

8919 Uppsatser om Theoretical knowledge - Sida 29 av 595

Sexualitet bland äldre - En litteraturstudie som belyser äldres behov av sexualitet

The aim of this literature review was to put together scientific knowledge about the need of sexuality among elderly people, so that the nurse in the future can use this knowledge in nursing. The research questions that will be answered are: In what extent do elderly people have the need to experience sexuality? In what extent do elderly people have the possibility to practice their sexuality? In what degree do the nursing staff respect and understand elderly people's need of sexuality? How can nursing staff support elderly people in their sexuality? The method used to answer the research questions was analysis and interpretation of ten scientific articles. The results, which are presented within ten categories, shows that elderly people have a need of sexuality. Loneliness, lack of privacy and knowledge and attitudes are factors that affect elderly people's possibility to express their sexuality.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av mrsa bärande patienter

Mulitresistent staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistent against penicillin, this makes it difficulte to treat. MRSA causes woundinfections and other seriouse conditions. If MRSA establishes in an hospital environment it often spreads fast. Common ways of spreading MRSA is through direct or indirect contact. The nurse should work according to guidelines, apply hygienic routines and prevent the spread of infections.

För den kämpande läsaren : Verksamhet och samarbetsformer för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi ur ett skolbiblioteksperspektiv

The main purpose of this study was to investigate in what manner librarians and pedagogues can cooperate in order to help students with reading and writing problems and consequently enhance their information literacy. I aimed to investigate why cooperation between these professions is necessary. Also, I wanted to find out how the general support is on the schools regarding students with reading and writing difficulties, and if the school librarian knows what the special educator can contribute with and vice versa. Lastly, I focused on what knowledge the performers of these professions have about reading and writing difficulties and to what degree their knowledge is based on scientifically proven methods.The two theoretical points of departure are 1) theory of cooperation built upon Louise Limberg?s and Lena Folkesson?s three categories of cooperation 2) and Aidan Chambers?s reading promoting model named the circle of reading.

Allt löser sig, bara vi finns på Facebook. : En kvantitativ studie om hur svenska Facebookanvändare i åldrarna 16-25 interagerar med företag på den sociala nätverkssajten.

Because social media is personal and reaches users directly, it has become an important means of communication for companies trying to reach out to their audience (Nygren & Wadbring, 2013). Especially the possibility of interactivity has been discussed as social media's big advantage. But how much two-way communication is actually possible on social media? This is a quantitative study that focuses on how Swedish Facebook users in the ages of 16-25 interact with companies on the social network. The aim was to contribute with increased information and knowledge about how the users mentioned above interact with the companies as well as how the users perceive the companies communication and presence on Facebook.

Kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer : En kvantitativ undersökning av socialarbetarnas föreställningar

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a recognized social problem. The IPV is common in all types of intimate relations, this essays purpose was focused on the violence performed by women against men. To find the social workers conceptions the study conducted a survey sent to local social service in Sweden. The essay had a statistic approach to visualize the social workers conceptions, and a discursive approach to focus on the language used in text answers. Different aspects of the violence were explored to find the conceptions.

Göteborgs stadsmuseum mellan teori och praktik - En diskursanalytisk studie av museiverksamhet i en ökat marknadsorienterad omvärld

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to research how the Göteborg City Museum places their organization in a context of culture policies andmuseology.The discursive analysis constitutes the methodical frame for this thesis. According to the analysis of this thesis, since an increasing influence of a market-­oriented discourse, an antagonism between a sociological pathos and a market-­oriented instrumentality seems to be the major theoretical clash at the museum. Inside the organization though, the personnel lacks broader insights concerning these theoretical conflicts, but the stressed economic situation creates no room for further theorization. There is a risk to get caught in a market-oriented discourse where there is no time to reflect on the effects of the discourse because of the lack of time that the discourse itself generates.

The Never Ending Story : En läroplansteoretisk studie om GY11-reformens påverkan ur ett lärarperspektiv

New national curriculums are issued in order to change the present state of the educational system in a nation. In 2011 the old curriculum, the Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna (LPF94) was replaced by the Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011 (GY11). As future teachers we are interested in how a new curriculum affects the work of teachers concerning planning, teaching and examination from the teacher?s point of view.We conducted interviews with five teachers working at upper secondary schools (16-19 year olds) in Kalmar county. Our theoretical framework is based on curriculum theory and concepts of Leonard Bernstein: framing and classification.

Vattenhål för kunskapstörstande elever? Om gymnasiebibliotek i förändring.

Fountain of Knowledge? The Changing Role of the Library at the Upper Secondary School Level. There have been many changes in the Swedish society in general, and in the school system and hence the school library in particular during the last decade. The aim of this master thesis is then to study what students at the upper secondary school level consider to be the optimal school library to meet their specific information needs at school. In addition to and in comparison with this, the aim is also to study the present conditions of the upper secondary school library as described in documents, reports and other studies in this field.

Tillägnande av ordförråd hos sent anlända elever i nationella gymnasiekurser

AbstractIt is unclear how L2 students acquire vocabulary ? how is it taught ? or wheather it can even be taught. In an SSL (Swedish as second language) program for young adults the ambition has been to integrate the L2 students? into the national high school (gymnasium) courses as quickly as possible, in order to meet the students? demands for subject education and to challenge them on an appropriate knowledge level. Teachers noticed quite early that the course ? integrated L2 students seemed to have a deeper understanding of words and an easier flow in their speech.

Datormedierad kommunikation i politikens tjänst : En studie av attityder till datormedierad kommunikation

This essay examines the recent electoral success of the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the Swedish municipal election in 2006 and 2010. By using statistical methods it aims to explain which of three contradicting theoretical frameworks best can explain how a populist radical right party could penetrate one of the most stable party systems in the world. The theoretical approaches tested in this essay are: a demand-side, an external supply-side and an internal supply-side approach. By using theoretically anchored proxies to determine the effect of the contradicting theoretical approaches this essay concludes that the internal supply-side explanation measuring the local party organizational ability of the SD had the most substantial effect when it comes to explaining their recent electoral success in the Swedish municipalities, as opposed to a more commonly believed demand-side driven explanation..

Sambors efterlevandeskydd : Hur kan skyddet stärkas?

Abstract Title: We are equal. A study of cultural differences and professionalism in international projects.Level: Thesis for Master Degree in Business Administration.Author: Zahra AhmadiSupervisor: Lars EkstrandDate: 2012-05The purpose of my study is to analyze and examine it well-educated people can reduce the cultural differences in interaction with other actors around the world. Part of aims study surveys and analyzes to understand how educated people can communicate and facilitate communication in order to achieve the goals and motivation in international collaboration. Problems can arise from cultural differences in connection with that persons face in society and in international collaboration. In this study, I assume theoretical framework that exists in cultural and communication theme and professionalism to find common objectives within educated groups.Method: The purpose of this study, I have chosen to use a qualitative approach.

Skriva för att lära : En kvalitativ studie av vilken roll attityder till skrivande spelar för lärares undervisningspraktik

This is a qualitative and hermeneutic study where I describe, analyze and interpret four Swedish teachers' perceptions of the importance of writing as a way of acquiring knowledge. The purpose is to highlight attitudes to writing and their impact on the teaching practice. The theoretical background discusses the autonomic aspects of scripture and pedagogical positions concerning writing instruction. Results show that the teachers teaching positions can be traced back to their approach to writing. However, in this study, it is difficult to tell exactly what these consequences are because the approaches of the teachers? are similar.

En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt till barnen och kunskapande : En jämförande studie mellan en Reggio Emilia förskola och en traditionell förskola

The purpose of this study is to determine which approach preschool teachers from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool and a traditional preschool have on children, knowledge, learning and their own role in children?s learning. The two pedagogical approaches have different basic visions; Reggio Emilia follows the thoughts of Lori Malaguzzi and the traditional preschool follows the Swedish curriculum Lpfö 98. The main research questions asked were:What view on children, learning and knowledge does the preschool teacher from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool have in comparison with a traditional preschool?Which role does the teacher believe that they should take regarding children?s learning?What differences and similarities can be identified in the teachers' perceptions?To carry out this study, I used a qualitative research method.

Evidens som hegemonisk strategi i socialt arbete : en diskursanalys av den språkliga praktiken i en barn och ungdomsgrupp som arbetar med ett strukturerat beslutsstöd

This thesis describes how social work language practice circulates around the implementation process of an evidence based structured assessment tool – Savry. The purpose is to examine and understand the social workers language practice in a working group that uses this structured assessment tool in their work with youth. The purpose is also to look for dimensions of identity in terms of discourse. The ontological viewpoint is post-structuralism where language is in focus. The theoretical framework is discourse theory based upon the work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : Diskussionsforum ett nytt verktyg för erfarenhetsåterföringen

 AbstractThis is a bachelor?s thesis within the program society development on the collage Mälardalenshögskola. The subject that will be handled is knowledge recycling, this intervenes very wellwith the program I am undergoing, and this is because Construction Company?s does ingeneral do the same mistakes over and over again. In the long run this will mean higher endprices for the end user.

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