

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 29 av 166

Upplevelsen av sexualitet hos personer med ryggmärgsbråck

Ryggmärgsbråck är en form av funktionshinder, och personer med ryggmärgsbråck är en patientgrupp som sjuksköterskor mest troligt kommer att möta någon gång under sitt yrkesverksamma liv. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva upplevelsen av sexualitet hos personer med ryggmärgsbråck. Sexton vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet av analysen blev fem kategorier: att känna hinder att inleda en intim relation: att känna rädsla och skam och ha fysiska problem vid sex: att känna brist på kunskap: att känna tillfredsställelse med sin sexualitet samt att känna förhoppningar inför framtiden. Sexualitet hos personer med ryggmärgsbråck bestod ofta av problem, rädslor och skam, missnöje över kontrollen av sin kropp och framför allt tarminkontinens.

En utvärdering av Peabs inköps- och avropssystem

 This report is an evaluation of Peab's purchase and call-off system, PIA.PIA is used to order goods for Peab's construction sites. The background to the work is that users of the system have understood the system cumbersome to use when purchasing goods for construction sites. The evaluation was carried out by the interviews and tests with users of the program, in this case, supervisors and site managers at the company. Ten users of the system were interviewed and eleven people have carried out a test order.The focus is primarily on the test order that users have implemented, which has been clocked and analyzed for time and cost. The evaluation is also a user analysis concerning how the users perceive the program, mainly in terms of usability, functionality and benefits.The result of this report shows that PIA is economically profitable to use for the purchase of goods for construction sites.

Positiv särbehandling - diskriminering eller ett nödvändigt led i jämställdhetsarbetet?

To achieve the goals that the government has put in place for equal opportunities in the labour market, the Swedish law is divided into two separate regulatory frameworks. One is positive action to promote equal opportunities and the other is the prohibition of sexual discrimination. Since males, despite the measures taken so far, still have a great advantage on the labour market, the law concerning equal opportunities has an exception from the prohibition of sexual discrimination, whose purpose is to promote the progress of equal opportunities, also known as preferential treatment. The regulations concerning preferential treatment allow the employer to hire a less qualified person from an underrepresented gender in spite of the presence of higher qualified applicants of the overrepresented gender. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the meaning and the application of preferential treatment as well as to give an insight to the argumentation around its application.

Överlåtelser av aktiebolag : Spörsmål kring tillämlig lag, felansvar och Due Diligence

Transfers of joint stock companies can be executed in several ways - for example by transferring individual shares or by transferring all shares or by selling the company's assets and liabilities. It is not fully clear which rules should apply to transfers of joint stock companies. Some legal experts claim that the Sales Act (Köplagen) is applicable, while others claim that the rules for promissory notes (Skuldebrevslagen) should apply. This distinction is of great significance regarding the extent of the vendor's liability. According to Skuldebrevslagen the vendor's liability is rather limited, while Köplagen enjoins the vendor a more extensive liability.A transfer of a joint stock company brings about great economical risks, both for the vendor and for the purchaser.

Slaget vid Sekigahara 1600 : En historiografisk undersökning

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

Agenda-setting, policyprocess & Kingdon : ? En studie av restaurangmomsen

What attribute affects salience on a political agenda? How come some reforms are implemented while others are not? These are essential and central questions for our society. Our society, our democracy and our everyday life are dependent of these factors; communication is the condition. In the 2011 budget from the Swedish conservative government, the question of lowering the VAT on restaurant- and catering services was the single most debated reform. This was occasioned from 2009 when the European Union allowed, for the first time since Swedish entry in 2005, a lower VAT on restaurant services.

För den goda sakens eller smakens skull?: En studie om vad som driver konsumenter i valet av ekologiskt vin

Concerns for the environment and our impact on it are becoming more prevalant; however, we rarely act accordingly. Consumers mainly choose products based on perceived personal benefits despite the environmental motives that increasingly affect them. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the major drivers behind the purchase of ecological wine. A quantitative study was conducted, using Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as an initial starting point. The subsequent model was then completed with three variables: environmental concern, feelings and word-of-mouth.

Hundratusen rullar fram i Sverige : Det enda som stoppar rörelsehindrade är omgivningen

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

Variationer- En intervjustudie om sexualitet och uppfattningen av det normala

Can the need for inclusion result in certain social norms remain unchallenged, and over time become hard to identify? To ?fit in? and be accepted in different social contexts we have to behave according to the dominating rules and conventions. We accept characteristics and make use of attributes specific for the group we want to be a part of. When we accept these attributes we contribute to keep the concept of them alive. Further on these attributes will be picked up by the next person who wants to become a part of that specific context.

The implicit heteronormativity

Our society is based on a heterosexual norm. This may lead to the fact that LGBT-persons have a poorer health status than the heterosexual population. The nurse education lacks information and courses that highlights sexual identity. This is defective since healthcare staff needs knowledge on the subject to be able to treat patients in a professional and respectful manner. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how heteronormativity influences the treatment of patients within a healthcare context.

?Tur att man inte är arbetslös? : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens arbete med långtidsarbetslösa i två kommuner/stadsdelar

Unemployment and long term unemployment is a reality for a large number of people in Sweden. This may be the result of structural changes in the labor market, but involves a wide range of issues. Along with other actors, the social services are obliged to support the long term unemployed to find a job. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the work done by social workers towards the long term unemployed, 25-49 years old, in two municipalities. We performed altogether six qualitative interviews.

Resurssnålt kommunikationsprotokoll för små inbyggda system

Web Services har vuxit i popularitet de senast åren. Användningen av inbyggda systemökar också ständigt, och möjligheten att göra inbyggda system tillgängliga via Web Services öppnar nya möjligheter.Detta arbete visar på möjligheter och problem med standardiserade textbaserade protokoll för kommunikation i inbyggda system med små resurser. XML-RPC och SOAP studeras ur detta perspektiv. SOAP befinns vara mer komplext att implementera stöd för än XMLRPC i den begränsade testmiljön, som har 32kB internminne. XML-RPC visar sig ge fördelar över proprietära protokoll främst när det gäller underhållbarhet och återanvändbarhet..

Ekosystemtjänstbedömningar : Utvärdering av metodik för att synliggöra värdet av naturen inom stadsplanering

The purpose of this study was to analyze and develop a workflow for assessing and representing the value of ecosystems to professionals involved in municipal planning. A thorough literature review was conducted and supplemented by interviews and observations. Frameworks for ecosystem service assessments were analyzed and combined with methods in urban planning in order to assess social and ecological conditions. A workflow was set up and methods were evaluated by applying them to a case study in the area Åstråket in Uppsala. Experience from the case study was compiled in order to improve the workflow.Complex assessments were identified and simplified for the method to be useful for practitioners.

Profiling the Fortified Health Food Consumer - a study of Swedish margarine

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a holistic understanding of who are the consumers of fortified health food products; moreover to highlight what are the characteristics of the consumers who are likely to purchase these products. This thesis employed a quantitative strategy with an inductive and a grounded theory approach. The data was collected from a research company. Existing theories in the area of functional food were not possible to find. Considering that the area is new this seems plausible; however, previous studies provided insight for substantive framework.

Tysta skrik, krig eller kamp? : Islam och sexualitet i dokumentärfilmen A Jihad for Love analyserat utifrån ett intersektionellt genusperspektiv.

In this thesis I have done a discourse analysis of the documentary movie A Jihad for Love. A Jihad for Love came out 2007 and is directed by Parvez Sharma. The documentary movie is about homosexual Muslims and their jihad, struggle, for love and to be accepted in a world where they are barely recognized as a group. My aim of the thesis was to see how the movie portrays the persons who are in the film and their relationship to Islam and who gets access to the religion. I have also analyzed if Islam can be used to strengthen the sexual identity or if it works in the opposite way.

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