

152 Uppsatser om Theatre of the Oppressed - Sida 6 av 11

Moi et Desprez: : Om Louis Jean Desprez? teaterdekorationer och Gustaf III:s nationella projekt

En studie av teaterdekoratören, konstnären och arkitekten Louis Jean Desprez' betydelse för Gustaf III nationella projekt, att förena sitt folk och skapa en nationell identitet med hjälp av opera och teater..

Drogtester på arbetet : tillit eller misstro

The purpose of the study was to investigate how young female Kurd immigrants experienced their existence between two different cultures, namely Swedish compared to the immigrants parents culture. How their experience behavioural conduct between the opposite sex before marriage and if the young female Kurds thought the mass media picture of them was thought of as a correct image of their lives in general or whether they experienced it as a generalisation only. We chose qualitative methods for our study and used suitable literature based on the theories of this subject to be able to understand the problem. To go deeper whit the study five young female Kurds aged between eighteen and twenty years were asked if they would participate in an interview on the subject. These participants proved that they had no problem at all being multicultural.

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

I första hand människa : En intersektionell analys av fyra berättelser om att komma ut som lesbisk med muslimsk bakgrund

The aim of the study is to analyse the stories of four homosexual women with Muslim backgrounds about coming out as homosexuals, from an intersectional perspective. The experience of coming out as lesbian and the intersectionality are related to different social contexts. The homosexuality becomes a problem in connection to family and countrymen while the Muslim background becomes more of a problem in relationships. Heteronormativity and gender system appear to be cooperating systems of oppression.These women don?t describe themselves as oppressed, but potential oppression is still something that influences their lives.

"Rabarbers" - Processen med texten

The essay is an analysis of the theatrical and dramatic aspects to a playtext. Based on the production and manuscript Rhubarb by Maria Blom.With the essay I intend to answer the following questions: What happens to the manuscript Rhubarb during the transformation from being a dramatic text to becoming a theatrical text? What are the similarities and differences between reading a manuscript and watching the performance of a play?The essay is based on literature, two interviews with Maria Blom and the manuscript to Rhubarb by Maria Blom. Besides two versions of the script I also had the opportunity to watch videotaped material from the original production. And I compared the original cast of Rhubarb with twoamateurproductions of the play..

Unga kurdiska kvinnor : svenska & kurdiska normer inom familj och samhälle

The purpose of the study was to investigate how young female Kurd immigrants experienced their existence between two different cultures, namely Swedish compared to the immigrants parents culture. How their experience behavioural conduct between the opposite sex before marriage and if the young female Kurds thought the mass media picture of them was thought of as a correct image of their lives in general or whether they experienced it as a generalisation only. We chose qualitative methods for our study and used suitable literature based on the theories of this subject to be able to understand the problem. To go deeper whit the study five young female Kurds aged between eighteen and twenty years were asked if they would participate in an interview on the subject. These participants proved that they had no problem at all being multicultural.

I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-talet

This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist.

Rytmik för Skådespelare - Vad kan en rytmikpedagog tillföra i en högre teaterutbildning?

Skådespelaryrket kräver mycket av en människa både intellektuellt, färdighetsmässigt och fysiskt. Det förväntas också ofta av en skådespelare att vara musikalisk. Musikalitet kan yttra sig på olika sätt. I skådespelarsammanhang vill jag påstå att musikalitet kan finnas i allt från texthantering till hur man rör sin kropp. Jag är rytmikpedagog, men har också arbetat som skådespelare.

Det vetbara finns i hjärtat av det fördolda : En narratologisk udersökning av Ingeborg Bachmanns roman Malina

In this paper I study the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann?s novel Malina (1971) from the perspective of Gérard Genette?s narrative theory and his notions of tense, mood and voice. In dialogue with earlier research on Malina I reflect over the last scene in the novel, what really happens there and how it matters for the rest of the novel. I give an account of feminist theories with focus on the annihilation of the female voice, the memory as theatre and the folklore tale as flight. The result is a more distinct perception of Bachmann?s skill, closeness and awareness as a writer and her use of Malina as contribution to the feminist debate and as a tool to find a place in the patriarchal world of intellectual, postwar Vienna. .

Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?

This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it?s a little bit to cold and the air draws.

Från flickor till fittor - en jämförande analys av två feministiska pjäser

This essay analyzes the scripts of the swedish plays Jösses flickor! Befrielsen är nära (Jeez girls! Liberation is at hand) from 1974 and Jösses flickor ? återkomsten (Jeez girls ? the return) from 2006. The analysis is done within the theoretical framework of political and feministic theatre. The essay also includes a discourse analysis of the reviews that were written about the plays and the debates that followed.The result shows that the feministic discourse has changed primarily in two ways. In the 1970's there was a large confidence in the collective, in the 2000's focus has shifted to the individual and tointersectional perspectives.

Acehkonflikten - en analys med identiteten i fokus

A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free Aceh Movement, GAM, on one side, and the Indonesian government on the other. GAM demanded Aceh to become independent, but the Indonesian government did not accept their nationalistic claims. The conflict therefore lasted for almost thirty years, and many civilians were killed during this period. This essay deals with this particular conflict; its causes and its solution. In the centre of the analysis we find theidentity of the Acehnese people, and the way in which this identity has beenconstructed and re-constructed throughout the history.

Att gräva där man står : En studie om målsättningar hos utövare av de förtycktas teater på en samhällelig och individuell nivå

Att gräva där man står är en kvalitativ och hermeneutisk studie som undersöker vad utövare av de förtrycktas teater har för målsättningar och vad de vill förändra. Intervjuer ifrån åtta utövare/teatergrupper i Brasilien och Argentina kategoriseras i resultatdelen utifrån sex olika målsättningar: skapa forum, politisk förändring, att gräva där man står, anpassning och terapi,personlig utveckling, styrkan i att arbeta i grupp. Vidare presenteras två olika nivåer som utövarna verkar på: en samhällelig och en individuell nivå. Metodens potential att förändra och utövarnas målsättningar förstås sedan i tolkningsdelen med hjälp av forskning på området som tar sitt avstamp i Marx och Bourdieus teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet relateras också till svenska förhållanden..

Esfir Shub och kompilationsfilmen : en analys av montaget i Romanovdynastins fall

This essay is a product of the author?s interest in silent films from Soviet, especially, documentary films. Before the 1920?s documentary filmmaking had mostly been limited to newsreels and short scenes. Only occasional feature-length documentaries had been made.

Making ideas come to life in film/theatre/commercial production

I den här uppsatsen redogör jag för mitt arbete som C-foto på långfilmen Äta, Sova, Dö där jag jobbade i två månader under våren 2011. Man får följa min väg från förberedelserna jag gjorde inför filmen och mina tidigare erfarenheter i området, till hur det gick för mig på inspelningen. Jag beskriver även min undersökning av idéarbete och produktionsprocesser inom långfilmen ur mitt perspektiv. Jag visar två olika sätt man kan arbeta med idéarbete på film utifrån intervjuerna jag gjorde med regissören Gabriela Pichler för Äta, sova, dö och filmregissören Johan Lundborg på hans film Isolerad. Skildringar gör jag också via intervjuerna jag hade med produktionsbolaget AFOS och teaterregissören Kent R Andersson mot hur idéarbete fungerar under reklamproduktioner och teater.

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