

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 4 av 166

Effect of TV displays on impulse purchase

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Svenska institutionella investerares uppfattning om icke-revisionstjänsters påverkan på revisorns oberoende

This study is a semi-­structured, qualitative depth-­interview study investigating Swedish institutional investors' perception of the fact that companies purchase non-­audit services from its signing auditor and if they see this as a threat to auditor independence. The study focuses on independence in appearance rather than independence in fact. The study is based on the current media debate on auditor independence and aims to provide a deeper insight to enlighten legislators how users of audited financial information look at the problem. The study builds on agency theory's notion that there is an information asymmetry between management and shareholders, which the auditor is to reduce. The results show that Swedish institutional investors perceive that there is a threat to auditor independence when companies buy non­-audit services from its signing auditor.

Att tala med barn om sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barn

The purpose of this thesis has been to examine preventing child sexual abuse in four elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with school counselors. The aim of this thesis was to find out how and if elementary schools in Sweden work with preventing child sexual abuse. The aim was also to examine how the school counselors reason about the schools efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Their statements was analysed with Foucault?s theory about sexual history to get a deeper understanding for why people reason the way they do when it comes to issues like this.

Värdet bakom våldtäkten : En diskursanalys av fyra rättsfall

This paper seeks to explore how victims of crime and defendants are portrayed in sexual assault cases. Lately, more and more voices have been raised in appal against values demonstrated in court decisions and we?ve seen the implementation of a new sexual assault legislation in attempt to increase people?s sexual integrity. Yet, at the same time, there is still a tremendously low amount of reported sexual assaults that go to trial and even fewer result in conviction. This paper is not an attempt to scrutinize the legal system, but to draw attention to what values are portrayed in sexual assault cases.

Fastighetsmäklartjänster på nätet : en fallstudie av Adirekta, A-mäklarna och HemOnline

To purchase a house or an apartment is often one of the major personal financial commitments for a person. In 2005, 84% of the homeowners sold their homes using a estate agency. During 2006 several new opportunities appeared on the market, giving the homeowners more of a choice in what way to sell their homes. Media describes the alternatives in general ?as the agents on the Internet?.

Web Services: en fallstudie av organisatoriska konsekvenser

I artiklar skrivs det om att ny teknik såsom Web services kan medföra t ex förändringar i processer och sättet att överföra och hantera data. Web services anses av många vara en lösning på integrationsproblem som uppstår när data finns i olika system som inte kommunicerar med varandra. Vi som systemvetare anser att vår studie bidrar till att belysa andra aspekter än de tekniska när det gäller Web services. Vi har studerat organisatoriska konsekvenser av införandet av Web services. Studien kan inte fastställa att Web services är en bra teknik generellt för att integrera system.

Någon annan tar hand om det bättre än jag - : Sjuksköterskors syn på barriärer till varför sexuell hälsa inte tas upp i vården

BackgroundSexual health is affected by disease, dysfunction and disability but can also be experienced in spite of illness. To get a deeper knowledge of what the nurse does for the patients the background is written with the support of the holistic care and Katie Eriksson theoretical perspectives health and suffering.AimThe aim of this study is to describe the factors to why nurses do not prioritize patients' sexual health in the nursing care.MethodA literature review based on nine qualitative and quantitative studies focusing on the barriers perceived by the nurses to address sexual health.ResultThe result of this study showed that the barriers were many. Factors related to nurses unwillingness to talk to patients about sexuality and sexual health were difficulties in nurses' psychosocial work environment and lacking competence concerning sexual health. The fact that sexuality is a sensitive subject, factors related to the patient and that it was someone else's responsibility to raise the topic were other factors that made it difficult.ConclusionWe conclude that a stressed workplace where there is a lack of time and stress along with a poor education and uncertainty leads to no grasp of the subject and the problem slides between health professionals. Patients' sexual health remains untreated.

Industriellt köpbeteende av utlandsresetjänster

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the organizational buying behaviour in the purchase of travels abroad. We have conducted a case study of two companies, one medium sized and one larger. Our empirical studies have shown that the companies? buying process is divided into two types, the process of recruit a new travel supplier and the process of a straight rebuy of a regular travel service. In the recruiting process we found that the evaluation process of the purchase is an ongoing process that contradicts estab-lished theories.

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management ? Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing

Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM).This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation?s use of these services.

Dockteater som mediering : En handgjord handling

The aim of this study was to shed light on the phenomenon of sex purchase amongst men from the perspective of professionals working at KAST*. Our main research questions concerned who the sex-purchasing men are, what their incentives are and furthermore how the professionals depict their work with these clients. In order to examine this we conducted three qualitative research interviews. The theoretical framework used to examine our results consisted of social constructivism and professional acting space. Main results show, contrary to research, that the ?typical? sex buyer does not exist, nor do specific motives.

Unga män som har begått sexuella övergrepp : - En studie om orsaker och behandling

Young men who commit sexual abuse is a complex topic. This study is based on litterature on the subject and the material is processed through a qualitative content analysis. The study aims to study how the litterature describes the reasons why young men commit sexual abuse. It also aims to explore what is described to be effective treatment of young men who committed sexual abuse. The study found that most of the young men who commit sexual abuse comes from families where violence and psycohological abuse occurs. Many have themselves been victims of sexual abuse.

Säkerhetsservice/Fixartjänst En fallstudie om en implementeringsprocess som befäster de klassiska könsrollerna

Fighting against accidents with elderly involved have come to be one of the west world's greatest challenges together with the climate changes and epidemics, and in order to fight against these accidents SDF Centre, Gothenburg appointed a man to the post as a caretaker.The aim of this master thesis is to analyse whether the implementation process and the systematic work correspond with Vedungs implementation theory and also put forward arguments for and against a masculine entrance into promotion old-age care; if it strengthens or is a take-off from the classical sexual roles.The thesis main theory is Evert Vedungs theory of implementation, which is constituted of eight factors which facilitates an implementation process. In order to theorise the sexual roles I have appropriated a gender perspective, constituted of multiple researchers and authors.The conclusion I have received through the qualitative interviews carried out with actors involved in the implementation process, is that the security services implementation correspond well with Vedungs implementation theory, hence the implementation has proceeded efficiently. The classical sexual roles is on one hand strengthened through a masculine possession of the security service, and on the other hand can the masculine entrance in the old-age care entail that more men apply for promotion old-age care work..

Utvärdering av svenska företags användning av interna och externa Web Services och deras syn på Web Services fördelar

Web Services är en av de mest populära utvecklingstrenderna som finns idag. Inom litteraturen tas en mycket positiv bild fram av Web Services som är en relativt ny teknik och är därmed inte helt färdigutvecklad. Enligt Deitel et al. (2003) kan det därför vara svårt för företag att utnyttja tekniken för att kunna uppnå alla fördelar som teoretiskt sägs finnas med interna och externa Web Services.Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka i vilken omfattning som Web Services finns idag på svenska företag när det gäller interna och externa Web Services, och hur företagen anser att tekniken fungerar med avseende på fördelar, jämfört med vad som sägs inom litteraturen.För att besvara problemställningen har litteraturstudier och intervjuer genomförts. Resultatet visade att svenska företag har mestadels interna Web Services men att omfattningen även innefattar externa Web Services, vilka för tillfället växer.

Ung lust och könat tvång : Representationer av sexuellt handlingsutrymme i svensk samtida ungdomsroman

This Master's thesis explores representations of sexual agency in contemporary, Swedish novels for young adults. Using a representational theory approach the thesis analyzes 24 novels published in 2000 ? 2013. Addressing the following research questions: how is sexual agency constructed and regulated relative to gender performativity in Swedish novels for young adults? How are situations of sexual abuse and sexual ?grey zones? (situations that border on abuse) represented and being made intelligible in the texts? What are the consequences of representations of sexual agency? In the readings of the novels discourse analysis and theories on cultural representation and power have served as the critical points of entry, as well as the methodological basis for the study.

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