

782 Uppsatser om The male gaze - Sida 42 av 53

Gravar i stenskepp : Osteologisk analys av brända och obrända ben från skeppssättningar på Gotland

In this study bone material from six stone ship settings and a total of seven deposits of bones from two sites on the island of Gotland have been analyzed. Four ship settings from the burial site at Gålrum in Alskog parish and two from Tängelgårda in Lärbro parish. The ships contained both cremated remains and inhumations.  Human remains were identified in five of the analyzed ship settings and a minimum of six individuals was identified in total.  Animals were found in three of the ship settings, where one of them contained only the burned remains of a dog. Two of the ships contained inhumations, one in Gålrum and one in Tängelgårda.

En feministisk världsordning

AbstractAt a time when the discussion of feminism is hot in the media, in the schools and in the cottages so I have been interested in how feminist worlds order might look like and what are the roads there. There are plenty of barriers in the community, some of them you easily could influence.This essay problematize and define the problems behind the difficulties of reaching a feminist world order, but also the factors that are important to achieve this world order. How colonization that began several hundred years ago spread and secured the patriarchal society and its influence all the way to the society of today. But even more immediate factors, on how we ourselves are involved in shaping our society in terms of where we live, how we educate ourselves, and what jobs we choose. Status symbols in society as economics, profession and political influence are all to be reckoned with when it comes to influencing society.

?Att sätta barnen före sig själv?? : En argumentationsanalys på Tingsrättens avgöranden i mål om vårdnad 

The aim of this study was to examine the District Court´s argumentations about the children´s best interests in rulings regarding custody of children, and to analyse the argumentation from a gender perspective. Rulings from the District Court from 2012 have been the basis for this study and a qualitative method has been used, argumentations analysis. The study shows that cooperative problems between the parents are the main reason why the District Court finds joint custody to be excluded. There are also argumentation regarding parent´s ability to ensure the children?s safety.

Att bli subjekt i sin egen historia : En studie i Alice Lyttkens Flykten från vardagen och - kommer inte till middagen

Alice Lyttkens (1897-1991) was a very popular author in Sweden during several decades in the middle of the twentieth century. She was most famous for her historical novels. During her first period as a novelist in the 1930s, however, she wrote contemporary fiction, reflecting the situation of contemporary Women. The traditional view of the two sexes as ?complementary? permeated the interwar period.

Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och hur de hanterar sin situation

Background: Depression is a very common disease and is caused both by the biological, physical, and psychosocial factors. At least 25 percent of women and 15 percent of all men are affected at some point in their lives. As a nurse, it is important to be aware of women's experience of depression to meet their needs for care.Aim: To illuminate women's experience of depression in order to better understand their needs for care.Method: Literature review in which ten scientific studies were analyzed and thematised. Eight qualitative studies and two studies of qualitative and quantitative method was retrieved from the database CINAHL Complete and PsycINFO. Keywords depression, women?s experience, experience of depression, female, nursing, major depression, women och social interaction were used.

Manlig lusta eller tabu? En undersökande uppföljning av sexköpslagen. Lag (1998:408).

January 1, 1999, a new sex purchase law was introduced in Sweden, Lag (1998: 408). The law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer in the sex trade. The majority of consumers in prostitution are men and the suppliers are women. When prostitution is problematized it's usually from the woman's point of view and the perspective of the man is often overlooked. The new law has shed light on the consumer and made the male more visible in the public debate.

C. M. Carlanders Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris (1904): En källkritisk studie av kvinnors bibliotek under tidigmodern tid.

The aim of this study is to examine the historical information about women?s libraries and book ownership during the early modern period in the work of Carl Magnus Carlander, Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris [Swedish libraries and ex-libris] (1904) and to inquire the scientific value of the information. A gender perspective is applied to the study. Gender is understood as a social and cultural constructed concept, dealing with female and male identities as interdependent categories.The study of Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris is made using source criticism and it has two parts. The first part deals with external conditions of the creation of the work; the life of C.

Medlingens roll vid familjerättsliga tvister : En historisk och komparativ studie utifrån svensk rätt samt islamisk och judisk rättstradition

In 2006 the government assigned the Council of Cultural Affairs the task of making an update, consisting of 50 literary titles, to be added to the existing list called Alla tiders klassiker ? en klassikerserie för skolan (All-time classics suited for school).      The idea of ??a literary canon can be considered to be a tool for transferring socially, historically and culturally constructed norms and values ??from one generation to the next in order to create and maintain a common frame of reference. The common frame of reference affect the individual's thoughts and actions as well as their sexual desires and their own perception of self as a sexual being.

Bland gudar och krigare : asatro, ideologi och mansidealet i nationalromantikens konst

This essay is about how the aesir are used as an ideal image of the original Nordic aspects and as a symbol of heroism and pure strength. The main subject of this essay is to look at how this ideal of masculinity is represented in the art produced during the era of romantic nationalism. The choice of focusing on this era in particular is made due to the fact that it was during this time that the modern images of the aesir and the Vikings were made. The purpose of this study is to examine how the ideal of masculinity reflects upon the artistic interpretations of the Norse mythology in a selected group of art work produced during the 1800?s.

Varför så få kvinnor? : En stuide om kvinnligt ledarskap inom svensk elitishockey

Under säsongen 2013/2014 arbetade fyra kvinnliga ledare på högsta position inom svensk elitishockey vilket motsvarade 15 procent. Riksidrottsförbundets jämställdhetsmål är att andelen representanter från vardera kön ska vara minst 40 procent. Varför innehar så få kvinnor ledande positioner inom svensk elitishockey?Frågan besvaras genom att intervjua de kvinnliga chefer som tagit sig in i organisationerna och därav få ökad förståelse för kvinnligt ledarskap i en mansdominerad bransch. Tidigare forskning visar på att kvinnor som försöker klättra i karriären möts av ett normativt motstånd vilket påvisas i teorierna om ?tokens? och glastaket.

?? dom ska vaska fram några få, men riktigt bra? : En intervjustudie om hur blivande företagsekonomer förhåller sig till diskriminerande strukturer

The objective of the master thesis is to analyze how future business administrators relate to discriminatory structures during their period of studies. Eight students studying business administration have been interviewed. The empirical material is analyzed with theories from the field of research of Critical Whiteness Studies and Feminist Organization Theory. The theories are chosen from a Situated Knowledge perspective. It turns out that the interviewed students have a conception of an ideal student who studies business administration.

Bilateral deficit vid excentrisk och koncentrisk muskelaktion : En jämförande studie mellan den summerade unilaterala och bilaterala kraftutvecklingen hos roddare visavi sprinters

AimThe main aim of the study was to investigate the difference in bilateral deficit between rowers and sprinters during maximal eccentric/concentric muscle actions.? Are there any significant differences in bilateral deficit between rowers and sprinters?? Do the amount of years in practice effect the bilateral deficit?MethodFourteen male subject participants divided in 2 equal sized groups (7 individuals in each group; rowers and sprinters) performed maximal unilateral/bilateral eccentric and concentric muscle actions in a leg press machine at a velocity of 0.2m/s. The range of motion in the knee joint was 70° ? 140°. Dependent t-tests have been performed within each group pre and post test.

Könsskillnader i motiv för att dricka alkohol- en studie av studenter på en högskola i mellersta Sverige

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motives underlying the consumption of alcohol among college students and if the motives differ between genders. The study is based on the following questions: What are the motives underlying alcohol consumption among students? Do these motives differ between men and women? Is there any connection between the motives for alcohol consumption and consumption? The study is a quantitative, empirical comparison study and the data presented is mainly descriptive. The study group consists of students from a university in central Sweden. After an exclusion of five students a total of 81 students participated in the survey, of which 55 were female and 26 were male.

Elefantens könsorgan, reproduktion och embryoutveckling

Hydropericardium or pericardial effusion (PE) is the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac and is often secondary to pericardial diseases or diseases related to the heart. It is unusual with clinically relevant pericardial diseases in cats but pericardial effusion is the most common one. Since PE causes serious symptoms and may lead to death it is important with a quick diagnosis and treatment. PE can be acute and cause cardiac tamponade, which gives severe clinical signs. Cardiac tamponade needs to be treated immediately or else the cat will die from cardiogenic chock. More common is chronic PE where the fluid accumulates during a longer period of time and the pericardial sac stretches.

The effect of additional nitrate and sulfur in the diet on the methane production in cattle

A growing population together with a change in food habits to a more diverse diet containing more animal products such as meat and milk makes the possibility to produce and sell products of cattle a growing market. And at the same time there is an ongoing debate about global warming, where raising cattle is questioned due to their high production of enteric methane. To be able to raise animals in a more environmental friendly way and at the same time improve productivity in a developing country such as Vietnam would be favorable. The use of feed additives with high electron affinity could decrease the methane production and at the same time improve the gross energy digested. Nitrate and Sulfur are both good electron acceptors, but due to its toxic effects the use of nitrate in feed has been neglected.

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