

7369 Uppsatser om The Theory of Counter Productivity - Sida 22 av 492

Analys av datakommunikationssäkerhet för VoIP-protokoll

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a relatively new technology that enables voice calls over data networks.With VoIP it is possible to lower expenses, and increase functionality and flexibility. FromSwedish Armed Forces point of view, the security issue is of great importance, why the focus inthis report is on the security aspect of the two most common open-source VoIP-protocols H.323and SIP, some of the most common attacks, and counter-measures for those attacks.Because of the level of complexity with a network running H.323 or SIP, and the fact that it hasyet to stand the same level of trial as of traditional telephony, a VoIP-system includes manyknown security-issues, and probably at present many unknown security flaws.The conclusion is that it takes great knowledge and insight about a VoIP-network based onH.323 or SIP to make the network satisfyingly safe as it is today, and is therefore perhaps not asuitable solution for the Swedish Armed Forces today for their more sensitive communications..

"Att orka vara själavårdare" : En jämförande studie av copingresurser i pastoralkliniskt och kontextuellt själavårdsparadigm.

This study aims to find coping resources in two different paradigms of pastoral care using coping theory from the psychology of religion. The intention is to find coping resources that are functional coping strategies to help priests and chaplains in their work with pastoral care. The research questions are: What coping resources can be found in the pastoral clinical paradigm and the contextual paradigm? What are the differences and similarities? The method used is template analysis style where the theories form a framework for the material used to analyse in this study. The theories used for this study are religious coping theory and pastoral care theory.

Organisationer emellan, En jämförande fallstudie av företagsinkubation

Business incubation is an important force of economic development but relatively unheard of in organization theory. This is partly due to the fact that in organization theory, meta-organization or the organization of organizations has been neglected or left lagging as much theorization has been focused on organizing individuals. With the growing number of business incubators, and meta-organizations in general, the need for understanding a relatively new type of organization is prevalent.This case study of the business incubator Global Business Labs Botswana (GBL) aims to clarify the organizational differences among meta-organizations and traditional organizations on a case level, as well as explain the underlying factors for these dissimilarities. With respect to the nature of this case study no general conclusions are drawn from the results. The inference, however, is that the organization of GBL and its incubated companies differs from the traditional organization in five elementary aspects: the weak hierarchical structure, the operational autonomy of its members, the strong focus on recruitment processes, the member identity and the lack of formal sanctions.

Lånad Identitet - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters inställning till tillgångsbaserad klädkonsumtion

Previous studies have shown that there exists a gap between purchase intention and behavior in consumption situations. This gap is especially prevalent for sustainable or green products and even more so in terms of sustainable apparel consumption. Therefore, the adoption of sustainable fashion remains low as fast fashion dominates the industry. A counter-movement for mass consumption - access-based consumption - has reached the apparel industry and in Sweden we see it in the form of clothing libraries. This qualitative thesis uses in-depth interviews to uncover the feelings of seven consumers towards the idea of accessing rather than owning their clothing as a more sustainable consumption form, factoring in the strong identity connection that we have to our clothes and how this affects their perceptions.

Med läsaren i centrum : Rosenblatts reader-responseteori som "narrative imagination"?

In this thesis ? concerning didactics of literature ? I perform a reading and theoretical analysis of two pivotal works within reader-response theory, more precisely: Literature as Exploration (1938) and The Reader, the Text, the Poem ? The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978), both written by Louise M. Rosenblatt. The object of this analysis is to examine whether Rosenblatts? theory and methodology can be used to accomplish understanding for ?the other?, what Martha C.

Terrorism som medel för politiska mål? : En komparativ studie mellan nationell och internationell terrorism

Terrorism. A word that makes you think about different situations throughout the last decade that has passed. However, in this particular thesis the purpose is to examine both national and international terrorism from a Clausewitzian theory. The main point is to examine whether any of these types of terrorisms can fit in to this theory and as examples in this study are the terrorist organizations ETA and al-Qaida. The questions to be answered in this paper are if their aims can be explained as political and how far are they ready to go to have their way? Furthermore, the reason for this paper is to find an understanding for why the terrorist organizations act as they do.The result of this comparative study is that both terrorist organizations fit in to the theory because their goals can be seen as political and therefore can their aims justify their actions.

Theory of Constraints och Lean Production i High-mix Low-volume fo?retag

Konkurrensen i tillverkningsfo?retag o?kar sta?ndigt och detta medfo?r att det sta?lls ha?rda krav pa? produktkvalitet och fo?rma?gan att leverera produkter i tid. Fo?r att fo?retag ska kunna na? upp till dessa ma?l kra?vs utveckling och sta?ndiga fo?rba?ttringar i takt med den va?xande marknaden. Detta uppna?s pa? olika sa?tt men ett vanligt sa?tt a?r att arbeta med fo?rba?ttringsmetodiker.

Kvinnligt eller manligt? ? En genusstudie av karaktärsgestaltningarna i några av dagens populäraste bilderböcker för barn

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how gender is described in some of the most popular children?s picture books in year 2007 and 2008. The theory used is based on Berger?s and Luckmann?s theory about Social construction, Bjerrum Nielsen?s and Rudberg?s theory about Gender socialization, Gens? theory How girls becomes women and boys becomes men and Hirdman?s theory about Gender contracts. The method used is an analysis of ideal types.

Mediatiserad religion i ramen av humor : En studie av den amerikanska sitcom-serien the Big Bang Theory

Since 2007 the American sitcom the Big Bang Theory has spread throughout the world. With its twenty million watchers it is one of the most popular sitcoms of our time. The starting point for this essay is that the humourus series with the more or less geeky main characters is more than just entertainment - it is a part of the mediatization of religion. This means that media is affecting the recipients? view on religion in general and the personal religion.

Teori och Praktik :  En studie beträffande svensk forskning om internationalisering i svenska företag och dess relevans för praktiker utifrån Handelskammaren, Exportrådet och forskare

Title: Theory and Practice: A study of Swedish Research on the Internationalization in Swedish Business and its Relevance to Practice´s, according to The Camber of Commers, Swedish Trade Council and researchers.Main issue: Within marketing science, there is an general ongoing discussion about the gap between researchers and practitioners, this leads to the thesis main issue on whether the Swedish marketing research conducted in the internationalization of Swedish companies, is relevant to practitioners and provides essential tools for practitioners to applicable in real business situations.Purpose: The purpose is to answer the problems of theory and practice, what it looks like and what the underlying factors and impact difference between internationalization theory and practice are.Method: The thesis has a qualitative methodology mainly based on theory, as well as empirical findings from researchers and organizations working with Swedish company's internationalization.Results: The result shows that there is a difference between theory and practice and that there are several factors underpinning this. Theories primary purpose is not to be practical but to explore an unanswered need to create an understanding to the researcher?s audience, which is other researchers, thereby are theories based on knowledge not demands from the practitioners. The result also shows that the internationalization theories can be applied in practice´s reality on the internationalization of companies. Research degree of generality has a sense of reality given by the empirical studies which therefore reflects the reality of the theory which gives theory a content of truth.Conclusion: The gap that exists between theory and practice has both positive and negative effects.

En teori om konsumentmakt- Marknaden som en lösning på demokratiunderskottet?

How effective is consumer power? Can consumers regulate corporate behavior?And if so is the case, could the mechanisms where consumers regulate corporatebehavior have any democratic value to contribute with? These are the questionsthat this master's thesis comprehends with. The purpose of this writing is toconstruct a theory of consumer power that is compatible with democratic theory,this in order to contribute to the ongoing discussion within the discipline ofpolitical science about the third democratic transformation. A discussion that hasbeen actualized due to the democratic deficit created by the growing corporatepower and the shift of power from state to private enterprises. Besides showingfor a parallel between the democratic mechanisms that exists in the relationbetween citizens and state on the one hand, and the consumers and corporationson the other hand, this paper argues that consumers do have a great potential inregulating corporate behavior towards a higher social responsibility andawareness.

BBIC i samverkan för barnets bästa

Purpose of this study is to investigate whether BBIC had an effect on the interaction between social services and schools. To find this out, a comparative study carried out between two municipalities in southern Sweden who has worked with the BBIC system different lengths of time. The empirical data is based on six qualitative interviews with heads of unit in social services, principals in secondary schools, and social workers who work with children- and youth investigations. The theoretical framework consists of Bronfenbrenners Ecology model, systems theory as organizational theory and the theory of autopoiesis, and Danermark model of collaboration. The results of the survey show that respondents do not find that their inter-organizational collaboration has been significantly affected by the implementation of BBIC, but that BBIC provides a good basis for collaboration due to the logic and structure of the system..

Tro, hopp och utsatthet

The thesis objective was to study the partnership between the municipality of Gothenburg and three nonprofit organizations concerning the mobile EU-citizens. The study examines how the EU-enlargement affected Sweden and eventually the municipality of Gothenburg, and how Gothenburg responded to the new situation regarding the target group. The thesis contains one case study and the empirical data are based on semi structured interviews with politicians and officials from both the public- and the nonprofit sector. The results were screened with New Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory and Decision Making Theory: Rule Following. The theories were used to locate any type of isomorphism, resource dependence and rule following in the partnership.

?Dom är ju ändå som alla andra, bara att dom är lite äldre.? : unga vårdbiträdens tankar om den äldre omsorgstagaren

The purpose of this study is to investigate the young caregivers thoughts of the elderly caretaker. A qualitative method was chosen when interviewing young caregivers in order to get an insight of how they perceive and speak of the elders. The main questions of the study are: How do the caregivers believe that the elders perceive their day-to-day life and situation? Is it possible to distinguish if the young caregiver?s thoughts about the elders affect their work with the elderly caretaker? Is it possible to notice any common factors that the young caregivers perceive as important in their work with the elderly caretaker? The criteria for inclusion in this study are caregivers aged 18 to 25, who are working with elderly at special accommodation. The theories chosen for this study are the salutogenetic perspective, the activity theory and the theory of gerotranscendence.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

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