

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 34 av 982

Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet

In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.

Döden och livet därefter enligt en berättelse om liemannen : En kvalitativ undersökning av uppfattningar om döden och livet efter detta i Grim Fandango Remastered.

The purpose of this paper consists of examining the different ways of thinking about death and life beyond death conveyed in the game Grim Fandango Remastered. This was done by using a theoretical framework consisting of a self invented definition of death called "Bodily death". This definition consists of common notions about death such as cessation of life functions like movement, metabolism, respiration and overall cessation of brain functions. It also included cessation of vital processes, which includes the ability to make energy transfer, making reparations, for example by cell replication, as well as the waste system of the body.  Besides this, the study examines the prevalence of dualism, a conception that views the soul essential to the individual's mental state. Two kinds of dualism were investigated, simple dualism with the assumption that the individual is made up of the soul, and compound dualism, where soul and body are dependent on each other for the survival of the individual.

En kognitiv semantisk analys av partikelverbet gå upp: : Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) kontra Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis (PPAMA)

This essay examines the differences and similarities, weaknesses and strengths of the two Cognitive Semantic theories Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis. To illustrate the two theories, the Swedish verb-particle construction "gå upp" is examined and analyzed accordingly. The results showed differences in the number of polysemous meaning found. The methodological evaluation showed that the differences in the underlying ideas concerning meaning-construction behind these two theories make them incompatible..

Samspelet mellan mål och emotioner vid skapande av motivation

AbstractBackground: The factors goals, emotions and motivation are nowadays well researched. Studies that shows the interaction between these three factors does exist, but in a small amount. In all different jobs people encounter these factors, no matter what you?re working with, some experience them daily and others only sometimes.Purpose: We want to study the significance of the interaction between goals and emotions among employees in the construction business, when leaders are about to motivate their employees.Implementation: To succeed with our study and achieve the purpose, we chose to do a qualitative research. We have conducted four visiting interviews and one telephone interview, with both leaders and employees in the construction business.Results: We have through our study found out that the interaction between goals, emotions and motivation are important in the work of construction, even if it?s not something everyone thinks about.

Etanolmetabolismen ur ett alkoholistperspektiv : Kemin vid nedbrytning av etanol i kroppen, dess betydelse för kroppens kemiska processer i övrigt samt dess betydelse för hälsa och sjukdom

The present study discusses the metabolism of ethanol in the human body from the ingestion of ethanol to the excretion of its break down products water and carbon dioxide. Ethanol is a small molecule, soluble in water as well as in organic solutions. It is quickly distributed to every section in the body, where it exerts a direct toxic effect on the cells. Ethanol cannot directly leave the body efficiently so it needs other metabolic pathways. The molecule is metabolized by oxidation, predominately in the liver.

Annedal ? Boendekostnader i en helt ny stadsdel och sambandet med upplevd stadskvalitet

Annedal is a brand new neighborhood in the Bromma part of Stockholm. The neighborhood construction has now reached its halfway point. When finished, 5000 people are estimated to live in Annedal. The focus for the new area is variation. Both housing co-operatives and rented apartments have been built and more are under construction.A study about the valuation of town quality in the Stockholm region was produced by the Stockholm County Council in 2011.

"I världen, men icke av världen" : Konstruktionen av kristen manlighet i Skånes Missionssällskap ca 1939-1945

The aim of this study is to analyze the construction of "Christian masculinity" during the modern era. This is made in opposition to earlier research that has claimed that masculinity could not be constructed religiously, that is, without at the same time being constructed as effeminate or anti-masculine.Using a wide variety of theoretical concepts - such as discourse analysis, class, secularisation, masculinity as constructed from countertypes, and finally masculinity as a homosocial construction - I analyze a free church in Sweden, the Scanian Missionary Society (Skånes Missionssällskap), during the period of ca 1939-1945 (the society was a district of the Swedish Covenant Church, or Svenska Missionsförbundet), in order to argue for the standpoint that masculinity, in fact, could be constructed religiously. The primary source is the society's weekly journal Sydposten.The main results in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The leading men in the Scanian Missionary Society did, in fact, construct a Christian masculinity, i. e. a masculinity whose core values and ideals were Christian, e.g.

Imagine me : hur förbrytaren konstrueras i Lolita och Min röst ska nu komma från en annan plats i rummet

In this essay different aspects of the motif of the criminal have been traced in Lotta Lotass?s Min röst ska nu komma från en annan plats i rummet and Vladimir Nabokov?s Lolita. By seeking its representation in the texts, the intention was to show how themes, stylistic patterns and narrative functions interrelate in the construction of the motif. The perpetrator?s position within the narrative structure and its consequences have also been assessed.By discussing the meta-fictive aspects of the novels I stressed the importance of the reader?s function, arguing the reader?s participation in the construction of the motif..

Vem är hon? En analys av identitetskonstruktionen av asylsökande kvinnor bland Migrationsverkets tjänstemän

When gender-related refugee claims was ratified in the Swedish asylum law the 31 of March this year (2006) it opened the door for women with this specific refugee status to receive asylum in Sweden. The aim of this thesis has been to investigate how these specific female refugees are represented and described in the asylum process. The focus has been the construction of identity concerning these women in the Officials discourse at the Immigration department. The theoretical framework has been a critical discourse analysis regarding the exercise of power and dominance connected to the construction of identity.An understanding of the women with gender-related refugee claims as the Others has been perceived through the Officials discourse. Female refugees which have been exposed to persecution that occur in our part of the world (rape, wife abuse, etc.) are treated differently and much more restrictive, compared to women exposed to so called culture specific oppression (e.g.

Behandlingsmetoder för att öka kroppsmedvetenhet inom strokerehabilitering och dess effekter: en litteraturöversikt och kvalitativ studie

Bakgrund: Stroke är den tredje största dödsorsaken i Sverige och den vanligaste anledningen till funktionsnedsättning. Intresset för kroppsmedvetna behandlingsmetoder inom strokerehabilitering har ökat. Basal Kroppskännedom (BK) är en behandlingsmetod där fokus ligger på kroppsmedvetenhet, rörelsebeteende och grundläggande rörelseförmåga för att därigenom återställa kroppslig och själslig balans. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att studera beskrivna behandlingsmetoder med inriktning på kroppsmedvetenhet inom strokerehabilitering. Ett annat syfte var att i en kvalitativ studie undersöka om gruppbehandling i BK ger effekter som är möjliga att se ur ett anhörigperspektiv.Metod: För litteraturstudien gjordes sökningar i PubMed, AMED och CINAHL med sökorden stroke, physiotherapy, intervention, body awareness, tai chi, yoga, gigong, alexanderteknik, feldenkrais.

Ung lust och könat tvång : Representationer av sexuellt handlingsutrymme i svensk samtida ungdomsroman

This Master's thesis explores representations of sexual agency in contemporary, Swedish novels for young adults. Using a representational theory approach the thesis analyzes 24 novels published in 2000 ? 2013. Addressing the following research questions: how is sexual agency constructed and regulated relative to gender performativity in Swedish novels for young adults? How are situations of sexual abuse and sexual ?grey zones? (situations that border on abuse) represented and being made intelligible in the texts? What are the consequences of representations of sexual agency? In the readings of the novels discourse analysis and theories on cultural representation and power have served as the critical points of entry, as well as the methodological basis for the study.

Leveransproblem : Ett problem vid strukturerad produktion

When building large buildings, such as compartment buildings, there is a number of deliveries arriving on the construction site daily. In order to receive these deliveries without disturbing the rest of the work going on JM often books a fixed unloading time. When doing that they can be prepared when the delivery arrives. Making sure there is a suitable unloading area, someone to meet the delivery and when needed proper machines, such as a tractor or a crane, to help unload bigger deliveries. The person receiving the delivery is supposed to make an acceptance control where they check the delivered goods making sure nothing has been damaged in transport and that they have received what they were supposed to receive.

En utvärdering av Peabs inköps- och avropssystem

 This report is an evaluation of Peab's purchase and call-off system, PIA.PIA is used to order goods for Peab's construction sites. The background to the work is that users of the system have understood the system cumbersome to use when purchasing goods for construction sites. The evaluation was carried out by the interviews and tests with users of the program, in this case, supervisors and site managers at the company. Ten users of the system were interviewed and eleven people have carried out a test order.The focus is primarily on the test order that users have implemented, which has been clocked and analyzed for time and cost. The evaluation is also a user analysis concerning how the users perceive the program, mainly in terms of usability, functionality and benefits.The result of this report shows that PIA is economically profitable to use for the purchase of goods for construction sites.

Kan en lockande och informativ webbplats marknadsföra ett bibliotek? Tankar om webbplatsens roll i stadsbiblioteks marknadsföring

The web sites of libraries are to a large extent their public face and to help market their services, the web sites must have interesting and regularly renewed content. They must also be visually attractive and easily used, and thus be well structured and have a well functioning navigational system. The web masters' awareness of the ability of web sites to attract users to the site and also to the library, as well as their knowledge of suitable content and site construction, is crucial for how successful the web site actually is at marketing the library. The research question is: How do the studied web sites function as marketing sources and service providers for the libraries, and are the web masters aware of the importance of the web site? The purpose is to investigate how the library personnel looks upon the web site as a possible way to increase the popularity of the library among the public, and to study the construction and content of the library web sites to find out how well these serve their purpose.

Peabs arbetsberedning i produktionen : Finns det en koppling mellan arbetsberedning och Lean construction?

Statistik har visat att byggbranschens byggnationskostnader i Sverige har ökat de senaste åren. Dessa kostnader beror enligt Josephson & Saukkorippi på kvalitetsproblem och kostnader för omprojektering, samt att det i nuläget görs aktiviteter som inte tillför något kundvärde. Ett arbetsmoment som idag är en viktig del hos många byggföretag är arbetsberedning. Syftet med arbetsberedningen är att hitta den optimala metoden att utföra ett moment på. Grunden till uppslaget är att Peab anser att det råder brister i deras nuvarande arbetsberedning. Intervjuer och enkätundersökning har gjorts för att kartlägga eventuella brister i Peabs arbetsberedning samt deras synsätt på Lean..

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