

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 15 av 199

GPGPU : Bildbehandling på grafikkort

GPGPU is a collective term for research involving general computation on graphics cards. A modern graphics card typically provides more than ten times the computational power of an ordinary PC processor. This is a result of the high demands for speed and image quality in computer games.This thesis investigates the possibility of exploiting this computational power for image processing purposes. Three well known methods where implemented on a graphics card: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi point tracking) and the generation of scale pyramids. All algorithms where successfully implemented and they are tree to ten times faster than correspondning optimized CPU implementation..

Att förlora en person till följd av suicid : En litteraturöversikt ur de närståendes perspektiv

Background: Each year, over one million people around the world die as a result of suicide. About 1500 of those are in Sweden. In each case an estimated six kindred?s are to be affected. These people are in great need of support.

Rättfärdigade argument? USA:s militära intervention i Panama 1989

In 1989 the United States choose, after years of conflict, to carry out a military intervention in Panama, to remove Manuel Noriega, convicted for drug dealing and for threatening the lives of the Americans living in Panama. The aim of this study is to examine whether George H. W Bush?s arguments for the military intervention comply with the principles of the just war.The method chosen for this study is a qualitative literature study, based primarily on secondary data. It is a case study with two complementing theories, the theory of the just war and the world system theory.The result showed that the American intervention both can be justified and unjustified following the principles of the Just War Theory.

WTO - spelarena för utvecklingsländer? En studie om avgörande faktorer för utvecklingsländers förmåga att implementera sina regimpreferenser

This Bachelor Thesis is entitled "WTO-spelarena för utvecklingsländer? En studie om avgörande faktorer för utvecklingsländers förmåga att implementera sina regimpreferenser". Through our empirical results in conjunction with realist theories, this Bachelor thesis attempts to answer the questions: (1) How does the decline in American power, the nature of existing institutional structure and Third World unity, influence the ability of developing countries to secure its preferred regimes? (2) What function do informal meetings in the WTO have? (3) How does access to informal meetings influence the ability of developing countries to secure its preferred regimes? The paper makes use of case studies from the Ministerial meetings in the Doha development round.The conclusion is that access to these meetings is an important variable to explain the extent to which the Third World can be able to secure its preferred regimes. The degree to which developing countries can secure their preferred regimes is therefore a function of four variables: the nature of existing institutional structures; Third World unity, the attitude and power of the United States and foremost access to informal meetings..

Ordets tillblivelse : aspekter av Nietzsches tidiga språkfilosofi

The thesis examines the nineteenth century German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche?s early notion of how a word is generated in the process of perception. It does so by looking at the ?metaphorical transitions? Nietzsche talks about in the essay ?Über Wahrheit und Lu?ge im außermoralischen Sinne? (?On Truth and Lie in an Extra-MoralSense?). According to the relevant passage in ?On Truth and Lie?? an image is first created as a metaphor for a stimulus and a word is then created as a metaphor for the image.

Att anpassa eller inte anpassa - det är frågan! En fallstudie på hur externa faktorer påverkar anpassningsgraden av ett globalt företags marknadsstrategi. Four P's style!

The globalization of today?s society has enabled consumers to acquire products and services from all over the world. Global organizations have the entire world as a playfield and offer products and services across markets. Regardless perception and transparency of the global market, consumers are still individuals. Consumers may have different perceptions and ideas about products, their functions and usage.

?Kvinnan föder grensle över en grav? : En studie av det groteska i Samuel Becketts I väntan på Godot

This essay examines the grotesque in Samuel Becketts wellknown play Waiting for Godot. The play is primarily seen as an icon of absurdism, and it is such not appropriate to examine the play as if it belongs to the litterary genre of grotesque. The primary purpose of absurdism is to reveal the pointless- and emptiness of existence. In order to illustrate these points absurdism will often make use of the common characteristics of the grotesque. With this in mind I present, within this essay, an eximination of whether Samuel Becket makes use of these characteristics to assist his portayal of emptiness in Waiting for Godot.A prior understanding of absurdism is required and i have as such primarly used Martin Esslins famous studies.The studies of the grotesque are mainly represented by two theorists.

Bilden av kvinnliga och manliga elitfotbollspelare i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter : ? en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av fotbollsVM 2002 och 2003

Author: Camilla AnderssonTitle: The depiction of female and male elite soccer players in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter ?  A quantitative and discursive analysis of the World Cup 2002 and 2003Level of education: CSubject: Media and Communication Studies Umeå University: Department of Culture and Media Studies Term: Spring 2004 Pages: 70 The purpose of this essay is that from a gender theoretical and critical discourse analysis perspective  study how the image of the Swedish football national teams and players in the 2002 World Cup (men) and 2003 (women) were constructed in the media coverage. I analyze articles published in Dagens Nyheter, Swedens biggest morningpaper and Aftonbladet, biggest eveningpaper. The method is based on a quantitative content analysis, and critical discourse analysis in which I use van Dijk's analytical approach. Issues :1. What constructed the World Cup in 2002 and 2003  players and teams, from a gender theoretical perspective in the mediatexts?2.

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chinese Remainder Theorem is used to solving problems in computing, coding and cryptography. In computing we can compute with shorter numbers instead of large numbers and this will make the computing-process faster and easier. In coding it can be used for error-searching and error-regulating.Cryptography means that we can send a coded message and that no one will be able to read it without the decode-key which is based on prim-numbers. I am writing about the history of mathematics and how the number- and decimal number-system is used in Babylon, Egypt, Greece and in China. Abacus was a very important aid to calculate advanced mathematical problems.

Från idé till verklighet : Uppsala kommunala musikskola

Göranzon, Ingrid: From concept to reality - Uppsala Municipal School of Music. Master thesis, 30 credits. Uppsala: Department of Musicology. 2013.This thesis aims to explain how and why the municipal school of music (kommunala musikskolan) in Uppsala was formed. Municipal schools of music are a Swedish phenomenon that was formed all over Sweden after the Second World War.

World of Warcraft - Ungdomens nya "kokain" eller bara ett vanligt tonårsproblem

World of Warcraft (WoW) är ett onlinespel som spelas av 11,5 miljoner spelare världen över. För vissa av dessa spelare kan livet i WoW ta över nästan allt, så som jobb, skola, andra fritidsintressen och det sociala livet utanför spelet. Förståelsen för detta spelande går isär. Är det bakomliggande faktorer som bidrar till ett högfrekvent spelande eller är det spelet i sig som är beroendeframkallande? Kan man ens bli spelmissbrukare av WoW? Vi kontaktade informanter från fyra olika verksamheter, vilka alla kommer i kontakt med ungdomar, för att få deras åsikter om onlinespelande.

Prediktion av bostadsrättspriser i Stockholms innerstad.

A frequently asked question in real estate marketing is at what time of the year it is optimal to invest or sell. The aim of the project was to answer this question and to generate a prediction model over real estate located in the centre of Stockholm that takes seasons into account. With acquired sales statistics in Stockholm between 2010 and 2013 it was possible to perform a linear least square regression, also known as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), with describing qualities and season of sale as parameters. Statistical problems such as Multicollinearity and Heteroskedasticity have been taken into account when deriving the model. The result was a highly accurate prediction model indicating the profitability of investing in real estate during the summer and selling during the autumn..

Klimat i förändring? : En studie om det kommunikativa klimatets förändring

AbstractTitle: A changing climate? A study on the changes of the communicativeclimate. Klimat i förändring? En studie om det kommunikativaklimatets förändring.Author: Anne BjörckAim: The aim of this essay is to study changes in the area of the communicative climate and link that to Karl Weicks thoughts on communication and change. Karl Weick is famous for his contribution to organizational theories and he is still very well used around the world and that is the main reason to why his theory is served as a base in this essay.Method: The essay has a theoretical base with elements of qualitative explorative research method.

Anorexia Nervosa - en fast identitet i en flytande modernitet? : En kvalitativ undersökning av individer som utvecklat anorexia

The aim of this study is to analyze how individuals experience their eating disorder, the focus being if anorexia may be perceived as a secure safe zone in the new modern world. The aim is to examine if individuals affected with anorexia nervosa understand the disorder as a solution to the modern worlds changes and the new individual freedom that it entails. This will be analyzed with the help of terms in Erich Fromms theories about escape mechanisms and Catarina Kinnvalls theories about the modern worlds ontological insecurity.The study is based on data collected from four informants of different ages and gender. The interviews were conducted through email and informants were chosen based on a strategic selection and snowball sampling. For the analysis of the empirical material Fromms escape mechanisms (authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity) and Kinnvalls theories of identity in the modern world have been used.The results of the analysis show that the eating disorder has a great significance for the individual construction and maintenance of identity and that the eating disorder becomes a safe zone to retreat to in a world of performance anxiety.

Det tredje könet : om intersexualism och olika diskursers användning av kön/genus

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the concept of gender identity is constructed, by doing a discourse analysis of texts from two different perspective discussing intersexuals, and to define the areas where the discourses doesn't agree. The two perspectives were; feminist- and medical perspective.How are sex/gender identity constructed in the chosen articles?What themes can be seen in the discourses?My method was discourse analysis. A discourse can be described as a way of talking about and understanding a part of the world. The analytics task is to define the discourses, which the world is constructed by.The areas of conflicts have been found.

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