

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 13 av 199

Livets skillnader : Heidegger, djuret och vetenskapen

This essay constitutes an attempt to expose, with reference to contemporary animal research, the limits of Martin Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (1929/30) and to propose some possible ways to think, within the philosophical style of this particular work, the being of those animals that most distinctly transcends Heidegger?s concept. The essay seeks to address the following question: Do the results of contemporary animal research expose ways of being within animality that withdrawal from Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in general, and if so, how should we think these new ways of animal being? The motivation to ask this question, I argue, are immanent to Heidegger?s thinking in at least three ways: 1) Because of his standpoint that philosophy cannot, in any meaningful way, create an ontological concept of animality without an orientation towards the results of the positive sciences; 2) Because of the unfinished and tentative character of Heidegger?s analysis, a character that is such that it should be seen, according to Heidegger himself, as an essential point of departure for further thinking; 3) Because of Heidegger?s view that the being of the animal are such that it involves the withdrawal of this very being from any originary access, a withdrawal that necessitates an infinite return to the question concerning the being of the animal. The essay wants to be a continuation of lines that are present in Heidegger?s open-ended thought on this theme rather than to be an external critique that approach the text, which is most often the case, as a closed point of view which we are forced to affirm or reject.

Projektering av ett småhus med fördjupning i uppvärmningssystem

This report aims to examine the design of a passive house. The design addresses the selection ofmaterial, sizing and selection of both building services systems and building technical features suchas load-bearing framework and moisture control. Interior layout is designed for a family of twoadults and one child.A big part of the report is devoted to an in-depth comparison of three different wall constructions ofpassive house standard. The structures that have been compared are a lightweight timber structure, aheavier concrete structure and a sandwich wall of the brand Weber Leca. The report covers variousaspects such as air flow, wall thickness, the risks associated with the construction, U-value, thermalbridges, power consumption, price, and assembly costs.

Passivhus : En jämförelse mellan olika byggnadstekniska lösningar för ytterväggar

This report aims to examine the design of a passive house. The design addresses the selection ofmaterial, sizing and selection of both building services systems and building technical features suchas load-bearing framework and moisture control. Interior layout is designed for a family of twoadults and one child.A big part of the report is devoted to an in-depth comparison of three different wall constructions ofpassive house standard. The structures that have been compared are a lightweight timber structure, aheavier concrete structure and a sandwich wall of the brand Weber Leca. The report covers variousaspects such as air flow, wall thickness, the risks associated with the construction, U-value, thermalbridges, power consumption, price, and assembly costs.

Att undervisa i musik på mellanstadiet: Tre berättelser utifrån hur lärare som undervisar i musik på mellanstadiet talar om sin undervisning i förhållande till Lgr11

My interest in the problem I have chosen has grown from my practise as a music teacher in Swedish compulsory schools. It springs from my own reflection, that the content pupils meet during music lessons in year 4-6 of compulsory school, seems to vary. My ontological and epistemological standpoints belong to a life-world-phenomenological way of thinkink. This kind of thinking implies that human beings are indissolubly connected to the world, which means that the only way to access the world is trough human beings lived experience. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how music teachers, who work in years 4-6 of compulsory school, talk about the subject music and its content in relation to the new curriculum, Lgr11.

Den brasilianska nötköttsproduktionens framtida utveckling :

To value the risk and opportunity for our production in Sweden it is necessary to understand the marketing development for beef cattle production in the world. We have chosen to look at the Brazil beef cattle production. They are one of the biggest producers, have good opportunity to develop further and have a big affect at the world market. The method of our work is to gather information from experts of beef cattle production, located in Brazil. We have also gathered information through studies of literature. The factors that will have a big influence at the Brazil beef cattle production during the upcoming years is more efficient land use, lower age of slaughtering and extended use of feedlot-system. Our conclusion is that the Brazil beef cattle will have a sharp increase during the next five years. The amount of pasture will not change during that time.

Folkbibliotekarier om omvärldsbevakning - Intervjustudie med 5 svenska folkbibliotekarier

The purpose of the study is to reach knowledge about how public librarians understands and describes environmental scanning as a working process in a Swedish public library. The study consists of 5 interviews with public librarians working within the same organization. The empirical material is presented in two ways. The first one is what aspects of the external world the librarians find important. The second is through a theoretical framework based on Magnus Hoppes model of environmental scanning, including communication and cognitive processes aswell as ways of analyzing information from the external world.

Stomme i småhus ! : - En teoretisk studie av olika bärande vägglösningar !

This report aims to examine the design of a passive house. The design addresses the selection ofmaterial, sizing and selection of both building services systems and building technical features suchas load-bearing framework and moisture control. Interior layout is designed for a family of twoadults and one child.A big part of the report is devoted to an in-depth comparison of three different wall constructions ofpassive house standard. The structures that have been compared are a lightweight timber structure, aheavier concrete structure and a sandwich wall of the brand Weber Leca. The report covers variousaspects such as air flow, wall thickness, the risks associated with the construction, U-value, thermalbridges, power consumption, price, and assembly costs.

Den mångfacetterade vampyren : En undersökning av vampyrens roll i min roman

The first vampire film I ever saw was Interview with a vampire. ?I haven?t been human for two hundred years?, opened up not only the film, but a whole new world I knew nothing about. The world, as it were, opened its doors to me again after I had seen the film adaption of Stephenie Meyers Twilight. I decided to write down a few thoughts, capture my frame of mind, and these paragraphs then turned into a text: ?I tankarnas skal?.              When I did research for this essay I discovered that my text held certain similarities with the modern vampire novel.

Multipel regressionsanalys av foretagsforvarv.

Syftet med rapporten ar att studera kopar-, saljar- och forvarvsfaktorers inverkan pavardet av transaktionen vid foretagsforvarv. Undersokningen ar avgransad vad galler storlek avforvarvsvarden samt typ av forvarv och variablerna ar hamtade fran databasen Zephyr. Dessainkluderar kvantitativa samt indikativa variabler sasom transaktionsvarde, saljares och koparesindustri och region, vinst innan transaktionen och ifall transaktionen ar gransoverskridande.Faktorerna inkluderas i en multipel regressionsmodell som skattas med Ordinary Least Squares(OLS) {skattning med programvaran STATA. I programmet inbyggda skattningar och ytterligaremodellforbattrande atgarder studeras bade matematiskt och tillampas i regressionerna..

Är en annan värld möjlig? World Social Forum, Den Globala Rättviserörelsen och formulerandet av en ny demokrativision

Ända sedan det kalla krigets slut har diskursen om den liberala demokratin varit hegemonisk. Det, menar vi, har skapat en osund situation där demokratins utformning och innehåll inte längre diskuteras. Därför har vi valt att undersöka den globala rättviserörelsens demokrativision, den enda som idag skulle kunna representera ett legitimt alternativ till den liberala demokratin. Eftersom det är en ostrukturerad grupp av diverse organisationer, rörelser och aktivister är det svårt att nå fram till en samlad vision. Vår analys bygger huvudsakligen på World Social Forums ?Charter of Principles?, en samling grundläggande principer som bildar en gemensam grund för alternativa politiska forum.

Prisstrategier : En studie om dynamisk prissättning på Major events

Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor is to analyze how the organizers of a Major event price their tickets and how these strategies consistent and differs from dynamic pricing. The study also aims to analyze whether there are conditions for dynamic pricing in Major events in the future.Theories: Dynamic pricing - Kimes model, Segmentation, price discrimination, variable ticket pricing.Method: The study used a triangulation where a qualitative interview was combined with quantitative data collection. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach through an interview with General Secretary Tony Wiréhn and Marketing Director Malin Eldh in the local organization of the IIHF World Championship in Sweden. The quantitative data collection was to collect price information from the games played in the Swedish side of the World Championship organization arrangements.Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn are that the organizer of Ice Hockey World Championships today largely applies segmentation and also the second and third degree price discrimination. World Cup organization believes that it has something they call "semi-dynamic pricing", which according to this study involves a variable pricing with dynamic tendencies, then prices on some games adapted based on supply and demand during the sales period.

Att gestalta främlingskap : En studie av hur alienationen gestaltas i Eugene Ionescos Enstöringen

This essay is a study of the portrayal of the theme of alienation in Eugene Ionesco's novel The hermit. In my study I examine the different ways in which the theme of alienation is portrayed and how the cause of the narrator's experience of alienation can be found in ideological, psychological and existential conflicts that the narrator has to face. The result is an experience of das unheimliche, a Freudian concept, which is a kind of uncanny detachment that the narrator experiences, when he is put up against an invisible force that lurks in the perifery of the world, which is portrayed in the story. The meaning of the ideological conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world that is ruled by capitalism, with marxism as a positive leveler and the meaning of the psychological conflict is a conflict in the narrator's own inner reality. The meaning of the existential conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world absent of God.

Vuxenvärlden i böckerna om LasseMajas detektivbyrå!

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the adult world is produced in the books of Martin Widmark about LasseMajas detektivbyrå from a gender perspective.I wanted to answer questions concerning the appearance, personal characteristics, occupations and activities, and the relationship between children and adults to do my analysis.I decided to make a qualitative content analysis to answer my questions.I used the gender theories that describe how stereotypes excel. I related these gender theories to the books that I have studied.I also used previous research on gender roles in other children's books to compare their results with mine.After reading, analyzing and comparing the books I have come to the conclusion that gender roles in books about LasseMajas detektivbyrå is very gender stereotyped..

Samhällsplanering i Sverige under 50 år : -en genomgång av tidskriften PLAN

In 1989 the United States choose, after years of conflict, to carry out a military intervention in Panama, to remove Manuel Noriega, convicted for drug dealing and for threatening the lives of the Americans living in Panama. The aim of this study is to examine whether George H. W Bush?s arguments for the military intervention comply with the principles of the just war.The method chosen for this study is a qualitative literature study, based primarily on secondary data. It is a case study with two complementing theories, the theory of the just war and the world system theory.The result showed that the American intervention both can be justified and unjustified following the principles of the Just War Theory.

Lost World : Home of the seven and a half legged tree

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

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