

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 33 av 982

Exil hederskultur-ett narrativ

Drawing on a broad theoretical framework that includes theories about globalisation and honourculture, this thesis aim is to demonstrate that globalisation and honourculture, constitute a conceptual network, i.e a structural relational matrix in which concepts are embedded. Being part of conceptual network, these concepts are related to each other ontologically. The idea of conceptual network, and the thesis as a whole, draw upon what has been called ?relational perspective?This study aims to show the impact of globalisation on honourculture. The study shows the importance of narrative in the construction of discursive boundaries.

Direktsamplande digital transciever

Master thesis work at ITN (Department of Science and Technology) in the areas of A/D-construction and RF-circuit design. Major goal of project were to research suitable possibilities for implementations of direct conversion in transceivers operating in the 160MHz band, theoretic study followed by development of components in the construction environment Cadence. Suitable A/D- converter and other important parts were selected at the end of the theoretic study. Subsampling technique was applied to make A/D sample requirements more realistic to achieve. Besides lowering requirements on A/D-converter it allows a more simple construction, which saves more components than subsampling adds.

Att konstruera identitet på Facebook.com : En kvalitativ etnografi

Title: Constructing identity on Facebook.com ? A qualitative ethnographyNumber of pages: 40 (34)Author: Clara LindholmTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and communications studies CPeriod: HT (Autumn) 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of InformationScience, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to study how the social community Facebook.com canbe used in order to construct identity. The study follows three Facebook users in anobservation where they are able to document their thoughts and reflections in anprivate media diary. This study investigates their use of the medium and focuses onthe functions with which they are able to alter their profiles. The result consists of acombination of these reflections, interviews and a selection of literature relevant tothe subject of new media, the use of social internet communities and social sciencetheories.

Terminalisering hos JM AB

During the last decade, the construction industry has focused on improving and optimising its production process. The construction industry is now facing larger changes regarding efficiency in their supply chain for the next decade. Many companies are now trying to optimise its supply chain together with its supplier. JM AB, which is one of the biggest construction companies in Sweden, is looking at different options to improve its own logistics together with their suppliers. One option is to use a terminal between JM and the suppliers to solve problems such as quality, custom service and inventory for the in production.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

Elever i behov av särskilt stöd på bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet

Low- performing pupils at the construction programme.

- Jag är den jag var då - det är förutsättningarna som har förändrats? - en postkolonial feministisk studie utav invandrarkvinnors berättelser om identitetskonstruktion och förändring

Postcolonial feminist theory says that ones identity is constructed by severalfactor, not only gender but even culture, ethnicity and class imbedded in the socialcontext. This paper examines what happens to women's identities if the socialcontext changes. Does an identity shift occur? By interviewing five women fromBosnia-Herzegovina I try to understand the affects migration has on women?sidentity. Postcolonial feminist theory says that our identities are constantlychanging, as their constructing factors.

Val av byggproduktionsmetod/ Praktikfall Klammerdamm : Golvgips eller avjämningsmassa

This report is about how to decide which method is the most suitable as floor covering at projectKlammerdamm in the centre of Halmstad. The covering has to be fire resistant and soundproof inorder to protect the wood structure and stop noise from traveling between apartments. There aretwo possibilities either traditional gypsum board or gypsum-based self leveling underlayment.The roads around the construction site are narrow. A regular twenty-five meter long truck has nopossibility to reach the site. The construction site is small and the storage area is limited.

Tonåriga pojkars självkänsla och kroppsmissnöje : Har massmedia, extraversion och BMI någon betydelse?

Tidigare forskning kring pojkars självkänsla och kroppsmissnöje i relation till massmedieanvändning, extraversion och BMI har utfallit något olika och är inte lika omfattande som forskningen kring flickor. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på om massmedia, extraversion och BMI har betydelse för tonåriga pojkars självkänsla och kroppsuppfattning. Kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning användes. Sjuttiotvå gymnasiestuderande pojkar besvarade enkäten som innehöll instrument för att mäta BMI, extraversion, kroppsmissnöje, massmedieanvändning och självkänsla. Resultatet visade att massmedieanvändning inte korrelerar med vare sig självkänsla eller kroppsmissnöje.

Barns boende : socialsekreterares konstruktion av principen om barnets bästa i förhållande till materiell standard

The purpose of this study was to examine how a selection of social welfare officers based on the principle of the best interest of the child construct a minimum level of the material standard in a home. Another purpose was to examine whether different units with varying socioeconomic prerequisites in the municipality of Stockholm construct this level differently.The method used in this study was Sociology of Law and two focus groups were used for the gathering of the data. A social constructive theory, a class perspective using concepts of Bourdieu and a perspective of law were used to analyse the material of data.The results showed that the courses of action varied from enactment and the policies of the municipality of Stockholm, unspecified theories of the development of children, the conception of what is normal and what children needs, the context in which they work, the development of the society and what they estimate that children needs when attending school. The results also showed a difference between the two units concerning the minimum level of the material standard in a home.

?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete

The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.

Utanförskapandet - en diskursanalys av begreppet utanförskap

In this essay my aim is to examine how the term utanförskap is constructed and defined as a social problem in the public arena of the Swedish Parliament. The term utanförskap was widely used in the election-campaign prior to the Swedish Parliament election in the year 2006. The term, mainly articulated by the Right-wing Alliance, was used to describe indi-viduals and groups that were depicted as being outside the Swedish society. In the political debate, work and benefit dependency were constructed as binary opposites, with the latter describing the individuals in utanförskap. Translated to English the term utanförskap would be something like ?the state of being outside? or ?outsidership?.

Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Viktiga aspekter i samverkansformen NCC Projektstudio : En intervjustudie för NCC

The projecting time in the construction industry needs to become more efficient toshorten the amount of time it takes to project a build. One of the North's leadingconstruction company NCC constuction Sweden AB has developed a form ofcollaboration called ?NCC project studio? that they use in some projects today.My thesis consists in bringing forth the most important aspects of the collaborationform called NCC project studio. The point of this is to use my thesis to help thecompany develop a quality document that can assist them when starting collaborationbased on NCC project studio in the future.The conclusion of my thesis was that much of the focus needs to be on explaining tothe participants what NCC is aiming to gain from working with the NCC projectstudio and also which important parts that needs to be worked on..

Spina, Femur och Thorax - ett anatomiskt verktyg för barnsjukvård

Hospitals have a set perception as an unpleasant and frighteningatmosphere.The examination-rooms of today within the children?shospitals are often bare and needs embellishment and decoration tocreate a satisfying setting. The decoration might have the function asa divertion from pain and anxiety.According to my experience the decorations of today consists mainlyof Winnie the Pooh figures, a clown or a hockey poster, never anythinglinked to the body and it?s functions.Spina, Thorax & Femur is a project that focuses on the visual identityand possibility to a deeper understanding and playfulness around thebody perception within the nursing environment.A visit at the hospital could be part of a creative knowledgeacquisition. The project result are two boards of glass-enamelledsteel.

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