

6417 Uppsatser om The child´s point of view - Sida 32 av 428

Tankar om manlighet : en intervjustudie med manliga studenter

This paper is a qualitative analytic study of the views regarding masculinity of six male university students. The author means to view the gender issue from a male point of view and analyze the empiric result using well known theory on the subject. The main questions of the essay are: What, according to my respondents, is masculine and non masculine? Does the university influence this view, and if so how? How is it to be a man in the society of today? The paper is based around interviews of the six subjects, recorded and transcribed and analyzed in a systematic outline. From this outline relevant themes has been constructed and compared with the theory.

"Man nöjer sig med att prata med föräldrarna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens bedömningsprocess efter inkommen 14 kap. 1 § SoL anmälan.

The aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the process that occurs within the social services after receiving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act. More specifically the focus of this study was to illustrate how social secretaries reason about children?s participation in the process, as well as to examine whether the legislative change, Chapter 11, section 1 a, The Social Services Act, has affected the process in any way. The study?s results reflect interviews with five social secretaries who are active in four different municipalities in southern Sweden.

GÃ¥pall : Ett produktkoncept

This master thesis has been a product realization process. Having BRIO:s walking cart as thestaring point the purpose was to further develop the principle of such products and at the sametime broaden their sector of use. The final result is to be regarded as a complete solutionmeant as a foundation for further development at the BRIO Company. The product aims tosatisfy the demands and needs of the target group called theon the go parent. Trends, qualityand purchase power are features that characterize this particular target group.The project resulted in a walking stool namedBRIO Circus after its source of inspiration.

Personas, en gökunge i användarcentrerad design : En undersökning av personas roll i samband med användarcentrerad design

The aim of this paper has been to examine personas role in the development phase and whether or not some of the criticism that have aroused against personas is valid or not. In this paper we examine the benefits as well as the downsides of working with personas both from a scientific point of view but also from the experiences of a small company located in the north of Sweden. Since personas much like many other powerful tools have pit falls aswell as do's and don'ts this paper looks to clarify what role personas should take aswell as how to minimize risk and maximize the usefulness of personas..

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis

Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.

Upphovsrättens effekter på biblioteken : En diskussion kring bibliotekens position, verksamhet och framtid

This master thesis examines the copyright law with the purpose of sorting out the consequences and the effects of the law impacted on libraries. The theories used are mainly discourse analysis and public domain theory. At the centre of the examination is the effects that copyright law bring to libraries and their ability to perform their work. A major part of this thesis is gathered around the analysis of the presumptive key words that give the structures of copyright law the possibility to claim rightfulness. This is an outspoken strategy to illustrate the discourse of copyright law.

Uppdrag övervikt - hur arbetar BVC?

AbstractJerfström, M. (2013). Mission overweight and obesity ? how do child-care centers operate? C-thesis in Public Health. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies.

Synen på de hemlösa och deras livssituation : - en kvalitativ studie

AbstractThe intention of our study is to examine how the view of homeless people and their life situation looks according to a selection of persons, which in their work get into contact with homeless people. The study is based on a qualitative method that includes interviews.The result of the study is based on interviews with eight persons working in the social services, volunteer organisations, the police and a security organisation. The majority of the persons that have been interviewed are normalising homeless people; they do not look upon them as different. At the same time they have the opinion that homeless people live a tougher life and that they have to fight more for their living than other people. The persons that we have interviewed share the view that homeless people live under a constant pressure of finding a place to sleep.

Nytt eller gammalt? ? En studie av stadsbiblioteken i Hässleholm och Kristianstad

The purpose of this essay is to examine how a newly built library and an old library from the sixties work out of an experience and feeling oriented view. Are the fundamental conditions of an old library compatible with the library standards of today? To be able to carry out this examination we have chosen two rather small Swedish libraries. One is the public library of Hässleholm, which opened in the year 2000, and the other is the public library of Kristianstad opened in 1965. The material used to attain the purpose of the study consists of literature studies and qualitative observations and interviews.

Utvärdering av ett auditivt diskriminationstest på 3-åriga barn

A speech-based material that early can assess a child's hearing is needed to provide an indication of a hearing impaired child's language development. Being able to identify and discriminate between different sounds is a requirement for interpreting speech. Hearing assessments that examine speech perception can therefore, unlike, for example, pure tone audiometry, examine a hearing impaired child's perceptual language skills and provide a basis for intervention.The purpose of this work is to evaluate a new auditory material on 3-year-old children. The auditory material is based on the Ling-6-sounds and the main question was which of the sounds in the test were adequate for test of discrimination. Furthermore, it was investigated how the test works with children aged 3:0?3:11 years and how age and gender affect the result.Twenty-four children aged 3:0?3:11 years were tested using a computer based test.

Grupprocesser ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om polisstudenters uppfattning av mäns och kvinnors rolltagande och beteende i grupp

The purpose with this essay is to study police students perception of men?s and women?s role taking and behavior in a group. The question that is presented is if a group?s efficiency can depend on which gender the members of the group have. There are many theories about the concept male and female and the meaning of these words.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Marknadsmässig spannmålshandel

The agriculture throughout the world is becoming increasingly deregulated and this has affected the prices of raw materials to fluctuate at a higher degree than earlier. This in turn has made it interesting and in some cases even necessary for the trader as well as the producer to gain knowledge about the trade instruments available to ensure a good enough price for their produced goods. This study encompasses a number of ways to trade grain and oil plants in order to clarify what differences there are in the several contracts that exist in the present situation, economical as well as practical. The various trade instruments available to the producers on the Swedish market are described in the theoretical part of this study. The study also contains a simple arithmetic example, based on historical prices collected from grain traders and trading floors, in order to point out the differences in the economical outcomes depending on the business strategy used to sell the produced goods. The study shows the importance, as a producer, of being able to use and take advantage of the different trading instruments at hand to monitor and exploit the shifts in the market. From an economical point of view it is not enough to just excel at farming but knowledge about the market functions and the trade instruments at hand is also required to be able to secure a good enough price for your goods.

Varför måste de stora bara bestämma allting? : En studie om barns delaktighet på folkbiblioteket ur barnbibliotekariens perspektiv

A vivid democracy requires participation from those who live in it, including children. Unlike adults, children have special laws and regulations to ensure them their democratic rights. Librarians? decision on what to buy makes an impact to someone else, which puts the librarian in a hegemonic position. Therefore, the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to, out of the child librarian?s perspective, view children?s participation at the public library in the matter of purchasing literature.

TYSK KOVÄNDNING : Efter åratal av stiltje i den tyska familjepolitiken harplötsligt reformvindar blåst upp.

Since the mid 60?s, Germany has seen dropping fertility rates and yet next to nothinghas been done to combat this trend until the current regime led by Angela Merkel andher minister of family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen initiated a number ofcomprehensive reforms of Germany?s family policies.Family policy in Germany is being reformed in three ways. First of all parents arenow eligible to receive substantial financial support in order to compensate the loss ofincome associated with a pregnancy and or parental leave. Second, the all but nonexistentpublic child care services are being vastly expanded with the goal of beingable to offer child care service for every child age 0-3. Thirdly the tradition of schoolsending classes midday is being reformed with the aim of letting kids stay in schoolmuch longer thus enabling parents to work full-time as opposed to part-time in orderto be able to take care of kids returning from school.The hopes for these ambitious reforms are tremendous.

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