

3629 Uppsatser om The cultural policy of Gustaf III - Sida 19 av 242

"Brandman är mitt första mål" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om ungdomars framtida studie- och yrkesval utifrån ett sociokulturellt och könstillhörande perspektiv

Sweden is a country based on democracy and equality. As a result, both men and women areencouraged to aspire equal career opportunities.The aim of this study is to explore how social and cultural contexts, as well as gender aspects,affect Swedish Upper Secondary Class pupils when they choose career. The study focuses onstudents who have chosen an ambitious school curriculum.As method, the study uses both qualitative interviews with students and a quantitative survey.The theoretical framework is based on gender theory and on the social and cultural contexttheory of Bourdieu.The result of the study shows that gender and social as well as cultural context affect students?ambitions and career choices..

Musik i förskolan : En studie om metasamtalets roll för att synliggöra barns lärande i förskolan

The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.

Historien om en svensk säkerhetspolitisk agenda - Förklaring av processen, politiken, policyn och entreprenören för Sveriges militära insats i Tchad

The aim of this study is to analyze the process of an agenda setting and see how a specific issue came to materialize on the security policy agenda. The empirical goal of the study is to see why Sweden chose to participate in the EU-led operation to Chad, and how that process came to be? The analysis is based upon Kingdon's multiple streams theory (2003) where he distinguishes the process into three streams. Central for his theory is the coupling of these streams and the importance of a policy entrepreneur. I complement Kingdon's theory of policy entrepreneurs by taking inspiration from Hinnfors (1995), Gustavsson (1999) and especially Eriksson (2000) and their analysis of policy change and agenda setting.

Att förmedla och förstärka bilden av makt : En studie av hur kungamakten representerades under förmyndareregeringen 1792-1796

The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.

Hur elever med ickesvensk etnisk bakgrund tolkar två lektioner i skolan : samt ett uttryck av maktförhållande mellan lärare och elever

This paper examines how pupils with a non-Swedish background, in a secondary school in Stockholm?s suburban, Sweden, interpret and absorb the contents of school-room classes. It also examines whether the interpretations are influenced by a power-relation between teacher and pupils. The pupil?s interpretations, including their values and perceptions as regards to the content, are central to our study.Firstly, classes on world conflicts and corporal punishment for children were observed and these observations were the foundation to this study.

Barnavdelningen på Minabibliotek.se : - en utvärdering utifrån barns perspektiv -

This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.


Fiscal policy and its consequences have attracted much attention on both academic and societal level, in Sweden and elsewhere. However, the dependence between fiscal policy on municipality level and business cycles has only recently sparked a debate among Swedish economists. Studies point out that a law which came to force in 2000, balanskravet, may have caused municipalities to lower expenditures, alternatively raising taxes, during recessions. This thesis examines how the level of municipality taxes depends on business cycle fluctuations and the impact that balanskravet has had on this correlation. We employ econometric regressions, with annual data covering the period 1980-2014, to enable an analysis of the dependence between taxes and business cycles, both before and after the introduction of balanskravet.

Blodgivare med järnbrist i Uppsala län : Kost, järntabletter, compliance, biverkningar och information

Aim: To examine director?s experiences of the process to implement smoke-free working hours and also their need of support to make it feasible in the municipality of Östhammar. Method: A qualitative interview study with a descriptive design was used. Semi-structured interviews were made with six directors who were selected from different levels, localities and administrations in the municipality of Östhammar. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data.Results: Many positive aspects were pointed out regarding the implementation of smoke-free working hours.

Historien om Masar -e Sharifs belägring - Postmodern etik och militär våldsanvändning

This study draws from Zygmunt Bauman´s theory that a governmental policy of values can reduce the personal responsibility and moral choices for employees, to focus only on maintaining the government?s internal rules and regulations. The apparent risk with this type of moral attenuation is that the employee is deprived of the possibility to react morally on conduct of the government?s external misuse of power. In this study, this theory is connected to the Swedish Armed Forces? policy of values, as these values do not include a critical standpoint for officers and soldiers.

Regionalisering idag, Väst vs Öst. Transsylvanien i EU: s regionalpolitik.

There is a clear difference between types of regions and forms of regionalization. This theoretical division can point out other division lines on different areas and levels, like the one of discourses. In this article is urged that regional political discourses may be divided in West and East European ones. To argue for West and East differences in regional discourse the article shows division lines both in the history of regionalization but also in ideologies. The regional policy of the EU is one example for today's regionalization as a West discourse and the Transylvanian in Rumania as an example for the East discourse.

Konsten och Samhället : Om svårigheten att sätta värde på kultur

Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur kultur värdesätts i samhället. Tanken är att strukturera upp den kulturpolitiska debatten och sammanföra olika begrepp och perspektiv i en överskådlig modell. Rapporten fokuserar på de kulturverksamheter som är mål för den svenska kulturpolitiken, nämligen konstarterna, medierna, bildningsarbetet och kulturarven. Till grund för min analys ligger särskilt Anders Frenanders forskning kring den svenska kulturpolitiska historien.När det gäller att värdera kultur finns två dominerande synsätt genom historien. Med ett ?kulturkonservativt? synsätt uttalar man sig om vad som är bra och värdefull kultur i allmängiltig bemärkelse.

Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården. Kritisk genomgång av fördjupade riksintressebeskrivningar

In Sweden, the main responsibility for urban planning lies with the municipalities. The county administrative boards are responsible for clarifying the governmental interests for the municipalities. The main purpose of this essay was to study documents with descriptions of national heritage areas in order to examine whether certain problems within these documents are still present in the most recent ones. This was done by comparing old documents with new ones. The problem with these kinds of documents has been the lack of clarification of cultural values in national heritage areas.

Har muren fallit? En studie av policynätverk inom infrastrukturprocessen i Skåne

The creation of Region Skåne, and the transfer of the development responsibility from the national administrative country board (Länsstyrelsen) has given the state new challenges. New structures have grown between Region and State, and also between different municipalities. These can be characterized as Policy-networks, and the goal of this study is to analyze the planning process of the regional infrastructure with these theories.This is a qualitative study of the infrastructure process in Skåne, and the actors that acts within this process. It has been studied with the eyes of the theories of Governance and Policy-networks. The main method to collect material has been through interviews with different actors within the process, and very little written material has been used.

Analys av datanätverk

I följande rapport behandlas en analys av Axel Larsson Maskinaffär ABs datanätverk. En modell av nätverket togs fram för att ligga som grund för resterande arbete. Dokumenteringsmetoden UML användes till de diagram som gjordes över nätverkets uppbyggnad. Datatrafiken i nätverket analyserade för att ta reda på bandbreddsanvändning vid normal och max belastning. Portspegling valdes som metod för att avlyssna nätverket och Wireshark användes som verktyg vid insamling och undersökning av data.Även befintlig IT-policy undersöktes och förslag till en ny arbetades fram tillsammans med riktlinjer för vad man bör tänka på vid framställning av en IT-policy.Resultatet av dataanalysen visade på att problemet som upplevts inte ligger i datanätverket utan i antingen servrar eller i CRM programmet Jeeves.Två förslag på IT-policy togs fram som redovisas i Appendix A..

Kultur för flera marknadsföring av teater för personer med dövhet eller hörselskada

Today many people with disabilities are excluded from cultural activities. The reason for this is that activities and the environment are not adapted to people with disabilities. The aim of this study is to describe the process to make cultural activities accessible and to describe the importance of good communication between cultural suppliers and their customers. Other questions raised are accessibility to cultural activities for people with hearing disabilities, the activities in the marketing process, the interaction between theatre companies and its audience and if the interaction has contributed to the theatre's future development. Qualitative interviews with staff responsible for integration at seven theatres have been performed.

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