

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 52 av 76

Specialistssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att främja hälsa för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie på vårdcentraler

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

Makrofaktorers påverkan på den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden

Den 18 februari i år fick Sverige en negativ reporänta. Ett historiskt ögonblick i Sveriges ekonomiska historia. I detta arbete har vi valt att fokusera på hur den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden kommer att påverkas av denna händelse. Den kommersiella fastighetsmarknadens rörelse är inte beroende av enbart en variabel utan av flera. Som i sin tur är mer eller mindre beroende av varandra.

Det är inte som att öppna en kran och tömma ett badkar : En intervjustudie om dialyssjuksköterskors kliniska beslutsfattande avseende ultrafiltration

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur dialyssjuksköterskor motiverar de kliniska beslut de fattar avseende ultrafiltration (UF), och att undersöka på vad de baserar sin bedömning om vad som är rimlig ultrafiltrationshastighet (UFR).Metod: Studien är kvalitativ, med explorativ design. Sex sjuksköterskor på en dialysmottagning i Mellansverige intervjuades, och insamlat data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Genom analysen definierades fem kategorier och 14 subkategorier, som speglar meningsenheternas manifesta innehåll. Huvudkategorierna var: datainsamling, kommunikation, erfarenhet och kompetens, åtgärder för att förebygga dialysrelaterade komplikationer samt förutsättningar för implementering av UFR som kvalitetsvariabel.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas beslut avseende UF påverkades i hög grad av både patienters och kollegors åsikter, medan ansvarig läkare i ringa utsträckning var delaktig i beslutsprocessen. Beslutet komplicerades av att både ankomstvikt och torrvikt ofta var inkorrekta. Informanterna kände, och tog genom egna initiativ, ansvar för att förebygga dialysrelaterade komplikationer.

Fruktkvalitet inom äppelodlingen : en studie av och för Äppelriket Österlen

The main purpose of this Master Thesis has been to investigate issues concerning apple fruit quality in orchards of Äppelriket Österlen. The goal has been to develop a document, for future benefit towards growers and company management in the production of high quality apples.In order to investigate main issues of fruit quality, focus has been on statistics concerning apple varieties, age of the apple trees, new planting, orchard size and growers opinions. Nine growers have been interviewed to investigate opinions and contribution of different growing techniques to increased fruit quality. The investigation showed high age of the trees in production and low rate of planting of new trees. Differences in fruit quality were highest between small orchards. Most growers were satisfied with their fruit quality and with their own measures made to improve it.

Borrning och gängning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med industrirobot

To make wave power more competitive on the market Uppsala University leads projects that examine how to accomplish better efficiency in the production. One of these projects is described in this report and examines whether it is possible to make the production of dovetails more efficient by using an industry robot of type ABB IRB6000 S3 M91. This project is using an already presented working method, from a previous project, which involves that the robot picks up the dovetail and moves against fixed cutting machines where the dovetail will be drilled, threaded and milled. Drilling and threading are the sub operations that will be examined in this project where experiments are made with the presented working method and with equipment from Uppsala University.Experiments show whether it is possible to drill the holes in the dovetail within specifications by using the specific robot and the presented working method. The threading operation is examined theoretically if it is possible to accomplish by using the same working method.

Credit Risk Assessments of Swedish RealEstate Companies

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Evaluation of an automated multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of Influenza A and B viruses

Influenza is a viral infection that affects global health and economy with its endemic and sometimes pandemic spread. Rapid detection of Influenza viruses enables antiviral use and can bring financial savings. It is also essential for the global surveillance of prevalent Influenza strains. RT-PCR is considered the most specific and sensitive method for detection of Influenza, but Influenza mutates at a high rate and it is therefore crucial that RT-PCR methods are updated regularly.In 2014, Cepheid released their Xpert Flu/RSV XC assay, which can detect Influenza A and B and RSV by multiplex RT-PCR in approximately one hour. The aim of this study was to evaluate this assay at Laboratoriemedicin Västernorrland by using the laboratory?s previous PCR assay for detection of Influenza viruses as reference method.Real-time RT-PCR was used to compare Xpert Flu/RSV XC to the reference method.

En riktig man är modig : En preventionskampanj om den idealiserade mansbilden

Men commit more suicide than women all over the world. They commit more violent crimes and are more inclined to alcohol abuse. There are studies that relate this behaviour to the hegemonic image of masculinity.My work focuses on Switzerland. The suicide rate in Switzerland is worrying, for men between 15 and 44 years suicide is the most common cause of death. There is no national suicide prevention and no information or prevention that highlights the connection bet- ween the hegemonic image of masculinity and the suicide rates.

Uppfödning av okastrerade hangrisar - ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris

Pigs kept for meatproduction are often surgically castrated to prevent aggression and boartainted meat. Castration without analgesia and anesthesia is painful and causes a lot of stress to the pig. There are alternatives such as to surgically castrate the male pigs with analgesia and/or with anesthesia, immunocastrate or keep them as intact males. In Sweden the most common practice is to surgically castrate the pigs before they are seven days old. The impact on the pig is that the incision causes pain and stress, which may lead to changes in behaviour, reduced appetite, reduced growth and a higher risk of infections.

Betydelsen av individualiserad information till hjärtsviktspatienter

Inledning: Risken för återinskrivning minskar om patienten har kunskap och kan hantera hjärtsvikten utifrån egenvårdsråd. Förmågan att ta till sig information har även en central roll i detta. Hjärtsviktspatienter med dålig följsamhet i sin egenvård av sjukdomen skrivs oftare in än de som har bra följsamhet. Minskad förståelse och kunskap kring sjukdom leder till minskad möjlighet för patienten att förstå information, läsa och följa medicinska rekommendationer samt skriftliga och muntliga instruktioner.Metod: Ett frågeformulär delades ut till patienter på två hjärtsviktsmottagningar i Mellansverige. Skillnader mellan skriftlig information testades mot skriftlig och muntlig information och analyserades med Mann-Whitney U test.

Att ställa frågan om våld i nära relation vid inskrivningssamtalet på en psykiatrisk avdelning : - ett kvalitetssäkringsarbete

Background: Intimate relationship violence is physical, psychological or sexual violence that a person is exposed to in a relationship. There is a strong correlation between intimate relationship violence and mental health problems. A psychiatric ward at a hospital in Sweden, is working with a new routine. According to this routine every new patient should be asked about intmate relationship violence as a part of the admission interview.Objective: The objective of this study was to study how the healthcare personnel is working with the routine, and also to study response rate, interventions and how the work has developed over time.Method: A quantitative study with a retrospective and descriptive studydesign. One hundred and two medical records were reviewed.

Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system : A feasibility study

This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing.

Vitamin- och mineraltillskott för barn : Utbud, innehåll samt kunskap och attityder kring dessa produkter hos personal vid apotek och hälsokosthandel

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

Har en gemensam valuta resulterat i en minskad prisspridning? : En jämförande studie på priskonvergens inom euroländer i förhållande till övriga EU länder

In 1993 the internal market within the European Union was formed and ensured free movement of goods, services, capital and people. This led to the removal of trade barriers between members of the European Union. When opening up for competition, price differences between countries decreased and more jobs were created. A single currency was introduced by eleven countries in 1999 with the goal of reducing transaction costs, eliminating exchange rate risk and to further simplify trade. In 2001 Greece joined the collaboration and introduced the euro.

Energieffektivitet i datahallar

The number of data centers and their capacity is increasing throughout the world. Theenergy used in these data centers and the emissions from the use are increasing at thesame rate. The total use of energy will double from 2008 to 2011 based on the trends indata centers use. Research in this area says that the emissions from data centers willhave surpassed the level of airline traffic in 2020. The index used today to compare howefficient a data center is, called PUE, is lacking some information.

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