

1999 Uppsatser om The Voice Symptom Scale - Sida 49 av 134

Vad bidrar till valet av precision i produktkalkylen?: En fallstudie om diskrepansen mellan teori och praktik inom produktkalkylering

Studies show that activity based costing (ABC) is not widespread in practice even though it has been present in the academic world since the 80's. This thesis examines the reasons for the discrepancy between theory and practice through a case study of a Swedish manufacturing company. The intension is to answer the question of what contributes to the choice of precision in product costing.We found arguments for increasing precision in product costing but not to the extent of a full-scale ABC implementation. The company's estimation of the value of increased precision. In the study three company unique factors were isolated that affected the company's estimation of value; drifting purpose of product costing, historical use of product costing and knowledge about product costing..

Let a smile be your umbrella : Humorstilar, personlighet och kön

AbstractThe main aim of this study was to investigate if four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour can be related to all five dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality and study if gender has any influence on those relation-ships. A survey questionnaire was distributed among 72 individuals from Kalmar County, in the South-east of Sweden. There were 42 women and 30 men. A humour test questionnaire, Humour Scale Questionnaire (HSQ), with 32 items was used and the Big Five Factor test with 40 items was used for personality test. The results showed that men have a more aggressive humour than women and that the older we get the less affiliative and self-enhancing humour we have.

Utveckling av substratmixen vid Mosseruds biogasanläggning : Substratkartläggning och rötningsförsök i laboratorieskala

The world?s growing need for energy together with a desire to ward off the worst consequences of global climate change has resulted in a never seen desire to invest resources in renewable energy sources. Biogas production through anaerobic digestion is one of those growing energy sources. In Sweden there are over two hundred plants that uses this biological process to break down organic substances while producing carbon dioxide and the energy-rich gas methane.This master?s thesis has focused on development of the mixture of different organic substances that is treated at a specific plant, namely Mosserud biogas plant.

Hot och våld i socialarbetares yrkesutövning : Threats and violence in the socialwelfare secretary occupation.

2004, the SSR, Akademikerförbundet, made a study on the threats and violence as a social secretary in the municipal social services are exposed in their occupation of the "social secretary of threats and violence at work" (T-110192), conducted by Temo ab. We have chosen to use the study on a smaller scale and then made contact with five municipalities in the middle of Sweden to investigate social secretaries experiences of threats and violence. Using the cross-sectional design and a convenience sample, we have gained access to data from 56 people. From a sociological perspective, we have chosen to use Norbert Elias theory of universal configuration and interdependence, and Michel Foucault?s theories concerning power search explanation for the existence of threats and violent situations in the contact between social workers and their clients..

Hur påverkar de professionellas syn på självskadebeteende bemötandet och arbetet med flickor som skär sig?

 Studien tar upp fenomenet självskadebeteende, unga flickor som utan självmordsavsikt avsiktligt skär, rispar eller bränner sig. Socialstyrelsens (2004, 2) kartläggning talar för att en ökning skett. Det är ett ämne som väcker starka känslor och många funderingar. Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ studie, intervjuer med olika professionella som kommer i kontakt med dessa flickor, undersöka hur deras syn på självskadebeteende påverkar bemötandet och arbetet med flickorna.Resultat: De professionellas ser inte självskadebeteende som ett problem i sig, utan som ett symptom på underliggande problem, som kan finnas både inom flickorna och i deras omgivning. Detta gör att de arbetar både med flickornas inneboende problem och med att förändra flickornas omgivning.

Elektriskt system för detektion vid ballistiskt prov

The purpose of this thesis was to design an electrical system for use in a ballistic test at the Swedish National laboratory of forensic science (SKL). The detector unit would use four main parts: coilsystem, transmitter, reciever and indicator. The coilsystem would be based on a balanced system using three coils. One that creates a magneticfield and the other two will sense the differences when a metallobject is in the coilsystem. This report starts out by investigating possible solutions for this specific task followed by a description of the physics that the metaldetector use.

Helande, härligt och helt förfärligt: Om upplevelsen av musik och ljud för personer med utmattningssyndrom

Abstract in English:This essay constitutes a case study based upon in-depth interviews held with people who have, or have had, Exhaustion Disorder (ED), concerning their understanding and use of music and sound, encompassing experiences which are both positive and negative. The intention is to document how the illness influences the subjects' music use. The study shows that the respondents intuitively and consciously are using music by regulating, getting in touch with and manifesting their emotions. Music is an important tool in performing self therapy and to achieve a good existential health. Music can also provoke negative physical and mental reactions and affect the general health status for those diagnosed with ED.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

Dammsugare att motivera till dammsugning

How can a vacuum cleaner motivate you to use it? From a sustainability perspective,the author asked the question of how such a solution would looklike? These where issues that the project tackled and devised solutions for. Theproject wanted to explore the physical modeling and a large part of the finalresult consisted of a full scale model. The project found that the problem ofvacuuming largely consisted of the problem of storage the product. The projectfound that the motivation for the job, therefore, could be resolved by a betterdesigned vacuum cleaner with a built-in hose, folding handles, which couldbe stored integrated within the vacuum cleaner.

Uttryck för lidande inom omvårdnad

Lidande är en naturlig och oundviklig del av det mänskliga livet. En av de mest centrala uppgifterna inom vården innebär att lindra lidande. Därmed är det aktuellt att undersöka områdets kunskapsposition. Syftet var att beskriva lidande i omvårdnadStudien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 15 vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde underlaget för resultatet. Resultatet i denna studie delades in i sex tema inom omvårdnad: ?Existentiellt lidande?, ?Livslidande?, ?Sjukdomslidande?, ?Vårdlidande?, ?Den vårdande personalens upplevelser av lidande? och ?Socioemotionellt lidande?.

Muminmammans värld : En analys av kön, makt och moderskap i Tove Janssons muminsvit

The intention is to focus on the implementation of the tablet in preschools and how the intentions around the introduction of the tablet take shape in different preschools. The method is semi structured interviews where the respondents consist of 3 preschool directors and 6 teachers where the preschool directors work. This is a relevant subject to illustrate, as the tablet has become a tool in preschool where it seems to be different opinions about how it should be used. This study aims to understand how the implementation can take form in different preschools, what kind of similarities and differences we can see with the intentions of the tablet and if there is need of clarification on the workings of the tablets in preschools. The results show that the intentions around the introduction of the tablet in preschool look different in the preschools, and the implementation of this new technology starts in a small scale with help of photographing and videotaping.

Anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser i hemmet vid livets slutskede, med hjälp av palliativa teamet

Idag ökar den palliativa omvårdnaden i hemmet. För att den sjuke ofta har en önskan om att få dö hemma. Det ställer krav på anhörigvårdarna som är dem som kommer att bli dem primära vårdarna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser av att vårda hemma, i livets slutskede, med hjälp av det palliativa teamet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie.

Tvångssyndrom i skolan Hur kan man arbeta med elever med ett tvångssyndrom i skolan?

I arbetet undersöks lärarrollens yrkesroll inom skolans värld hur man arbetar med elever som drabbats av OCD. OCD står för ?obsessive compulsive disorder? och det innebär människor som lider av ett tvångssyndrom och tvångstankar. Frågor som arbetet ämnar besvara är: Hur märker man om ett barn lider av OCD? Vilka är de utmärkande symptomen? Finns det någon koppling kring OCD och andra psykiska sjukdomar? Hur bemöter skolan de elever som lider av OCD? Finns det någon specifik handlingsplan för dessa elever? Hur bör skolan bemöta dessa elever? Vilka hjälpmedel finns? Hur kan man anpassa undervisningen efter behov? Arbetet består i att ta reda på vilka symptom elever som drabbats av OCD kan ha, hur Barn och ungdomspsykiatri (BUP) arbetar för att bota och lindra syndromet, hur skolan och lärare jobbar för att gynna elevernas utveckling och lärande samt hur man kan känna sig om man lider av syndromet. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod när vi har intervjuat människor som vi anser har haft en stor relevans för undersökningen. Vår slutsats har varit att vi har fått reda på vad man ska ha i åtanke när man arbetar med barn som har OCD och psykisk ohälsa samt vad det innebär att lida av syndromet..

Behandling mot spolmask på hund och katt

I denna litteraturstudie sammanfattas ett flertal undersökningar av effekten av olika anthelmintika till hund och katt för behandling mot spolmaskarterna Toxocara canis, Toxocara (cati) mystax och, till viss del, Toxascaris leonina. Samtliga studier har publicerats mellan åren 1998 och 2011.T. canis drabbar hundar, T. (cati) mystax angriper katter och T. leonina har både hund och katt som huvudvärd.

Spenarnas kondition i automatiska mjölkningssystem : en studie av två spensprayer

Two post milkning teat dips (PMTD´s) were compared in an automatic milking system at Kungsängen Research Farm, owned by SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) in Uppsala. In the experiment an evaluation system was used where teat condition regarding skin and teat ends was graded according to a scale where 1 was the best score and 5 the worst. The evaluation period was almost six months in total devided into four minor experimental periods. The technician scoring the teats did not know which PMTD that was currently used. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the two PMTD´s regarding teat skin condition, but not regarding teat ends.

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