

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 21 av 982


This report aims at giving you as a reader a basic knowledge in measurement techniques used in the road/land construction and witch instrument and methods that is commonly used. It also tries to shed light on the problem with unfinished or incomplete blueprints, which cause additional work performed by the surveyor. This report is written in collaboration with PEAB Umeå whom has given insight in their work.The goal of this report is to examine what kind of work surveyors has to perform on blueprints delivered by a technical consultant. The reader of this report gets a run-through of the different theoretical measurement techniques used today and a short explanation of different measuring instruments used by surveyors in their day to day work. Computer programs used in the field of construction are briefly explained, and some of the most common file extensions used, for example dwg and Land-xml.The report concludes in a questionnaire that was sent out to surveyors employed by PEAB.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Erfarenhetsåterföring i Sveriges två ledande byggbolag : Riktlinjer, utfall och konsekvenser

The construction industry in Sweden has in the past 50 years had a low progress in efficiency. With a greater competition from construction firms from other countries, it is necessary to maintain the profit for Swedish construction firms. This is possible with a higher feedback of experience. This diploma work thesis examines how the two construction companies NCC and Skanska in Uppsala, Sweden handle experience feedback from previous projects and the extent to which the experience is spread and used in future projects. In this work, we examined directorial documents to see how employees shall work with feedback.

Att vara muslim i Sverige: En studie av svenska muslimers identitetskonstruktion i ljuset av globalisering och (post)koloniala narrativ

This study concerns ways in which Muslims in Sweden construct their identities. The theoretical approach of the study is based on the assumption that people construct their identities through narratives. Circumstances such as time, place, and relationships affect how narratives are told and therefore how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.In the wake of 11th of September 2001, the old colonial narrative of ?the West vs. the East? has become powerful, and makes many question the possibility of successfully integrating Muslims immigrants in Western countries.

du&jag - The car seat for you and me

 Car seats for smaller children, offers very good protection incase of a collision. Unfortunately for the parents? sake , these car seats is heavy to handle outside the car. For example back and forth home and short errands around town. In other words, all those times when you decide to just take out the car seat and carry it instead of place the baby in a baby carrier.

Produktionseffektivisering : - Få processens samtliga aktörer att sträva mot samma mål genom ökat samarbete och delaktighet i produktionens olika skeenden.

The productiontime in the construction industry contains of many different participants which will take part in different events. When there is so many people working with the same project it is easy tosee one self just as a part of the game. The consequence of this is that they don?t see themselves as important participants whos knowledge, opinions and experience can be useful in the whole production process. This might lead to that they feel neglected and the consequence of that will be lackof motivation.

Hur arbetar kosmetikaföretag med CSR? : - En jämförelse mellan The Body Shop och Oriflame

Många företag integrerar idag en social och miljömässig aspekt i sin verksamhet, utöver vad som krävs enligt lag. Det har blivit viktigare för företag att visa sitt engagemang för att gynna hållbar utveckling samt att se till att människor behandlas på ett sätt som anses etiskt rätt. Detta i och med att företagens intressenter, till exempel kunder och aktieägare, blivit allt mer medvetna och ställer större krav. Att arbeta med ett sådant ansvarstagande kallas för att arbeta med Corporate Social Responsibility, vilket förkortas CSR. CSR-arbete förekommer bland annat inom kosmetikabranschen där det miljömässiga, sociala och etiska ansvaret står i fokus, men även det ekonomiska är viktigt eftersom företaget också har ett ansvar gentemot sina aktieägare.

Diskrimineringsersättningen och dess avskräckande verkan : Förarbeten och praxis ur ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv

The aim of this study was to give an insight of the construction of girls in their relationships with friends and lovers in the Swedish magazine Julia. The magazine turns to girls of age nine to fourteen. The research questions were 1) What is the construction of the girls in their relationships with friends and lovers about in Julia? 2) How are girls constructed in their relationships with friends and lovers? Three issues of the magazine from the winter of 2014 were selected as material for the study. Critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2010) was the point of departure in the analysis.

Avfall på byggarbetsplatsen : statistik som hjälper platschefen

The purpose of this report is to find a model of statistics for construction and demolition waste, which makes it useful for the local manager at the building site. The intention with the model is that it will be used as a support of the local manager, to direct his project towards reduced strain of the environment. The model will also be used to make it easier to control that the claims from authority and aims for the environment are achieved. To familiarise with the subject waste handling within the building and construction sectorI have done a literature search. I have also been studying rules and regulations regarding the waste handling.

Quantification of sleep in dairy cows in three different stages of lactation

The aim of this project was to quantify the total sleep time in modern dairy cows during24-hour periods and to investigate whether the total amount of sleep as well as timespent in different sleep stages varies between the dry period, early- and peak lactation.The distribution of sleep time between night and day was also examined. Furthermore,correlations between sleep and lying time, fluctuations in body temperature and heartbeat were included in the aim. Eight dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed were used inthis study, which was carried out between June and September 2010. In order toquantify sleep non-invasive electrophysiological recordings were performed.Simultaneously with collecting sleep data, body position and body temperature werealso recorded. No heart rate data was obtained due to difficulties of maintainingelectrodes for heart beat measurements attached to the skin.

Kameraövervakning och deliberativ demokrati - En normativ studie av dagens kameraövervakning utifrån teorier om panopticon, den andre och det kommunikativa handlandet

The main aim of this thesis is to introduce a normative perspective to surveillance studies. I examine how the use of videocameras or CCTV-systems can create a social sorting and, then, try to answer why it ought to be reconstructed based on a normative study.For the empirical analysis I use Foucaults theory about the panopticon, maintained by the psychological subjection of the common citizen in the modern world, together with Lianos theory of a more socio-cultural surveillance in the post-modern world. The empirical examination is, furthermore, guided by a theory that describes the construction of the stranger, which today, is not explicitly excluded, because everyone is a stranger in some way, but rather depicted as the other due to institutionalization.The post-modern society today can no longer be built upon a common or divine moral or norm. Thus, I have chosen a normative method, using a deliberative democracy derived from Habermas, focusing on the communicative practice, that can engage and include every citizen in a democratic process. This is necessary for both deciding whether videocameras should be installed and whom and why some should be under surveillance ? to avoid a social sorting that both can constitute and undermine social trust and increase the gap between the governing and the governed..

Från knackningar till blodspår - Analys av Marie Hermansons Mannen under trappan

This essay examines the differences and similarities, weaknesses and strengths of the two Cognitive Semantic theories Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis. To illustrate the two theories, the Swedish verb-particle construction "gå upp" is examined and analyzed accordingly. The results showed differences in the number of polysemous meaning found. The methodological evaluation showed that the differences in the underlying ideas concerning meaning-construction behind these two theories make them incompatible..

Tjejer i vänskaps- och kärleksrelationer : En diskursanalys av tjejtidningen Julia

The aim of this study was to give an insight of the construction of girls in their relationships with friends and lovers in the Swedish magazine Julia. The magazine turns to girls of age nine to fourteen. The research questions were 1) What is the construction of the girls in their relationships with friends and lovers about in Julia? 2) How are girls constructed in their relationships with friends and lovers? Three issues of the magazine from the winter of 2014 were selected as material for the study. Critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2010) was the point of departure in the analysis.

Ett nytt växtsortiment - för inglasade miljöer :

A new project has developed at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp during the spring of 2006. The garden design students has, during the course Interior Garden Design designed and built an construction with a new range of plants for Swedish conservatories. The plants are mainly from the cool temperate areas, instead of the tropical which often are the most common in public spaces. This means, among other things, that the cost for warming is very low. The working process and the construction carried on as workshops in the conservatory at Trädgårdslaboratoriet in Alnarp. During a few weeks the hole construction is completed.

Användbarhetsutvärdering av det lätta sandwichmaterialet Hybrix för bilkarossapplikationer

This M.Sc. thesis is a material application evaluation commissioned by the advanced body engineering department at SAAB Automobile AB. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate implementation of the innovative sandwich design material Hybrix into an automobile body. Today the most commonly material used in the body is galvanized steel sheets and by shifting material to Hybrix several problematic issues have to be dealt with. Hybrix is an innovative sandwich sheet that inherits thin stainless steel face sheets and a stainless steel fibrous core.

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