

8919 Uppsatser om Theoretical knowledge - Sida 4 av 595

Att hitta rätt: bibliotekariers utveckling av referensarbete

The aim of this Masters thesis is to understand how librarians develop their reference service. The purpose was to find patterns in how librarians work with reference questions. As a theoretical framework we have used research in the reference field. Where do the skills of the search process come from: education or experience? Answers were sought to the following questions: - How different are the search process in practice compared to theory? - Which similarities and differences are there among the informants? - How important was the education in comparison to the knowledge about the libraries collections? - How did the changes in the school system in 1993 influence reference education and what could the consequences be to the reference knowledge among librarians? We sent out a question form and a search question which was answered by 12 librarians in university and university college libraries.

Laborera i fysik, en självklarhet, men när?

The theoretical background in this essay made clear that the students? knowledge about physics improve, and they express a more positive attitude towards physics as a subject, when they have access to a more laboratory-based learning style. The aim of this study is to research how the placement of the lab relative to the lecture affects the students? experiences and level of knowledge. The study involved students in year eight and was carried out during four weeks.

Anarkistisk klassifikation: förhållandet mellan epistemologi och bibliografisk klassifikation analyserat utifrån Paul Feyerabends anarkistiska teori

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate how Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge can help our understanding of bibliographical classification and to analyse how epistemological assumptions are manifested in bibliographic classification. Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge and science is the theoretical approach of this thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of an introduction to bibliographical classification and epistemology.

Mot en lärande multiprojektorganisation

How can a multi project organisation use Wiki to support improvement of knowledge management and project evaluation to become a learning organisation? The main purpose of this thesis is to give management and employees a better understanding of how Wiki supports knowledge management and project evaluation. The second purpose is to illustrate possible difficulties and pit falls that comes with the implementation of Wiki based learning. The theoretical framework initiates by explaining multi project organizations, then describes Argyris and Schöns theories about organizational learning and learning organizations. The second half of the theory chapter brings up theories about important areas for a learning organization.

Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Folkpartiet & Moderaterna i integrationsdebatten

Title: A study about conditions for leadership in knowledge-intensive firms.Authors: Cecilia Ekström and Niklas SandbergKeywords: Leadership, knowledge-intensive firm, hierarchies, followers.Background: Leadership is becoming one of our greatest social myths and is considered a total solution for many problems that occur in an organization. The view of leadership is usually from a top-down perspective, which contributes to an often underestimated view of the follower. Just as it is important to understand the leader's view of leadership, it is important to understand how employees view the structure from which the leader derives its legitimacy. The existing conditions in knowledge-intensive firms, such as autonomy, place special demands on the formal leadership.Purpose: The purpose of this study takes an employee perspective, to understand what the conditions are for formal leadership in knowledge-intensive firms.Method: A qualitative research method was used and empirical material was collected through interviews with employees in knowledge-intensive firms. The empirical material was analyzed by the respondents? mental images which were set against the theoretical framework of the thesis.Conclusions: The conditions for formal leadership in knowledge-intensive firms make it advantageous to have a leader with a withdrawn role.

Konstruera och rekonstruera traditionell kunskap - en diskursanalytisk studie av texter om internationellt utvecklingsarbete

The master's thesis investigates how the concept traditional knowledge is represented by international organizations that are influential in development work and policy making. Departing from a theoretical framework drawing on Michel Foucault, constructed aspects of knowledge and the power relations knowledge production implies are highlighted.A recent interest within library and information science and practice to document this kind of knowledge raises questions about how traditional knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge and how knowledge organizational tools can be applied. Investigations, which critically explore the concept traditional knowledge, the power relations the concept creates as well as the interests and purposes it serves, have been surprisingly absent within the discipline. The focus in this master's thesis is how traditional knowledge is conceptualized by international organizations. A discourse analytical approach reveals the power relations that are inherent in their descriptions of traditional knowledge and how they describe the relevance of the concept for their work.

En komparativ studie av vinstdelningssystem bland advokatbyråer

Law firms are defined as knowledge-intensive companies. Due to the dependency regarding the resource of knowledge among the firms employees and to the fact that they often are categorised as a type of professional service firm. The purpose of this study is to investigate the different types of profitsharingsystems as a form of reward with focus on the theoretical differences and effects of the True Partnershipmodel and the Stockholmmodel. In addition to these models we will look into the Human Resource processes of; recruiting, integration, retaining and development of employees. The main purpose of the study is to examine the theoretical level on how the profitsharingsystems effect different Human Resource processes and through the knowledge of these connections using this as an analogy when to analyse other law-firms and knowledge?intensive company?s.

Tiga är silver men tala är guld : en undersökning av kunskapsförvandling i projektbaserade företag

Tacit knowledge refers to the knowledge that is located inside individuals; it is not expressed or written like explicit knowledge. Inherently, tacit knowledge is often limited solely to one person and consequently individually based. Project based companies need to acknowledge the importance of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit in order to preserve the knowledge inside the organisation. If the knowledge is not transformed, there is a great risk of losing the knowledge when a key individual leaves the organization.One way of transforming the tacit knowledge is through Nonaka?s and Takeuchi?s knowledge spiral.

Kunskapsorganisation av ämnesområdet arktektur : Klassifikation eller indexering av samlingarna på en arkitekthögskola?

This thesis analyses the problem of how to organise a multidisciplinary domain of knowledge like architecture. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include discussions of theories of knowledge organisation. Two different principles of classification were examined in relation to the domain itself, as well as in relation to the educational programme at the School of Architecture at Lund University and comparable schools in Sweden. The empirical part is a case study carried out at the School of Architecture at Lund University.

"Jag såg att du såg" : En studie om lärares och skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar om självskadebeteende.

The aim of this study was trough qualitative interviews with teachers and counsellors in Swedish schools, to study their experiences and perceptions of non suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents. During the study three teachers and three counsellors who worked in four different schools were conducted. The theoretical approach that was used is Michael Polanyis theory tacit knowledge. The outcome of the study was that schools did not seem to talk about NSSI as a problem and the teachers knowledge about it had come from own experiences meeting adolescents whit NSSI. The interviewed teachers and counsellors felt it hard to define NSSI, they mainly referred it to someone who cut themselves.

Kunskap i ny kontext : en undersökning om bibliotekariers väg från studier till yrkesliv

This bachelor thesis explores how librarian graduates perceive the transfer from university to employment. The authors will examine how librarian graduates experience the relation between knowledge learned from university studies and the qualifications required from the employer. The basis of the thesis is the concept of transition process. In this thesis it is defined as the relation between the knowledge gained from education and the qualifications required by the employer as well as the problem to transfer knowledge between different contexts.The theoretical framework is build upon the concept of competence and its connection to re-contextualized knowledge. The empirical material of the thesis constitutes of five phone interviews with newly employed librarians.

Webbsäkerhet och vanliga brister : kunskapsläget bland utvecklare

This bachelor thesis looks at developers knowledge about web security both regarding their own view on their knowledge and their actual knowledge about vulnerabilities and how you mitigate against them. Web developers knowledge regarding web security are becoming more and more important as more applications and services moves to the web and more and more items become connected to the internet. We are doing this by conducting a survey among developers that are currently studying in the field or are working in the field to get a grip on how the knowledge is regarding the most common security concepts. What we saw was that the result varies between the different concepts and many lack much of the knowledge in web security that is getting increasingly more important to have..

Teaterledare på 120 timmar? : En studie om skapandet av en teaterledarutbildning

This paper is a qualitative study of the pedagogical conditions and the knowledge necessary for the creation and development of an education regarding leadership in the field of amateur theatre.The purpose of the study has been for participants to reflect and create knowledge about the creation and implementation of a course for leaders of amateur theatre.Questions raised in the study concern the students? previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership; their desire to become leaders of theatre; their own view of their need for knowledge for their future leadership; their understanding of the contents of the education and the theoretical perspectives upon which a course in theatre leadership can build. Finally, the participants? perceptions of difficulties and possibilities of working as theatre leaders were investigated.All 13 participants have answered a questionnaire regarding their previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership and also about why they want to become theatre leaders. The participants have also taken part in four focus conversations regarding what they think they learned, how they value the knowledge they gained and what knowledge they feel will be needed in a future leadership.The data has been analyzed hermeneutically to find patterns in the participants? perceptions of their learning.

Det lärande samarbetet ? mellan Angereds kulturskolor och grundskolor

This master is a study of the co-operation between "Angered?s culture schools" and compulsory schools. In many reports of today one can see that there is a lack of co-operation between compulsory school and other cultural institutions. This master aims to study a ?good example? to see what makes it successful in the terms of organizational conditions, profession, authority and legitimacy as well as knowledge creation.

Voluntary Redundancy - A tool for restructuring or a temporary pain reliever?

This thesis has two aims: The main purpose is to describe and illustrate how a large Ltd. company can use voluntary redundancy as a tool for restructuring. The additional purpose is to challenge the concept of voluntary redundancy trough outlining alternative ways of reaching the intended achievements of the voluntary redundancy programme. The theoretical framework that has been used primarily contains knowledge assets theories. The chosen theories are intellectual capital and knowledge management theory to approach and analyse the empirical findings.

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