

237 Uppsatser om The RoHS Directive - Sida 7 av 16


Resulting from anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, average surface seawater pH is estimated to decline from today's approximately 8.05 to between 7.78 and 8.03 towards 2100. For ionisable organic pollutants, changes in pH can lead to a change in the degree of ionisation, which could influence the ecotoxicity of a compound by altering its bioavailability. In this study, potential changes in ecotoxicity of ionisable organic compounds resulting from ocean acidification are examined. This is achieved partly by conducting a literature review, analysing existing literature that investigates this relationship. Potential changes are also evaluated by examining marine ecotoxicity data for ionisable organic compounds on the watch list pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as on the list of priority substances according to the 2022 proposal for amending the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).

Fem år med MiFID på svenska värdepappersmarknaden och dess inverkan på mindre investerares förtroende

Background: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, MiFID, was implemented in Swedish law in 2007 and aimed to increase competition of the securities market in order to achieve efficiency and lower transaction costs and to enhance investor protection. Another aim was to increase confidence in the market. After the implementation of MiFID some doubts had been highlighted regarding its intentional effects. This evoked the authors? interest to examine the directive?s effects and its impact on investors? trust.Aim: To examine how various participants in the Swedish securities market experienced changes since the implementation of MiFID in 2007, and its impact on the securities market and minor investors' trust.Method: The study applied a qualitative method with a deductive approach to describe, interpret and understand the problem area.

Striden om det svenska snuset : En studie av identitetskonstruktioner i den svenska rapporteringen om EU:s tobaksdirektiv

This paper examines constructions of identities in Swedish news paper articles concerning the European Unions?s Tobacco Products Directive. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) supported by theories of discourse, semiotics and identity formation, this paper argues that constructions of a Swedish ?Us? are distinguished from a non-Swedish ?Them?. These constructions depends on categories such as use of tobacco, science, history and war, which are frequently used in the discourse to separate ?Us?, ?the good? from ?Them?, ?the bad?.

Mervärdesskattedirektivets implementering : Nationellt handlingsutrymme gällande bestämmelserna om mervärdesskattegrupper och reducerade mervärdesskattesatser?

En medlemsstat inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) ska anpassa de nationella bestämmelserna för att möta de EU-rättsliga bestämmelserna. Ett exempel på en sådan reglering är mervärdesskatten. Syftet med regleringen av mervärdesskatten har varit att skapa och stimulera en inre marknad inom EU, utan skillnader mellan medlemsländerna. Mervärdesskatten har harmoniserats genom mervärdesskattedirektivet som medlemsstaternas är förpliktigade att implementera. Implementering av ett direktiv ger medlemsstaterna möjligheten att själva tolka och avgöra tillvägagångssättet, så länge direktivets syfte uppnås.

Energideklaration av flerbostadshus

In the year 2002 the European Union decided on a new directive according to the energy use in buildings. The outcome of this direction is a proposition from the Swedish government on the outlines of a new law in the field of energy use in buildings. The date that the law will be applied is the first of October 2006. In the future al real estate owners must be able to show an energystatement over the real estate. This project contains cooperation with HFAB a local real estate company where two buildings are analyzed according to their energystatement.

Värdet av att bygga grönt för kommunala bostadsbolag

AbstractThe real estate sector is today responsible for 40 per cent of the total amount of energy consumption within the members of the EU. All over the world there are collaborations within research and projects to find ways of reducing the amount of energy consumed by the real estate sector. In Sweden, a directive from the European Union has posed demands on authorities as well as on the private sector to reduce the amount of energy consumed by new building constructions. Together with the directive from the EU there are also new requirements and demands from Boverket for the real estate sector.  These requirements mostly concern the energy consumption of kilowatt-hour per square metre and that the consumed energy also should be renewable.  The aim of this study is to explain what kind of value municipalities experience in using certifications and environmental investments for new and existing buildings. Within the chapter theory, essential areas are described such as; environmental certification systems, economical viability, proceeds connected to building green, difficulties with building green, the performance of green buildings when affected by the behaviour of tenants and customer value.  The following chapter describes the methodology with which we have conducted this study.

Principen mot rättsmissbruk inom det svenska mervärdesskatteområdet: är det hållbart?

The VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) does not regulate Member States? opportunities to intervene against tax evasion. The European Court of Justice has clarified the situation in case C-255/02 Halifax. This case establish that the universal principle against the abuse of rights applies to VAT, which means that Member States have the opportunity to redefine transactions not involving a breach of law but nevertheless goes past what the legislature envisaged at the introduction of the provision.A debate has risen as to whether the principle against the abuse of rights is equally ap-plicable in Swedish domestic law on VAT. The administrative court of appeal in Go-thenburg, Case No.

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources?. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register.

Karakterisering och klassificering av gotländska ytvatten enligt ramdirektivet för vatten

In this study the practical work with the EU Water Framework starts on the island of Gotland. 33 lakes and 32 streams have been characterized and classified regarding to their ecological status. The aim with the characterisation is to create a uniform discription of all waterbodies and a comparable estimation for the future. The aim with the classification is both to study the waterbodies ecological status and to gain knowledge of where the resources should be concentrated so that the ecological status in all waterbodies will be good in 2015.The characterisation has been done according to the EU Water Framework Directive, and the factors that have been applied are the mean depth and area of the lake. The length and size on the catchment area are the factors that have been used on streams.

Vattenfall - I nationens Intresse? : En diskursanalys av den riksdagspolitiska kampen om Vattenfall

Till följd av Vattenfalls uppmärksammade investeringar i fossilbränslebaserad energiverksamhet har vi genom att analysera den riksdagspolitiska debatten kring Vattenfall, sökt efter återkommande yttranden, genom vilka vi  konstruerat diskurser som står för vad riksdagspolitiska aktörer anser i frågan om det statliga styret av Vattenfall. Vi kommer fram till att det inte helt oväntat går att skapa två övergripande diskurser, där de olika politiska blocken verkar inom varsin diskurs i frågan om hur Vattenfalls miljöintentioner ska uppnås..

Anställningsskydd vid verksamhetsövergång : Vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter övergår?

Transfer of undertaking or business is a complex fact. It requires many aspects to be takeninto consideration. For there to be a transfer of undertaking or business, it has to be a stableeconomic entity that after transfer has retained its identity. The provisions regarding transferof undertaking or business is found in the transfer of undertaking or business directive,6 b § LAS and 28 § MBL.An employee?s employment is automatically transferred to the transferee.

Skydd mot nitrat och bekämpningsmedel i dricksvatten : åtgärder och styrmedel i fem länder

In many European countries there is an increasing concern about the occasionally high concentrations of nitrate and pesticides in drinking water. The advent of the EU Water Framework Directive particularly highlights this. The directive states that all large drinking water sources should be identified and protected from pollution before 2009 and that by 2015 all water bodies should reach a 'good status'. In Sweden about 60 percent of the drinking water sources have protection areas. This means that about 700 new water protection areas need to be designated before 2009. This will affect many farmers, restricting their farming practices. The purpose of this study was to investigate which methods are used in other countries concerning nitrate and pesticide pollution from agriculture. From this, the expectation was to generate ideas on what could be undertaken in Sweden when designating new protection areas.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

Dagvattnets föroreningar som potentiellt hot för en god ekologisk och kemisk status i ytvattnet : En kartläggning av Vallentuna tätorts dagvattenhantering utifrån dess tillsynsbehov

The EU's Water Framework Directive aims to a long-term and sustainable use of our water resources and wants to ensure good water quality in Europe's water bodies. Discharge of polluted stormwater into receiving waters can be a threat to their ecological and chemical status. Municipalities are responsible for supervision of the environmental quality standards (EQS) and therefore need to gain knowledge of current stormwater management, the expected level of pollution emissions and possible appropriate purification steps to ensure that the goal of good water quality is achieved.This master thesis aims to provide this knowledge in the example case of Vallentunas urban area and wants to prepare future oversight so that it can be assessed how much the discharge of polluted stormwater into the local receiving water is a threat to its status. With the help of maps, aerial photographs, site observations and individual discussions those areas are mapped where appearance of moderate to highly polluted stormwater could be suspected. The degree of pollution at the discharge points is determined based on land use upstream and uses standard values according to the administrators assistance "Tillsyn av dagvatten" (MSL 2014).The study identifies 100 areas in need of supervision regarding their stormwater management.

Westhelicopter AB Aircraft Technical Status Report

Westhelicopter INC. has an aviation workshop providing qualified helicopter maintenance in accordance with PART-145. Maintenance and administrative base is situated in Luleå at Kallax airport. The types that Westhelicopter INC are currently authorised to service are: Eurocopter AS 350 Base/Line Maintenance, Eurocopter EC 120 Base/Line Maintenance and Robinsson R44 Base/Line Maintenance. The thesis work has been to make new maintenance programme for Westhelicopter INC. This maintenance programme will be used to follow-up the time of the components, service bulletins and ADs.

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