

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 17 av 398

Synen på matematik i Sverige och i Finland : En jämförande studie av två länders läroplaner

There have been debates on the big differences in mathematics knowledge concerning pupils in Sweden and Finland. Especially, one common issue in the discussions of education is the Pisa test results, which take up in the media. In the Pisa research the Finnish pupils get through well year after year. Because of the discussions about the distinct school systems in Sweden and Finland, I found it interesting to investigate the divergence of the curriculums in these two countries. The main research questions asked were, what are the main differences and similarities in the Swedish and Finnish curriculums in primary school? Such as, is the assignment of primary school similar in Sweden and Finland?In my study I analyzed and compared by means of the curriculum especially mathe-matics teaching in primary schools in grade three in Sweden and in grade two Fin-land.

Laborativ matematik : Är det ett gynnsamt arbetssätt i matematikundervisningen?

Att eleverna i skolan ska utvecklas och nå de mål och kunskapskrav som finns skrivna i läroplanen är en central del i skolvärlden. Men hur når man då dessa på bästa sätt? Hur ska man som lärare veta vilken undervisning som är bäst för sina elever? I läroplanen står att eleverna ska ges en varierad undervisning där eleverna själva ska få gestalta, prova och utforska (Lgr11). Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka om laborativa arbetsätt i matematik är gynnsamt för eleverna. I studien framställs att arbeta laborativt kan vara gynnsamt men till en viss del och att det beror på en del olika faktorer, som exempelvis lärarens roll och hur väl uppgiften och materialet framträder varandra..

Individuell Utvecklingsplan (IUP) med skriftliga omdo?men ur ett elevperspektiv ? i den senare delen av grundskolan

The purpose of this article was to examine how students learn to use the Individual Development Plan (IUP) with written assessments as a tool for learning. The study is conducted according to an ethnographic approach. A total of 20 students, aged 13-14 years, participated. The production of data took place through participating observations, field notes and conversations. A qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis.

Perspektiv på lärplattformar : Hur tekniksyn påverkar användandet av lärplattformar på universitetet

Information technology inflicts upon us in our everyday life. It is a natural part of our work and of our spare time. The education system is not excluded from this development, IT is becoming an important part of education at all levels. In university, learning platforms is one of these new ways of using IT in education. Learning platforms becomes a valuable tool for teachers and students.

Varför klarar inte vissa elever som fått godkänt i grundskolan av gymnasiets Matematik A?

The purpose of this essay was to understand why the pupils of upper secondary school are unable to pass the Mathematics A level. As method, I chose interviews, since the personal and various experiences of the informants are very important for the validity of this essay.This study has shown that the students lack motivation and consider Matematics boring. They haven?t been able to fathom the connection between the subject and how it van be used in everyday life. If the pupils? are to pass their Mathematics A level, they need time, further recourses and teachers who are apt and attentive pedagogues.Additionally, the teachers need more knowledge when it comes to methodology and didactic styles..

En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt till barnen och kunskapande : En jämförande studie mellan en Reggio Emilia förskola och en traditionell förskola

The purpose of this study is to determine which approach preschool teachers from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool and a traditional preschool have on children, knowledge, learning and their own role in children?s learning. The two pedagogical approaches have different basic visions; Reggio Emilia follows the thoughts of Lori Malaguzzi and the traditional preschool follows the Swedish curriculum Lpfö 98. The main research questions asked were:What view on children, learning and knowledge does the preschool teacher from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool have in comparison with a traditional preschool?Which role does the teacher believe that they should take regarding children?s learning?What differences and similarities can be identified in the teachers' perceptions?To carry out this study, I used a qualitative research method.

Ett naturligt lärande : En studie om lärande och kulturmöten i några förskolors utomhusverksamhet

Today many children have limited experiences with the outdoors or nature. In most suburbs where people originate from many countries and have various ways of understanding nature is it perhaps in preschool that several children for the first time experience nature.This survey is qualitative and the main research methods are participant observations and interviews. The theories used in this study are mainly based on the thoughts of Dewey and Vygotskij as well as on ideas from outdoor education and different ways or ideas of understanding nature.The purpose with this study is to make clear in what ways nature is used by the teachers in preschool activities and how this work is done in preschools in multicultural suburbs. Questions at issue are: What way of understanding nature are the teachers trying to convey to the children? How is nature used in the ordinary outdoor activities by the preschool teachers? What are the teachers experiences of success and problems in this work?The conclusion is that nature is used in preschool activities in many ways.

Individuellt bild- och formspråk belyst ur ett genusperspektiv i samverkan mad andra ämnen

Encouragement to develope an individual pictorial and figuratve language in combination with theoretical learning simplifies the process of learning.

Tid för pedagogisk utveckling inom matematik

Skolan är en del av samhället och måste därför följa den utveckling som sker. För att lärarna skall kunna möta detta och erbjuda eleverna möjligheter till lärande är de i ständigt behov av pedagogisk utveckling. Det finns olika metoder och modeller för hur kompetensutveckling kan ske där valet av metod beror på verksamheten och den enskilda läraren. Denna studie syftar till att pröva och utvärdera om och på vilket sätt videodokumentation kan implementeras i en skolas verksamhet och bli ett användbart redskap för lärarnas pedagogiska utveckling. För att pedagogisk utveckling skall vara möjlig krävs det att läraren reflekterar över sitt görande.

It's Usable : En granskning av informationssystemet It's Learning utifrån ett användarvänligt perspektiv

Vi har valt att testa It?s Learning - ett informationssystem som tillhandahålls studenter vid Karlstads universitet för informationshantering. Från början var det tänkt som ett redskap vid distansutbildningar men det används mer och mer av campuskurser. Men hur användbart är det? Ställer användarna andra krav på ett användbart informationssystem än vad de teoretiska reglerna och normerna säger och på vilket sätt uppfyller It?s Learning de teoretiska respektive de användarbaserade kraven? Det är det vi har försökt ta reda på i denna uppsats.

IKT som verktyg för lärande i historia : en studie av gymnasielärares syn på IKT i historieundervisningen

This essay examines the possibilities for the use of ICT for learning in the subject of history. By interviewing history teachers in upper secondary school about their experiences and thoughts regarding the subjects of learning, history and ICT, as well as the relations there between, based on Mishra and Koehlers TPACK model, I come to the conclusion that ICT may enhance learning in history. I also conclude that ICT may create new learning environments in history, where knowledge may or may not grow.The more unique ways of using ICT in history, compared to other school subjects, appears to be the possibility of using a variety of new sources, for example digitized primary sources from archives, that perhaps will motivate students, and make it possible to work from a con- structivistic point of view in history.Other unique possibilities are to satisfy the need of concretizing and visualizing the history being taught, by using a broad range of different media when presenting it. .

Kunskap och organisatoriskt lärande inom Apoteket AB

This paper aims to provide a description of how knowledge can occur in Apoteket AB, anorganization that is operating on the Swedish pharmacy market. The purpose of this paper isalso to describe how the organizational learning occurs in the organization, and how theoutcome of this learning can be stored in the organizational memory. This subject is ofinterest since Apoteket AB experience changes in their external environment in that they nolonger have monopoly to sell pharmaceuticals on the Swedish pharmacy market. Earlierresearch claims that organizations need to develop new knowledge in order to take action, andthis development needs to be supported by the management within the organization.The collection of primary data was done by two qualitative interviews with employees withinthe organization of Apoteket AB.Our conclusions are that knowledge can occur in many forms, such as tacit and explicitknowledge. The vast majority of the knowledge within the organization is the information thatcan be found in the electronic database Aponet within Apoteket AB, and that is useful for theemployees in their daily work, and therefore is known as explicit knowledge.

Upplevelse & Inlevelse : En kulturarvspedagogisk studie av Hogslaby Järnåldersby, Botkyrka kommun

The main purpose of this study is to view the aims of the local authority of Botkyrka for their prehistoric village, and to compare those with the actual activities in the village.Because of no official formulated aims, the study were laboured through interviews, observations, analysis of evaluations and a parallell literature study.For the visiting pupils today, the village has an introduction, but not a follow-up. Pedagogically the follow-up is the most important part, seeing that it?s there the knowledge is created in relation to the experience.Through experience-pedagogy, based on learning by doing, try to attain an experience intended to generate knowledge. But in this case, the focus lands on doing, and the reflection fails to occur. This is a learning based on the situation, rather than on the reflection, situated learning..

Instruktionsfilm på smartphones : En studie kring upplevelsen av video via smartphones som inlärningsverktyg för praktiska färdigheter

This study examined how users interact with a smartphone while in a learning situation based on videos via smartphones as a learning tool, and how this interaction and phenomena is experienced. The five test subject were separately given the same task that they were to solve using video instructions that were picked out and given to them. After finishing the task the subjects were observed while they demonstrated how they completed the task. After the observation the subject were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The results show that the user experience of this phenomena is based on more pragmatic values than we could find in earlier studies, i.e.

Lärplattform : En undersökning om lärarens krav och vad som bör övervägas inför implementation

Många lärosäten använder idag fler än en lärplattform, ibland inom en och samma institution, program eller kurs. Uppsatsens syfte var därför att ta fram riktlinjer för vad som bör beaktas vid val av lärplattform för att fylla organisationens behov och passa dess förutsättningar. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod där vi genom intervjuer med fem lärare vid Linnéuniversitetet samlade in deras krav. Resultatet blev en checklista som listar lärarnas krav och genom att kritiskt granskat litteratur kan vi rekommendera organisationer vad de bör överväga inför implementationen av en lärplattform..

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