

6417 Uppsatser om The child´s point of view - Sida 9 av 428

Logistisk kulmination - en eller två sidor av myntet? : En betraktelse utifrån ett annorlunda perspektiv

Logistic Culmination ? One or Two Sides of the Coin?An Observation From a Different Point of View Logistic culmination can be compared to a stretched rubber band. If combat units moves in direction away from the supplies the rubber band will gradually stretch. The rubber band will eventually burst and at that point the logistic culmination will be a fact. But if the rubber band was to be let go before bursting, it will instead be contracted.

Hur kommer barn till tals i domen?

The purpose of this essay was to see how the child's voice was being heard in the verdicts in trials. I looked into court cases where parents wanted custody of their child/children. The focus of my analysis was on how the verdicts were presented and if the child/children were described in the court cases. The method that I used was qualitative documentanalysis. I chose seven court cases to investigate and analyse.I described theories of Foucault's power to get a different perspective on courtroom cases and the children's voice.

Snövit : från undersaga till bildberättelse

Snow White through Grimm and Disney - A Comparative StudyThis essay attempts to discern the differences regarding six Swedish versions of the fairy-tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs over a period of 150 years. Focus is placed on structural transformations through time and media according to the analytical theories of Vladimir Propp. Attention is also given to former research done on the impact of the fairy-tale on the child from a psychological and social point of view. Of interest is the historical background of the tale, commencing with oral tradition, and how this was dealt with by the Grimm brothers. Three of the versions used for this comparative study are variants of the Grimm tale, and three belong to Walt Disney productions, i.e.

"Livet är för mjukt för att stämma med tarifferna..." : En studie av hur ungdomar och barnfamiljer med ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sin situation

Title: The life is too soft to accord in to tariffs: an essay about youth and families with children who are recipients of economic support, their experience of their financial situation and the reception towards the social welfare.Author: Ana Becovic & Kerstin Olsson         Supervisor: Erik WesserInstitution: Humanvetenskapliga institutionen, Högskolan i KalmarType of Essay: Degree project, 15 ECTS                     Date: December 2008The aim for our study has been to examine how youth and families who are recipients of economic support on long term basis experience their contact with social welfare. The starting point for the question at issue has been the client's experience of their financial situation the reception and expectations towards the social welfare.In our B-level study we carried out qualitative interviews with social welfare officers to find out how they applied the "child perspective" in granting financial support and to what extent they felt that they succeeded in meeting the need of the client. The conclusion was that there is still room for improvement in this field and particularly a wish to focus more on the child's situation and development. The officers told us that they tried to pay closer attention to the child's situation through asking about the children and by visiting the families at home.They expressed awareness of the importance to a child's well being the financial situation of their family. They also expressed the need for the child to be able to take part in leisure time activities and having an active social life.In this study our research method is based on qualitative interviews.

Rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet : En enkätundersökning om rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet

The purpose of this examination is to get a view of the attitude towards internet-use within after school centers. By comparing the views of pupils with the teacher?s point of view, one can notice differences that may be due to a lack of knowledge or communication. The questions are: What view does the principal, the staff, and the pupils have on internet-use in after school centers? Does their view differ? If so, how? To be able to respond to these questions, the pupils and the staff have been handed surveys and the principal has been interviewed.

Barn som far illa : Hur BVC-sjuksköterskor definierar begreppet "barn som far illa" samt hur de förhåller sig till anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this work was to research how baby nurses define the concept child maltreatment and how they conduct themselves to mandatory reporting.The central questions were; How do the baby nurses interpret the concept child maltreatment and which children do they consider comprehending the concept?What are the reasons that children are maltreated according to the baby nurses opinions?Do the baby nurses apprehend that they meet children that are maltreated in their work?How do the baby nurses interpret the mandatory reporting and what course of action do they use when they suspect child maltreatment?Nine baby nurses were interviewed. The material was analyzed with the help of a phenomenological method.The participators idea of the concept child maltreatment was focused on observing signs from the child and concrete actions from the parents. The outcome of this concept is that the participators categorization is neither or nor. The participators knew about the mandatory reporting and they did a further interpretation because they focused on the risk of the child.

Barns upplevelser av att vårdas på sjukhus

Background: When children are admitted to the hospital most of them experience a new and unknown world. The staff?s most important task is to reach out to the child in the best way possible. To give good nursing, knowledge has to be gathered of how the child thinks, feels and what the child wants. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe children?s experience of hospitalization on the basis of the four nursing concepts person, health, environment and nursing.

Beteende, det är kommunikation det!

When being in preschool, I have come across children who I have had difficulties to really meet, and I have felt that the communication between me and the child has been deficient. Since I believe that the meeting of child and pedagogue is essential to learning and development, I find this an important subject of further study.The purpose of my study is to investigate if, and how, teachers regard a possible connection between language capability and behaviour. Furthermore I investigate how they work with language acquisition and communication, and what argument the pedagogues have for this work.To answer these questions I have interviewed two pedagogues who have great knowledge and experience of this subject, and also have special interest in children?s language and communication.In my literary review I give an account of how language acquisition is described in literature, and then compare it with how language impairment reveals. I also describe earlier research on how to work with language development, and what the national curriculum for preschools (Lpfö 98) say on this topic.The result shows that my informants divide in their view of how to connect language capability to behaviour.

Det känns som jag försvinner in i böckerna. Barns favoritböcker, läsupplevelser och läsning från barns och barnbibliotekariers perspektiv

The aim of this master thesis is to obtain a greater understanding of childrens choice of favourite books, insight in their reading experiences and their thoughts about the reading of these books. We also want to investigate if, and if so, how childrens librarians obtain knowledge of the childrens reading preferences and reading experiences and how they use this knowledge in their work to stimulate childrens reading. To reach our aim we have been carrying out quantitative interviews with six children aged nine to ten years and three childrens librarians working in public libraries. As a theoretical starting point we use the reader-oriented theory and Chambers Reading circle, which states that support from adults is the most important factor in the childs reading process. The empirical results are linked to theories and earlier research and are analysed under four different themes.

Barnarbete och dess arbetsrättsliga regleringar i Pakistan

Financial exploitation of children worldwide is a global problem, causing consequences for both the national economy and labor market, as well as the working child who is deprived of its rights of education and normal development. Pakistan has several national laws in order to work against and to regulate the existence of child labour. Another important mechanism to fight the financial exploitation of the children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention was ratified by Pakistan in 1990. As a result, new national laws have been admitted, already existing laws have been amended, educational projects have been established and the common knowledge on the problems regarding the subject have attracted a lot of attention.

Kärnprocessen inom barnhälsovården

The core process is responsible for internal business development and is the process that runs through the organization and the results which creates a value for the customer. Some research suggests that identification of the client's conscious or unconscious needs clarifying the so-called core process in the organization and operations can thus be more effective. The study aims to identify and analyze the experience of the core process within child health care. The method has been interviews with nine managers and 10 clinic nurses in a county. The results show a lack of knowledge regarding core process and process work.

Barns röster i vårdnadsutredningar : Barn som talar eller omtalade barn?

There is an ongoing discussion in Sweden about child perspective and child?s perspective.The municipalities? family law units are required to include these perspectives in their investigations. But how do they affect the outcome of custody investigations? This essay addresses that issue. I have looked at how much say children have and how much they participate in their custody investigations.

Obstinat och rabiat eller lat och flat? : En diskursanalys av medias framställning av socialtjänsten.

The aim of this essay was to deepen the knowledge of how child-protection-work is illustrated by massmedia. The essay takes it stand in discourse analysis to explain what image is displayed of social work concerning child-protection that is published in news media during 2007 in one of Sweden?s most read evening-papers. The result of the study is that social workers involved in child-protection-work often are categorized as either too zealous or too uncommitted, in the media. The result reflected the current discourse concerning how social workers do their duties in the modern society..

Våldtäkt och våldtäktsoffer. Analys av unga kvinnors synsätt.

AbstractThis essay concerns young women´s point of view and discussions about rape and rape victims. The purpose was to examine young women´s view on rape and rape victims. By young women we mean 17 to 18 year-old-high school-students.Our main questions were how young women define rape, if there are any circumstances were they blame the victim and/or consider her less trustworthy and how they explain rape.This study is based on one qualitatively oriented group interview, with six young women, and four individual interviews, as compliment to the group interview. We have used our interviews and earlier research to answer our questions. The analysis is based on a feministic point of view and Nils Christies article on "ideal victims".The result that appeared was that the young women´s broad definition of rape narrows down through the different circumstances concerning the alcohol consumption, the woman´s way of living and what clothes she was wearing, the acquaintance-level between the victim and perpetrator and how the woman says "no" to sex.

Informationsutbytesavtal med USA : Är FATCA förenligt med svensk rätt och EU-rätt?

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

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