

9681 Uppsatser om The Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme - Sida 41 av 646

Tycker de olika? : En kvantitativ undersökning av gymnasieungdomars syn på och attityder till svenskämnet med avseende på programkaraktär

The main purpose of this study has been to survey the pupils? general comprehension of the content and aim of Swedish as a subject in upper secondary school and their attitude towards the subject. Furthermore the study aims at discerning whether there is a distinguishable difference between programmes with vocational and academic character.The study is based on the results of 101 answers from students in an opinion poll handed out at a Western Swedish upper secondary school. Throughout the analysis the results of the two programme groups have been weighed against each other. The result of the survey shows that:? The understanding of the aim and content of Swedish at upper secondary school is acceptable as a whole.

Hur kan vi utveckla vårt personliga uttryckssätt med ljud?

This is a bachelor thesis that studies and discuss the question: How can we develop our individual narrative technique with sound design in a Swedish drama production? We have done research and empirical studies. We have analyzed movies to get an idea how we use the sound design in Swedish drama productions today. We have produced a movie that gives sound the biggest part. Key words: Swedish drama production, narrative technique, sound design .

Urinseparerande avloppssystem - En utvärdering med hänsyn till teknik, ekonomi, användbarhet och drifterfarenhet

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Färdigdelat nu! : En studie som undersöker personalens bemötande av patienten vid måltiden på ett svenskt sjukhus

Since 1928 the Swedish accounting and taxation has been closely linked by law which today as the European Union works with its harmonisation of the European accounting systems brings up difficulties. The Union strives to integrate the countries different ways of accounting in order to make it easier to use and understand foreign information. The Swedish connection between accounting and taxation means that a harmonisation would change the whole system as its known today. The purpose with this study is to examine what the link between the two means and how a decoupling would affect Swedish accounting and auditing. We also want to examine how the Swedish taxation office, who currently uses the accounting as a ground for taxation, could guarantee the quality of the declaration without a proper underpinning. The study shows that a decoupling could lead to an increase in quality on swedish accounting and that the administration would become more difficult to handle. The risk of dividend of untaxed profits is not seen as a problem in this context.

Insamlingsorganisationer - vad förklarar omfattningen av redovisningsprinciper?

The natural disasters of recent time have caused the people of Sweden to donate very large amounts of money to different fundraising organizations. With this in mind, we found it interesting to examine the extent of disclosure in the annual reports of the Swedish fundraising organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify which factors that influences the extent of disclosure of accounting principles in the annual reports of Swedish fundraising organizations. To fulfill this purpose we conducted a content analysis of 149 annual reports from Swedish fundraising organizations. To help us explain the levels of disclosure we applied stakeholder theory, institutional theory and legitimacy theory.

Religion, ett retoriskt redskap inom Sverigedemokraterna? : En retorikanalys av SD-kuriren valåret 2010

The purpose of this essay is to see if the Swedish nationalist party?Sverigedemokraterna? use religion rhetorically in their paper SD-Kuriren, and if so,then how? The method used to examine this is called rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, thetheory to explore how religion is used rhetorical is Said's Orientalism.The results show that religion is used rhetorically in the articles. Islam is explainedfrom our point of view in the west, and not their own. Islam becomes a religion that is faraway from what the Swedish culture is like, and also a religion that is violent andirrational compared to the Swedish culture, but also other religions, such as Judaism.Also, religion is used rhetorically to show that Islam is the opposite in relation toChristianity and Judaism..

Värderingsskillnader mellan amerikanska och svenska bioteknikbolag

Background: Companies with a high level of research, such as biotech companies, rarely generates any profit in the begining. Mostly their history is short and their pipelines usually consists of one or a few products only. Significant for the line of business is also a future very uncertain, where relevant objects of comparison are few. Altogether the facts above makes valuation of Biotech companies difficult. Swedish Biotech companies, compared to their american competitors, seem to be of relatively low value.

Investerare eller mecenat? : En studie om riskkapitalanva?ndning inom den svenska filmbranschen

Title: Investor or Maecenas? ? A study on the usage of venture capital within the Swedish film industry.Author: Tobias MagnussonSupervisors: Ahmad Ahmadi, Clas GunnarssonPurpose: The purpose with this thesis is to complement the research on procurement of capital within the Swedish film industry.Methodology: The primarily research method that have been used to gather material is qualitative interviews, that has been performed with four individuals that are active in the Swedish film industry.Theory: In order to create an adequate theoretical base, theories regarding investments and cultural entrepreneurship are presented.Empirics: In this chapter the results of the interviews are presented, sorted in several subcategories. The material is thereafter analyzed and discussed in the following chapter, with the theoretical base in mind.Conclusion: The usage of venture capital within the Swedish film industry is relatively low today. Non-monetary values are the primary reason to invest in the Swedish film industry today. A significant risk diversification, together with knowledge dispersion needs to be made in order to make the Swedish film industry more attractive to investors.

En vass striker eller anfallare? En kandidatuppsats om lånordens förekomst i svenska fotbollstexter

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

Gud är inte skaparen : Svenska nutida nazister och nazistmyten

This essay is about the modern Swedish Nazi movement in relation to the German Nazi movement before and during the Second World War. The analysis is made using the Nazi Myth theory as described by French philosophers Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe & Jean-Luc Nancy. Theory and method are aimed at analysing the Nazi movement as a religious one. In this essay I have identified five main Nazi Myth elements required to realize Nazi ideals and embraced by original German Nazis. Through text analysis I have studied how Swedish Nazis use and reproduce these elements.The result will show that the main elements are well represented in modern Swedish Nazi texts and must be considered as central and bearing in modern Swedish Nazism. However, modern Swedish Nazism is also different from original German Nazism in some ways, for example in view of race, land and art..

The Capital Structure Puzzle of SME's - Evidence from the Swedish Security Industry

The purpose of this thesis is to ascertain the main determinable factors of Swedish SMEs capital structure decisions and to investigate whether existing capital structure theories are applicable on Swedish SME financing. We have used panel data to run regressions of various capital structure determinants on three measures of capital structure; short- term debt, long-term debt and total debt. We found that growth opportunities, profitability and age are the most important capitalstructures determinants for our sample. Firm size shows a small explanatory result but the effective tax rate and the asset tangibility do not seem to explain the capital structure at all. Thematurity matching principle is considered significant..

Sverige-Norge unionen : Hur ämnet förmedlas i svenska respektive norska läroböcker i grundskolan

It is the curriculum and the syllabus for history that decides what the classbooks will include. The intention with this paper was to found out what Swedish and Norwegian classbooks writes about the union between Norway and Sweden in 1814-1905. The result has been compiled from a study with teaching materials. Two Norwegian and two Swedish books which was written for the elementary school was used in the study. The text in these books has been analysed from a number of questions.

Låt inte maten tysta mun! : En kvalitativ studie om samtal vid måltider i förskolan

 The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.

Hem- och konsumentkunskap som stödämne

Domestic science is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore domestic science is a combination of theory and practice. The basic competence, a recommendation from ?The Swedish School Institution? (Skolverket), is to enter the secondary school with minimum grade G, (godkänd) in the basic themes: Swedish, English and Mathematic. Today there are many pupils finishing their secondary school without grade in one or more basic themes; Swedish, English and Mathematic.

?Vi och dem?? : En kvalitativ studie av hur etnicitet skildras i åtta samtida svenska bilderböcker

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how contemporary Swedish picture-books describe ethnicity. The analysis is based upon eight books that were published during the period 1996 to 2006. The thesis is based upon a qualitative content analysis and a model of analysis that has been constructed with inspiration from Maria Nikolajeva and Pil Dahlerup and their conceptions of analyzing literature. The study?s theoretical framework is primarily based on the sociology of literature and the perspective of the society in literature.

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