

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 19 av 199

I huvudet på UNASUR och AU ? en studie av EU:s roll som förebild i världen

This bachelor thesis is a study of the European Union as a role model in the world. Its main focus is to answer the question ?In what respects did the European Union (EU) work as a model at the establishment of the African Union (AU) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)?? By doing so it hopes to shed some light on how other unions in the world contemplate the EU. The method is partly theoretical and partly empirical. In the theoretical part, the thesis discusses in what respects the African Union and the Union of South American Nations might and might not be similar to the European Union.

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

Konceptstudie av solcellsdriven bil

World Solar Challenge är en tävling i Australien vars syfte är att främja utvecklingen av förnyelsebar energi. Här deltar olika universitet runt om i världen och för att bygga en solcellsdriven bil som drivs av solens energi. Den ska sedan köras en sträcka mellan Darwin och Adelaide på dryga 300 mil genom Australien på kortast möjligast tid.Projektet görs för Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping till en kommande kurs som studenter kan söka sig till för att delta i World Solar Challenge 2013. I kursen ingår att bygga en solcellsbil som man sedan tävlar med.Genom att sätta upp krav som är nödvändiga och önskvärda i en funktionsanalys får projektet en utgångspunkt och ett stöd som bestämmer hur konceptet ska se ut och vilka krav som måste uppfyllas. De restriktioner som tävlingsledningen för World Solar Challenge upprättat kan omvandlas till nödvändiga krav i funktionsanalysen.Researchen, restriktionerna och de teorier som de aerodynamiska aspekterna pekat på bestämmer hur konceptet är utformat.Resultatet i projektet är en solcellsbil som med hjälp av sin sammanhängande form får goda aerodynamiska egenskaper och kan på det sättet konkurrera om en topplacering i World Solar Challenge.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : Förskollärarens didaktiska val

The aim of the current study was to examine the radical right-wing sympathizers in Sweden. To fulfill this aim, a quantitative case study on Sweden Democrats sympathizers was conducted. More specifically, this study has examined socio-economic backgrounds and political attitudes of the Sweden Democrat sympathizers. The results show that sympathizers of Sweden Democrats are higher among younger people and men. The results also show a higher support for Sweden Democrats among people with lower education and low income that also live in small towns and in the countryside.

Tragedi som underhållning

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två verklighetsbaserade Hollywoodfilmer, Pearl Harbor och World Trade Center, framställer det amerikanska folket samt dess fiender när landet blir attackerat.Vår studie är baserad på en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys förankrad i hermeneutiken, Vi väljer ut två filmer som vi sedan granskar och analyserar.Analysen visar att trots filmerna skiljer sig i handling och när de utspelar sig, så har de många gemensamma faktorer. Det framstår som att USA blir oskyldigt attackerat eftersom det inte redogjorts i filmerna några bakomliggande faktorer till vad som hänt. Genom symboler, handlingar, musik och tal speglas en påtaglig amerikansk patriotism i båda filmerna, det amerikanska folket framställs som hjältar, både uniformsbeklädda och privatpersoner. Fienden är en anonym makt som publiken aldrig får chans att identifiera sig med och framställs som hjärtlös och kall genom musik, färger och bildberättande..

Ekonomisk tillv?xt och lycka

This thesis investigates the relationship between economic growth and self-reported happiness in 45 European countries during the periods of 2011 and 2014-2022. In addition to economic growth, the effects of factors such as unemployment, health, and equality are also analyzed. Data has been collected from the World Bank and Our World in Data. To analyze these relationships, a fixed effects regression analysis and clustering are used, supplemented by tests for multicollinearity and scatter plots. The results of the study indicate that economic growth has no significant effect on happiness when our control variables are included in the analysis.

Samhällen i Kris : När Washington Tar Över

Dissertation in political science, D-level by Niklas Andersson, Spring Semester 2010. Tutor: Malin Stegmann McCallion?Societies in Crisis ? When Washington Take Over?An economic meltdown wreaks havoc on the world and has plunged the Western world into a spiral of economic stimulus in order to keep their way of life intact. At the same time the same institutions that support these countries have had another agenda for more unfortunate and less influential countries where nothing has been free and everything been to a price of self-sacrifice in order to get the consent of the IMF and the World Bank. Everything according to the points stated in the so called Washington Consensus.The purpose of this dissertation is to research what impact the Washington Consensus has on the state in terms of power over the market and sovereignty.

Dikten i "den nya fredens värld" : Litteraturdebatt i tidskriften Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949

This thesis analyses the literature debate in the overlooked Swedish magazine Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949. The magazine was first published at the end of World War II on the initiative of publisher Johan Hansson. After an interesting start, the terms of the debate in the magazine were changed after a power struggle on the editorial level. Thus, the magazine never became the influential arena for literary discussions that it first had potential of becoming.

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues.

Nya religiösa rörelser och synen på utbildning : en studie i hur medlemmar från nya religiösa rörelser uppfattar skola och undervisning

The previous research in the field of new religious movements has mostly focused on the spectacular parts where phenomena such as ?brainwashing? and the ?charismatic leader? have attracted both media and the scientific studies of religion. Professor Liselotte Frisks has done several enquiries about sects and new religious movements in Sweden. One of her main conclusions is that the relation between these new religious movements and the rest of society has changed; a relation that used to be characterized by conflicts and tension is now becoming more open as both parts are changing.This study does not focus on the spectacular parts. Instead I have studied something more common and general.

"Idioter", "mörka krafter" och fotboll : en studie av mediers rapportering om fotbollsrelaterat våld

AIMThis thesis purpose is to fill a knowledge gap of research into football-related violence and media. The objective is to create an understanding of how football-related violence is portrayed in the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen.METHODTo reach the desideratum we used a qualitative content analysis of 198 articles concerning football-related violence. To analyse the results we used theories regarding ?Framing?, ?the three ?I?s and the ?Stigma-theory?.MAIN RESULTSThe result from the initial analysis showed a heavy reliance on ?frames? by media outlets. This tended to make the news seem more sensational, dramatized and subsequently more readable than it otherwise would have been.

Polyarki och demokrati. En idéhistorisk studie av Robert Dahls demokratiteori

Since the nineteen-fifties, the American political scientist Robert Dahl (born in 1915) has been one of the most prominent democracy theorists in the world. In the book Politics, Economics, and Welfare, he and his colleague Charles E. Lindblom in 1953 introduced the notion of polyarchy as a denomination for the incomplete democracies of the Western world. Linguistically speaking, this notion was formed in connection with the ones already existing in the philosopher Aristotle's (384-322 B.C.) comparative teachings on government. Later, it has become apparent that the notion of polyarchy has already been in use by other authors, such as Johannes Althusius (1614) and Sir Ernest Barker (1947).Robert Dahl has been active at Yale University (in New Haven, Connecticut, USA), and is regarded as one of the foremost representatives of the political-science discipline known as pluralism.

Därför onlinevideo : En engagerande historia

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Liv i den övergivna trädgården? : Tro och sekularisering i Sverige, speglad mot dominerande teorier om sekulariseringsprocesser

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

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