

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 66 av 166

Gymnasieverksamheten : en kvalitativ undersökning om Ungdoms- och familjeteamets samverkan med gymnasieskolan och polisen i drogpreventivt arbete

Upper secondary schools programme - a qualitative study about the collaboration of the Youth- and family team, the upper secondary schools and the police to prevent drugsAuthor: Åsa GöranssonSupervisor: Björn JohanssonThis essay discuss drug preventative work performed by the members of the ?Upper secondary schools programme?, which is a part of the Youth- and family team of the Social Services. They perform this work in collaboration with the police and upper secondary schools in Örebro.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and describe this collaboration. More specifically, the purpose is to study the contents of documents of the municipality of Örebro concerning drug prevention aimed at youths through collaboration and compare with the actual work that is carried out by the Youth- and family team through collaboration. Further issues dealt with are possible improvements and if the parties concerned feel a need for a documented structure concerning their way of working.I have used a qualitative method and I have interviewed members of parties concerned.

E-tjänster, ett kommunalt dilemma : En studie av de hinder som kan komma att pa?verka anva?ndningen av Skelleftea? Kommuns e-tja?nst fo?r Bygglov

Under 2000-talet har begrepp som E-Government och 24-timmarsmyndighet kommit att fo?ra?ndra offentliga myndigheters sa?tt att erbjuda tja?nster och interagera med medborgare. Att genom e-tja?nster erbjuda medborgare alternativ till de traditionella kanalerna a?r na?got som de flesta svenska myndigheter och kommuner stra?var mot. Skelleftea? Kommun tog redan i bo?rjan av 2000-talet initiativ att erbjuda service inom ramen fo?r begreppet 24- timmarsmyndighet och erbjuder i nula?get en rad e-tja?nster riktade mot kommunens medborgare.

Tjackhoran - finns hon? : en studie av föreställningar om den amfetaminmissbrukande kvinnan

The object of this study is the female user of amphetamines and the characteristica which she is often described by. Many of these descriptions regard the female amphetamine user's sexuality which also have come to form the assumption that these women make a living from having sexual relations with men in exchange of drugs.In order to be able to draw any kind of conclusions regarding this, we found it necessary to investigate how the stereotypical female user of amphetamines makes a living and also whether it is possible for a female drug user to decide for her self how to support her habit.The disposition is a qualitative study of literature and the perspectives that we focused on in this study are gender roles, relationships and sexuality, criminality and finally the drug using woman as a victim. The theories used deal with social constructivism, respectability and shame.The main discussion of our study has been how women amphetamine users are moulded to become victims through interaction with other people but also with the society as a whole..

?Det är ju en naturlig del? : De anställdas känslor inför och arbete med uttryck för onani på gruppboenden för personer med utvecklingsstörning

The aim of this study was to investigate the emotions among the staff at the group housings when they observe the caretakers expressions of masturbation and how the staff handles these expressions in their daily and long-term work. The theoretical concepts that were used in this study are group housing as a public and private arena, occupational role, relation, humanistic effort, pedagogical effort, empowerment, care ethic and emotions. The concepts are related to each other and constitutes the foundation for the analysis of the empirical data used in this study. A qualitative study was carried out, in forms of half structured interviews with six informants, of which the majority was women. It came to light that the interviewees only had positive feelings for the caretaker?s expressions of masturbation.

Lekens och inomhusmiljöns betydelse för barns lärande i förskolan : Förskollärares tankar och uppfattningar om lek, lärande och inomhusmiljö

ABSTRACT Poverty, and in particular child poverty, is a serious social problem. Statistics show that the number of children living in poverty has increased over the last ten years. Earlier research shows that there are huge gaps in our knowledge of how the actors in civil society handle child poverty. With this study we hope to help fill this gap. The aim of our study is to look at how four different organisations working in the civil society in Uppsala perceive and handle child poverty.

Heteronormativa strukturer i asylprocessen : Dess uttryckssätt och påverkan

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study has been to analyse and understand the effects of heteronormative structures in the Swedish asylum process. Homosexual refugees, seeking asylum in Sweden, is in focus when proceeding an analysis about these social structures and normative phenomena. The main discourse, being handled in this study, is between homosexuality and heterosexuality. However, central findings in this study consists of how different approaches, such as gender based identities as well as sexual preferences and ethnic background, combined is influencing the asylum process and the treatment of the asylum seekers.The analysis is based upon legal material, as well as the guidelines and work ethics of the Migrationsverket, which is being compared with theoretical approaches on heteronormativity and structural hierarchy. To achieve a wider understanding of the area and to gain more information, we have also performed interviews with relevant sources.Key-words: Heteronormativity, asylum seekers, homosexuality, power structuresSara Haugbak & Jenny Thomsen, Sociology C, University of Växjö, Sweden.

Med samtidsperspektiv på äldre konst : en fallstudie av utställningen "Queer: begär, makt och identitet"

The aim of this essay is to study how older art can be used to illustrate our contemporary society with a critical view and also to contribute to the discussion of for what reason we keep our public collections.My essay is based on a case study of the 2008 summer exhibition ?Queer: desire, power and identity? at Nationalmuseum. The exhibition used art from different eras to show how the ideals, norms of gender, and how the symbols for power have changed throughout history. It also reveals how certain art or artists have been excluded from art history due to their sexual orientation.This study is based on three questions:-          How can older art be used to illustrate a to our society contemporary theme?-          How can a public museum make an exhibition with a clear and active message?-          How can a clear and potentially sensitive message be shown without risking to be provocative towards either the visitors or the person(s) it is about.My material is based on the exhibition, the work material from the museum, protocols, photographs, exhibition texts, and interviews with the creators of the exhibition.

Att köpa en identitet : en etnografisk studie i en mobilbutik

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to study the interaction between seller and buyer in a mobile phone store. The specific research questions under investigation are:Are there any underlying factors behind mobile purchase, and if so, what are they? Are mobile purchases driven by lifestyle factors and do customers try and create identities when purchasing new mobile phones?Material/Method: The study employs an ethnographic method when trying to answer the posed research questions. I have under a period of two weeks studied the seller-buyer interaction in a mobile phone store. In order to further increase the accuracy of my findings, I have complemented my observations with a sample of buyer and seller interviews.Main results: The observations and interviews were initially studied in isolation, resulting in different themes.

Skyltfönstrets möjligheter - En kvantitativ studie om skyltfönster baserad på kreativitet och tid -

Store windows, as many earlier research studies indicate, is an important factor of the store atmosphere to attract customers into the store. In this study we have narrowed it down and chosen to focus on how different contexts of the store windows will effect customers' evaluation. The purpose is to find out how the context of high creativity and low creativity combined with different time aspect in store windows will affect store image, attitude, entering decisions and purchase intention toward the store. The results are based on a quantitative study where we did an experiment and a field study. The result shows that higher level of creativity is better than lower level of creativity in certain aspects.

Analys av läromedel i svenska

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

Elever med svenska som andraspråk

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

Sexuellt riskbeteende och självkänsla hos ungdomar

Sammanfattning  Författare (Tillnamn, förnamn)                                                                                                                 Årtal                    Unis, Brian                                                                                                       2010             Arbetets titel Sexuellt riskbeteende och självkänsla hos ungdomarOpublicerad uppsats för magisterexamen.                                                                                                Sidoantal (tot)               Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. Fakulteten för samhälls- och livsvetenskaper.           Avdelning för samhällsvetenskap Social omsorgsvetenskap                                                                    47               Examensarbete 15 hp i Magisterprogrammet Hälsofrämjande arbete, folkhälsoarbete och socialt förändringsarbete i lokalsamhället. Bakgrund: Attityder till sex och sexuellt beteende särskilt hos ungdomar har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste åren med ökning av sexuellt transmitterade infektioner (STI), i synnerhet klamydia i ungdomsgruppen och oönskade graviditeter. Många studier visar att det inte finns något samband, en del studier visar ett svagt samband och några studier visar ett positivt samband mellan självkänsla och sexuellt riskbeteende. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att beskriva självkänsla och sexuella vanor hos gymnasieungdomar. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka attityder, normer och self-efficacy i relation till ungdomars sexuella beteende. Metod: Studiens design var en tvärsnittsstudie. Tre mätinstrument har använts för att studera bassjälvkänsla (Basic Self-Esteem Scale, kort version), förtjänad självkänsla (Earning Self-Esteem Scale, kort version) och faktorer som påverkar sexuellt riskbeteenden (Sexual Risk Behaviour Belief and Self-Efficacy scales, SRBBS).

Tjänstemarknadsföring inom fastighetsförmedling : en studie av Fastighetsbyråns förmedling av lantbruksfastigheter

Services, no matter if they are established on the market or not, are often problematic since they are difficult to define for the customer. An example of such services is an real estate agent offers his or her service when it comes to all types of real estate. The purpose of the intermediation is to sell a costumers real estate to a buyer and act arbitrator between the two parties, this means that good communication is very important. To pin down what the service is all about and to know how to communicate is essential. When it comes to land and forest holding a special need of knowledge and experience is needed to be able to act professionally.

Konsten att lyckas med förankring

The purpose of this thesis work is to formulate a model with methods that describe key success factors to get understanding and awareness in organizational change projects. We have used a project within the township of Gothenburg as a case and connected to this single project the purpose is to identify key success factors to get understanding and awareness among employees within the township of Gothenburg. We hope that our result will be useful in other large organizational change projects. Theoretic basis for our study have been models and methods, while our purpose have been to construct a model with suitable methods for anchoring. Theories about coaching and process management are examples of methods to get understanding and awareness among employees in change projects.

Sexuell dominans : En kvalitativ studie av fyra sexuellt dominanta kvinnor

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur fyra sexuellt dominanta kvinnor uppfattar sin sexualitet. Särskilt inriktar den sig på hur kvinnorna definierar sig som sexuellt dominanta och vad dominans innebär för dem sexuellt men också till vardags och generellt. Vidare undersöks hur informanterna uppfattar sin sexuella dominans i relation till sin identitet och sitt identitetsskapande överlag. För att kunna verkställa syftet har fyra kvinnor intervjuats som alla definierar sig som sexuellt dominanta på ett eller annat vis. Fortsättningsvis inriktar sig uppsatsen på kvinnor som utövar sin sexuella dominans via aktiviteter och uttryck för dominans vanliga inom bdsm..

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