

3901 Uppsatser om The stakeholder model - Sida 2 av 261

Missbruk är ingen bra affärsidé ? en studie om strategiskt CSR-arbete i ölbranschen

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Förebygga ohälsa ? Hur effektiv är lagen som verktyg mot ohälsa?

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Challenges and Opportunities in Swedish Apiculture

Bees are of importance for the global food security. In Europe 84% and in the World 35% of all the agricultural crops are dependent of animal pollination (Winfree et al., 2011:1). In agricultural production there is a huge lack of pollinators (Azien & Harden, 2009). A problem that is widely spread. In Sweden the problem becomes clear when looking at the statistics of the number of bee colonies during the last 20 years, where it has been a decline with 63 % (Statistiska Centralbyrån & Jordbruksverket, 2011).

Inclusive business and shared values : case study of Stora Enso in Lao PDR

Businesses role in society is changing. Corporations are expected to take responsibility, not only for their traditional business conduct, but also for social and political issues. A rise in globalization and international trade has led to an increased interest in the concept of CSR. Accordingly, stakeholders are expecting multinational companies to be accountable for existing issues in developing countries. New business models are needed to meet increased expectations of responsibility and shared value creation. Based on an understanding of the need for new business models a multinational corporation is studied in a local context, where a radically new way of doing business is developed.

Bonusar : Mot ett långsiktigt tänkande

Background: The background explains different financial crises and the effect those crises had on the Swedish acquits regarding variable compensation. The resent discussion regarding variable compensation and the main problems with bonuses is also explained. Our theories for this essay is mainly based on the new directions from Finansinspektionen FFFS 2009:6,7 and stakeholder theory. Other theories used are agency theory, stewardship theory and economic man.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to analyze the new directions for variable compensation and to investigate if these new directions can lead to a more long-term thinking for managers in banks. Method: We used semi-structured interviews with open questions for our survey.

Entering a new market ? A model for evaluating a new commercial real estate market

The development for Skanska Commercial Development (SCD) during the last years has been positive on all markets and Skanska therefore plans on expanding their activity. Central and Eastern Europe has had a considerable economic development, what is assessed to continue during the next following years. Bucharest is one possible alternative in the CEE for a new establishment by SCD. However, the investigation before an entry is a process with many factors that need to be taken into consideration. There are today no models on how and what a developer as SCD should evaluate in terms of opportunities and risks on a possible new market.

Logikbaserade dokumentåtervinningsmodeller

The thesis deals with three document retrieval models based on logic: the Boolean model,the fuzzy model and the Van Rijsbergen model.In Chapter 1, the author presents the purpose of the thesis. This is to give the logical foundationof the models, to describe them and to examine them critically. In Chapter 2, some importantnotions in document retrieval are presented. Chapter 3 is devoted to the Boolean model, Chapter4 to the fuzzy model and Chapter 5 to the Van Rijsbergen model.These three chapters are organized in the same way. First, the logical foundation of the modelis given.

Ett hållbart Sverige : en studie om företagsegenskaper som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningar

The purpose of this study are to investigate and describe if companies? sustainability reports differ in substance and quantity between public and Large Cap companies? and if there are any differences between industries. This study will also analyze if companies? size, stakeholder group or profitability have some impact on the companies? sustainability report. The study includes all Swedish public companies and the Large Cap companies.To investigate in line of the purpose this study will measure both the substance and quantity.

Den Svenska Självgodheten: Hur kan CSR och den sociala dimensionen i Sverige för detaljhandeln förstås, när detaljister gör anspråk på CSR samtidigt som personalvillkoren i branschen försämras

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has lately gained popularity throughout the globalized world. Swedish retail industry is no exception. Though increased levels of explicitly claimed responsibilities of companies, a number of other facts points out a development that contradicts this trend. Labour conditions and forms of employment is substantially retrograding, with an increased level of insecurity characterizing the Swedish retail labour market. At the same time, almost all Swedish retail companies explicitly state claims on social responsibility.

Modellering, identifiering och reglering av skannern i ett laserbatymetrisystem

The purpose with this masters thesis was to model the scanner in a system for laser bathymetry. The model was then used to develop a controller for the scanner so a good search pattern was achieved. Two different types of models have been tested, a physical model and a Black Box model of Box Jenkins type. The physical model has been derived from Lagranges equations. Identification experiments have been used to compute the Black Box model and to find the unknown parameters in the physical model.


The purpose of this thesis is to define and theorise willingness-to-support as a possible measurement of corporate reputation. The knowledge production in this thesis is done through reasoning with companies to gain a deeper understanding of the social world and the respondents? view of their reality. Grounded theory is used as an inspiration for conducting the research. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with six companies in three different business sectors.

HANDELSHÖGSKOLAN VID ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET : En fallstudie av relationen mellan lärare och studenter

Title: The Swedish Business School at Örebro University ? A case-study of the relationship between teachers and studentsDate of seminar: 2009-06-04Course: Bachelor thesis in Business and Administration within Organization, 15 ECTSAuthors: Malin Blomqvist, Lisa Skoglund, Charlotte WallinAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding about the relationship between teachers and students at the Swedish Business School at Örebro University. The purpose is also to describe the relationship with organizational theory.Research methodology: This thesis is based on a qualitative method. Semi structured interviews have been implemented with both teachers and students. Literature in the organizational area has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This thesis uses the theory of stakeholders and the theory of resource dependence.Conclusions: Teachers and students are different stakeholders towards the Swedish Business School at Örebro University, where teachers is an intern stakeholder and students an extern stakeholder.

Miljöredovisning, i användarens intresse? : en studie av tre skogsbolag

Since the Bruntlandreport was published 1987, companies have shown their environmental commitment through an environmental account. Companies started these accounts because their rivals started having them and today most large companies have a environmental account or sustainable development report. The information given by the companies have been seen as slanted, and others see it only as a part of the image production for the companies. There have been several investigations of the stakeholders of environmental reports and it is not clear who is the primary stakeholder, in other words who actually reads them. All different stakeholders have different views of what an environmental account should encompass.

Modellering av indunstning på Södra Cell Mönsterås

Evaporation is a part of the chemical recovery department at wood pulping mills. The purpose of evaporation is to remove water from the black liquor, which makes the liquor combustible. The process is very energy demanding, and having a well-functioning model of the system is of greatest interest. The model can then be used to study energy consumption and to test different control strategies. Two models have been developed during the master thesis.

Bolagisering : - På vinst och förlust

This study has it´s beginning in the term corporatization and what the consequences will be for the Swedish athletic club, after the implementation of it. The corporatization among the athletic clubs is a very up-to-date-topic after the ?Riksidrottsförbundets? approved the new law constitution in 1999, that gives the athletic clubs the opportunity to change their legal form. We want to create an image that explains the situation in the two athletic clubs we choose for our study. This image helps us to give examples of how the corporatization will affect them.

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