic minority characterized by loss of control, irrational thoughts and dissociative behaviour. The construction of the problem gambler fills three possible purposes for the state: As a solvable problem to handle criticism against negative consequences of gambling, as an argument to avoid competition on the market and as an individual characterized by loss of control in order to legitimize and make the construction of the normal gambler possible..

Hunden-människans bästa arbetskamrat? : En kvalitativ studie om hundens inverkan på arbetsmiljön

The study examines the meaning of having a dog in the workplace of personnel who work with therapy. The purpose was to examine the personnel?s view of dogs in their work envi-ronment. The study uses two theories. One is ?psychosocial work environment? and the other theory used is ?symbolic interactionism?.

Radikal Biståndsexport : En studie om utfallet till: - Irans bistånd till Hizbollah  - Saudiarabiens bistånd till talibanerna   

This essay is about the massive Iranian aid to Hezbollah and the Saudi Arabian, likewise, towards the Taliban. The main view is that the two countries aid respective aid to Hezbollah and the Taliban is/were not a gesture of goodwill but rather an economic method of getting influence and controlling the receiver. This view that is based on a theory called; economic statecraft. The economic statecraft theory is used in this paper to investigate why Iran?s influence towards Hezbollah has been successful while the Saudis ambitions with the Taliban have failed.

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