7333 Uppsatser om The perspective of children. - Sida 3 av 489
Barns fria lek : En socialpsykologisk studie
AbstractGroup processes within the free play- in a socialpsychology perspective In our socialpsychology study we have demonstrated how children?s free play is by observing 2-5 years old children in preschool. We have also interviewed two preschool teachers. The major subject in this study is how children?s group processes expresses in their free play.
Pedagogisk lek i förskolan : En samtalsanalytisk studie av pedagogens roll i olika lekaktiviteter
Play is an important part of children´s everyday life, it is through play children develop. Play occurs a lot in kindergarten and in this study, the aim is to examine how play activities play is used in preschool teaching and the role of the teacher´s in the play. Video recordings of play activities done and qualitative methods (conversation analysis) has been used to analyze the video recordings. The results of this study show that play are widely used as a pedagogical tool in preschool. It is through play children develop.
Barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen i förskolan
The purpose of this study is to find out what the educators idea of educational documentations in ratio to childrens inclusion and impact in pre-school are, together with the child's own perception of the concepts of documentation. We proceeded from the following issues: What are the significance of educational work according to the teachers? What is the teachers idea of a childs impact and inclusion in educational documentation? In what way do the children have influence over, and inclusion in educational documentation? What are the childrens feelings of the documentations? In order to find answers to our questions, we used qualitative examinations consisting of seven educators and seven children from various pre-schools in Stockholm, and thereby, we have analyzed our results. As our theoretical frame, we used ourselves of Vygotskijs and Säljö's sociocultural perspective that is about "progress and learning", which is achieved by interaction and cooperation in a social context. The result shows that the aim of educational documentation is to reveal the childs development and learning, and also to involve the parents by putting up documents on the wall.
"Eftersom det är en lagidrott förväntar sig spelarna att någon bestämmer" : En kartläggning av kunskaperna rörande träningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey
The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.
Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhet
The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher?s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children?s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective.
Barnperspektiv, betyder barnrelaterat? : En kritisk diskursanalys av barnperspektivet i tjugosex kulturmyndigheters och -institutioners strategier fo?r barn- och ungaverksamhet (2012-2014)
Today the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life and the arts is a goal on the political agenda. As a consequence, in 2011, twenty-six government agencies and institutions of culture were assigned to formulate strategies for activities for children and young people. These strategies are the empirical basis of this thesis. The aim of the study is to elaborate and problematize three issues concerning children?s culture from the viewpoint of a social constructionist understanding of childhood as constructed in various, often political, practices.
Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domar
The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child?s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in ?Socialtjänstlagen? (SoL) and ?lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga? (LVU).
Den fysiska miljön och barns lärande: En undersökning av barnavdelningen på Kungsbacka huvudbibliotek
The starting point for the present study is that the physical environment can enhance the learning processes of children. We want to contribute to more focus being placed on this within library and information sciences. Our main aim is to illustrate how the physical environment can facilitate the learning of children. In order to achieve our aim, we examine a concrete physical environment, namely the children?s department at the main library in Kungsbacka.
Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.
This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.
Förskoleklassen ? en förberedande verksamhet inför skolan : en kvalitativ studie om uppfattningen av uppdraget i förskoleklassen och lärarnas arbetsätt och metoder som främjar barnens läs- och skrivutveckling.
The purpose of my study is to investigate teacher?s perceptions of their mission in the preschool class, and how they work to promote children?s written language development. What methods and working methods they use to awaken curiosity and motivate children to read and write. I am using the qualitative research method to get answers to my questions. I have made four qualitative interviews with four teachers in preschool classes from different schools.My questions are:What conceptions does teachers have about their mission in a preschool class?What different methods and approaches does teachers use to stimulate and wake children?s curiosity for reading and writing development?The theoretical basis for my study is the socio-cultural perspective, where learning occurs in interaction.
Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om lärares arbete i Nepal
The focus of this study is children´s influence and participation. This is an important part of preschool, according to the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 2010). Hoping to see another perspective of working with children´s influence and participation, my study took place in Nepal. The method used for this study is qualitative interviews. The interviews are made with teachers with insight in preschools in Nepal.
Ingen ser mig ? finns jag? : En uppsats om exkluderade barn i leken
The aim of this study is to describe successful strategies to include children in free play activities at the preschool. The methods that pedagogues use to act and work with excluded children will be examined. To get answers to my questions I have conducted interviews with five pedagogues in four preschools. During interviews they mention two different approaches to encourage free play activity. One way was to participate and play along with the children.
Perspektiv på barn och barns inflytande : - Några pedagogers berättelser om sitt arbete med barn i en förskola i Indien
The aim with this study is to study how young children?s influence expresses itself in some educators? stories about their work with children. The study also looks at the relations between pedagogues? approaches to children and aims at identifying the educator?s perspectives of children. To get to know more about this I have interviewed five pedagogues who work with children in the ages of 3-6 years in different fields at a preschool area in India.The result shows that childrens? influence and participation for the educators involves children selecting activities.
Utsatta barn : Hur personal vid ett utredningshem arbetar utifrån barnperspektivet och BBIC modellen
AbstractTo take the role of another is an important and a central part of human interaction. When we take the role of another we not only learn about them but also we learn about ourselves and how we interact with other people. Social work in this form, working with directly with families in crises, is much about understanding other people?s perspective and feelings. It is important to know the strategy of one?s work and which perspective to work from.
Genusperspektiv på barnavårdsutredningar : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att ta hänsyn till könsperspektiv i utredningsarbete av barn och unga
The purpose of this study was to examine social worker?s own experiences of dealing with gender perspectives in child welfare cases. With a constructionist perspective, this study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers were asked to reflect on their work and their methodology, and how it relates to gender perspectives when assessing children and adolescents in child welfare services.The result shows that there is a lack of control and review that children are given a gender neutral treatment. It also shows that there was no explicit protocol for how to take a gender perspective into account when assessing children and adolescents needs of welfare services.