

3109 Uppsatser om The human body. - Sida 29 av 208

Konsekvenser av förändrade partistorlekar - en undersökning på Volvo Car Body Components

Volvo Cars Body Components i Olofström tillverkar karosskomponenter till Volvos personbilar. De senaste åren har produktionsvolymen ökat betydligt, samtidigt som hårda krav på rationaliseringar ställs inom koncernen. En parameter som skulle kunna minska kostnaderna och effektivisera produktionsflödet, är partistorlekarna i pressning. Idag är partistorlekarna anpassade efter några dagars kundbehov och man är oense om partistorlekarna tar hänsyn till om artikeln har ett högt styckvärde eller kräver små lagerutrymmen. I vår uppsats har vi använt oss av metodtriangulering, vilket innebär att vi har kombinerat ett kvalitativt och ett kvantitativt synsätt för att komma till vår slutsats.

Vem har rätt till rättigheter? : En kritisk diskursanalys av regeringens migrationspolitik

This bachelor thesis is titled Who has Right to Rights ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Government?s Migration Politics and is written by Sofia Lindqvist within the discipline of International Relations.The thesis takes its departure in the paradox that irregular migrants in Sweden are given different rights depending on which state institution they face. Through its collaboration with the Environmental party, the Swedish government has made it possible for irregular migrants to access extended health care. At the same time, one of the main goals of the current migration policy is to make deportations more effective. This essay aims to explore if the Swedish migration policies are compatible with universal human rights standards.

Muramaris anläggningshistoria 1915-24 :

Gardens from the first decades of the 20th century are often described as seen from a sublime ownership perspective. It may be artists, authors or some other intellectuals, they are all attributed as creators of the referred estate. As far as practically oriented gardeners, constructors or garden consultants are mentioned, they are consequently seen as the mere instruments for carrying out the intentions of the actual owners. Referring to those circumstances it is however well worth notifying that all properties, and in particular the gardens belonging to it, are submitted to a constant change. For anyone acquainted with garden work, it is quite obvious that the gardens vitality is closely related to the ongoing design process, by which form and content are created and re-created.

Informationalismens Murar hotet mot information som positiv rättighet; en ideologianalys av WTO och dess avtal.

This thesis examines the ideological implications of an emerging shift in human rights-issues regarding information. As Intellectual Property becomes increasingly important to the economy of developed nations previously commonly owned or unprotected information runs a real risk of becoming privatized. The World Trade Organization and its binding agreements GATS and TRIPS are subjected to a critical ideology-analysis, with special efforts to elucidate possible effects on the public service realm and its commitment as provider of free information as a human right. The result suggests that not only does a threat to information as such a right exist, but that its ideological basis however seemingly rooted in a liberal/neoliberal context actually in its express views on information deviates from liberal/neoliberal theory in many ways, and that there are theoretical inconsistencies in that same ideology..

Montering av isolering på vattentank

One of today problem at IVT industries would be assembly of insulation on water cisterns. The element of assembly insulation on the cistern gets too elevated; hence one has to climb onto the stand the cistern is assembly on. This will increase the risk of work related injuries when there is a risk of falling down. It?s also rather strenuous on shoulders due to work with your arms high above your head.

Samband mellan BMI och kariesprevalens hos barn och ungdomar - en litteraturstudie

Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar har blivit allt mer förekommande och prevalensen ökar dramatiskt över hela världen. Sedan raffinerade kolhydrater introducerades har även kariessjukdomen fått större utbredning. Då det finns gemensamma bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar både vikt och kariesprevalens vill vi i vår litteraturstudie undersöka om det finns något samband mellan body mass index (BMI) och kariesprevalens för barn och ungdomar. Efter sökningar i den medicinska databasen PubMed på artiklar från de senaste 5 åren fann vi oeniga resultat med jämn fördelning. Resultatet av litteraturstudien är att två av de undersökta studierna tyder på att det inte finns något samband mellan BMI och kariesprevalens, lika många anser att det finns en svag eller möjlig association, medan två studier ansåg att det fanns ett signifikant samband.

Upplevelsen och konsekvenser av att leva med Body Dysmorphic Disorder - en fallstudie av en 22-årig man

Studiens syfte var att öka förståelsen för och kunskapen om upplevelsen av att leva med Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Fokus i upplevelsen låg på känslor och konsekvenser i livet men också för individen själv. Med konsekvenser för individen avsåg exempelvis konsekvenser för självuppfattningen, rädslor och framtidstron hos deltagaren. Den metod som användes i studien var semistrukturerad intervju vilken genomfördes via chattservicen MSN och via e-mail. Den initiala intervjun efterföljdes av ett antal uppföljningsintervjuer då nya intressanta aspekter fanns i den första intervjun.

Människan i urskogen : vegetationshistoria i Hamra nationalpark under 2500 år

Pollen analysis of a peat core was used to reconstruct the last 2500 years of vegetation history, with focus on the impact of anthropogenic disturbance, in Hamra National Park, central Sweden. In addition, analysis of pollen in soil samples was performed in an attempt to locate ancient cultivation plots in the National Park. The analysis of the peat core shows a development of the vegetation that can be divided into four stages of different degrees of human impact: A - virgin forest (c. 500 B.C.-A.D. 1300), B - grazed forest (c. A.D.

Gravritualer vid gånggrifterna på Falbygden : En undersökning av den materiella kulturen inne i och utanför graven

This essay is about the burial rites in the passage graves of Falbygden, Västergötland. My questions were: Can the burial ritual be understood by comparing the material culture inside and outside the tombs? What kind of grave offerings did the dead have? Most peculiar are all these beads of amber, what kind of meaning did they have? Was the position of the body a part of the ritual? The time period is the middle Neolithic.I selected four passage graves to investigate: Hjälmars rör (Falköping 3), Rössberga (Valtorp 2), Näs sn 7:2 Kvättak 5:1 and Frälsegården (Gökhem 94).My conclusion was that there are differences between the material culture inside and outside the tombs. Outside the ritual includes fire, inside the material culture are not burned. The material culture outside is more dominant than the finds inside, although the beads of amber are only represented inside and dominates the findings inside.

Kronisk mitralisinsufficiens hos hund : samband mellan graden av klaffinsufficiens och det arteriella blodtrycket

Myxomatous mitral valve disease is a common disease in older dogs of small- to medium-size breeds. The mitral valve, and less commonly the tricuspid valve may be affected which causes them to leak blood from the ventricle to the atrium of the heart during systole. With increasing severity of mitral valve leakage the forward stroke volume ejected into the aorta decreases, which may lead to an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary vein resulting in pulmonary edema. A decrease in cardiac output may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, but the body may respond in order to normalize the blood pressure. Franzén showed in 2007 that the systolic blood pressure was increased in dogs with severe mitral insufficiency.

Hur ser de kemiska principerna för mätning av metabolism med hjälp av indirekt kalorimetri ut? En metodjämförelse mellan Douglas-bag och Oxycon Stationary Pro

Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are usual measurements within the sports and training physiology. The same measurements are also common when it comes to establish the amount of energy that is used during work and to establish the intensity of work. The volume of oxygen that is consumed contra the volume of carbon dioxide that is produced can be used to calculate the metabolic rate within The human body. This calculation shows the percent relationship between carbohydrates and fat in the metabolism. The first accurate method to measure the breathing gases for use in metabolic calculation was established in the early twenty century when the Douglas bag method was introduced.

`Hard eller soft power´ - när det gäller att främja demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter?

The thesis investigates how two of the world?s most powerful international actors, the US and the EU want to promote democracy and human rights. The aim is to compare how the US and the EU work in order to support a democratic development in the world. In order to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative text analysis was used. Since the aim is to compare the US and the EU I believe this method is beneficial.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Trafficking i Norden : en komparativ studie av de nordiska ländernas handlingsplaner mot människohandel för sexuella ändamål

This essay focuses on how trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation is defined and dealt with in the Nordic countries. Agreements on how trafficking for sexual exploitations should be dealt with is presented in reports and Action plans from the European Union and United nations amongst others. In this essay we will compare four national Action plans made by governments by Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway between 2005- 2011 to each other. Mainly we have been looking at similarities and differences in the different Action plans. The essay is based on Discourse theory and discursive struggle and we have been looking at similarities and differences in how trafficking is dealt with through language.

Mångfald - Från ord till handling : En kvalitativ studie om HRs strategiska arbete med mångfald

Denna studie grundar sig i ett uppdrag från Trafikverket med avsikten att undersöka hur enmångfaldsstrategi kan få ökad effekt i organisationen. Utgångspunkten för denna studie är attdet tycks krävas mer forskning kring hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor ochintegrera dem i organisationens alla delar. Syftet med denna studie är således att identifiera hurHR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor. Vidare är syftet att visa hur ett strategiskamångfaldsarbete kan bli mer effektivt.Teorier som belyser begreppet mångfald, effekterna av mångfald, strategi, Human ResourceManagement och Strategic Human Resource management kan ses ligga till grund för ettframgångsrikt HRM-arbete med mångfald. Ledarskap, kommunikation, kunskap och att se tillorganisationskulturen belyser teorin som viktiga komponenter för att ett strategiskt arbete skabli mer effektivt och ge effekt i organisationen.Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ metod har genomförts utifrån treindividuella intervjuer och två fokusgrupper.

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