

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 23 av 199

En kategorisering av våld i dator och tv-spel

This essay will focus on video and computer game violence. We hope to uncover, with the help of semiotics, according to Barthes design, if this kind of violence can have a negative effect on youth and adolescents. How intense is the violence and how graphic is it?. PEGI is the European measurement for game age limits.

På bron mitt emellan : En kvalitativ studie av elevers sociala kategorisering utifrån känslorna av inkludering och exkludering i specialpedagogiska lösningar

The purpose of this paper is to find more understanding for pupils in compensatory educational situations and get an idea about how they place themselves in the social hierarchy. In my study I have interviewed four pupils with different experiences from school with the common denominator of being placed in a special class during some hours of the week. The purpose of this placement is to get them to achieve better results in various subjects depending on their grade but this also means a social separation from friends in the ordinary class and this doesn't correspond well with the democratic idea of "one school for all".What I found was that these pupils categorize themselves different from each other and while two of the pupils find themselves very included in the school's social network the remaining two had problems functioning satisfactory in a social matter according to their own liking. The feeling of exclusion though can not be connected to their participation in the special class but rather to their earlier social experiences..

Get Rich or Die Tryin' : En undersökning av kapitalismen som modern mytologi i samtida självhjälpslitteratur

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether or not capitalism, viewed here as the system that is currently the dominant economic system in the Western world, can be seen as a modern myth or not. An author, Brian Tracy, of several popular self-help books is the target of this investigation and the language he uses in his books have been scrutinized in order to see whether or not he uses a religiously influenced, and more importantly, myth-creating language. In order to do so, Bruce Lincolns theories of myth have been used in correlation with Stefan Arvidssons definition ov myths. Also of interest is whether or not Tracy in his books uses any of the instruments of power defined by Michel Foucault to support his claims.The investigation shows that capitalism indeed can be seen as a modern myth. This claim is supported by the facts that Tracy not only uses a language heavily influenced by Christian texts and belief but furthermore because he descirbes himself and the people he claims to have helped in a way that strongly resembles the narratives of myths.

Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med bröstcancer

Body image in women with breastcancerBreast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in Sweden today. To get a breast cancer diagnose can be a traumatic experience for many women. It´s difficult to forsee how these women are going to control their situation. When a breast has to be removed because of cancer, the women has to adjust to changes in both physical and phychological aspects. The aim of this study was to elucidate body image in women with breast cancer after a mastectomy.

Att se sig själv som en del i ett större perspektiv : En analys av skolämnet historia i Lgr 69, Lgr 80 och Lpo 94.

In this essay, I intent to examine history as a school subject in Swedish compulsory school (for children aged 7-16), it contains mostly an analysis of the syllabus for history in the three latest curriculums Lgr 69, Lgr 80 and Lpo 94. The main purpose of the essay is to illuminate the development and the change history as a subject has gone through during this specific time, and my will is also to illustrate the view on knowledge and learning that is revealed in the syllabus for history in today?s curriculum (Lpo 94).The survey shows that in Swedish compulsory school, history as a subject has changed significantly. During the examined years, the contents have been exceptionally broadened and that has lead to increasing demands on the students as it has gone from being directed to the individual and its contiguous history with shorter outlooks on the rest of the world, to requiring the individual to be able to see and understand other parts of the world and different time, on the basis of it?s own history and culture.

Egyptiernas föreställningar om döden : en diskursiv analys av Dödsbokens formler

The Egyptian religion viewed the whole world as divine and inhabited by both gods and men. Concepts such as death was therefore explained through myths. The ancient society feared death but desired an eternal life. The Egyptians saw death as a physical dismemberment of the body as had happened in the myth of Osiris when death was first introduced to the world. Osiris functioned as a prototype for all men as he had overcome death by finding a new existence in the netherworld.

Från Novis till Mästare : En berättelse om socialarbetares yrkeskunnande

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the worldThese words sum up my account of social worker expertise. How does one become skillful?a master?in the profession? I answer this question by exploring how social worker proficiency can be developed and grow with the help and support of supervisors, clients and colleagues. Development through professional supervision and in the encounter with clients is an essential part of the work. I also discuss what it means to be new in the field (a novice) in relation to being experienced (a master).

Barns lek och autonomi i förskolan : En filosofisk granskning av barnets och lekens etiska ställning i den svenska förskolan

This essay is a philosophical investigation of the relation between children and their play. My aim is to see if children are autonomous when it comes to their play. Is there a moral boundary between those who take part in the play and those who do not? This topic is especially important when it comes to the moral status of a child in the Swedish pre-school. How should educationists act when it comes to children?s play?  Through an analysis of the notions of play and autonomy I show that play can be understood as something of a moral value to the child and if children should be seen as autonomous when it comes to their play.

Kunskap är makt -eller- Tacit Knowledge Management

Today we are living in a knowledge-society where knowledge sharing is of utmost importance for companies in order to keep their competitiveness. Therefore, it is a much debated issue - in both the academic and the corporate world - in what way one should handle the knowledge which continuously is created within companies. The aim of this study is to describe how practitioners share tacit knowledge within a large knowledge company. By that we aim to get an answer to how the chosen theoretical models regarding tacit knowledge relate to the empirical world. In this study we will focus on tacit knowledge in contrast to explicit one.

Bibliotekarien som distansarbetare? : förutsättningar för bibliotekarien att utföra sina funktioner på distans

We studied how librarians would adapt to telework, the performance of job responsibilitiesfrom home. We found'that all duties could be accomplished. but to varied extents.Computerbased searches, interlibrary loans, acquisitions, indexing and telephone referenceservices are the duties most likely to adapt to telework whereas cataloguing andclassification probably are best performed in the ordinary workplace.Most duties would demand access to technical means of assistance when performed fromhome. Connections to the library's local network, directly or via modem, are requiredbecause it is unrealistic to expect librarians to telework with fewer tools than theyordinarily have available. Although librarians generally believe that teleworking will nothave a large irnpact on the operation of the library, most would like to telework.Whether teleworking is a viable strategy depends on the characteristics of the duties, thelibrarian's desire to telework, but also on the size of the library, the size of its staff, thelibrary's activities, and how work is distributed between librarians..

Sjöundersökning av Naalojärvi

LKAB is an international high tech mineral corporation and a world leading manufacturer of refined ironore products for steal manufacturing and other mineral products destined other industries. LKAB is an international corporation with companies world wide, with it?s main location in the north of Sweden, which is where the iron ore mines and the refining works are located. LKAB?s iron refining process in Vitåfors, Malmberget, is a source of great amounts of waste-rock.

Det var en gång... : Halta-Cajsa berättade, en analys av småländska sägner

This essay is intended to illustrate the norms and values which can be deduced from the notifier Catarina Andersdotter and recorded by Gunnar-Olof Hyltén-Cavallius. Reflects the legends of the peasant culture and life during the later part of 1700´s and early 1800´s.                      In the background material, I have assumed the following conditions of life; faith, love, work and children. Since Hyltén-Cavallius is our filter between us and the notifier, I have examined his life and incorporated events that may be of interest of the essay. Catarina Andersdotter´s life is described in the essay to show the factors and living conditions in her life that influenced her choice of stories.                      The environment of the commons over time period is described for the purpose of the variables of the legends. Legends have been qualitatively and quantitatively investigated.                      The essay shows that most of the legends deal with mytical world and its creatures as well as the interaction with humans.

Passage Retrieval en studie av index

The aim with this thesis came out of a strong interest for Passage Retrieval. Our intention has not been to evaluate an IR-system. Instead our goal has been to analyze the result of indexing documents and their passages. We have been studying the weights of the different terms in the different indices, in comparison with other parameters like frequency, normalized frequency and the inversed document frequency. Further more we have been looking at how the weights are spread using for instance the standard deviation.

Läraren som ledare och hennes roll i elevers kunskapsutveckling och socialt uppförande

 Over the past ten years, the pupils' performance and grades has fallen and the number of competent to high school has decreased gradually. The Swedish school has been criticized and the role of the teachers has been questioned, among other by the media. In autumn 2007 Johannesskolan, one of Sweden's tenth worst schools replaced the ordinary teachers of Class 9A against eight of the country's "main" educators with the goal of the class to become one of Sweden's third major. The teachers have the autumn term in which to achieve the goal and the outcome will be measured by national tests in core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teacher's leadership in relation to the pupils' social and intellectual development, and identify common leadership of these eight educators.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Nongovernmental Organizations

Background: Corporations are established and organized in order to create economic values for their owners and the main aim of every business enterprise is to be profitable and satisfy the financial expectations of their shareholders. However, corporate social responsibility focuses on the ethical aspects of corporate business in order to achieve the balance between the profitability and social responsibility. Nongovernmental organizations through their activities promote the respect for human rights and environmental care within the corporate world. Purpose and Scope: To make an in-depth study about the role of nongovernmental organizations regarding corporate social responsibility in order to increase the understanding of corporate social responsibility. Methodology: We used literature research for our thesis and we analysed the secondary data related to the corporate social responsibility.

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