

1999 Uppsatser om The Voice Symptom Scale - Sida 33 av 134

Parkens belysning :

In the city of Kungälv, there are many important green areas without park lightning. This makes it unsafe to walk through the city's most attractive surroundings during many parts of the year. Partly in general and partly specifically for Kungälv, this paper shows that there are strong long-term arguments for making parks available by the use of lightning. This is not about lightening up the whole city, but finding the important green communication paths and parks. This paper also reflects upon how to lighten up these green communication paths and parks for best result. That is a question about creating good sight conditions ? safe and attractive parks which attracts people to use them. Offering a city's inhabitants good and attractive alternatives to using the car is an important task for city planers.

Några vanliga blodanalysers innebörd : ett kompendium för djursjukskötare

Det här arbetet är ett kompendium som beskriver några vanliga blodanalysers innebörd hos häst, hund och katt. Det beskrivs vad ämnet som analyseras har för normal funktion i kroppen och under vilka omständigheter analysresultaten kan variera. Ibland beskrivs de sjukdomstillstånd som dessa värdeförändringar kan bero på. Detta kompendium förklarar också vilka blodanalyser som kan vara passande vid iakttagelse av specifika kliniska symptom hos ett djur. Tanken med detta arbete är att underlätta för djursjukskötarstudenter under utbildningen och för djursjukskötare när de påbörjar sin yrkeskarriär.

Arbetsförmåga och hälsa hos bageriarbetare på Pågen AB, Göteborg

Syfte: Att finna en metod, enkätform som kan upptäcka tidiga tecken på stressutlöst utmattningsreaktion. Metod: En grupp på 19 personer följdes med en återkommande månadsenkät innehållande 8 frågor under 4 månader. 14 personer kunde fullfölja studien. Vid både studiestart och avslutning gjordes en undersökning med 2 andra väl validerade metoder. (GHQ 12 samt SHC) Avslutningsvis fick gruppen utvärdera månadsenkäten.

Stereotyper i den virtuella världen. Hur visuella intryck påverkar deltagares uppfattningar av virtuella agenter

The purpose of this study is to examine how participants perceive virtual agents shown on a computer display. In particular, it is explored to what extent participants transfer gender and attraction stereotypes that are commonly applied in the physical world to virtual agents. Previous related studies have often explored only text or voice interfaces, without any visually appearing agents, and here indeed found evidence for a transfer of gender stereotypes. Our hypothesis was that the addition of a visual agent interface would reinforce this effect. The results support our hypothesis that participants transfer human gender and attraction stereotypes onto virtual agents, as well as that these processes are affected by the visual representations of the agents..

Björkbarksextrakt, BBE : en lönsam lösning på betningsproblematiken?

The calculations in this thesis are evaluating the profit as a consequence from treating young stands of pine in Sweden with birch bark extract, BBE. Treatment is to be done with the object to lower or fully reduce the moose browsing on pine. The study is made in three versions. The results from each version separately will follow below. Version I.: The size of the moose population is in no way affected by the reduced resources of food as a consequence of large scale treatment with BBE on pine. Results show profit at a 3 percent level of interest with the exception of treatment program with more than 4 treatments all together and with the exception of Västerbottens Län with an early first treatment. Version II.: The population of moose decrease from 10 to 5 individuals per 1000 ha as a consequence from large scale treatment with BBE on young pine stands.

Käppalaverkets nuvarande och framtida rötningskapacitet : en studie i labskala

Käppala wastewater treatment plant situated on the island of Lidingö northeast of Stockholm is running a project during 2004 and 2005 with the purpose to map out the capacity of anaerobic digestion in the digesters that treat primary and excess sludge. The purpose of this thesis work, which is part of that project, was to characterize the present anaerobic digestion process and to investigate its capacity to treat other organic wastes such as restaurant waste and waste from water works. To decide the potential of both methane and biogas production from different substrates batch laboratory tests were carried out. To imitate the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala continuous tests with small scale reactors were carried out. These reactors were later fed with restaurant waste.The batch laboratory tests showed that primary sludge had a potential biogas and methane production of 0,62 and 0,35 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 40 days of digestion.

Erace - för behandling av rasism

Genom att likna den rasistiska strukturen i Sverige med ett smittsamt virus belyser Jenny Karlsson ett aktuellt problem ur en alternativ synvinkel. Detta arbete handlar om att lära sig att se och förstå hur en rasistisk struktur fungerar, för att kunna bromsa rasismens spridning. För att göra detta har ämnet rasism komprimerats och förpackats i en läkemedelsförpackning. Denna förpackning beskriver vardagsrasismen som tidiga symptom och följderna av strukturell diskriminering som konsekvenser av obehandlad rasism. Genom rollen som designer kommunicerar Jenny problematiken med att näst intill ingen identifierar sig som rasist, när de flesta av oss ändå är det..

Uthållig sanitet : en förstudie i staden Picota, Peru

The access to good sanitary facilities is an important factor that elevates the experienced living standard as it improves hygiene and reduces the transmission of deseases. The ratification of the millennium goals by 189 countries demonstrates that this is an important international issue. Together the countries have taken upon themselves that the proportion of the population that lacked access to sustainable safe drinking water and sanitary facilities in the year 2000 will have been reduced by half by the year 2015. In Peru, the construction of sewage pipe networks to transport the sewage out of the direct human environment is progressing. The safety and sustainability of these systems can be questioned, since in Peru the sewage seldom receive any treatment before being emitted to a recipient. This is taking place in Picota and sorrunding villages as well. In the last 25 years several systems implementing small-scale onsite treatment have been introduced throughout Latin America in an attempt to give more people access to sustainable and safe sanitary facilities, reducing water consumption and taking advantage of the agricultural values of the sewage fractions while protecting the environment from its negative impact. In this study three different sanitary systems and the effects of different population growths were compared.

Sambandet mellan IBS och FODMAPs

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionABSTRACTTitle: The connection between IBS and FODMAPsAuthor: Helena Hautamäki and Rebecka BertilssonSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2013-04-10Background: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, and is acommon disorder in the western population. The predominant symptoms are diarrhoea,abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and excessive flatus. Today there are no evidence basedrecommendations concerning dietary factors for patients diagnosed with IBS, but recently certainfactors in the diet that seems to trigger the symptoms have been identified. These factors areshort-chain carbohydrates, Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, andPolyols (FODMAPS), which are not completely absorbed in the lumen.Objective: The purpose of this systematic review article is to examine whether there are anyevidence that a diet low in FODMAPs may induce improvement of symptoms in patientsdiagnosed with IBS.Search strategy: The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed, Scopus,Summon and Google Scholar. The keywords were ?Irritable bowel syndrome + FODMAPs?,?Irritable bowel syndrome + diet? and ?FODMAP and diet?.Selection criteria: The inclusion criteria were patients diagnosed with IBS between the ages 18and 69.

Salmonella hos småfåglar och katter

Salmonellos hos småfåglar har blivit ett ökande problem de senaste åren och studier har visat att det är den infektionssjukdom som orsakar flest dödsfall bland småfåglar. Salmonellos hos katter är ovanligt men utbrott har satts i samband med infektion hos småfåglar. Denna litteraturstudie tar upp vilka serotyper av Salmonella spp. som finns hos småfåglar respektive katter, hur bakterien sprids mellan småfåglar, och från småfåglar till katter samt vad som kännetecknar bakterien. Den serotyp som sprids mellan småfåglar och orsakar infektion är Salmonella Typhimurium och de fagtyper som dominerar är DT40 och DT56. S.

Vetlandas gatuträd : analys av trädens upplevelsekvalitéer

Street trees have had a prominent role in Vetlandas history from the turn of the century up to present day. Many trees have unfortunately been taken away through the ages, but most of them luckily remains and most of the streets in central Vetlanda are still tree lined. The comprehensive inventory that has been made shows that lime is the dominant species in Vetlanda with no less than 62 %. The age division is quite even with one peak at the turn of the century, one during the ?60s and another during the ?90s.

Varumärkespersonlighet- Den Emotionella Anknytningen mellan Besökare och Evenemang

I takt med upplevelseindustrins tillväxt, ökar även konkurrensen inom branschen. Evenemang som nöjesplattform konkurrerar direkt och indirekt med andra upplevelseinriktade verksamheter och behöver hitta nya sätt att få kundernas uppmärksamhet. Forskning visar hur kunder tenderar att agera mer emotionellt vid sina köp, något som många företag försöker bemöta. Produktproducerade företag har sedan långt tillbaka anammat varumärkespersonlighet som en del i marknadsstrategin för att kommunisera och personlighetsanknyta med kunder. Tidigare studier har visat att företag som väljer att personifiera sitt varumärke nått stor framgång på dess marknad.

Är rättvist för mig, rättvist för dig? : Betydelsen av social värdeorientering för bedömningar av procedural rättvisa

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om individer som skiljer sig med avseende på social värdeorientering (SVO) bedömer rättvisa på olika sätt beroende på om det gäller dem själva eller någon annan. 96 studenter, 48 män och 48 kvinnor, deltog i ett scenarioexperiment. Resultaten visade inga signifikanta effekter av SVO, vilket indikerar att samarbets- och självinriktade individer inte skilde sig vid bedömningar av procedural rättvisa i situationer som berörde dem själva och andra. Analysen visade att manipulationen var effektiv. Variansanalysen på upplevd rättvisa, tillfredställelse, beslutsacceptans och protestintention visade att ?voice? (deltagande) hade en signifikant effekt.

Riktlinjer för enskilt avlopp : Underlag för bedömning av normal och hög skyddsnivå i Köpings kommun

In Sweden, the eutrophication of lakes, water courses and the coastal areas is considered the major threat to aquatic ecosystems and therefore actions taken to reduce the nutrient load to aquatic system including the Baltic Sea has high priority. There are many different sources of phosphorous and nitrogen and domestic wastewater is one contributing factor to the high load. Especially waste water from households that is not connected to municipal sewage treatment or a local small scale plant with appropriate nutrient removal efficiency is considered a problem. These types of households are quite common in rural areas in Sweden and in areas where summer houses has been converted to permanent living. Swedish legislation now permit the municipalities to decide in which areas within the municipality higher demands of the local small scale treatment facility should be met by the households (i.e.

Utvecklad modell för enklare djurskyddsbedömning : med exempel från mjölkkor i lösdrift

Developed model for easier animal welfare assessment- with examples from dairy cows in loose housingAnimals in captivity are completely dependent on human care. If captive animals are prevented from exhibiting their natural behavior, they may suffer. Animal welfare inspectors, who insure that the animal welfare legislation is followed, use a checklist to assess the situation in the husbandry. This checklist contains only two levels of assessment, which may result in a lack of detail in the assessment of the husbandry. The objective of this report was to develop a more detailed model that provides an overview of the situation in husbandry.

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