

2487 Uppsatser om The law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services - Sida 16 av 166

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexuell lust och sexualliv efter barnafödande

Historiskt sett har mycket förändrats inom den kvinnliga sexualiteten, kvinnorna har gått från att inte ha några rättigheter alls till att under 1900-talet få fler och fler rättigheter. Hjärnan har stor betydelse för den sexuella lusten och många faktorer påverkar kvinnans lust. Påverkande faktorer på kvinnors lust och sexualliv efter att de har fött barn är bland annat fysiska, psykiska och hormonella. Syftet med studien är att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av den sexuella lusten och sexuallivet efter att de har fött sitt första barn. Författarna har intervjuat kvinnor om deras upplevelse av sin sexuella lust samt sexuallivet när barnet var 9-18 månader, då kvinnan förmodas ha uppnått en trygghet i sin föräldraroll.

Transportlogistik : vad påverkar åkeriföretagens konkurrenskraft på en tillväxtmarknad.

All inclusive travel has become a popular way to travel abroad. When tourists pay for everything in advance their need for contact with the local people will be reduced. The consequences of this can be dissatisfaction from the local people as they are left out and do not share the financial benefits created by tourism. During the purchasing cycle of an all inclusive travel, it is possible that the tour operator can influence a sustainable development.The aim of this paper is to compare how a large and a small tour operator in their purchase of all inclusive holidays interacts with local players to create sustainable development, thereby creating a surplus value to the customer. The hypothesis is that the amount of knowledge and application of this knowledge regarding sustainable development differs in the purchase process between large and small tour operators.This paper was carried out as a case study.

Påverkansfaktorer och upplevelser av sexuell hälsa, välbefinnande och livskvalitet hos patienter som behandlas med hemodialys

Bakgrund: Att vara njursjuk och starta dialysbehandling blir för många en stor livsomställning som kan utlösa olika krisreaktioner. Bundenheten är central för hemodialyspatienter då behandlingen tar minst fyra timmar, tre gånger i veckan. Nedsatt njurfunktion ger hormonell påverkan som testosteronsänkning och prolaktinstegring vilket leder till nedsatt sexuell lust och förmåga. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att belysa hur patienter som behandlas med hemodialys upplever att sjukdomen påverkar sexuell hälsa, välbefinnande och livskvalitet. Metod: Litteraturöversikt av 10 artiklar; två kvalitativa och åtta kvantitativa.

Den personliga kreativiteten: Kreativitet är vad du uppfattar och beror på dina egna erfarenheter

Previous research within the field of advertising creativity has been based on the point of view of professional advertisers, deciding the norms of creativity without wondering how consumers define creativity. Thus, the main purpose of our thesis has been to investigate which dimensions advertising creativity consists of and the driving forces behind them. All based on a consumers? point of view. The secondary purpose has been to show how creativity affects efficiency through purchase intentions and Word- of-Mouth.

Design av en webbportal : Webbaserade användbarhetstester av programvaror eller tjänster åt Sandvik IT Services

Sandvik IT Services är i behov av en webbportal för hantering och skapande av användbarhetstester av olika programvaror och tjänster. Genom  informella intervjuer angående webbportalens utformning samt en grundläggande studie  i programspråket ASP.NET skaffades förståelse och kunskap kring problemet.  Utifrån informationen skapades först en kravspecifikation där det togs upp skall-  och börkrav för webbportalen. Därefter utvecklades en databasmodell och en  sidstruktur som kontinuerligt under utvecklingen kontrollerades med utvecklare på Sandvik  IT Services för att försäkra sig om att materialet skulle bli användbart.  Med sidstrukturen medföljer även ett förslag på användargränssnitt för de olika  sidorna.

Hur fungerar egentligen ko?pbeslutsprocessen inom e-handel? : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenternas beteende vid konsumtion pa? Internet.

Title: How does the buying decision process really function within e-commerce? - A qualitative study of consumer behavior when they consume on Internet.Institution: School of Economics, Linnaeus University, Va?xjo?.Course code: 2FE16E.Authors: Sara Hja?rne, Mathilda Perem, Ewelina Wallin.Tutor: Dan Halvarsson.Examiner: A?sa Devine.Key words: Buying decision process, purchase decision process need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase decision, postpurchase behavior, consumer decision making, E-commerce, E- commerce channels, online shopping, online purchase, e-retail, internet shopping, electronic shopping, consumer behavior, online appereal shopping, social media, decision making, online retailing, website design, customer satisfaction, webshopping, perceived risk, convinience, price, online consumption behavior.Background: Buying decision process is a model that marketers use to get a better understanding of their customers and their behavior when purchasing a product. This process consists of five different steps; need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and evaluation. Buying decision process has for a long time been an accepted model but scientists argue that the introduction of Internet as a channel for consumption has changed this process. The Internet has also led to a change of power in which customers today have greater influence, which greatly affects the buying decision process in e-commercePurpose: The purpose is to explore how consumers perceive their behavior when they consume through e-commerce.Research questions:How do consumers perceive the buying decision process they experience when they consume through e-commerce?How do consumers perceive different factors that are important to them when they consume through e-commerce?Methodology: Qualitative study, cross-sectional design, semi-structured interviews.Conclusion: This thesis shows that the traditional model of the buying decision process is not consistent with consumers' perception of how they are undergoing the process when applied to an e-commerce context.

Molntjänster och förtroende. En kvalitativ studie av hur förtroendet kan ökas för molntjänster

Cloud Computing has taken the IT world by storm and has created new opportunities for usersto seamlessly access different services. The cloud offers a variety of different services thatsuit both large and small organizations. Cloud computing is still in development and manyorganizations are beginning to consider or have implemented a form of cloud service. Thisalso leads to a series of questions and problems, both new and old. The IT industry hashighlighted a problem in organizations confidence in cloud services, because a third party willbe handling a part of the organization that the company has previously handled themselves.This papers main focus is how to increase organizations trust in cloud service providers.

Det digitala folkbiblioteket : vision och verklighet

Today, "the digital library" is the common way of describing a managed collection of information, with associated services, stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. Digital libraries have mainly been developed at research libraries, but during the last few years public libraries have started to offer similar services.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how the Swedish public libraries plan to develop their digital libraries according to their mission statements, and in what way they have implemented them at their web sites. 21 public libraries, the largest in each Swedish county, were investigated.The library mission statements are investigated to find out in what terms the digital libraries are described and to what extent. The library websites are examined with respect to what kind of digital services are offered, to what extent they supplement or replace the physical library, and if there are new digital services not found in the physical library.In most mission statements the digital library is referred to in sweeping terms like "IT activities" and "new media". However, a few of the libraries clearly regard the digital library as an important part of the future operations, speaking of it in well defined and extensive terms.The public library websites are relatively homogeneous when it comes to services supplementing physical library activities, like web access to the library catalogue and links to other library catalogues.

Varning! Effekter av varningar i printreklam.: Effekter av varningar i printreklam

The purpose of warning labels used by governments is to decrease consumption. In Sweden, the mandatory warning labels are designed according to statutory guidelines, and not according to research on attention-grabbing graphic elements. This results in a belief that the attention toward the warning labels is poor. An extensive experiment underlies this study, which has the purpose of providing insights to the effects that warnings, warning design, and warning content has on attention, attitudes and behavior in print ads. The study shows that, even though the standard design and content has lost much of its potential to communicate the warning, it gains more attention compared to a warning label with new design and content.

Country of origin - consumers?perception at the point of purchase of meat : a means-end chain analysis

Focus of this study was on the underlying values behind consumers buying motives at the point of purchase of meat products in Sweden. Meat consumption in Sweden has increased and in 2012, almost 50% of all meat consumed was imported (SJV, 2013). This is the case despite of the fact that consumers frequently state the importance of Swedish country of origin on the meat products they purchase (www, LRF, 2, 2006). A rising public awareness about health, environmental issues, animal welfare and food safety coupled to meat consumption and meat production is scrutinized both from media and consumers. Due to rising concerns of production-methods of meat, consumers wants to make informed purchasing decisions of the meat they purchase (BEUC, 2013).

Musikwebben ? Ett alternativ till illegal fildelning?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine a new music downloading service called Musikwebben, which is now available in many Swedish libraries. It focuses on the differences and similarities between this service and illegal music sharing services. The question is raised, whether the appeal of Musikwebben is high enough for it to be able to ?recruit? users from similar, illegal services. To answer this question, a qualitative content analysis is used, to explore various views on what legal downloading services have to offer and how these differ to illegal alternatives.

Hinder eller möjligheter? ? En studie av socialsekreterares och skolpersonals erfarenheter av samverkan

AbstractObstacles or opportunities? ? A study of the experience of collaboration of social welfare secretaries and school staff.The purpose of this study is to illustrate the importance of the work with children and youth through the joint efforts between different authorities. The study deals with the collaboration between the social services and schools in the Ludvika municipality. The objective of the study is to investigate how teaching personnel and headmasters in compulsory schools and the social welfare secretaries in Ludvika, experience the collaboration, and how this works. On the basis of the objective, we have formulated some relevant questions; To what degree are schools aware of the model of collaboration, which is the basis for collaboration within the municipality, and are there any differences in awareness between different categories of employees? Other questions deal with differences in how the social services and schools experience the collaboration, discrepancies between different schools in this regard and if the respondents? experience any obstacles and/or opportunities by the collaboration.Collaboration is, and has been, a pressing issue for a long time in the public debate.

Att inkludera eller exludera : En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters förhållningssätt till specifik kompetens i mötet med HBTQ-klienter

The aim of the study was to examine which approach future social workers have regarding specific competence in the meeting with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer clients. Previous research shows that LGBTQ people have a low confidence towards social services, police and courts and say they face discrimination and degrading treatment to a greater extent than the heterosexual population. Research shows that education and better skills of LGBTQ culture among professionals can change the situation.The essay is based on a model of cultural competence in working with sexual minorities and people with a transgender expression. The model defines the meaning of an LGBTQ perspective and is designed to improve social work with LGBTQ clients.The study is quantitative and empirical data consists of 203 survey responses from students with a long experience of the social work education. The analysis of the results is based on the cultural competence three principles; attitudes, knowledge and skills.

En komplicerad balansgång : familjebehandlares upplevelse av sin roll i arbetet med familjer i hemmiljö

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

Kvinnors drivkrafter för att lämna en kriminell livsstil : val, uppbrott och förändring

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

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