

9681 Uppsatser om The Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme - Sida 19 av 646

Innovationsupphandling : Innovationspartnerskap, ett upphandlingsförfarande med genomslagskraft genemot befintliga förfaranden för upphandling av innovativa lösningar?

The frequency of innovative procurement is currently very low in Sweden. Innovative procurement is to procure unknown solutions to a defined problem or need for which it sometimes has not yet been established on the market.  Current Swedish procurement legislation does not prevent innovation procurement, however, it limits official authorities to actively work with innovative companies to develop new solutions. Furthermore, some conflicts arise between the Swedish procurement legislation and the basic principles concerning public procurement developed under EU law, which must be considered in all procurements. Additionally, there is not a specific procurement procedure designed for innovative solutions in the current legislation.On the 15th of January 2014 three new directives on procurement rules were adopted with the general objective to simplify the procurement process and to make the whole system more flexible. A new procurement procedure has also arisen called innovation partnership.

Likvärdighet, i vilket syfte för vem och när? : En idéanalys av likvärdigheten i utbildningssystemet från grundskola till gymnasiet utifrån frihetsbegreppet

In which purpose, for who and when does equality get fullfilled in the education system? This studie takes aim on the upper level and second upper level school system to study what the curriculum says on the one hand and what the system brings out on the other. With critical theory as method, with Herbert Tingsten as founder, this studie analyzes the logic of the education system to set out if the pupils choice of education, after the upper level lower secondary school, in second upper level is legit with democratic principles such as freedom (of choice). The theory, used to analyze the individuals progress to be autonomous, uses Adam Swifts definition of freedom as an individual being autonomous. The findings of the study shows that what politicians chases as equality really i´snt equality.

Fodersammansättningens betydelse för tillväxt hos häst :

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect on growth of foals on two different diets, either a forage-based diet or a diet containing approx. 40 % concentrate. The report also includes a review of the pertinent literature on the effects of diet on mares? milk and growth of horses. The hypothesis of the study was that a forage based diet will result in a similar growth pattern as a diet including more concentrates if the diets contain the same amount of energy, crude protein, lysine, calcium and phosphorous.

Effekter av högt kaliumintag på magnesiumbalansen hos mjölkkor :

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body and it participates in many essential processes, such as energy metabolism and protein synthezis. Magnesium deficiency in cattle may occur when they are let out for pasture in the spring, and is associated with tetany, known as grass staggers. A high yielding dairy cow often loses more magnesium daily in the milk than she has available in the body, and magnesium thereby needs to be provided in the feed to prevent the cow from being affected by deficiency symptoms. The uptake of magnesium is mainly located to the rumen and is not regulated by hormones. The surplus is excreted in the urine by the kidneys.

Föreläsningar på nätet

I denna uppsats undersöks användandet av inspelade föreläsningar och hur studenters och lärares inställning är och hur de påverkas av att använda tekniken. Undersökningen som gjordes är begränsad till Linnéuniversitet i Växjö. Undersökningen som gjordes ger dessutom information hur man kan förbättra en inspelad föreläsning och vad som behövs göras före, under och efter en föreläsning..

ASB lika med SAB? En jämförelse av dokumenttitlar i de båda klassifikationssystemen.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to compare the scheme structure of two national classifications system, namely the Swedish SAB system and the German ASB. It has been assumed that there are no major differences between the two models of classification systems or the main classes into which documents are placed. The classification theory and subject analysis, which form the basic theory on which my research is based, are taken from Dahlberg, Langridge and Rowley. A comparison of 30 monographs classified in the SAB system Sveriges allmänna biblioteksförening and in the German ASB system Allgemeine Systematik für öffentliche Bibliotheken showed that the classification structure was primarily responsible for determining where a particular document was placed. However, despite the fact that the subject in various documents may be similar, my research will demonstrate that the structure of the two codes also depends on different interpretations of the main subject in a document.

Jordbruk och mjölkproduktion med kor i Etiopien :

Ethiopia is the country with most livestock per capita on the continent of Africa. There are 34.5 million cattle that are used for drought, meat- and milkproduction and 85% of the population rely on agriculture for their survival in some way. Milk is produced in four main systems, through pastoralism in the lowlands, in mixed crop-livestock systems in the highlands, in and near big cities with only one or two cows, and in intensive farming systems. There are 17 cattle breeds in Ethiopia and some of them are more suitable for milk production than others. Several environmental and economic problems arise from livestock holding in the country, for example overgrazing, low production due to feed shortage, low quality of the avaible feed and non-existing breeding programs.

Bystämman som en mötesplats för jordägarna : En lokalhistorisk undersökning om de gemensamma resurserna inom Benestad byalag åren 1886-1928

This study examines the organization of the village society in Benestad, in southern Sweden, during the period from 1886 to 1928. The study focuses on the commonly owned resources in the village and how the landowners there came together and shared the resources. By studying the records of the societies? meetings, and in particular the cases that concerns the common resources, a categorization has been done. The results of the study show that the landowners in Benestad shared pasture lands, milk carriage and other resources with one another. Overall, the village society had a strong organization with at least two yearly meetings about the commonly owned resources.

En dekonstruktion i ljud : J.O. Mallanders Extended Play

J.O. Mallander?s Extended Play (1968) is a sound recording, a readymade, of the counting of votes in two presidential elections in Finland, during 1962 and 1968. A voice repeats monotonously: ?Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen?? Although the Finnish president Urho Kekkonen represents, almost personifies, the politics of the post World War II period in Finland, Extended Play does not explicitly address the political. Rather, as this essay argues, it engages in the discourses of power and politics by providing a temporalization of its fixedness, or what Jacques Derrida terms the proper.Extended Play is, in parallel with Derrida?s critique of western metaphysics, a deconstruction in sound that challenges the state ideologies conveyed in the process of the counting of votes, where the presuppositions of the presence of the voice characterizes the ambiguities of power that Kekkonen?s politics of neutrality represent.Mallander?s readymade emerges as a double of the game theory strategies of the Cold War, a mimetic surplus of the administrative control mechanisms of sound recording.

Storage stability in a milk based UHT-beverage : effect of pH, carrageenan and storage time

The different characteristics of many food products, such as aroma and texture, changes during storage time and become undesirable. The reason is instabilities within the product which become prominent as the product ages. These changes in characteristics are quality losses caused by changes in the product?s intrinsic and extrinsic environment. The stability in UHT-milk and beverages similar to it have been studied in the past decades and a certain focus have been on age gelation which is a common defect in these type of products.

Digitala bibliotek i kulturpolitiken Om idéer och legitimitet.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine ideas used to legitimate Swedish digital libraries, with a focus on the cultural heritage, their relation to cultural policy and an eventual crisis within the latter. Which ideas are linked to digitalisation? How do the arguments for creating digital libraries differ between central actors? How do the digital libraries relate to cultural policy and an eventual legitimacy crisis? These are the questions this thesis seeks to answer. The theoretical starting-point consists of a legitimacy discussion and its connection to Swedish cultural policy. The method used is idea analysis.

Den rosaklädda, modiga, prinsessan: En hjältinna på egna premisser : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnförfattaren Per Gustavsson framställer kvinnligt genus i fyra av sina prins-och prinsessböcker

Gender awareness is considered of absolute importance to Swedish school?s and preschool?s main mission ? equal opportunities for all children. Gender portrayal in childrens literature is now one subject of vast study, since literature often carry underlying messages of the perception of male and female. With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis was to analyse, mainly through Maria Nikolajeva?s scheme of gender ideal types, how the Swedish writer Per Gustavsson portrayed girls in four of his so called Prince- and princess books.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer som motståndsman och Svenska kyrkan. Ett påbörjande av en kartläggning av deras kontakter och motståndsrörelsen i allmänhet

The overall purpose of the essay is to initiate a survey and highlight, on the basis of sufficiently material, the dealings between Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a member of the resistance and the Swedish Church and/or its representatives. The purpose of the survey is to structure Dietrich Bonhoeffers activities in Sweden and highlight its implications.The following research questions have been used:1: What was Dietrich Bonhoeffer doing in Sweden and what persons did he meet?2: What was the role of the Swedish Church during the Second World War? 3: What was the impact of Dietrich Bonhoeffers visits to Sweden?In conclusion, this study of the contacts between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Swedish Church has shown: Dietrich Bonhoeffer was in Sweden on two occasions. He met representatives of the Swedish Church, which was engaged in issues related to ecumenism, resistance and peacework. Although the persons he met were representatives of the Swedish Church they sometimes acted as individuals with a Christian philosophy.

Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market

Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods. The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.

Day to day variation in milk composition at udder quarter level

Syftet med försöket har varit att utröna hur den naturliga variationen ser ut från dag till dag imjölk från separata juverdelar och hur sammansättningen i mjölken skiljer sig inom kor medolika juverhälsa. I den här studien användes 10 kor från Sveriges Lantbruks Universitet sommjölkades kontinuerligt, 2 gånger per dag i 21 dagar på juverfjärdedelsnivå. Mjölken vägdesvid varje mjölkning och analyserades sedan på antal somatiska celler (SCC), laktos, fett,protein, kasein och vassle protein. Resultaten visar att det är signifikanta skillnader imjölksammansättning mellan juverfjärdedel inom ko. För variation är mjölkmängd denparameter som varierar mest och varierar väldigt mycket mellan juverfjärdedelar.

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