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Hur har EU:S regionalpolitik påverkat Sveriges regionalpolitik?

The purpose of the following essay is to analyze how the Swedish regional policy has been influenced by the regional policy in the EU. The study builds on the theoretical framework that is Europeanization, the top-down approach, which stipulates where you can find evidence of this influence. To obtain the information that I needed to answer my question formulations, which main question formulation are; in which way has the EU regional policy influenced the Swedish regional policy? I used the method of literature analysis. Both the theoretical framework alongside the chosen method pointed me to analyze the public debate in Sweden in the regional question.

Läsfrämjande i förändring: Om bibliotek 2.0:s läsfrämjande redskap

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries use thetools and ideas from library 2.0 in their reading promotionwork. We also want to include how librarians motivate thisuse and whatever merits and faults they encounter. We haveperformed document studies and interviews which we thenanalyzed with qualitative content analysis. Our theoreticframework in this study which we also used as a part of ourcoding scheme in the analysis was a model over the conceptlibrary 2.0 developed by Holmberg, Huvila, Kronquist-Bergand Widén-Wulff. This model describes seven aspects oflibrary 2.0 which is users, participation, library and libraryservice, web and web 2.0, social aspects, technology andinteractivity.

Det svenska försvaret : Från förråd till fält

This essay takes the three models from Allison and Zelikow book Essence of decision and applies them on the Swedish defense system. After the cold war the Swedish defense system had to undergo changes to be a more modern defense and be able to defend Sweden against threats. To also be able to cooperate with other countries in peacekeeping operations the Swedish defense had to be reorganized. The solution was to change direction from a defense system that was organized for invasion to instead be a movable defense ready for any challenge in Sweden or abroad. This reorganization will be analyzed according to the three different models..

Olika vägar att nå målen : En studie om fem rektorers arbete med ADHD-problematik

This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.

Metodutveckling för analys av PBDE och HBCD i sediment

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) has for many years been used in products to reduce their flammability, mainly in electronic products, textiles and construction materials. In 2003, Sweden imported 300 tons of brominated flame retardants. Leakage of these compounds has polluted natural environments. Fishes has shown increased contents of these substances, especially fat fish, since brominated flame retardants tends to accumulate in fatty tissues. They are also regarded as persistent and that gives them the ability to travel long distances. What also is really scary is that increased levels of brominated flame retardants have been detected in human breast milk. The knowledge of the brominated flame retardants is limited and not so much research has been done in this field. There are many reasons though, to keep the research going. Partly their structural resemblance to well-known toxics as PCB, but also their ability to accumulate in biological systems and enrich in food chains. In which way they affect humans we really don?t know yet.

Shopping i staden, handelsplatsers betydelse för bofasta och turister - En studie om attityder och motivationer till shoppingen i Göteborg

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

 "Hemma på min gata i stan..." :  Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Vilka fattiga är fattigast? : fattigdomsfokusering av det svenska frivilligorganisations-biståndet jämfört med det totala svenska biståndet

 This paper discusses whether the allocation of Swedish aid is dependent on absolute or relative poverty, and whether there is any difference in this respect between ODA and aid distributed through officially funded NGO?s. Given the Millennium Development Goals, and their overarching goal of halving extreme poverty by 2015, we should expect the aid allocation to be determined by absolute rather than relative poverty. We use OLS to estimate multiple linear regressions. We find that Swedish ODA has an absolute poverty focus, while the Swedish NGO aid rather seems to be concentrated on relative poverty. .

Läsförståelse hos svenska gymnasieelever : En undersökning av hur gymnasieelever som läst svenska B respektive svenska som andraspråk B klarar TISUS-testets läsförståelsedel

AbstractThis paper aims to examine reading comprehension among Swedish Upper Secondary Schoolstudents who are doing their last school year. My research questions are if the students havesufficient reading comprehension to cope with university studies and higher educationaccording to a comprehension test and if there is a difference between students who studiedSwedish B course or Swedish as a second language B course. Furthermore it involves issuesof differences in results depending on gender and if the second-language students were bornin Sweden or abroad.To get answers to my questions, I let 112 students in my survey carry out the readingcomprehension part of the TISUS test, observed several test sessions, and interviewed 24students who participated in the test. The result shows that most students have difficultieswith the reading comprehension, and probably would find it difficult to study at universitiesor colleges. There are major differences in the results between the Swedish B-students andSwedish as a second language students, but also within these groupings.

Åldersdiskriminering : - är den svenska arbetsrätten åldersdiskriminerande?

Since several rules of law have a consideration of age, the Swedish labor law collides in many ways with the prohibition of age discrimination. The employment directives of EU were implemented in the member countries after the shift of the millennium. Sweden was the last member to introduce age as a ground of discrimination in its legislation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the Swedish regulations, regarding age discrimination and its application, is compatible with the EU.  The aim is also to investigate what is required to exclude the prohibition of age discrimination. The labor law provisions concerning the retirement age given in 32 a and 33 §§ LAS, priority rules according to 22 § LAS and the collectively agreed holiday benefit, which is regulated according to a worker's age, is to be investigated to see if they actually qualify for the exclusion of the prohibition against age discrimination. Furthermore, the paper intends to describe if the Swedish legislation has taken account of the research available on the subject of "age" and ?age discrimination?.

"Det är ju här allting händer liksom" : En intervjustudie om killars och tjejers syn på skolan?

AbstractThis examination project studies two groups of students, who are in the last year of the mandatory school attendance in Sweden (15 years old and in school year nine), their views and thoughts about the Swedish school. The purpose of this study is to examine how the students in the study thinks about the role that the Swedish school have, and should have in the society, and how, and if the fostering mission that the Swedish school have, has any implication on the student?s opinions. I have also studied if the student?s trusts the Swedish school.I have made my study on interviews with two groups of students, one with four boys and one with four girls.

Lojalitetsplikt och Omsorgsförpliktelse för styrelse och VD

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

En bra grund till ett nytt språk. Om sambandet mellan språkanvändning i hemmet och skolframgång i svenska

Can you see a connection between the language spoken at home and their knowledge of the swedish language at school. Can one see which area has the greatest influence on the swedish language of thirdgraders..

Samernas åsikter om nomadskolan : -åren 1917-1919

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Ekonomisk utveckling : Nigeria och FN:s millennieutvecklingsmål

In which ways have composing processes in music appeared over the past 300 years? How may composing processes work today? What does new technology do to this processes?The key purpose of this study is to investigate various composing processes. A further purpose is also to gain an awareness of how we use modern technology by computers and their notation programmes.The research design of this thesis includes a display of literature related to composing processes. along with an analysis of the writer?s own experiences in the area.

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