

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 27 av 398

Livslångt lärande och folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate and analyse how the concept of lifelong learning is expressed in political documents concerning public libraries and education and how it can be related to earlier concepts of education within the discourse of public libraries. Focus is the official approach to the concept of lifelong learning and public library. The documents examined contain the political aims for education and culture policy on a national and local level. The theories used in the study concern the background and meaning of the concept of lifelong learning, they describe public libraries and their earlier perspectives of education and they also give a picture of practices of governing within the framework of public libraries. The purpose is to see how the speech in the documents is reflected in discourses of society and public library.

Förslag till reform av den upphovsrättsliga skyddstiden : En argumentsorienterad studie över skyddstidens längd

The aim of this study was to explore how young students can be taught during their first year of learning English towards the A1 level according to The European Framework of Reference for Languages, and how the students understand their own learning. The study was carried out in two different classes but with the same teacher, who is qualified to teach English to young learners. The result is based on the analysis of a total of twelve observations of English lessons in two classes in school year one and eight group interviews with the students. Recurrent ingredients through all lessons were activities such as listening to teacher talk, watching films or film clips, singing songs and doing rhymes, using drama activities, talking about the meaning of learning English, practicing guessing competence and learning new vocabulary. The teacher consistently talked about and taught different strategies for language learning.

E-Learning - Riktlinjer för anpassning av utbildningsmaterial

E-learning är idag ett område på framfart. Fler och fler organisationer väljer att utbildasina anställda med hjälp av elektronisk media. Genom E-learning sparar organisationerpengar och tid i utbildandet av sin personal. En vanlig missuppfattning är att man genomatt överföra ett utbildningsmaterial till elektronisk media har skapat ett användbart Elearningsverktygmen i verkligheten är det betydligt mer invecklat än så. Den härkvalitativa studien syftar till att ta fram riktlinjer för anpassning av utbildningsmaterialtill E-learning.

Tidig läs -och skrivinlärning : Intervjuer med pedagoger om deras syn på lärande

The purpose of this work is to explore how to work with early reading and writing and find out what really comes first of the two. The work also involves the best known literacy learning methods and deals with methods to work around reading and writing. I have read previous research on the subject and watched a movie from our AV-central on children?s early language development. It includes an interview with two professors of education, Mats Myrberg and Mats Ekholm where they talk about the pros and cons of early learning literacy. My research is based on literary sources and interviews with educators who work with reading and writing in the early years. The results showed that even if a teacher tries to work with early writing skills we still remain in the traditional school, beginning with learning how to read.

Yrkeslärares erfarenheter - styrkor och svagheter : En studie om identitetsskapande inom tre olika arenor

The focus of this study is to identify important factors affect, how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after teacher training. Study's focus is to identify important factors bearing on how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after a teacher training. Respondents included in study are all teachers in vocational subject in upper secondary school. They also have experience from at practical profession before they began to work as teachers and started the teacher training. Method used in this study is the life stories of narrative nature.

Peer learning under specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen inom intensivvård : - ett handledarperspektiv

Peer learning är en handledningsmetod, som tydliggör anknytningen mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap samtidigt som ett större antal studenter kan erbjudas verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Därför vore det av intresse att undersöka om det är en tillämpar metod i specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen mot intensivvård. Syftet med studien var att undersöka peer learning som handledningsmetod inom specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen mot intensivvård utifrån handledares perspektiv. Studien utfördes genom fokusgruppsintervju med en beskrivande design med induktiv ansats där data analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien framkom sex kategorier och fyra underkategorier.

Starta lärprocesser genom : En möjlighet för finansiärer att lära av utvecklingsprojekt

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to shed light to what extent a financier have learnt about sustainableorganizational change, through development projects taking part in the Swedish knowledgeFoundations program, ICT in Teacher?s training. Some questions asked were: Has theSwedish Knowledge Foundation learnt by researchers? and self evaluation?s ?stirring up? ofongoing projects? What type of learning process has been going on? Has new, mutual,knowledge been constructed or has already existing knowledge been transferred?The study consists of one participating observation and three interviews. They showhow the financed projects have been ?stirred up? so that a developmental learning process hasstarted within their organization.

Barngruppens storlek i förskolan ? en kvalitetsfråga? : Sex pedagogers reflektioner

This research is about six pedagogue´s and their reflections about the size of the children´s group in the preschools. Then I will discuss the pedagogue?s recommendation on the significance of the size of a children´s group learning and development and it´s practical significance for the preschool function. The pedagogue?s statements will be discussed in relation to The Swedish National Agency for Education (TSNAE) guidelines on group size.The theoretical framework of this essay will take an overview of the social cultural perspective, the group size and its significance for both the children´s learning and development, for interaction and communication and TSNAE advice and guidelines.

Livsvärlden i skolpraktiken - är det möjligt : Elevers tankar om Les Misérables

AbstractThe purpose of this article was to examine how students learn French by integrating a multimode way of learning through literature, music, poetry, painting, reading, writing and IT in the classroom, in order to create understanding and motivation regarding the subject, but also a sense of cooperation and sensibility toward each one of the students Individual work. In the study of Victor Hugo?s novel Les Misérables as a tool for learning and deepen understanding about human values, the focus was laid on essentials questions such as the question of good and evil which is the major theme presented in the novel. The results showed that the students developed a vast interest in literature and human condition and made progress in French in both oral and written work but also acquired more knowledge about the French history..

?Hyllan kan vara början till en stege!?: Sociokulturella aspekter på lärande i Demoteket

The aim of this master?s thesis is to explore what learning potentials there are in Demoteket. Demoteket is an on-going project that preserves and exhibits young people?s artistic creations. The idea is that public libraries receives and lends out the young people?s artistic creations.

Ge dem en röst : Lärares uppfattningar om hur de skapar förutsättningar för elevers delaktighet i grundsärskolan. 

The aim of this study is to examine how teachers enable students with intellectual disabilities to participate in their own learning journey. The study is based on qualitative methods and data collection has been done through five individual interviews in another European country. The interviews are analysed with a qualitative method inspired by Bryman (2011). The studies theoretical frame is founded on thoughts of Dewey (1997; 2002; 2004). The results of this study shows, among other things, that good relationship between adults in school and students are an important base for participation. To build a good relationship to the students, the teacher has to have good knowledge of each individual student and its disability.

Hur eller Varför? : Kunskap i sociokulturellt eller existentialistiskt perspektiv? En kritisk betraktelse

This essay set out to propose a problematic interpretation of the socio-cultural perspective on learning. Its purpose is to show how the socio-cultural perspective on learning defines the concept of knowledge in an incomplete way. The aim becomes then that of giving a more comprehensive description of this concept, and, to this end, to construct a new, broader pedagogic discourse. The investigation starts with a deconstructive analysis of Roger Säljö?s socio-cultural text in order to point out the incompleteness of the concept of knowledge.

Konstpedagogik : ett alternativt arbetssätt

This study concerns art education, and the importance of creativity in learning. The objective is to examine the use of art education in practice, and the school teacher?s position on this practice.The theoretical basis of the study is rooted in a socio-cultural perspective, and concerns the relationships between theoretical concepts as learning, knowledge and art education.The investigation is qualitative and the main research methods are participant observations and structured interviews.The group studied in this investigation consisted of five active educators, who work at different schools and make use of art-based methods in their daily work.My results show that teachers believe that art education can be used by schools as a gateway to the other subjects. Art is regarded as a form of understanding through which pupils explore their surroundings, challenge their ideas and build skills through interaction with others..

Teknikens betydelse i en lärande miljö : Datoranvändandets betydelse i undervisningen för elever i åk 7 i en Stockholmsförort

We live in a society that is constantly developing and where technology is getting a more major roll. The school is a very important part of our society and should therefore develop in pace with the surrounding society. Having this in our thoughts we decided that our purpose for this case study should be to study the importance of technology in a learning environment for seventh graders in a specific school. To be able to find this out, we have used constructivism and sociocultural perspective on learning. We have gathered our empirical data for the study through participant observations and a focus group interview.

En learning study i geometriEn learning study i geometri : Hur elever i årskurs 2 kan lära sig förstå skillnaderna och likheterna mellan kvadrat, rektangel, romb och parallellogram

Syftet med denna studie har varit att hitta de kritiska aspekterna för eleverna att lära sig särskilja fyrhörningarna, kvadrat, rektangel, romb och parallellogram. Vidare har vi undersökt hur undervisningen kan genomföras för att eleverna ska ha möjlighet att känna igen och korrekt namnge fyrhörningarna samt hur läraren kan ge eleverna möjlighet att erfara variation av vårt valda lärandeobjekt. För att besvara ovanstående frågor har vi använt oss av learning study som forskningsmetod. De 3 momenten som har ingått i vår studie är förtest, lektion och eftertest. Studien har genomförts i årskurs 2 i 3 relativt kunskapshomogena elevgrupper som vi i studien kallar grupp 1, 2 och 3.

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