

3901 Uppsatser om The stakeholder model - Sida 63 av 261

Regalskeppet Kronan : Utveckling av en interaktiv dykmodell

Projektet startade på uppdrag av länsmuseet i Kalmar län. Målet var att utveckla en första prototyp av en interaktiv dykmodell i 3d av vrakplatsen för Regalskeppet Kronan. Syftet med denna modell var tvådelad; att skapa en nyanserad del av Kronan-utställningen och underlätta vid utgrävningarna av vrakplatsen för regalskeppet Kronan. Modellen skulle fungera som en nyanserad och modern del av länsmuseets webbsida och utställning där museibesökare kan vrida och vända på modellen i realtid och skapa sig en bild över hur det ser ut vid vrakplatsen. Projektets validitet i förhållande till länsmuseets verksamhet bekräftades genom en studie av länsmuseets verksamhetsberättelse.

Replikering av komplexa kunskapssystem : En fråga om organisatorisk integration

Background: Many authors consider knowledge to be a significant source for competitive advantage. Replicating companies found their competitiveness on an ability to leverage its knowledge base by replicating its business model in new contexts, a process often referred to as the McDonalds approach. Several authors emphasize that an efficient method for knowledge transfer may increase the risk for imitation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine in an explorative manner how strategies for replicating complex knowledge systems are employed and developed. Furthermore, our ambition is to explore the notion of replication strategy.

Aktörsanalys av svensk skogspolitik

Title: Nätdejting för olika åldrar (Netdating for different ages)Author: Henri NekmouchePurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what influence the medium Internethas had on building up relationships between people who have dated online, and tocompare two different age groups.Method/Material: In this study the author has conducted personal interviews with sixpeople who all have experienced Internet dating, and had their first contact with agirlfriend/boyfriend online. The questions asked were designed to help answering thepurpose of the study.Main results: This study shows that in general there is a positive view of Internet datingamong both groups. They appreciate the opportunities it provides, as they get to knowthe other persons personality first. Even so, it should be noted that they still tend to be abit ashamed to talk about Internet dating, and some don?t want to be associated with it.The communication pattern tend to be pretty much the same among both groups.

Planering & produktionsstyrning : Lean filosofin vid produktion av asfalt

Lean is a production philosophy which is about increased resource use while meeting customer requirements. The foundation of lean comes from Toyota and their production philosophy The Toyota Way. Professor Jeffrey k. Liker has worked with Toyota's production philosophy and Lean for a long time and has created a 4 P model and 14 principles that characterize the Toyota production system (TPS), which many sources refer to.The aim of my work is to study the working procedure of asphalt projects from sales to the laid asphalt with a focus on planning and production management. The goal is to examine how the lean philosophy can be applied in planning and production to simplify the flow of asphalt projects based on Likers model and principles.

Varför miljöredovisning? : en undersökning av lastbilstransportbolag

Today?s political debate on environmental issues and environmental thinking, alongside the Swedish presidency of the EU and Climate Conferences shows that the environment is an important topic. Environment is important, not only in politics, but also for companies and the demand of environmental strategies and environmental reports has increased. This leads to an increased pressure on firms to begin to report on environmental concerns and to create active systems for environmental thinking.The aim of the present study is to examine why firms in the transport sector, mainly lorry transports, reports environmental aspects and what drives these companies to create these reports.Based on stakeholder and institutional theory we aim to examine to which extent stakeholders affects the environmental accounting and reporting. We also aim to explain how the organization is influenced to incorporate external and societal environmental procedures.

Möjliga tillämpningar av BIM vid miljöcertifieringsarbete

In the construction industry today there is a significant technological revolution goingon. New methods for automated processes and information management are developedcontinuously. Intense studies are currently taking place to ensure ways and means toembrace the new technology of BIM.At the present, environmental certification systems are considered cumbersome andchallenging. However, the increasing demands of sustainable development in the constructionindustry imply that the environmental certifications will not disappear. ThisMaster Thesis examines the possibilities to apply BIM technology within the field ofenvironmental certifications to streamline the processes.The applications that provide the best opportunities are:- To use BIM to be able to, during the design stage, dynamically evaluate the resultor score a certain building will achieve.- To avoid unnecessary work through collection of data for calculations directlyfrom a BIM-model.- To be able to automate certain time consuming calculations that are currentlyperformed manually.- To automatically examine the completed model to ensure that the demands arefulfilled.The possibilities to use BIM within these areas are however limited by the technologyitself.

"Hellre en bra story än en dålig" : En kvalitativ studie om framställningen av berättandet i tv-spel

Within the literature and film sciences there are clear models of storytelling and methods of creating a good story. In the game industry it's more difficult because the games are often non-linear, and games are a less established medium than the other two. With this study our purpose was to examine game developers and methods they used when creating a videogame, with focus on storytelling. Four interviews were made with representatives from four different videogame companies in Sweden. The information from the interviews was put in relation to theories regarding the structure of videogames and an established model for creating videogames.

Lustfylld läsinlärning : Fyra pedagogers syn på lustfylld läsinlärning i förskoleklass

The study seeks to investigate four preschool teachers? views of making literacy learning a pleasurable experience in preschool class and to identify any differences in their views. The study is based on interviews with four teachers with at least ten years? experience of work in preschool class. The teachers work in three different municipalities.

Konsten att uppfattas rätt - Varumärkesstrategier för svenska artister

Personal branding is a common phenomenon within the Swedish business world, although less applied on the competitive and fast paced music industry. In order to strengthen Swedish artists' personal brands and to ensure congruence between the artists' presented identities and the target audiences' perceived images, we have developed a model, containing of seven essential factors. The seven dimensions authenticity, credibility, certainty, openness, availability, awareness and timeliness help improve strength when communicating brand identity, as well as minimizing potential discrepancy between identity and image. This report examines the brand strategies within the Swedish music industry through a case study of Sweden's largest pop star, Eric Saade, where Team Saade's communicated identity is compared to the targets audience's perceived image of Saade. Overall, Saade's personal brand has a high level of congruence, except from the clarity dimension, where his words are considered differing from his actions.

Katalogen som tolkningsredskap : Bibliografiska relationer i Resource Description and Access (RDA), med särskild hänsyn till operationaliseringsproblem

The new cataloging code Resource Description and Access (RDA) provides a system of instructions for recording relationships between related resources by means of a controlled vocabulary of relationship designators. The purpose of this two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies is to examine the construction of this system, as well as its theoretical foundation. One theoretical point of departure is the necessity of operational definitions for consistent identification of bibliographic relationships. Another such point of departure is that the theoretical model on which RDA is based (the FRBR model) is not a complete description of the biblio­graphic universe, but merely a limited representation of a set of assumptions about that universe.The thesis first examines Barbara B.

Arbetsterapeuters informationssökningsbeteende: En intervjuundersökning vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

This thesis deals with the information-seeking behaviour of occupational therapists. Focus was on three different aspects of information-seeking behaviour. The purpose was to investigate how occupational therapists conceive of work-related information needs, their choice and use of formal and informal information sources and their use of the hospital library. Twelve interviews with occupational therapists were conducted at a rehabilitation clinic in a hospital. The theoretical frame consists of a general model of the information-seeking of professionals by Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain.

Europeisering av nationell bilateral diplomati mellan EU-stater : - en beskrivande fallstudie av Italiens och Sveriges bilaterala diplomatiska förbindelser via ambassaderna

This study aims at examine if an Europeanization is affecting the bilateral diplomatic relation between Sweden and Italy as managed by the national embassies. The questions asked to pursue the aim are; how the bilateral diplomatic work is managed between the countries, are there any signs of Europeanization within this relation or is it still contingent on intergovernmental principles? In this study an analytical model is created and used to analyze how the bilateral diplomacy between Italy and Sweden is managed through the embassies. The discussion on top ?down Europeanization by Tanja Börzel is central to the development of the analytical model.

Tillvaratagande av aktivitetsmönster hos individer med Alzheimers sjukdom för främjandet av aktivitet

Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt var att med the Model of Human Occupation som analysredskap undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter tillvaratar aktivitetsmönster hos individer med Alzheimers sjukdom, för främjandet av aktivitet. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Genom elektronisk och manuell sökning har nio vetenskapliga studier inkluderats i forskningsöversikten. Materialet har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen utgick från bärande begrepp inom the Model of Human Occupation och resulterade i fem kategorier: patientens delaktighet i valet av aktivitet, etablerade vanor guidar i aktivitet, miljön plockar fram färdigheter, en stödjande miljö, hjälp till självhjälp och stöd från andra.

Öppenhet och kostnad för eget kapital: En studie på den svenska marknaden

Previous research has discussed how voluntary disclosure relates to the cost of equity capital. Theories of estimation risk support a negative association between disclosure and cost of equity capital, as empirically documented by Botosan (1997) among others. In this Bachelor thesis we investigate whether such a relationship exists on the Swedish capital market. Using the CAPM to estimate the cost of equity capital and a disclosure index based on Aktiespararen?s annual evaluation of corporate disclosure, we test a model where disclosure explains cost of equity capital.

?En kärlekshistoria vi alla drömmer om?: En analys av chick lit ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in chick lit. The analysis is based upon seven chick lit novels. The primary theoretical point of departure is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory about the gender system, the hierarchical order and the separation of the sexes.

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