

3901 Uppsatser om The stakeholder model - Sida 64 av 261

Kön och ålders betydelse beträffande arbetstillfredsställelse utifrån JCM

Studien avser att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnors arbetstillfredsställelse definierat som aspekter av arbetssituationen enligt Hackman och Oldhams (1976, 1980 i Arnold et al., 1998) Job Characteristics Model, och om det finns några skillnader i ålder vad gäller arbetstillfredsställelse utifrån JCM. Det var en explorativ undersökning eftersom mycket av tidigare forskning har fått varierande resultat, och vi ville se vad vi skulle få för resultat. Metoden som har använts är kvantitativ och syftet har undersökts med hjälp av en enkät. Som teoretisk bakgrund användes Hackman & Oldhams ?Job Characteristics Model? (JCM) (1976, 1980) och den användes även vid utformningen av enkäten.

Upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress hos bankanställda män : en intervjuundersökning

The purpose of this thesis was to look at the relationship between the experiences of work related stress among male bank employees and how they dealt with potential stress. The thesis focused on male bank employee?s experiences and management of work related stress with the control requirements and support model as a starting point. Work related stress is a phenomenon that has become a serious problem with economic impact for both the individual and organizations. Increased absence from work due to medical issues is one example of such consequences.

Från organisationsteori till MTO-analys? : -en fallstudie om fyra chefers arbetssituation

The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.

Triage - hälsoekonomi : resursallokering och kostnadsberäkning för olika proriteringsnivåer inom akutsjukvård

When a person arrives at the emergency ward at the Uppsala University Hospital with his or her symptoms he or she explains the problems and then a priority process starts. The staff evaluate at which emergency level the patient is located in a model called Triage. The Triage model helps to decide the priority need and is based upon templates which point out in which of the 5 categories a patient is to be placed, to eliminate any future risk regarding his or her health. A lower triage level means lower priority but implies better health when the evaluation takes place. To obtain optimal effect of the Triage model the evaluation of symptoms must be reproducible so that patients with the same symptoms are placed at the same triage level regardless of whom among the staff conducts the evaluation. The purpose of the study was to see if the resources are allocated based on priority level of the patients.

Varför sviktar elevers intresse för matematiki de högre åldrarna? : Vilka faktorer ger elever motivationoch lust att lära matematik?

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

Learning Resource Centre (LRC) ? en bibliotekstrend?

Learning Resource Centre, or LRC, is an international phenomenon and a response to the changing society that came with the development of information technology. The LRC concept spread internationally during the 1990s and began to influence Swedish collage libraries at the end of the decade. The main purpose of this study is to analyze if and how Swedish college libraries have incorporated the LRC concept. Is there a Swedish LRC model? Is the LRC concept still interesting or was it a trend that is now out of date? Interviews with eleven people from six college libraries aim to show how they define the concept LRC and how it has been integrated in to their organisations.

Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning

Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.

?Jag tänker inte sitta hemma och sticka? ? En studie av sex nyblivna pensionärers informationsbehov och biblioteksvanor.

This study is about information needs and library habits among newly retired people. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the affective and cognitive needs that come with retirement. In what way do the information needs of this group change due to retirement? In order to answer this question we make use of two theoretical models; Role theory and Wilson?s model of information needs. When it comes to library habits, we use Andersson and Skot-Hansens model to examine how newly retired people use the library now and how they could use it on basis of their needs in their new role.

När skuldfällan slog igen: upplevelser av överskuldsättning och ekonomisk rådgivning

The purpose of this study was to examine how people experience being in debt, what they consider was the reason for being in debt and how they experienced economic counselling. The empirical data was based on five semi-structured interviews with people having experiences from being in debt and experiences of economic counselling. The data was analysed by using theoretical perspectives from a model called economic-shame created by Bengt Starrin. The model shows how being in debt and the feelings of shame influence health. The conclusion shows that the reasons for being in debt often is due to several sudden and tragic events happening at the same time or due to each other.

Yrkeslärare och deras informationsbehov: En intervjuundersökning med åtta lärare på gymnasiets Hantverksprogram

The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of information needs of eight vocational studies teachers at the Handicraft Programme at a senior high school. I have analyzed the teachers? needs of information and the empirical material has been collected through interviews with eight vocational studies teachers. To analyze the interviews I have used Lars Höglund and Olle Persson?s model for information needs and a model for information sources.

European Food Safety Authority - En studie av legitimitet i en europeisk expertmyndighet

This essay analyses the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) legitimacy. Theories on input- and output legitimacy are used in the examination. After analysing stakeholder representation, forum for deliberation, transparency, independence, and information sharing, input legitimacy in EFSA is assessed to be high. Output legitimacy was examined through the authority's outcome effectiveness, which was divided into compliance and effectiveness. Since food safety is an immense area, two important parts were chosen for the analysis of output legitimacy; transmissible/bovine spongiform encephalopathy (TSE/BSE) and genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Private Equity-bolags styrning av portföljbolag; En fallstudie av värderingsmodellens översättning till olika organisationsnivåer.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation model of a Private Equity firm is interpreted into a management control system within the company's different organizational levels. A case study was developed based on the infra-net company Eltel. The management control systems developed by Malmi and Brown (2008)(1) was used to characterize the control systems at each organizational level. The building blocks of this system are planning, cybernetic, reward/compensation, administrative and culture. Miller and O'Learys (2007)(2) theory of mediating instruments and technology roadmaps was applied to analyze the mediating process of the valuation model.

Pensionären och paddan : En studie av pensionärers upplevelser av läsplattor

Portable IT devices such as laptops, smart phones and computer tablets are becoming ever more ubiquitous. At the same time, the population of the Western world is growing older, with aging bringing about changes with regards to individuals' physical and mental capabilities. These facts raises important questions about how well suited these devices are for use by elderly people. This study focuses on the cognitive aspects of the devices' usability, using the concept of mental models to analyze the users' understanding of a computer tablet. It also draws upon theory of graphical user interfaces in its analyses.

Is less more?

Back in the 1950s Marilyn Monroe and her hourglass shaped body was the aesthetic ideal for how models were to look like. Nowadays, the tide has turned. Research has shown that female models are becoming increasingly taller, narrower and straighter. This trend has occurred despite the fact that both men and women (still) prefer medium sized women with curvy bodies. This essay examines if this trend can be justified from a marketer's perspective.

Med och utan hemträning ? en utvärdering av hörförståelseträning vid afasi

Previous studies shows that high-intensity aphasia interventiongives better results than intervention that is less intense. This study evaluateda working model at a hospital in Gothenburg which involve related personsin intervention. The model prescribes daily training in the home. The caseseries design study investigated the effect of intervention on auditorycomprehension, impact on participation and examined how the relatedperson judged that communication was affected. Four participants withsevere aphasia received intervention for 16 weeks, 8 of which includedintensive training at home and at the clinic, while 8 weeks only includedclinical intervention.

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