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Gerd Enequists personarkiv

The Swedish geographer Gerd Enequist (1903-1989) left behind great amounts of private and work material when she passed away. This was donated to the University Library of Uppsala, Carolina Rediviva, in three different accessions. This resulted in three different record. The subject of this report is the progress of assembling these record into one complete record.The registering led to many important decisions such as the role of provenance and the relation of private and public documents. Above all the special nature of personal archives have been a topic of discussion.

Medicin på finska : Det medicinska ordförrådets utveckling i finskan i slutet av 1800-talet

In the beginning of the 19th century, Swedish was the only official language of Finland, and thus the dominating language in administration and higher education. However, during the latter part of the century, efforts were made to develop Finnish into a language which could be used in every part of society. In 1881, the medical society Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim was founded with the development of a medical terminology in Finnish as one of its main purposes. In 1885, a medical paper, Duodecim, and a medical dictionary were published. The aim of this study is to illuminate the vocabulary of the dictionary.

The use of artificial insemination in dairy farms in urban/peri-urban Kampala, Uganda : a study of knowledge, attitude and practices

Uganda is one country with fastest growing populations in the world and with more than 25% of the population living in poverty. There is a rapid rural urban migration with increasing demands for food for low income earners especially in these areas. One way to mitigate food insecurity is to increase milk and meat production efficiency, and thus reproductive performance of cows is crucial for good production. A well-documented strategy for improving dairy cow productivity through faster genetic improvement is to breed dairy cows using proven semen via artificial insemination (AI). AI has been used in Uganda for over 60 years but only less than 10 %, a small population of the country?s herd has been bred that way. The aims were to study knowledge, attitude and practices factors influencing cow fertility results on dairy farms around Kampala using AI and to propose ways of promoting increased use of AI in Uganda.

Hållbarhetscertifieringssystem och kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete :  

The municipalities of Sweden have a great responsibility when it comes to adapt the physical planning to a more sustainable development. The development of the society depends upon the growth of new communities and other public services, but to build new communities in a long-term sustainable manner you need good methods and guidance. This study presents four sustainability certification scheme intended to improve and adapt the planning, implementation and performance of new communities and infrastructure project to more sustainable methods based on economic, ecological and social sustainability. These systems are the latest versions of environmental classifications and similar rating schemes, but with a broader focus since they also include the social aspect of sustainability.This study aims to investigate what role sustainability certification schemes can play in local planning for sustainable development. The study compares the certification systems criteria to the tools and goals that the Swedish municipalities have been provided with, to lead efforts towards a more sustainable society.

Evaluation of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 as starter in cheese production

The probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 was evaluated as a starter culture in cheese production, with the intention to produce a new interesting product within the functional food market. Growth and acidification rate in milk subjected to different heat treatments, as well as supplementation with growth promoting factors or support cultures was measured during controlled fermentations. The results showed that the weak proteolytic activity of L. reuteri could be compensated for by supplementation with 1% casamino acids or 5% MRS broth. Furthermore, a decrease in growth and acidification rate could be seen when using yoghurt culture or Lactobacillus delbrueckii as adjunct cultures.

En bra skola för alla eller bara för eliten? - En analys av tydligheten i Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011

The purpose of this essay has been to study the comprehensibility and the plainness of chapter 1 and 2 in ?Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011? that is one of the governing documents of Swedish upper secondary school. The Swedish government approved a national language policy in 2005 which involved an aim that the official Swedish language would be refined, easy and comprehensible. Plain language has since the eighties had a prominent place in Swedish research and science and is now a thought-out principle at almost every public authority. This essay has performed a linguistic text analysis, a plain language analysis, a plain language test and a critical discourse analysis on the two chapters from ?Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011? that is common for all upper secondary school programs.

Hur ?vi? konstruerar ?vi? : En deduktiv diskurspsykologisk studie av vi-dem konstruktioner utifrån social identitetsteori

The ambition of this paper is to study the construction of the categorization between ?us? and ?them? in a religious minority, represented by Jehovah?s Witnesses and a nationalist political party, represented by the Swedish Democrats. This will be done by a discursive psychology analysis of their official publications on each group?s website. By a deductive study using Henri Tajfel?s Social Identity Theory trying to disclose the psychological processes; social categorization, social identity, social comparison and psychological distinctiveness.

Utvärdering av snabbtest för ketonkroppsdetektion hos mjölkkor

För att en mjölkko ska vara vid god hälsa och producera optimalt är det viktigt att hennes energimetabolism är i god balans. Förhöjda nivåer av ketonkroppar (?-hydroxybutyrat, acetoacetat och aceton) är en indikation på att störningar i energibalansen föreligger och har i flera studier kopplats samman med ökad risk för sjukdomar och sänkt mjölkproduktion. I veterinär ambulatorisk verksamhet används olika snabbtester för att enkelt påvisa förhöjda nivåer av ketonkroppar i mjölk, urin och blod.Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera fyra snabbtesters tillförlitlighet för ketonkroppsdetektion hos mjölkkor, under svenska förhållanden, i jämförelse med en verifierad laboratoriemetod.Från 51 mjölkkor i olika laktationsstadier samlades blod-, mjölk- och urinprov. Förekomsten av ketonkroppar undersöktes med fyra olika snabbtester: Precision Xceed (helblod), PortaBHB milk ketone test (mjölk), Acetontest (mjölk) samt Ketostix (urin).

Population genetic analysis and breed assignment of three Swedish horse breeds

The genetic relationship between three Swedish horse breeds was investigated using microsatellite data from 144 loci in 30 horses. The North Swedish Trotter is believed to have been crossed with the Standardbred in the 1950?s to produce a faster trotter. If true, the North Swedish Trotter should be more alike the Standardbred than what the North Swedish Draught Horse is, from which they originate. This was investigated using F-statistics and Nei?s distance in GENEPOP and GENETIX and cluster assignment in STRUCTURE.

Kunskap i skolan : enligt Folkpartiet och Vänsterpartiet

Knowledge is frequently discussed in modern society, and has been since ancient Greece. Our goal is to examine the content of two political documents with the desire to point out their visions about how the Swedish school system should be shaped, in relations to knowledge. More precise this essay is going to concentrate on two specific political parties, Folkpartiet and Vansterpartiet and their official programs on the subject school and education, to see what they say about knowledge. The choice is made on the basis that these parties political standings differ most from each other, in the left/right scale in politics. The qualitative analysis takes its main base from Aristotels concepts of knowledge; Episteme, techne and fronesis, and Bernt Gustavssons modern defenitions of them.

Den tredje omvandlingen : Demokratiteoretiska perspektiv på globaliseringens politiska skalförändringar

This thesis is an attempt to shed light on how the authors of the Swedish Government Official Report, SoU 1999:83, speak about how the globalization affects democracy. The method used is critical discourse analysis and ideological analysis, with the main emphasis on the former. The results of the analysis are then interpreted with central parts of Jürgen Habermas? The theory of communicative action. One of the main conclusions is that an absolute majority of the authors, talk about how the globalization affects democracy in terms of the economic market and the European union.

Boken som bot och bildning : En studie av biblioteksservice inom kriminalvården med fokus på kontakten mellan fäder och barn

This two years master´s thesis examines how books and literature can strengthen the contact between imprisoned fathers and their children, and the connection between the treatment of offenders and education in Sweden. The methods used are interviews and textual analysis. The theoretical starting points are influenced by Bernt Gustavssons works concerning the concept of education (the Swedish term ?bildning?) and Foucaults thoughts on the subject of power and its relation to knowledge and resistance.Through history many attempts have been made to ?cure? those who commit criminal acts by educating them, at first to enable them to get employed after serving their sentence, the education thus being for the greater good of the society in general, but since the 1940?s the aim has shifted towards education for the individuals own personal development and readjustment to society.The findings indicate that the service provided to prisons by public libraries play an important role for the inmates, as a source of books for amusement and diversion as well as providing the means for education. This thesis examines four reading programmes in prison, in order to establish their place in the tradition of education within the Swedish penal system.

Re-design av StretchFlex UF : Skapandet av en stärkande visuell profil åt StretchFlex UF

This paper presents the creation of a strengthening visual profile for StretchFlex UF. The project consists of an external as well as an internal part. The external part is on the order of the company StretchFlex. The company is created under the education concept by the name of Ung Företagsverksamhet (Young Entrepreneurship) and has passed on to the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship at the Stockholm International Fairs. Of that we have been commissioned to develop an updated logotype for the company, for the current does not keep proper quality according to the client.

Från Monopol Till Konkurrens : Telias hantering av den ökande konkurrensen genom förändrade marknadsföringsstrategier

The Swedish telecommunication market was prior to the official deregulation 1975 characterized by Telia?s former monopoly position. This thesis studies how the deregulation of the market, and the thereby increasing competition, has affected Telia and how it has influenced Telia?s marketing strategies.The theoretical framework, from which the conclusions will be made, is a combination of the theory about strategic learning behaviours by Slater et al, and Grönroos? theory about a marketing continuum. The empirical work material is the result from two interviews with former key figures at Telia, and a briefing of Telia?s annual report between the years 1993 and 2006.Research findings indicate that Telia has gone from being product oriented with a strong technical focus, to becoming gradually more market oriented with competition orientation but foremost customer orientation as their most distinguished learning behaviours.

Den engelska invasionen?

The Swedish language has for over six hundred years been under influence of foreign languages. Nowadays, it is the English language that undoubtedly affects it in largest scale - even though both French and especially German have had a serious influence through history. In an inquiry by behalf of the Swedish Government, named Mål i mun ? förslag till handlingsprogram för svenska språket (2002), one of the conclusions was that journalism is an important area that has to be under linguistic supervision to avoid a gradual weakening of the Swedish language. It is also a known fact that the Swedish sports writers has a tendency to use a lot of English words, even though there are equivalent Swedish ones applicable.

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